farm leasing arrangements trends tim eggers field ag economist iowa state university extension

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Farm Leasing ArrangementsTrends

Tim Eggers

Field Ag Economist

Iowa State University Extension


Presentation Components

Farmland Value Trends Current Cash Lease Rates and Trends Farmland Leasing Trends and Emerging



Average Value - All Grades(Nominal Dollars)


Average Value - All Grades(1982-84 Dollars)


Percentage Change(Nominal Dollars)


Percentage Change(1982-84 Dollars)


2003 Land Buyers


Land Buyers - 1989 - 2003


2003 Sales Activity


Sales Activity - 1987-2003


Positive Factors


Negative Factors


Distribution of Iowa FarmlandBy Ownership Type and Year


Distribution of Iowa FarmlandBy Tenure Type and Year


Distribution of Iowa FarmlandBy Financing Method and Year


Distribution of Iowa FarmlandBy Age of Owner and Year


Distribution of Iowa FarmlandBy Residence of Owner and Year


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Realtors Land Institute


Iowa Farmland Value Surveys

Iowa State University Extension conducted annually around November 1st mailed survey sent to 1,100 licensed real estate brokers usually 500-600 responses released in mid-December

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago quarterly survey of ag lenders by state

Realtors Land Institute semi-annual survey (March and September) compares land classification by corn production includes pasture and timber land


Land Ownership, Gender and Age

Age < 35 35-65 > 65

1992 2002 1992 2002 1992 2002

Female 3% 1% 22% 21% 24% 25%

Male 4% 3% 29% 28% 19% 23%


Leased Farmland, Gender and Lease Type

Gender Cash rent

Crop share

Other renting


Male 32% 14% <1% 46%

Female 37% 15% 1% 54%


Farmland Tenure in Iowa % of All Acres

Owner Controlled:  46%

  Owner operated 37%  

  Custom farmed 2%  

  Gov't programs and other uses 7%  

Leased: 54%

 Cash rent 37%  

 Crop share 16%  

 Other type agricultural lease 1%  

Total: 100%


Iowa Cash Rent Survey Number of responses 1993–02 av. corn 1993–02 av. bean Avg. row crop CSR

Corn and soybean cash rent $/acre Overall average

High quality third Average Range

Medium quality third Average Range

Low quality third Average Range

Typical corn yield High third Medium third Low third

Average rents per Per bushel of corn Per bushel of bean Rent per CSR index

Oats, hay, and pasture, Alfalfa hay Grass hay Oats Tillable pasture Improved pasture Permanent pasture Pasture, $/AUM Cornstalks


Returns to Owner, Corn


Net Returns to Tenant, Corn


Returns to Owner, Soybeans


Net Returns to Tenant, Soybeans


Farmland managed by a professional farm manager by ownership type

Ownership type1982 1992 2002


All ownership types 2 %* 5 % 4 %

Non-corporate 2 %* 4 % 4 %

Corporate 6 %* 9 % 14 % A

A Includes both limited liability corporation and corporations* Denotes significant difference relative to 2002 figure at the 5 percent level


Characteristics of Leased Farmland

  Cash RentCrop

Share Other LeaseAll Leased


Percent of leased acres 69% 30% 1% 100%

Written leases 67% 44% n/a 60%

Leased to relative 33% 38% n/a 35%

Professional manager 5% 10% 21% 6%

Owner resides on property 34% 29% 28% 33%

Fixed term lease 11% 3% n/a 9%

Avg. tenure length (yrs.) 9 16 n/a 11


C rop R eporting D istrict 4Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%C ustom farm ed 2%C ash R ent 39%C rop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident ow ner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 44%C rop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 42%C rop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

C rop R eporting D istrict 2Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 30%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 51%C rop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident ow ner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 6Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 41%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 49%Crop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re lative 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

C rop R eporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%C ustom farm ed 2%C ash R ent 28%C rop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

C rop R eporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%C ustom farm ed 1%C ash R ent 31%C rop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 7Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 47%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 18%Crop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re lative 40% 22%Farm resident owner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

C rop R eporting D istrict 5Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 26%C ustom farm ed 4%C ash R ent 47%C rop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident ow ner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ash ington

W ape llo

V an B uren

M ahaska

Lou isa


K eokuk

Jeffe rson

H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W innesh iek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U n ion

T aylor

T am a

S tory

S helby

S co tt

S ac

R inggo ld

P ow eshiek

P ottaw attam ie

P olk

P ocahontasP lym outh

P alo A lto

P age

O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itche ll

M ills

M arsha ll

M arionM ad ison



L inn

K ossuth





Iow a


H um bo ld t

H ow ard

H arrison

H ard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

F rem ont

F rank lin

F loyd

F ayette

E m m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

D e law are

D eca tu r

D a llas

C raw ford

C lin ton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C h ickasaw

C herokee

C erro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

C a lhoun

B utlerB uena V is ta

B uchanan

B rem er

B oone

B lack H aw k

B enton

A udubon

A ppanoose

A llam akee

A dam s

A da ir

Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics

Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash R ent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

Crop Reporting D istrict 2Percent o f C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re la tive 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash R ent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 7Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re la tive 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent o f C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska





H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U nion


Tam a





R inggo ld

Pow eshiek

Pottaw attam ie


PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itchell

M ills

M arshall

M arionM adison









Iow a


H um boldt

H ow ard

H arrison

Hard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

Delaw are

D ecatur

D allas

C raw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C hickasaw

C herokee

Cerro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista


Brem er


B lack H aw k




A llam akee

Adam s



C rop R eporting D istrict 4Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%C ustom farm ed 2%C ash R ent 39%C rop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident ow ner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 44%C rop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 42%C rop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

C rop R eporting D istrict 2Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 30%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 51%C rop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident ow ner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re la tive 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

C rop R eporting D istric t 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%C ustom farm ed 2%C ash R ent 28%C rop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

C rop R eporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%C ustom farm ed 1%C ash R ent 31%C rop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 7Percent o f C rop A cresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re la tive 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

C rop R eporting D istrict 5Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 26%C ustom farm ed 4%C ash R ent 47%C rop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident ow ner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska






Des M oines


S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren



Tam a





R inggo ld


Pottawattam ie


PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itchell

M ills

M arshall

M arionM adison











Hum boldt



Hard in


Ham ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et


D ickinson




Craw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke



Cerro G ordo



Carro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista


Brem er


B lack Haw k




A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash R ent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

C rop Reporting D istrict 2Percent o f C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re la tive 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length o f tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash R ent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istric t 7Percent o f C rop A cresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re la tive 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length o f tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent o f C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska






Des M oines


S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren



Tam a





R inggo ld


Pottawattam ie


PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itchell

M ills

M arshall

M arionM adison











Hum boldt



Hard in


Ham ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et


D ickinson




Craw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke



Cerro G ordo



Carro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista


Brem er


B lack Haw k




A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash R ent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

C rop Reporting D istrict 2Percent o f C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re la tive 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash R ent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 7Percent o f C rop A cresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re la tive 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent o f C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska



K eokuk


H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U nion


Tam a



S cott

S ac

R inggo ld

Pow eshiek

Pottaw attam ie

P olk

PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itche ll

M ills

M arshall

M arionM adison









Iow a


H um boldt

H ow ard

H arrison

Hard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

Delaw are

D ecatur

D allas

C raw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C hickasaw

C herokee

Cerro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista

B uchanan

Brem er


B lack H aw k



A ppanoose

A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash R ent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

Crop Reporting D istrict 2Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re la tive 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash R ent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 7Percent o f C rop A cresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re la tive 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska





H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U nion


Tam a





R inggo ld

Pow eshiek

Pottaw attam ie


PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itchell

M ills

M arshall

M arionM adison









Iow a


H um boldt

H ow ard

H arrison

Hard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

Delaw are

D ecatur

D allas

C raw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C hickasaw

C herokee

Cerro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista


Brem er


B lack H aw k




A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash R ent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

Crop Reporting D istrict 2Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re la tive 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash R ent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 7Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re la tive 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska



K eokuk


H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U nion


Tam a



S cott

S ac

R inggo ld

Pow eshiek

Pottaw attam ie

P olk

PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itche ll

M ills

M arsha ll

M arionM adison









Iow a


H um boldt

H ow ard

H arrison

Hard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

Delaw are

D ecatur

D allas

C raw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C hickasaw

C herokee

Cerro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista

B uchanan

Brem er


B lack H aw k



A ppanoose

A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash R ent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

Crop Reporting D istrict 2Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re lative 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash R ent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 7Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re lative 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska



K eokuk


H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U nion


Tam a



S cott

S ac

R inggo ld

Pow eshiek

Pottaw attam ie

P olk

PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itche ll

M ills

M arsha ll

M arionM adison









Iow a


H um boldt

H ow ard

H arrison

Hard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

Delaw are

D ecatur

D allas

C raw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C hickasaw

C herokee

Cerro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista

B uchanan

Brem er


B lack H aw k



A ppanoose

A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash Rent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash Rent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident owner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident owner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

Crop Reporting D istrict 2Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent o f C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re la tive 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash Rent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash Rent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident owner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istric t 7Percent o f C rop A cresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re la tive 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska





H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W inneshiek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U nion


Tam a





R inggo ld

Pow eshiek

Pottaw attam ie


PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itchell

M ills

M arshall

M arionM adison









Iow a


H um boldt

H ow ard

H arrison

Hard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

Delaw are

D ecatur

D allas

C raw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C hickasaw

C herokee

Cerro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista


Brem er


B lack H aw k




A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics


Crop Reporting D istrict 4Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 37%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 39%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 62% 40%Leased to re lative 36% 28%Farm resident owner 27% 35%Professional M anager 5% 5%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

Crop Reporting D istrict 1Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 31%Custom farm ed 3%Cash R ent 44%Crop Share 21%O ther Lease 2%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 70% 75%Leased to re lative 36% 36%Farm resident ow ner 27% 29%Professional M anager 10% 6%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

Crop Reporting D istrict 3Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 51%Custom farm ed 0%Cash R ent 42%Crop Share 6%O ther Lease 1%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 63% 50%Leased to re lative 22% 18%Farm resident ow ner 50% 59%Professional M anager 3% 1%Length of tenure (yrs.) 9

Crop Reporting D istrict 2Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 30%Custom farm ed 0%Cash Rent 51%Crop Share 18%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 68% 66%Leased to re lative 40% 41%Farm resident owner 47% 49%Professional M anager 6% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 13

C rop R eporting D istrict 6Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 41%C ustom farm ed 0%C ash R ent 49%C rop Share 10%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent o f:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 60% 66%Leased to re lative 29% 13%Farm resident ow ner 49% 56%Professional M anager 4% 3%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 9Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 2%Cash R ent 28%Crop Share 15%O ther Lease 0%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 64% 48%Leased to re lative 45% 22%Farm resident owner 49% 56%Professional M anager 1% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

Figure 1: Farmland Characteristics by Crop Reporting District

Crop Reporting D istrict 8Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 55%Custom farm ed 1%Cash R ent 31%Crop Share 12%O ther Lease 0%Total: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 26% 22%Leased to re lative 23% 6%Farm resident ow ner 32% 39%Professional M anager 5% 2%Length of tenure (yrs.) 10

C rop R eporting D istrict 7Percent of C rop AcresO w ner operated 47%C ustom farm ed 3%C ash R ent 18%C rop Share 30%O ther Lease 2%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 35% 38%Leased to re lative 40% 22%Farm resident ow ner 35% 38%Professional M anager 5% 4%Length of tenure (yrs.) 12

Crop Reporting D istrict 5Percent of C rop AcresO wner operated 26%Custom farm ed 4%Cash Rent 47%Crop Share 22%O ther Lease 1%Tota l: 100%

Percent of:Leased Acres Leases

W ritten lease 77% 67%Leased to re lative 29% 22%Farm resident owner 28% 33%Professional M anager 12% 11%Length of tenure (yrs.) 11

W ashington

W apello

Van Buren

M ahaska



K eokuk


H enry

D es M oines

D avis

S ioux

W right

W orth

W oodbury

W innesh iek

W innebago

W ebster

W ayne

W arren

U nion


Tam a



S cott

S ac

R inggo ld

Pow eshiek

Pottaw attam ie

P olk

PocahontasP lym outh

Palo A lto


O sceola

O 'B rien

M uscatine

M ontgom ery M onroe

M onona

M itche ll

M ills

M arsha ll

M arionM adison



L inn






Iow a


H um boldt

H ow ard

H arrison

Hard in

H ancock

H am ilton

G uthrie

G rundy

G reene

Frem ont


F loyd


Em m et

D ubuque

D ickinson

De law are

D ecatu r

D allas

C raw ford

C linton

C layton

C lay

C larke

C hickasaw

C herokee

Cerro G ordo

C edar

C ass

C arro ll

Ca lhoun

ButlerBuena V ista

B uchanan

Brem er


B lack H aw k



A ppanoose

A llam akee

Adam s


Farm Land Leasing Characteristics

top related