fasting and prayer manual - ·...

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Fasting and Prayer Manual






Victory Bible Church International


We will like to acknowledge the

following people for their contribu-

tions to this prayer booklet. Rev.

Gershon Tamakloe, Rev. Richard

Ampadu Duku, Rev. Richard Annan,

Rev. Charles Offin, Rev. Osei Twene-

boah Koduah, Rev. Patrick Otieku-

Boadu, Rev. Edmund Toryiya and

Pastor Bryan Akposheri


Fasting and Prayer Manual





2 Samuel 11:1

“And it came to pass, after the year

was expired, at the time when kings

go forth to battle, that David sent

Joab, and his servants with him, and

all Israel; and they destroyed the chil-

dren of Ammon, and besieged Rab-


WELCOME to our Year of Rulership.

It is a season to demonstrate the

Spirit of the King of Kings in us. One

essence of Kingship is to engage in

battles. Battles are fought for various

reasons of which I list just three.


Victory Bible Church International

· Through battles, you gain ter-


· Through battles, you maintain


· Through battles, you increase

your resources.

In our year of Rulership, we are be-

ing led by the Lord to engage in all

these reasons for battle. As a church

we believe that the discipline of fast-

ing and prayer is a necessity towards

this dimension. I therefore welcome

all of you to this great festive season

which I encourage every member to

participate fully.

I still believe that as a Denomination,

we have reached where we are on the

wings of prayer. I also believe that


Fasting and Prayer Manual

the Lord will take us to where we

want to go on the same wings. The

nations of the world are waiting for

us to declare the victory of our Lord

Jesus. That means our year of Ruler-

ship is going to see us engage in

more evangelistic work in all dimen-

sions. God will see us through if we

properly engage ourselves in prayer.

Remember that God gives the victory

after we have prepared the horse for

the battle.

We want to engage the Principalities,

Powers and rulers of this dark world

in a battle of control. We are declar-

ing unto them in the month of Janu-

ary that the victory over them was

won over two thousand years ago on

the cross of Calvary.


Victory Bible Church International

We want to announce to them that

they have been disinherited of their

thrones and the Sons of God the

world is waiting for are ready for the


Brethren, this is our season to dem-

onstrate the greatness of God’s

power to these forces of darkness

and we need to charge ourselves

through prayer and fasting. It is go-

ing to be a very active year so we

need to begin with the strength of

God in such a way that we do not

faint on the way.

Once again, you are invited to the

month of prayer and fasting believing

God for greater things to happen in

our personal and corporate lives. Get

involved because it is the option we

have chosen together.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

We are winners!

We are victorious!

We are Rulers!

Our Lord Reigns!!!!

God richly bless you.

Bishop N. A. Tackie – Yarboi

Presiding Bishop

Victory Bible church International


Victory Bible Church International



Satan dreads nothing but prayer.

The one concern of the devil is to

keep the saints from praying. He

fears nothing from prayerless stud-

ies, prayerless work and prayerless


He laughs at our toil, mocks at our

wisdom but trembles when we pray.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

The possibilities of prayer are seeds

in its accomplishments in temporal

matters. Prayer reaches to every-

thing that concerns man; whether it

be his body, his mind or his soul.

Prayer embraces the very smallest

things of life. Prayer takes in the

wants of the body, food, raiment,

business, finances, in fact everything

that belongs to this life as well as

those things that have to do with the

eternal interest of the soul.

The achievements of prayer are seen

not only in the large things of earth,

but more especially in what might be

called the little things of life. It

brings to pass not only large things.

Speaking after the manner of men,

but also the small things. Temporal

matters are of a lower order than the


Victory Bible Church International

spiritual but they concern us greatly.

Our temporal interests makes up a

great part of our lives.

They are the main source of our ca-

res and worries. They have much to

do with our religion. We have bodies

with their wants, their pains, their

disabilities and their limitations.

That which concerns our bodies nec-

essarily engages our minds. These

are subjects of prayer.

Our temporal matters have much to

do with our health and happiness.

Not to pray about temporal matters

is to leave God out of the largest

sphere of our being. He who cannot

pray about everything as we are

charged to do by Paul in Philippians,

has never learned in any truth the

nature and worth of prayer. He who


Fasting and Prayer Manual

does not pray about temporal cannot

pray with confidence about spiritual


In the Sermon on the Mount, a whole

paragraph is taken up by our Lord

about food and clothing. Where he

cautions against undue care or anxi-

ety for these things and at the same

time He encourages a faith that

takes in and claims all these neces-

sary bodily comforts. And these

teachings stand in close connection

with His teachings about prayer.

(Matt.6:11) “Give us this day our

daily bread”. (3 John 2) Prosperity

and in Health, even as your soul


James 5:13-14. Is any sick among

you? Let him call for the elders of

the church and let them pray over


Victory Bible Church International

him. Philippians 4:6. This provides

for all kinds of cares and soul cares.

All are to be brought to God by


Matt. 21:22 “All things whatsoever ye

shall ask in prayer, believing, ye

shall receive”

Failure to pray breaks the ability of

faith and failure came because they

did not have the energy of a strong,

authoritative faith.

Mark 9:23 “All things are possible to

him that believeth. Then all things

are possible to him that prays.

Once again it is time to pray till

something happens. Nothing hap-

pens till men pray. It is time to birth

the promises of God through travail-

ing prayer. We must keep hope alive


Fasting and Prayer Manual

because we are blessed beyond

curse; established beyond oppres-

sion and protected beyond terror. I

believe by the time we finish this

prayer and fasting, every promise of

God concerning our lives will be

made manifest.

1. Breaking out of Egypt

In the name of Jesus I break

out of Egypt. I break out of

ancient traditional powers, tra-

dition of men and curses of my

family. I break out of every sa-

tanic entanglement and en-

casement in Jesus name.

Isaiah 48:20-22; Exodus 2:3; 2

Corinthians 2:11; Exodus

12:40-41; Isaiah 52:2-3.


Victory Bible Church International

2. Contending with the promises

Receiving, Identifying and un-

dertaking the prophetic word

and contend with it

I Timothy 1:18-19; Rom 8:27.



When a night club opened on Main

Street, a church which was only a

few blocks away organized a 24-hour

prayer meeting. They asked God to

burn the club down. Within a week

lightning struck and it burned to the

ground. The owner sued the church,

which denied responsibility. After

hearing arguments from both sides

the judge said “it seems that wher-


Fasting and Prayer Manual

ever the guilt may lie, the night club

owner believes in prayer while the

church doesn’t.

1. The first hindrance to an-

swered prayer is prayerless-

ness. Our prayers are not an-

swered when we don’t pray.

Saying we believe in prayer is

not the same as praying.

James writes; “you do not have

because you do not ask (James

4:3). We must take the time to

ask God for what we want and

need. Sometimes we process

situations in our minds or talk

about them with our friends

but don’t pray.


Victory Bible Church International

2. Second hindrance - Lack of


3. Third hindrance – Sin

Unconfessed sin blocks us in

and shut God out. If we have

hidden sin in our hearts we

cannot pray with confidence

that God answer. However, if

we ask Him to reveal our sin,

He will. When He does, we

must deal with it if we want to

keep the lines of communica-

tion open. If God reminds us

of a situation in which we did-

n’t do the right thing, we can’t

just sweep it under the carpet;

we have to acknowledge it and

receive His forgiveness.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

What we call “little things” grow into

sinful habits and lifelong patters. So

when God reveals our sin, we need to

repent and stop what we are doing.

This means that doing everything

within our power to make sure our

relationship with God is unob-


Confess every sin before God in sin-

cerity and ask for forgiveness and

cleansing by the blood (I John 1:9).

Stand in the gap and ask for forgive-

ness of sins of your family and loved

ones (Ezekiel 22:30).

Employ the voice of the blood of Je-

sus to silence and overthrow every

accusation of the devil against you.

Rev. 12:10-11.


Victory Bible Church International

Ask the Lord to heal you of emotional

hurts and pains as a result of bitter-

ness and grief.

Thank God for His compassion and

forgiveness of all sins in your life.

Isaiah 43:25

Rev. Richard Annan

National Prayer Director


Fasting and Prayer Manual




Victory Bible Church International




Romans 8:14 (ESV)

“For all who are led by the Spirit of

God are sons of God”



Fasting and Prayer Manual

· Father, thank for your leadings.

Am expecting that you will in-

crease my sensitivity to the

promptings and leadings of the

Holy Spirit.

· I thank you Holy Spirit that you

will lead me into The Lord's per-

fect will for my life this year.

· Father, let you will be done in

my life this year!

· I thank you Father that my steps

are ordered in your will and pur-

pose for my life this year.

· Let it be that this year I will have

every cause to rejoice for the

abundance of the manifestation


Victory Bible Church International

of your goodness in every depart-

ment of my life.

· The counsel of the wicked con-

cerning me, my spouse, my chil-

dren my household, my staff and

my partners will not stand.

· Father your counsel for my life

will prevail against the counsel

of the ungodly.



· I will hear clearly what you say

and I will see perfectly what

you show me.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· I will do your will and l will

walk in your will Oh! Lord.

· Holy Spirit I yield my spirit, my

soul and body to you.

· I fully expect that you will give

directions to my spirit, illumi-

nation to my mind, strength

and healing to my body. Thank

you Father In the name of



Victory Bible Church International



KEY SCRIPTURE: 1 Cor. 2:7-8

(ESV) -


· Thank God for His protection

· Praise His name for your vic-



Fasting and Prayer Manual

· I halt, in the name of Jesus

every activity of spiritual rulers

· Any demonic kingdoms estab-

lished within this place, be

destroyed now in the name of


· OH! Lord every kingdom that is

not of God, be destroyed now in

the name of Jesus.

· I command let every spiritual

ruler, be dethroned now in the

name of Jesus.

· I block every demonic invasion

right now in the name of Jesus.

· I decree under the authority of

our Lord Jesus Christ, Let every

verdict of the rulers of darkness

upon our life be destroyed right



Victory Bible Church International

· I implore the authority of our

Lord Jesus Christ to halt any

agenda of any ruler of darkness

in the name of Jesus.

· I speak by faith, this year I will

not be under the influence of

any demonic ruler in the name

of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual




“Have you not put a hedge around

him and his house and all that he

has, on every side? You have blessed

the work of his hands, and his pos-

sessions have increased in the land”


Victory Bible Church International


Thank God for His protection and

declare your Love for Him

· Pray and command God’s pro-

tection around my life in the

name of Jesus

· Let the protection of the Most

High God be made visible

roundabout me in the name of


· I declare my children are cov-

ered in the blood of Jesus.

· I declare by faith, let divine

hedge be mounted roundabout

my children and all that I have

in Jesus name


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· My family shall not be out-

worked by any demonic forces

in the name of Jesus.

· My properties are protected in

the name of Jesus

· The work of our hands are also

protected in the name of Jesus

· I declare God’s divine protec-

tion in the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International






· Thank God for His salvation

· Praise His name for authority

given you


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· OH! Lord let every territorial

principality hovering over my

dwelling place be silenced now

in the name of Jesus.

· I command any demonic terri-

torial gathering to scatter now

in the name of Jesus.

· I discontinue any demonic ter-

ritorial activities right now in

the name of Jesus.

· Oh! Lord God, May you deplore

right now your heavenly host to

discontinue every activity of

territorial principality in Jesus


· May every strategy assigned

against churches be destroyed

right now in the name of Jesus


Victory Bible Church International

· I command, by divine authority

let every territorial principality

be silenced under God’s author-

ity in the name of Jesus.

· I discontinue by divine author-

ity any ongoing battles in the

name of Jesus.

· Any weapon deployed by terri-

torial spirits be destroyed now

in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual


KEY SCRIPTURE: Psalms 89:20-22


“I have found David, my servant; with

my holy oil I have anointed him,


Victory Bible Church International

So that my hand shall be established

with him; my arm also shall

strengthen him.

The enemy shall not outwit him; the

wicked shall not humble him”


· No words spoken against me

shall prosper in Jesus name.

· Because of the anointing, I am

untouchable in the name of


· Oh LORD! Destroy any plot of

the wicked one against my life

in the name of Jesus.

· Nobody can kill me before my

time in Jesus name.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· Any demon, witch or wizard as-

signed against me, LORD render

it powerless; let it not function

in Jesus name.

· I can’t be destroyed and I will

never be destroyed in Jesus


· I confess and say that surely,

my enemies shall fall down and

die in Jesus name

· I halt the activities of princi-

palities, powers and dominions

over my life in the name of Je-



· Oh! Lord arise and let my ene-

mies scatter


Victory Bible Church International

· By the anointing of the Most

High I declare I am covered


Fasting and Prayer Manual





· Thank God for His supernatural

power for the church


Victory Bible Church International

· Ask God to pour His supernatu-

ral blessing upon the Church.

· Pray that every branch of VBCI

will experience an overflow of

miracles because of God’s su-

pernatural power.

· I decree expansion over every

branch of VBCI right now! In

the name of Jesus.

· Father! Let there be fresh su-

pernatural encounters this year

2016 in the name of Jesus.


· I declare a supernatural

growth, upon the branches of

VBCI worldwide in the name of



Fasting and Prayer Manual

· Let the power for multiplica-

tion fall upon the Church right

now!!! In the name of Jesus.

· Oh! Lord, Let there be more

supernatural wonders in our

various Churches right now!

· I command growth! Through

supernatural encounters in the

name of Jesus.

· Father! Let miracles begin to


· I command, let every lost soul

be arrested by God’s supernatu-

ral power in the name of Jesus.

· I declare VBCI will become a

household name all over the

world in the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International




· Prophesy against every moun-

tains of confrontation and com-

mand it to crumble in Jesus

name (Zechariah 4:7)


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· Prophesy confusion into the

camp of those who are plotting

your down fall (2 Chronicles


· Take authority over every

prison wall that has caged your

life and prophecy and command

a turnaround (Isaiah 61:1)

· Prophesy that the valley of your

battle will be reserved to be the

valley of blessing (Psalm 84:6)

· Prophesy and speak to the im-

possible situations confronting

you in your career and com-

mand a change (Matthew 17:20)

· Overthrow the spirit of stagna-

tion and setback confronting


Victory Bible Church International

your progress in life (Zechariah


· Prophesy and decree that you

shall no longer labor in vain

(Isaiah 65:23-24)

· Prophesy and decree that afflic-

tion will not come into your life

the second time (Nahum 1:9)

· Take authority and arrest every

spirit of robbery operating in

your life (John 10:10)

· Prophesy blindness to every

evil eye monitoring your move-

ments (Genesis 19:11)

· Prophesy and overthrow every

spirit of disgrace, reproach and


Fasting and Prayer Manual

shame working against you

(Isaiah 54:4)

Daily Scripture Reading: Psalm

16:5, Psalm 92:10


Victory Bible Church International





Fasting and Prayer Manual



“I will bless those who bless you and

him who dishonours you, I will curse,

and in you all the families of the earth

shall be blessed”


· Thank God for the life of your



Victory Bible Church International

· Thank God for His provision for

your family.

· I command in the name of Je-

sus, let every evil forces mili-

tating against the blessings of

my family die right now!

· Father! Let my family and my

household be counted among

the blessed ones in the name of


· In the name of Jesus, I com-

mand the fullest blessings of

God over my family in the

name of Jesus.


· I confess with faith, my family

is blessed in Jesus name


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· I declare this year, His bless-

ings shall follow us wherever we

go in the name of Jesus.

· I command in the name of Je-

sus, peace be still in my family.

· OH! Lord, let the heavenly

treasures deployed for my fam-

ily be released now

· This year, we will lack nothing

in the name of Jesus.

· We refuse to lack help in the

name of Jesus

· Help assigned for my family in

the year 2016 will be available

in the name of Jesus


Victory Bible Church International

· We are the seed of Abraham

therefore this family is blessed

in the name of Jesus

· 13. My children are blessed in

the name of Jesus.

· 14. My spouse and I are blessed

in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual


KEY SCRIPTURE: Psalms 112:1-3


1 Praise the LORD! Blessed is the

man who fears the LORD, who

greatly delights in his command-


2 His offspring will be mighty in the

land; the generation of the upright

will be blessed.


Victory Bible Church International

3 Wealth and riches are in his house,

and his righteousness endures for-



· Pray that the Lord will grant

you financial prosperity and


· Father! Let the power to make

wealth rest upon me right now

in the name of Jesus.

· I believe by faith I have what it

takes to become rich in the

name of Jesus.

· This year, by divine arrange-

ment I will have in abundance

in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· I command any negative au-

thority militating against my

finances to die now in the name

of Jesus.

· Let the anointing for generating

and sustaining wealth be visi-

ble in my life in the name of Je-


· No enemy can frustrate my fi-

nances in the name of Jesus.

· Oh! God let all my financial

enemies be rendered useless in

the name of Jesus


· I give and it is given unto me;

good measure, pressed down,

shaken together, running over.


Victory Bible Church International

Men give unto my bosom.

· I confess and say that wealth

and riches are within my


· I declare Financial sound-

ness upon my life in the

name of Jesus


Fasting and Prayer Manual



“How God anointed Jesus of Naz-

areth with the Holy Spirit and with

power. He went about doing good and

healing all who were oppressed by

the devil, for God was with him”


· Lord I pray for soundness in my

body In the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International

· Lord I pray for total rulership

over every sickness and disease

afflicting me


· CHRIST has redeemed me from

the curse of sickness.

· Jesus took my infirmities He

bore my sicknesses and by His

stripes l am healed.

· Organs of my body hear the

word of the Lord.

· JESUS took my infirmities and

bore my sicknesses and by his

stripes I am healed.

· So I receive my healing.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· My body is the temple of the

Holy Spirit.

· I make a demand on my body to

release the right chemicals. My

body is in perfect chemical bal-

ance. My pancreas secretes the

proper amount of insulin for life

and health.

· Every organ, nerve, cell and tis-

sue in my body functions to the

perfection that the LORD cre-

ated it to function. I stop any

malfunction in my body in Je-

sus name.

· I command my blood cells to

destroy every disease germ and

virus that tries to inhabit my



Victory Bible Church International

· I confess and say that every cell

of my body is normal.


· I declare this year, the Lord

God of Israel shall be my shep-

herd in Jesus name.

· I confess and say that I shall

not want anything in Jesus


· I declare by faith, I shall lie

down in green pastures on the

name of Jesus.

· I confess and say that; the

Most High God will lead me be-

sides the still waters.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· I declare from the head to the

soles of my feet I am covered

with a divine anointing in Jesus


· Because of the anointing upon

my head I confess and say that,

I shall not die prematurely in

the name of Jesus.

· In fact, I fear no evil in the

name of Jesus

· I declare to any shadow of

death around vanish now!!

· I confess and say that, the Lord

is with me, and all that belongs

to me in the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International

· This year I shall be comforted

in the name of Jesus.

· I confess and say that, surely

goodness and mercy shall follow

me this year in the name of


Fasting and Prayer Manual



KEY SCRIPTURE: Matthew 9:37-38



· Thank God for the gift of life

and for releasing laborers

· Pray that by divine author-

ity, let labourers be released

now into the churches all



Victory Bible Church International

· Pray that Father! Please release

labourers to help gather the

end-time harvest in the name

of Jesus.

· Declare that more faithful and

aggressive soul oriented armies

will be raised in the name of


· Father! Send to us more dedi-

cated and committed people in

the name of Jesus.

· I command more angelic visita-

tion this year in the name of


· By divine authority, let there

be release of dedicated church

workers in the name of Jesus.

· Father! We receive by faith

more committed and kingdom


Fasting and Prayer Manual

minded people in the name of


· May heaven release to us more

and more angelic helpers when

everyone embark on evangel-

ism in the name of Jesus


Victory Bible Church International



KEY SCRIPTURE: Ex. 18:8-11 (ESV)


· Thank God for the gift of life

· Thank God for the power for wit-


· I declare the evangelistic power

is upon my life right now in Je-

sus name.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· I pray that through me more

souls will be won to God’s king-

dom in the name of Jesus.

· I avail myself Oh Lord! Let more

souls be won through me in Je-

sus name

· Every member of my family is

saved in the name of Jesus.

· I, my spouse, children, cousins,

parents, nephews and my imme-

diate surroundings, neighbors

are saved in the name of Jesus.

· Jesus! Let my life style become

a conduit for saving souls.

· May the passion for soul winning

take over my life right now in

the name of Jesus

· Father! May the apostolic and

evangelistic ministry become


Victory Bible Church International

more visible this year in the

name of Jesus

Daily Scripture Reading: Job 4:21-

24, 2 Tim. 1:5


Fasting and Prayer Manual


KEY SCRIPTURE: Psalm 112:2


“His offspring will be mighty in the

land; the generation of the upright

will be blessed”


I command generational wealth

· Thank God for generational



Victory Bible Church International

· Thank God for the gift of life.

· I declare I have in abundance

wealth and riches in the name

of Jesus.

· I declare all my wealth in stock

is passed on to the next genera-

tion in the name of Jesus.

· I declare my children will not

inherit poverty in the name of


· I declare the blessings of Abra-

ham, Isaac and Jacob are upon

my life in the name of Jesus.

· I declare the blessing of God

shall be visible from the first to


Fasting and Prayer Manual

the fourth generation in the

name of Jesus.

· I declare people shall do good

to my children in the name of


· I declare my wealth shall not be

consumed by strange people in

the name of Jesus

· Oh! Lord let those seeking my

head because of my wealth die

now in the name of Jesus.

· I declare the Lord God will

set me high, far from affliction

and make my family like a

flock in the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International


Scripture Reference: 1

Kings 18:43

“and he said to his servant “Go up

now, look toward the sea.” And he

went and said “there is nothing” And

he said “Go again” seven times”


· Thank God for His grace


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· Praise His name for the anoint-

ing upon your life.


· By God’s grace am unstoppable

this year in the name of Jesus.

· The anointing of God is upon

my life therefore am unstoppa-

ble in Jesus name.

· This year 2016, I declare, the

hand of the Lord shall come

upon me and I shall ran ahead

of my enemies in the name of


· I’m unstoppable in my finances

and career and in all that I set

my hand to do in the name of



Victory Bible Church International

· I declare, no demon or witch-

craft can stop me in the name

of Jesus.

· I declare the hand of God that

came upon Elijah is upon me

right now!!! In the name of Je-


· Father! Let me not struggle this

year in the name of Jesus.

· Oh!! Lord, let the anointing de-

clare me wanted for divine

blessings this year in the name

of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual





Victory Bible Church International



KEY SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 1:21



· Thank God for your life

· Praise His name for the free-

dom you are enjoying


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· By faith, I destroy every activi-

ties of any power located in

this place in the name of Jesus

· All powers and dominions break

loose in the name of Jesus.

· I break loose the grips of pow-

ers and dominions over my life

in the name of Jesus.

· Father! Let every power as-

signed towards my finances,

marriage, and ministry be de-

stroyed now.

· All power and dominion are

limited in their functions in the

name of Jesus.

· I overcome any weapon as-

signed against me from the

camp of powers and dominions

in the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International

· Any territories occupied by

these personalities are recap-

tured in the name of Jesus.

· Let God arise and let every

power and dominion be scat-

tered in the name of Jesus.

Daily Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:22


Fasting and Prayer Manual





· Thank God for victory

· Praise His name for grace and


· I silence in the name of Jesus

all spiritual hosts of wickedness


Victory Bible Church International

· I declare this year they will

not function at all in the name

of Jesus

· Father! Let your heavenly host

be deployed against spiritual

hosts of wickedness encamped

against us in Jesus name.

· Oh! Lord through your power, I

overcome very activity of spiri-

tual host of wickedness in the

name of Jesus.

· Any manipulation of spiritual

host of wickedness is de-

stroyed now in the name of Je-


· I render their power useless in

the name of Jesus.

· Holy Ghost! Let your power

block any infiltration of all


Fasting and Prayer Manual

spiritual host of wickedness in

the name of Jesus.

· I command any weapon and

strategies from their camp are

destroyed in the name of Je-


· This year I overcome their

plans in the name of Jesus.

· I believe by faith, I am covered

in the blood of Jesus, therefore

I am invisible against any of

these demonic activities in Je-

sus name. And I am victorious

in Jesus mighty name.


Victory Bible Church International





· Pray that The Lord builds a

Hedge round about your family

this year

· Pray that you and your family

shall not suffer any loss


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· Pray that every satanic agent

against your family be rebuked

and no evil permitted to befall

your family in Jesus name

· Pray that The Lord will reveal

His Power as Jehovah Jireh,

the supernatural Provider in

your family this year

· That every family in VBCI shall

receive supernatural provision

· That this year families will re-

ceive their blessings in due sea-

son, that the hold of delay be


· Pray that your family will lack

nothing but will receive on-



Victory Bible Church International

Daily Scripture Reading: Psalm 17:8-

9; Genesis 22:8; Leviticus 26:45;

Isaiah 48:21


Fasting and Prayer Manual




· Raise standard and destroy any

witchcraft interference threat-

ening over your life and lives of

your loved ones (Isaiah 59:19)

· Over turn every plan of the

devil against your life (Ezekiel



Victory Bible Church International

· Pray for restoration in every

area of your life, that which

was lost or stolen from you.

(Job 14:7).

· Pray that God will frustrate

every plan of the enemy and

confirm His word in our life.

(Isaiah 44:25-26)

· Pray to destroy all witchcraft

and occult activities, manipula-

tions, projections, schemes and

operations against the church (I

Sam. 15:23).

· Ask the Lord for insight for

every situation that seems im-

possible (I Kings 3:9)


Fasting and Prayer Manual

· Prophesy advance victory over

every battle and situations (I

Chronicles 29:11)

· Pray and bind every spirit of

nightmares and evil dreams.

Your enemies shall be afraid of

you (I Samuel 18:29)

· Prophesy and declare that you

will leap over the wall that the

enemy has erected in your path

(Psalm 18:29)

· Pray that those that dig graves

for you will be buried in their

own graves (Proverbs 26:27)

· Command and destroy every

evil eye and evil tongue operat-

ing against you (Proverbs 23:6)


Victory Bible Church International


The battle against ancestral powers is a battle that must be fought deci-

sively. Ancestral powers are powers that will not easily release their vic-tims. They derive their strength from

deep knowledge of your family his-tory and thrive on covenants and

pledges made by your ancestors. They bind generations, even unborn children are not beyond their grip.

Unless you deal with them you may

not be able to live your life freely.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

Confession: Psalm 68:1 – Let God

arise, let His enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before


Prayer Points

Blood of Jesus, purge my foun-


Every foundational covenant in my life, break, in the name of

Jesus Christ.

Let God arise and let all founda-tional witchcraft scatter, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every seed of poverty in my

foundation, die, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every idol of my Father’s

house, loose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus


Victory Bible Church International


Every blood speaking against my generational line, be silenced by

the blood of Jesus.

Any rope tying my family line to any family idol, break, in the

name of Jesus Christ.

Every outflow of satanic family name, die, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I vomit every food with idola-

trous influence that I have eaten, in the name of Jesus Christ.

The voice of foundational idols

will never speak again, in the name of Jesus Christ.

My glory buried by family idols,

come alive by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

Every ancestral transmission of untimely death, disease, back-

sliding, failure, bad luck break and die in the name of Jesus



Victory Bible Church International


There is a season in the life of every-one when a decisive change comes

and there is a remarkable difference, between the past and the present.

When you get to a point where going back is burdensome and moving for-ward is near impossible you need to

pray until God changes the situa-


Confessions: Psalm 68:4 – Sing unto the Lord, sing praises to his name:


Fasting and Prayer Manual

extol Him that rideth upon the heav-ens by his name Jah. And rejoice be-

fore him.

2 Kings 2:14 – And he took the man-tle of Elijah that fell from Him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? And when he smote the waters, and said, where is the Lord God of Elijah? And when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha

went over.

Every power that needs to die for my Testimony to manifest,

die, in the name of Jesus.

By the power in the blood of Je-sus, I receive miracles that will

shock your friends and surprise your enemies, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Victory Bible Church International

Dark authorities sponsoring con-

tinuous and repeated problems,

scatter, in the name of Jesus Christ.

By the power that divided the

Red Sea, let my way open, in the name of Jesus Christ.

O God of Elijah, arise and make me a mysterious wonder, in the

name of Jesus Christ.

My season of unusual laughter and victory dance, manifest, in

the name of Jesus Christ.

Witches and demons toying with my destiny, be wiped off, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I will be a champion and not a

casualty in the name of Jesus Christ.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

O Lord, whatever you have not positioned in my life, wipe them

off, in the name of Jesus Christ.

My Father, distract my enemies with problems that are bigger

than them, in Jesus name.

Every power assigned to sup-press my elevation, die. My ad-versaries, hear the word of the

Lord “Carry your loads, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Sorrows and tears, I uproot you

from my life by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.

My Father, deliver me from costly mistakes in the name of



Victory Bible Church International


You need to pray against anti-manifestation attacks targeted

against you.

When you discover that miracles,

signs and wonders are scarce in your life, you must pursue a vigorous

prayer lifestyle.

If you star has been buried, you

need to declare war.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

Confession: 1 John 4:4 – Ye are of

God, little children, and have over-come them: because greater is he that

is in you, than he that is in the world.

Father, I thank you for making

me a star, in the name of Jesus Christ

Father, let your divine favour locate me and lift me out of ob-

scurity, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let every satanic embargo on

my rising be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ.

My star, arise and begin to

shine, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every hand writing of ordi-nances of unproductivity as-


Victory Bible Church International

signed against my life, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.

Every blindness to good oppor-

tunities and delay in my divine time, die, in the name of Jesus.

Anything in my life that is coop-

erating with financial losses, die, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let my destiny receive deliver-ance in the name of Jesus.

You strong man of sleepy bless-

ings, loose your hold and die, in the name of Jesus.

Let the anointing of retention

fall upon my life now, in the name of Jesus.

I refuse to turn back at the edge

of my success, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

TAKING AUTHORITY I take authority over and order

the binding of every strongman in every department of my life. I

bind and paralyze every strong-man attached to any specific

problem that I have, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I withdraw and take back all my properties in the possession of

the strongman, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I bind and paralyze every

strongman of death and hell, In the name of Jesus Christ.

I receive the mandate to release my children from prison of any

strong man, in the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International

You, the strong man of my ancestors, release my bless-

ings in your hands, in the name of Jesus.

I release myself from the

hold of every sexual strong man, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I take authority over and

bind the strong man attached to my marriage, in the name

of Jesus Christ.

I bind every strongman from my father’s and mother’s sides attached to my marital

life, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I bind and destroy every

strongman of fear in my life in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

I take authority over and or-der the binding of the strong-

man of financial failure.

I bind every strong man hold-ing my priviledges and rights

captive, in Jesus name.

I bind, plunder and render to naught every strongman as-signed to

my………………………………………….. and Christian walk, in

Jesus name.

Let any multiple strongman operating against me be para-lyzed, in the name of Jesus


I bind every evil spirit at-tached to the life of

…………………………………………………………… (Mention the


Victory Bible Church International

name of the person), from

keeping him from receiving

Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal savior, in the name

of Jesus.

I release myself from the hold of any evil strong man, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I disgrace the strongman

delegated by satan over my life, in Jesus name.

You strong man of evil imagi-

nation paralyzing the good things in my life, be para-lyzed, in the name of Jesus.

All the good thoughts that

the strong man has paralyzed in my life, receive life and be

restored into my life, in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

I destroy and render to naught every strongman as-

signed to my womb, repro-ductive system and marital

life, in the name of Jesus.

I bind the strong man behind my spiritual blindness and deafness and destroy his op-

erations in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Let the stubborn strongman

delegated against me fall down to the ground and be-come impotent, in the name

of Jesus.

I render to naught every strong man over my life,

I bind every strong man over

my family,


Victory Bible Church International

I bind every strong man over my blessings, in the name of

Jesus Christ.

I destroy every hold of the evil one in my business in the name

of Jesus Christ.

I bind and render useless every strongman assigned to my womb, reproductive system and

marital life, in the name of Je-sus Christ.

I bind every strong man dele-

gated to hinder my progress, in the name of Jesus.

I bind and paralyze every strong man delegated to disgrace me,

in the name of Jesus.

Let the backbone of the strong-man in charge of each problem


Fasting and Prayer Manual

be broken, in the name of Jesus

Let the stubborn strongman delegated against me and my

career fall down to the ground and become impotent, in the

name of Jesus.

Any satanic strongman keeping my blessings fall down and die, I recover my goods back now, in

Jesus’ name

You strongman of my destiny destruction, loose your hold

over my body, fall and die.

Every strongman and associ-ated spirits of financial col-lapse, receive the hailstones of

fire and be roasted beyond rem-edy, in Jesus’ name.

Let the finger of God unseat my


Victory Bible Church International

household strongman, in the name of Jesus.

I bind every demon in my life

and clear my goods from his possession, in Jesus name.

You strongman of mind De-

struction, be bound, in the name of Jesus.

Every strong of Bad luck at-tached to my life, fall down and

die in the name of Jesus.

I paralyze every territorial strongman operating evil pro-

gramme in ………………………… Hospital or clinic, in Jesus’ name.

I bind the strongman assigned

to my progress, bow in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

I command the shrine of the strongman in my family to be

consumed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

Strongmen from my family

background, begin to destroy yourselves.

Every strongman of bad luck at-tached to my life, fall down and

die, in Jesus’ name.

I bind every strongman militat-ing against my home, in Jesus’


Every devil assigned to weaken my faith, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Every power sitting on my di-

vine promotion, clear away, in the name of Jesus.


Victory Bible Church International

My glory, my head, arise and shine, in the name of Jesus


Every strongman behind poison of darkness in my body, come

out now, in the name of Jesus.

Let the altar of affliction of the strongman assigned against my life, catch fire, in the name of

Jesus Christ.

Every strongman behind yokes acquired in the dreams, die, in

the name of Jesus.

Every strong man behind planta-tions of infirmity in my family, die, in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

…Delivery Vitamins… If there is any time women need divine intervention, it is at the hour of delivery. When the burden

of pregnancy is carried for nine months, there is a great anticipa-

tion for safe and miraculous deliv-ery. Know that the hour of deliv-ery is fraught with danger, anxiety

and several mishaps, the devil has chosen that hour as the hour of wicked attacks. God knows the

importance and the role of deliv-ery and conception that he has

given us what is termed delivery Vitamins.

When you use these vitamins you will be likened to the Hebrew

women who were delivered of their babies with ease and miraculously.


Victory Bible Church International

When you use these vitamins, you will succeed at frustrating the

agenda of witchcraft and demonic powers.

These vitamins cover the whole

range of conception, pregnancy and safe delivery. If you make use of these vitamins, you husbands

seed will produce glorious fruits. As a woman, you will be able to get pregnant with ease, carry the

pregnancy full term and experi-ence divine presence during the

time of delivery. You need to make use of it if:

1. There is any problem in the area of conception

2. If your husband’s semen has not been able to get you pregnant.

3. If you ever experienced turbu-


Fasting and Prayer Manual

lence during the period of preg-nancy.

4. If there are problems at the

time of delivery in your lineage.

5. When you sense spiritual at-tacks concerning you pregnancy.

6. You discover that there is

childlessness in your ancestral line.

7. You need to make use of these vitamins as a weapon for winning

any battle raised against you hav-ing children.

8. You have experienced miscar-

riages or still-births.

You need this prayer vitamins to become a joyful mother of Chil-



Victory Bible Church International

Confessions: Psalm 113:9 – He

maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful

mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.

Isaiah 65:20: There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall

die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

Deuteronomy 7: 14 – When thou art come unto the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, and

shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the na-

tions that are about me.

1. Thank the Lord for His power


Fasting and Prayer Manual

that knows no impossibility.

2. Confess any known sins in your life and ask for forgiveness by the

blood of Jesus.

3. Any covenant between my mother and marine powers related

to my conception, break by the blood of Jesus.

4. Every known and unknown re-lationship with spirit husband/

wife, I renounce you by the blood of Jesus.

5. I drink the blood of Jesus to

purge out of my system any evil food given to me in my dreams, in the name of Jesus.

6. Any hidden property of the

queen of the coast in my body, catch fire, in Jesus’ name.


Victory Bible Church International

7. Every evil deposit of marine spirits in my womb, catch fire, in

the name of Jesus.

8. Every Serpent in my reproduc-tive organ feeding on my concep-

tion, catch fire, in the name of Je-sus.

9. Any evil rope tying my hus-band’s reproductive organs, catch

fire, in the name of Jesus.

10. Anything from the waters hin-dering erection, be roasted, in the

name of Jesus.

11. Every power using sickness to attack me each time I make love to my husband/wife, fall down and

die, in the name of Jesus.

12. Any marine spirit storing hus-band’s sperms, catch fire, in the


Fasting and Prayer Manual

name of Jesus Christ.

13. Every marine coven keeping my womb, catch fire, in the name

of Jesus

14. Any power offering evil sacri-fice to marine powers against my

conception, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

15. Every witchcraft bird assigned against my home, crash land, in

the name of Jesus.

16. Every witchcraft cooking my organs, catch fire, in Jesus’ name.

17. I recover my womb and repro-

ductive organs from witchcraft covens, in the name of Jesus.

18. Every connection between ma-

rine witchcraft, marine spirits and land witchcraft against my con-


Victory Bible Church International

ception, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

19. Every ancestral power hinder-

ing my conception, die, in the name of Jesus.

20. Every evil ancestral dedication

affecting my conception, die, in the name of Jesus.

21. Every environmental witch-craft, working against my concep-

tion, scatter, in the name of Je-sus.

22. Every territorial witchcraft of

my father’s house working against my conception, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

23. Every household witchcraft

working against my conception, scatter, in the name of Jesus.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

24. Every power drinking the blood of my unborn children, fall

down and die, in the name of Je-sus.

25. Any evil Shrine having my

wedding pictures, catch fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.

26. Any of my clothes being be-witched against my conception,

catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

27. Every evil rope tying my ba-bies in the womb, cut to pieces, in

the name of Jesus.

28. Every arrow of death fired at my life, go back to your senders, in the name of Jesus Christ.

29. Anywhere any of my sanitary

materials are being used against my conception, catch fire, in the


Victory Bible Church International

name of Jesus.

30. Let irregular menstrual period return to normal, in the name of


31. Every evil growth in my womb (Fibroid) hindering conception, be

uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

32. Every Spirit of miscarriage, be cast out of my womb, in the name.

33. Every Spirit of still-birth, be

cast out of my womb, in the name of Jesus.

34. Any evil hand assigned to my

pregnancy for evil, wither, in the name of Jesus.

35. I shall not die, but live to

nurse my children, in the name of


Fasting and Prayer Manual


Beloved, you need speedy promotion

when :

1.The spirit of the tail has plagued

your destiny.

2.When you discover that you have

remained at the back while your

contemporaries have being moved

above you.

3.When you discover that you have

been making time on the same spot

for a very long time.

4.When you are ashamed of being

at the rear .

5.When people with whom you

started have taken giant strides .


Victory Bible Church International

6.When you have put in so much

without being adequately rewarded.

7. When you have struggled unsuc-

cessfully to make it in life.

8. When you have constantly lived

from hand to mouth.

9. When the powers of your fathers

house has kept you backward posi-


10. When your handwork is unno-

ticed and unrewarded.

11. When you have been given a

loud official title without any corre-

sponding benefit .

12. When you have discovered that

demoting powers are working against

your promotion.


Fasting and Prayer Manual

13. When you have noticed that

your promotion has mysteriously

kept on hold.

14.When you desire speedy promo-

tion .

Confessions: Isaiah 58:8, Hebrews

2:3, Jeremiah 29:11, Luke18:18,

Psalm102:2, Mark 9:23, Psalm 75:6,

2Corinthians 9:8, Philippians 4:13,

Psalm 27:12, Psalm 35:19, Psalm

31:13-14, Isaiah 50:7.


1. Oh Lord, reveal Your divine plan

for my life ,in the name of Jesus.

2. I break every circle of failure upon

my life in Jesus name.


Victory Bible Church International

3. I receive empowerment for speedy

breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.

4. Oh Lord, let the anointing of ex-

cellence fall on me, in the name of


5. Every mark of rejection against my

life, be wiped off by the blood of Je-


6. Every demonic power that wants to

waste my labour and energy, be

bound and be paralyzed by the chains

of God, in the name of Jesus.

7. Oh Lord, I ask for wisdom and

knowledge to do my job right, in the

name of Jesus.

8. I receive grace to be diligent in

business, in the name of Jesus.

9. Oh Lord, anoint my handiwork for

outstanding success, in the name of


Fasting and Prayer Manual


10. Every satanic attempt to destroy

my reputation, be frustrated, in the

name of Jesus.

11. I bind every spirit of memory

failure, in the name of Jesus.

12. I reject every curse of failure, in

the name of Jesus.

13. Every power prolonging my

breakthrough ,die, in the name of Je-


14. Holy spirit, help me to identify

and avoid evil business trap, in the

name of Jesus.

15. I break the power of any sickness

that will try to hinder me from

achieving my vision, in the name of


16. I receive grace to handle the ups


Victory Bible Church International

and downs of my career ,in the name

of Jesus.

17. I receive abundant prosperity, in

the name of Jesus.

18. I claim my divine promotion to-

day, in the name of Jesus.

19. Oh Lord , let all those who are sit-

ting illegally on my benefits and pro-

motions be unseated by fire, in the

name of Jesus.

20. Oh Lord, let every form of injus-

tice against me in my place of work,

be converted to divine promotion, in

the name of Jesus.

21. I command every gang-up

against me to scatter, in the name of


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