
Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 FA.rtf


    bradycardia are effect of beta blockers that contribute to their ability to redce

    anginal attacks

    septum secundum is crescent shaped wedge shaped tissue incompletely

    partitions the developing atria leaving a defect called foramen ovale near

    floor of right atrium

    in congenial the coarctation of aorta thoracic aorta usually obstructed just

    past origin of left subclavian artery if constriction reduces diameter of aorta

    by more than 50 percent,patient develop sx such as decreased tolearance to

    exercise and greater fatigability, because radial artery arises from branches

    proximal to coarctation and proximal tibial artery from branches distal to

    coarctation, simultaneous palpation of their pulses typicaly reveal posterior

    tibial pulses to be delayed and of lesse volume than radial pulses

    temprary occlusion of comon carotid arteries decreases vascular pressure

    within carotid sinus area, the pripheral baroreceptor, respond to changes inpressure and is important reflex in maintaining relatively constant arterial

    presure on short term basis

    a decrease in pressure depresses the no of impulses that travel from carotid

    sinus nerve, Because these impulses normally inhibit the central

    vasoconstrictor area and excite vagal center, decrease in impulses reflexively

    causes arterial pressure to rise and heart rate and contractility to increase,

    the entire circulation stimulated to constrict and there is reduction in venous


    46 year male sustain sever head and abdominal injury in motor vehicle

    accident, initial emergency assessment of patient establishes his lasgow

    coma scale from 6!"5 blod press low and #$ "%%!&'(, the patient is

    sucesfuly resuscitated and placed on respirator,% days later he develop noisy

    breathing,tachypnea and severe hypoxemia, cxr obtained


    endothelial damage ards

    )0 year old multiple medical prob,while in hosp, he die from *+, #istological

    find of his renal bx shown on slide

    long standing &

    %- yr old male with rage he recall childhood abuse by his foster father, he

    chanel agression into intense basketball matches, this is an example of which

    defense mechanism


  • 7/27/2019 FA.rtf


    mature defense mechanism convertin unaceptable socal impulses into socialy

    acceptable ones

    a cell surface receptor with intracellular tyrosine kinase activity identified on

    epithelial cell line,which best normal activty of receptor.

    transient dimeri/ation

    phospholipase * activation is step i( ip second messenger sstem

    %) year mn tell his physician that his drinking has increased over past several

    months as result his recnt divorce, job loss and mother1s death, physician

    respond , so you are telling excesive drinking related to stress of life, which

    foll interviewing techni2ue physician using.


    4- year old with paget disease of bone treated with risedronate, he suferfrom b3l hearing loss, he hasbeen taking low dose predniosone for asthma, his

    current complaints include persistent right hip pain that is unresponsive to

    ver counter anglgescs, radiograph of right hip mixed lysis and sclerosis with

    focal periosteal elevation and new bone formation ,


    osteopetross occur when osteoclast fail to resorb bone thereby impairing

    bone modeling and remodeling, radiographic find include genralised

    osteosclerosis and evidenceof fractures

    medulloblastoma on cerebellar vermis, it is medial section of cerebellum and

    is resp for proximal mscle coordinatin,balance and vestibulo ocular reflex,

    clarification statement similar to summary treatment but also include

    connection patient may not recognise, the 2uest which is direct rather than

    open ended does not need to be confrontational in tone

    fall in blood vlume and pressure produced by hemorage elicit baroreceptor

    reflex, the reflex increase activity of sympathetic nervs system, decrease

    activity of parasympathtic nerves innervating heart

    uremia from renal failure comon cause of fibrinous pericarditis3 7 is more

    likely to occur in younger patients, but "5 prcent of casses ocur in older


    monckeberg sclerosis is degenerative aging diseaseof medium si/e arteries of

    upper and lower extremities and the genital tract,calcium depositd in media

  • 7/27/2019 FA.rtf


    of these vessels often as transverse rings giving railroad track appearance by

    8ray,these changes donot have clinical significance and are usually an

    incidental finding on x ray

    ben/odia/epine withdrawal, intoxication of this is removed, with gastric


    nitric oxide thought to en/ymatically released from nitroglycerin, it then react

    and activate guanylyl cyclase to increase cgmp, a vasodilator due to its effect

    on increasing calcium efflux, it indirectly causes dephosphorylation of ligt

    chains of myosin,these actions lead to vasodilator effect of nitroglycerin

    en/ymes that are targeted to lysosomes undergo specific two step

    modification in golgi complex, the first step in modification invlves

    attachment of (acetylglucosamine" phospgate residue in 6 position of

    mannose residue on main nose carbohydrate position of lysosomal en/ymes,

    the secnd step involve removal of ( acetylglucosamine residue exposing the

    mannose 6 phosphate marker3 the presence of mannose 6 phosphate is

    necesary targeting lysosomal en/yme to lysosomes and deficiencies in

    en/yme is respnsible for first reaction in modification lead to severe

    developmental abnormalities

    von gierke disease result from one of several defect in process of

    dephosphorylating glucose 6 phospate to free glucose, the actual

    dephosphorylation takes placce within lumen of 7$, 9#7$7 glucose 6

    phosphate resides emberdded within membrne

    powr ":beta probability rejecting null hypothesis when in fact false or

    likelihodd finding difference, if one in fact exists, it increases with

    increasae sample si/e, increase expected efect si/e, and increased precision

    of measurement

    case control

    comapre grp of people with disease with group without, looks for priorexposure or risk factor ,ask what happend

    cohort study

    compares a group with given exp or risk factor to a group without such exp3

    1look to see if exp increase likelihood of diseasecan be prospective, ;

    cross sectional disease

  • 7/27/2019 FA.rtf


    collect data from a group of people to assess fre2uency of disease at

    particular point of time

    twin concordance stdy

    compare fre2uency with which bothmono/ygotic twin !d/ygotic twin develop


    clinical trial

    exp stdy involving humans, compre therapuetic benefit % or more tratment or

    of treat and placebo, stdy 2uality improves,when study is randomi/ed

    controlled and double blinded triple blind refer to additional blinding of

    reserchers analy/ing data

    phase "

    small no healthy volunteers

    ases safety toxicity and pharmacokinetics

    phase % small no of patient with disease of interest assess treat eficacy and

    optimal dosing and adverse effect

    phase , large no of patients randomly assigned either to treat ment under

    investigation or to best avlble treatment, compare new treat to current treat

    of care

    ;phase 4

    post marketing surveillance trial of patient after approvval

    detect long term3adverse effect

    evaluatiin diagnostic test

    sensitivity tp!tp

  • 7/27/2019 FA.rtf


    relative risk

    typically used in cohort study risk of develeping disease in exposed group

    divided by risk in unexposed group

    attributable risl

    the diff in risk between exposed and unexposed group, or proportion of

    disease occurences that are attributable to the expsure

    ;absolute risk

    absolute reduction in risk associated with treatemt as compared to control

    no patients needed to be treated for " patient to benefit

    calculated by "!abs risk reduction

    no patient who need to exposed to risk factor for " patient to be harmed,

    calculated by "!atrributable risk


    consistency and reproducibility of test

    absence of random variation in a test


    trueness of test measurements

    selecti bias

    non random assignment to parrticipate in control group

    recall bias

    knowldge of presence alter recall by subjects

    sampling bias

    subjts are not representative,therefore results are not generli/able

    late look bias

    information gathered at inappropriate time

    procedure bias

    subject in diff groups are not treated same

  • 7/27/2019 FA.rtf


    confounding bias

    occur when factor is related to both exposure and outcome

    leadtime bis

    early detection confused with increased survival3

    observer expectancy bias

    occur when researchers belief in efficacy of treat changes outcome of


    hawthorne effect

    occur when group being studied changes its behavior owing to knowledge of

    being studied

    statistical hypothesis


    hypothesis of no difference

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