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Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:00 PM Page 1

insurance company. We are an independent insurance broker – a consultant. That means we work for you and your business searching the marketplace for fair premiums, the best

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Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 2


How Small Business Can Take Advantage of BIg Data ....................5Peter Lau, PhD

How to Comply with Safety Regulations and Still Run Your Business ..............................................................6Shyamala Nathan-Turner

Find Your Passion – and Just Don’t Stop! ........................................7Janet Matthews

The Library Advantage for Small Business .......................................8Reccia Mandelcorn and Tim Neale

Financing Business Growth ..............................................................9Marion Witz

Your Spine is Your Business ........................................................... 10Lisa Bender

Communicating Compensation .....................................................11Duff McCutcheon

Fraktals: An Iconic Aurora Brand ...................................................12Crystal Walsh

The Employer Leadership Council of York Region ........................15

7 Networking Tips for Introverts, Extroverts and the Socially Awkward ............................................................................17Christine Desmarais

Message from the Past-Chair ...........................................................4

Message from the CEO ....................................................................4

New Members ................................................................................18

Member Announcements ...............................................................21

Chamber News ...............................................................................21

Members Out & About...................................................................22

Aurora Chamber of Commerce

The Mission of the Aurora Chamberof Commerce is to move Aurora

business forward.

Our Vision is Aurora businesspeople living, learning, and

thriving together.

Office Address:14483 Yonge StreetAurora, ON L4G 0P3

Mailing Address:6-14845 Yonge Street, Suite 321

Aurora, ON L4G 6H8

Tel: 905-727-7262Fax: 905-841-6217


Publisher: Judy MarshallEditor: Crystal Walsh

Advertising: Lorie Butkus-HillGraphic Design: Type by Design

Printing: CanMark Communications

Nominations to the 2014 – 2015Board of Directors

Jason AllanAllan Law

Melanie AttridgeThe Aurora Banner

Sabrina Crossley, DCAlign Health Centre

Glen HaywoodCommport Communications

InternationalAngela JonesRoyal LePageJaved S. Khan EMpression

Sean McCloskeyThompson Funeral Home

Brian Robertsvan Nostrand & Partners Certified

General AccountantsTina Sakellaris National Bank

Eric SkillinsBusiness Consultant

Paul SmithKilroy & Smith

Patricia Poulin-Ulbricht Ulbricht Mediation Services

Note: The 2014-2015 Aurora ChamberBoard of Directors was confirmed at theAnnual General Meeting held Thursday,

October 9, 2014.

Publication Agreement Number 40028413


From Your Chamber

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 3


It's never over until it's over.

Two years have gone by so fast. TheAurora Chamber’s Annual General

Meeting was held on Thursday,October 9, completing my term as theChair of the Board.

I began my role as Chair with a simple,over-riding goal - to encourage peopleto get involved with the Chamber.Increased member engagementcreates enhanced energy, resulting

in a stronger Chamber.

I realize that business people are busy, whether they have ademanding career or their own business to run. However, thestrength of the Chamber comes from you, the member. If youwant the Chamber to continue to be relevant and representyour voice, it is up to you to actively participate and encourageothers to do so as well.

Members’ needs and expectations change over time. In orderfor the Chamber to serve its members better, it is vital for us tounderstand why they joined, which benefits they desire, thevarious challenges they face, and problems they requireassistance to resolve. We have circulated Chamber surveys andwill continue to ask for feedback, which is crucial in thepreparation of new programs and the review of existing ones.

In the current economic climate, chambers must be businessfocused. Our goal is to be a business resource – members’ firstchoice for information, education, networking and localpromotion. We aim to create confidence in our membershipand prove that the Chamber is influential, connected, credibleand relevant to the local business community.

Overall, the Chamber is evolving. It will always be a businessorganization, providing opportunities to socialize, attendexcellent events, as well as educational sessions andnetworking opportunities. However, we must continue tochange and adapt, to respond to the new needs of themembership and the demands of the new economy.

Volunteers are the backbone of our Chamber. A huge thank youto every volunteer that has assisted us. To the Board and themany people who have helped me along the way, thank you.

To Judy Marshall, thank you for your guidance and patience. Ithas been an honour to work with you. To the incredible staff, Icannot say enough. They work so hard to make sure thateveryone is taken care of and our Chamber is number one.

Wait! That's right! It’s not goodbye yet. I'll still be around foranother year as Past-Chair. Woohoo!

Sincerely,Paul Smith, Past-Chair

It’s been a great journey so far!

The Chamber’s financial year-end isJune 30, but September is the

beginning of our ‘new’ year. Over thesummer months, staff takes well-earned vacation, evaluates and plansevents, prepares for the financial auditand takes the Business Directory andfall magazine from concepts topublications. The work demandschange over the summer but the pacenever does. To accomplish the

Chamber’s goals, I am privileged to have excellent staff with alot of energy and passion.

Sandra Watson, Events Manager has been with us for a year.She jumped right into her position with an incredibleenthusiasm and a positive outlook. She has her challenges thisyear with the move of the Home Show to the Stronach AuroraRecreational Centre. She has managed the first stage with a ‘wecan do this attitude’ and I am sure that will continue.

Nancy Lehmkuhl has been with the Chamber on a part-timebasis for just over two years. She has taken on many challengesand has been very instrumental in assisting with thedevelopment of financial policies and controls, as well asensuring the reporting process to the membership istransparent. We feel she is a full-time staff member as she is avery busy volunteer with us.

Crystal Walsh has moved on. No, she has not left the Chamber!She has an exciting new position as the Communications andMarketing Specialist. She is responsible for the website, socialmedia and overseeing the publication of the Business Directoryand quarterly magazine. She is our in-house photographer too!

Our newest employee, Lorie Butkus-Hill joined the staff inSeptember as the Member Relations Ambassador. She isresponsible for membership recruitment, renewal and retentionas well as advertising for all of the Chamber’s publications. Shewill also assist me in building relationships with communitystakeholders to advance our fund development andsponsorship goals.

After two years as Chair of the Board, Paul Smith hascompleted his term of office. We worked very well together.I am going to miss his ongoing input, but am looking forward to his new role as Past-Chair and building a solid workingrelationship with the new Chair, Patricia Poulin-Ulbricht.

I just celebrated five years with the Chamber. I don’t knowwhere the time has gone! So far, it’s been a great journey.Thank you.

‘til next time...Judy Marshall,


Messages from the Past-Chair and CEO

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 4

The reality is that we live in a digital worldwhere two million Google searches and

200 million emails are delivered everyminute. No wonder “big data” seems like a raging buzzword in today’s businessenvironment. But what exactly is big dataand how can small businesses benefit from it?

According to Mark Troester ofSAS, the leader in businessanalytics software and services,big data is when “the volume,velocity and variety of dataexceed an organization’s storageor computing capacity for timelyand accurate decision making.”Big data is thus a relative concept,not an absolute idea. Essentially, itis a term used to describe datasets that are too massive andcomplex to be processed bytraditional software applications.In the past, big data threatened tocreate a deep digital dividebetween the “have-datas” andthe “have-no-datas” in the corporate world,although support from government andacademia have occasionally bridged thedivide.

The Intuit 2020 Report, authored byEmergent Research in partnership with IntuitInc., predicts that access to big data willcontinue to change business in every way,including streamlining operations,increasing efficiencies, boostingproductivity, improving decision making,enhancing customer targeting,understanding customer behaviour andneeds, personalizing goods and services,and building stronger relationships with allstakeholders.

With the convergence of cloud, mobile andsocial computing, big data is increasinglyaccessible to small businesses too, allowingthem to level the playing field in dataanalytics and to reap the benefits of this“big data dividend,” as discussed byMatthew Wall of the BBC.

Paul Zikopoulos of IBM once said that “bigdata is not just about volume of data, butabout bringing data together that hasn’tbeen correlated before” in order to derivevalue through analytics. In other words, datascience practitioners use technology tostore, analyze and visualize information, andto extract and share interesting patternsthat can be turned into profit. With theexpanding range of affordable data analysistools on the market today, even smallcompanies can unlock big data for insightsthat can lead to incremental andbreakthrough innovations in business.

What are some big data tools available tosmall businesses? Let’s highlight a few

popular examples here. Google Analyticscan track web traffic and derive businessinsights in many ways. Google AdWords cantarget specific markets and help improvedecision-making, leading to a betterbottom-line. Roambi can boost efficiencyand sales by using data to do business

better, improve pricing and just-in-time supply chains, findcheaper suppliers, and providemore price transparency. Socialmedia such as Facebook andTwitter can help tailor productsand services to individualcustomers. Google Earth can beused to quickly estimateproperty area for service ormaintenance. SenseAware tracksFedEx delivery packages in realtime. Other useful tools for smallbusinesses worth exploringinclude InsightSquared, CanopyLabs, Tranzlogic and Qualtrics.

Successful small companies thathave taken advantage of big

data for growth include Mediatonic, Criteo,FICO, Continuuity.com, MongoDB, Acxiom,Flurry, Crittercism, HyperCube, Datasift,mBlast, SecondSync, Teradata, Codrotech,Factual Datalogix and Kaggle. Theinterested reader is encouraged to lookthem up and learn from their examples.

Dr. Peter Lau is the founder of Lumawiz Inc.,a dynamic science, technology, enterpriseand media consulting firm based in YorkRegion that specializes in grant application,contract tendering, mobile technologies,online marketing and e-commerce. You canfollow his company on the web atwww.lumawiz.com or on Twitter @Lumawiz.


How Small Business Can Take Advantage of Big DataBy Peter Lau, PhD

2015 Home Show Join us for the 2015 Aurora Chamber Home Show at its NEWlocation, the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex (SARC), 1400 Wellington Street East in Aurora.

Visit www.aurorachamber.on.ca/home-show for moreinformation and to download the exhibitor application form.The brand new Show will be better than ever!


Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 5


Employers across Ontario areconstantly being

bombarded with informationregarding safety requirementsfor the workplace.

The new Worker/Supervisor AwarenessTraining and Workplace Violence andHarassment responsibilities outlined byOntario’s Health and Safety Act(OHSA), as well as the Accessibility forOntarians with Disabilities Act (AODA),are among the requirements that seemto be surfacing at lightning speed inOntario. The increasing demands forworkplace safety have left many employersfeeling overwhelmed and concerned aboutboth the cost and time associated withimplementing these mandates. Yet, as allemployers are aware, non-compliance is notan option. Fines of up to $250,000 andimprisonment may apply, if convicted.Furthermore, work orders can shut downnon-compliant companies.

The Ministry of Labour’s compliancestrategy, Safe At Work Ontario, supports thebasic premise that all workers have the rightto return home each day safe and sound. Inorder to make this a reality, Safe At WorkOntario focuses on:

1. Enforcement of the OHSA throughinspection of workplaces. Non-compliancedirectly leads to accidents and fatalities inthe workplace and therefore cannot betolerated.

2. Compliance of the law by all workplacessubject to OHSA. This will be achievedthrough enforcement, cooperation,partnership and education. The aim is tocreate a culture of prevention within theworkplace.

3. Partnership with workplaces to develop astrong safety culture, through the InternalResponsibility System (IRS). People withineach organization, including employers,supervisors, workers and health and safetygroups are jointly responsible for safety inthe workplace.

While the goal of workplace safetyis one that no employer would everdispute, it is difficult for mostemployers to keep abreast of therapidly growing list of safetyrequirements and implement thenecessary initiatives.

Strangely enough, the first step towardsachieving this goal is neither expensive nortime-consuming. The development of astrong safety culture must be established toensure all individuals within the organizationtake full responsibility for safety in theworkplace. Cost effective programs existthat will assist in achieving this goal, savingorganizations both time and money.

A strong safety culture in theworkplace includes:

1. Competence, where all individualshave the appropriate knowledge andtraining in regards to safety.

2. Commitment, where all individualscomply with safety policies andprocedures and do not tolerate poorsafety practices of others.

3. Capacity, where the organization hasresources to prevent injuries.

A strong safety culture can beestablished in any organization, butonly if the leadership is fully committed

to its implementation. Management mustset the tone in order to ensure participationfrom all employees in the workplace. Thekey is to understand that workplace safety iseveryone’s responsibility.

Shyamala Nathan-Turner is the Vice-President of F.A.S.T. Rescue. F.A.S.T.Rescue are health and safety expertsoffering training, supplies and consultingsolutions that help make employees safe inthe workplace. You can follow them onFAST Rescue @Fast_Rescue and read theirblog on www.fast-rescue.com.

How to Comply with Safety Regulationsand Still Run Your BusinessBy Shyamala Nathan-Turner



57 Marsh HarbourAurora, OntarioL4G 5Y7


“Keeping your dreams . . . safe!”

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 6

When Jack Canfield invited me to co-author of Chicken Soup for the

Canadian Soul, no one in Canada had everdone this kind of book before.

I had no idea of the obstacles andchallenges I would encounter, norhow dramatically I would bechanged.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

When we began, everyone involved had adifferent opinion about the kind of storieswe should be seeking, so without any clearvision I just got started. When I invitedteachers to send me stories, I learned theywere using Chicken Soup books in theclassroom to inspire kids to read, and thento write their own stories. Suddenly Irealized that if did this book right, teachersmight use it in the classroom, and if I was aclassroom teacher, I would want every storyin the book to teach something aboutCanada. And that’s when my vision for thebook of history, heritage heroes and heartbegan to form. From then on it was like Ihad been set on fire. Creating this bookbecame a labour of love – completing itbecame my dream, and my passion made itpossible to overcome the obstacles that layahead.

Over the next couple of years I managed toget stories from Canadian icons like BarbaraUnderhill and Paul Martini, Paul Henderson,Kurt Browning, Natalie MacMaster and RickHansen. Often we would record theinterview, asking the person to tell theirstory from their heart, in their own words.Twice I heard the astonished reaction, “noone has ever asked me this before!” When Iasked Leslie Scrivener of The Toronto Star ifshe would write about the legacy of TerryFox especially for the book, she agreed. Itwas very exciting!

Despite the excitement, it became harderand harder to move forward. Why? Well, if itwas easy, everyone would do it – and noone had ever done this before.

On top of the professionalchallenge, by late 2000 I hadentered into a personal crisis. I nolonger knew how to keep going.

That was the state I was in on the April

morning of 2001 when I spoke with MarilynBell.

In 1954 at the age of 16, Marilyn Bell wasthe first person to swim across Lake Ontariofrom the American side to the Canadianside. I had often wondered what it wasabout her that had captured the hearts ofCanadians. I waited until I was really on topof my game before contacting her, as she isone of my heroes.

Marilyn’sfirst words were, “Janet, youneed to understand, I was not a star, not achampion. I was not the fastest or the best –I never won anything. But I was sodetermined.” She then told me the story ofher historic swim in her own words, whichbegan just after 11:00 pm on the night ofSeptember 8, 1954.

“We didn’t have any big spotlights,” sherecalled. “Gus, my coach, had a flashlight!And he shone it on the water in front of me,and said, ‘Marilyn, if you just swim towardsthis light, I will get you across this lake.’ Sothat’s what I did. For the rest of the night,with every stroke I reached into the lightand that’s how I got through the longest,darkest night of my life.”

As Marilyn talked for the next two and a halfhours, I said very little while the tears randown my face. She told me when shetouched the wall near the CNE around 8:15the next night, she heard the cheering of ahuge crowd. She was exhausted, hungry,cold, and basically asleep. But she hadpersevered – and she had finished! For the

last few hours she was in the water, she waslikely not swimming very fast or efficiently.She kept falling asleep, causing her to swimin circles. You wouldn’t attribute this to achampion or a hero.

But at the end of the day, how shereached the finish line didn’t matter.The only thing that mattered – andcaused her to be remembered asone of our greatest heroes insteadof vanishing into oblivion – was thefact that she didn’t stop.

I realized that was the answer to myquestion of how to keep going on the book.Just don’t stop. Don’t worry about doing itperfectly, or as fast or efficiently as someoneelse might expect. Just don’t stop. Nomatter what – don’t stop. And when I gotoff the phone, the tears still pouring downmy face, I stormed around my room anddeclared, “If that little girl could get acrossthat lake, I can darn well finish this book.And NOTHING is going to stop me.”

It was transformational. The determinationthat got Marilyn across the lake all thoseyears ago was given to me that day and Iwas forever changed. Armed with freshinspiration and a new perspective, I slowlygot back on track and was able to completethe book. By inspiring me to persevere andfinish, once again, Marilyn Bell didsomething extraordinary for Canada.

When we launched the book in September2002, it was the most exciting day of my life– it felt like I had won an Olympic Goldmedal! Canadian Soul became animmediate best seller, and over the nexteight years it sold over 118,000 copies,providing me with a new career as ainspirational speaker. It has been mygreatest honour to be the vehicle by whichthese books have come into the world, andI’m grateful every single day!

Janet Matthews is a writer, editor,professional speaker, and co-author of theCanadian Best seller, Chicken Soup for theCanadian Soul. In 2013 Janet co-authoredChicken Soup for the Soul – O Canada TheWonders of Winter. In 2014 she co-authored Chicken Soup for the Soul,Christmas in Canada. Learn more atwww.janetmatthews.ca.


Find Your Passion – and Just Don’t Stop!

By Janet Matthews

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 7


The Library Advantage for Small Business By Reccia Mandelcorn and Tim Neale

Small and medium businesses drive oureconomy, but developing a business is

more challenging than simply hanging up ashingle or creating a website. It takes vision,planning and a range of resources to growsuccess.

Businesses in Aurora need to look no furtherthan Aurora Public Library (APL) to find theresources they require. The library hasbooks on marketing, leadership and humanresources, as well as online databases ande-magazines that are accessible 24/7.Often, it’s not the lack of information that ischallenging, but simply knowing where tostart. How do you grab those importantdemographics? What are the industry

trends? Who are your competitors?

Tim Neale is a professional librarian at APLwhose portfolio includes business resources.He has worked in the for-profit world forMcGraw-Hill Ryerson, BMO and CIBC, aswell as serving as a librarian at the YorkUniversity Law Library and the Peter F.Bronfman Business Library.

Tim became a librarian because he isinterested in connecting people to theresources they need and helping businessesmeet their objectives. For example, if youwere looking for a local firm to help marketyour business, he would recommenddirectories like Scott’s Online or Reference

Canada. If you needed to hire staff, hewould recommend resources to help youscreen applicants and improve your hiringdecisions.

Small businesses often compete with muchlarger businesses that have access toresearchers or special libraries to help meettheir information needs. Tim’s role at APL isto provide that support free-of-charge toour local business community. Drop in tosee for yourself!

Reccia Mandelcorn is the Manager ofCommunity Collaboration and Tim Neale isthe Business Librarian at Aurora PublicLibrary.

Two of Tim’s “must-reads” are TheAdvantage: Why Organizational

Health Trumps Everything Else in Businessby Patrick Lencioni and Brief: Make aBigger Impact by Saying Less by JosephMcCormack.

In The Advantage,Lencioni argues that thehealth of yourorganization is yourbiggest opportunity forcompetitive advantage.Incorporating a model offour key disciplines,organizational clarity isachieved through thealignment of purpose andactivities. Put simply, ahealthy organization is

one where the managementteam has aligned itspurpose, objectives andactivities, and thendisseminates them to allmembers for buy-in. The

Advantage is wellwritten, concise andinformative withmany positivetakeaways for seniormanagers.

Executives and decision-makers do not have time towaste. In Brief, McCormackstresses that if you do notreach your point quickly whentrying to sell your idea orproduct, your message will belost. Presenting constructivesuggestions and tools you canuse to grab your audience’sattention, Brief provides a clearplan for delivering yourmessage so it gets heard.

Top Business Books at theAurora Public Library

Look for Tim’s reviews in upcoming issues ofChamber Connection. Membership to AuroraPublic Library is free to all members of the AuroraChamber of Commerce.

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 8


Financing Business Growth What you need to know before you go to the bank! By Marion Witz

Say you’ve got a smallbusiness in need of a loan.

You’re growing, and you’d likesome extra money for anexpansion project. Sales aregoing up, and you’re making anice profit. Should be an easysell to the bank, right?

Not necessarily, especially ifyou don’t do yourhomework, says Pat Latour,Senior Vice President,Financing and Consulting, atthe Business DevelopmentBank of Canada (BDC). “Ifyou’re going to expand, you’vegot to have a plan. If you don’t,you can jeopardize the rest ofthe business that is doing well,”he says.

Many businesses walk into abank’s office without the rightplanning—and then they’resurprised when their loanrequest is turned down.“Knowing the numbers is key.How will the expansion affectyour profitability?” Latour asks.

“Growing businesses needmore working capital becausethey’re often supportingadditional inventory and morestaff. And it often takes a whilefor the expansion to increaseprofitability,” Latour explains.“On the other hand, anexpansion can also lead tounexpectedly rapid revenuegrowth. Entrepreneurs shouldalso plan for that scenario andbe ready to use the extrarevenue to aim even higher,” he says.

How do you get your ducks in arow for a successful loanrequest? First, take time to workout your anticipated return oninvestment, including not justthe cost of the fixed asset, butalso the way your businessoperations will change as yougrow.

Second, it’s vital to think aboutyour timing when applying for a

loan. Businesses often wait toolong, Latour says. Instead, theyuse cash flow to finance majorexpansions or, even worse, waituntil they’re facing a cashcrunch to see the bank.

“One of the biggest reasonsbusinesses fail or an expansiondoesn’t succeed is a lack ofworking capital. It’s alwayseasier to get financingbeforehand than when you havea timing crunch,” he says.

Latour advises fast-growingbusinesses to meet their bankerevery year to get a pre-approved loan for capitalexpenditures, which they candraw on instead of tappingworking capital. Such a creditfacility also lets a business reactmore quickly to opportunities,since it doesn’t need to applyfor a new loan each time itneeds funds.

Change to Grow

Sean Darrah learned some ofthese lessons at his fast-growingfood services business, PaceProcessing. Starting from a1,500-square-foot space in

2001, it had grown to a 10,000-square-foot location by 2007.But even that space was maxedout, and Darrah wanted toexpand into a new, biggerbuilding. He had always usedworking capital to finance hisgrowth, but he now realized heneeded a loan for the costlyexpansion.

He was in for a surprisewhen he approached abank and was initially

turned down. Despitesales growth of 25 to 30

percent per year, he hadbeen spending all his

operating cash and writing offequipment every year. “Itlooked like we didn’t have manyassets,” Darrah says, who thenhired an accounting firm to help

him demonstrate his company’strue value.

The bank took another look andagreed to the loan, whichallowed Pace to move into itsown new 25,000-square-footbuilding in 2010. Darrah alsogot a line of credit for futurecapital spending. “Whatprevented us from taking thenext step was always spendingall our cash. It was really clearwe needed to change to grow.”

Marion Witz, President ofElizabeth Grant InternationalInc, is an author andentrepreneur based out ofToronto, Canada. This articlewas originally published forBDC Small Business Week.

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 9

We all know that the firstimpression is a lasting

impression. In the businessworld, how do you impress aperspective client or newcustomer? How do you projectconfidence, composure, a senseof authority, andprofessionalism? Posture.Posture projects strength andpoise.

We’ve heard it all before. Goodposture helps reduce thepossibility of neck injuries andback pain. It minimizes fatigueand pain from aching joints.Good posture allows for moreoxygen to reach your lungs andimproves blood circulation, fooddigestion and waste elimination.As beneficial as it is from theinside, good posture also hasmany benefits on the outside.

Your posture improves theimage you project by makingyou appear confident. Standtall in front of a mirror in yourbest suit, extending the crownof your head toward the ceiling,gently drawing your shouldersback and belly button in. Howdo you look? Now ask yourself:How do I feel? Standing tallmakes you look and feel goodin your clothes. Self-confidenceor even the appearance of self-confidence allows you to “sell”yourself or your business,whether you are in your firstyear of business or have 20years invested in your career.Maintaining an open andrelaxed posture will help keepprospective customers engagedduring a sale or negotiation.

Maintaining good posture isoften easier said than done andpossibly the last thing you thinkabout when presenting to aclient or addressing youremployees. Good posture is notabout standing in a militaryposition; it is a beautifulbalancing act. We should feel atease and comfortable when ourposture is correct.

How do weachieve goodposture? Withpractice. Success inbusiness comes withhard work. Goodposture develops asyou work to eliminatebad habits - don’tlet your posture lieabout youraccomplish-ments! Byperformingappropriateexercisesregularly, yourhard work will berewarded withpain-free posture byrestoring the naturalcurves of your spine.See the workout planbelow to get you started.

Office Workoutfor Good Posture

Doorway stretch: To open yourchest and create broadshoulders• Standing at a doorway, placeyour forearm against the doorframe, 90 degrees from yourshoulder. Lean forward gently(or take a small step forwardwith one foot) until you feel astretch. Hold for 30 to 45seconds. • Release the stretch from thisposition and slide your armhigher, to approximately 120degrees. Hold for another 30 to45 seconds. Repeat on theother side. Perform the stretchtwo to three times daily.

Wall pushups: To createstrength in your shoulders andupper back• Facing the wall, place yourhands at shoulder height andslightly wider than yourshoulders. Bend your elbowswhile keeping your bodystraight. Press back to extend

arms without locking yourelbows. Repeat 10 times.

Standing Leg Extension: Tostrengthen your pelvis for astable core• Facing the wall, extend yourleg straight back withoutallowing your back to extend.Move slowly and with purpose.Repeat 10 times per side.

Standing or Seated SideBending: To help keep yourmid-back flexible and makebreathing easier• Lift your arm up and sidebend to the opposite side. Ifstanding, avoid allowing yourhips to shift to one side. Ifsitting, keep both hips even onyour chair. Pause and take abreath. Return your arm to thestarting position. Repeat 10times and perform on theopposite side.

Seated Spine Stretch: For aflexible spine and healthy core• From a seated position, rollyour whole spine forward (don’tjust bend at your waist!) and rollback up, as if you are stackingyour spine one vertebrae at atime. Repeat eight times.

Remember, practice makes yourposture perfect! Find your spinewithin you and your business.

Lisa Bender, RMT is the StudioDirector at Spine Stretch StudioInc., a multidisciplinary wellnessoffice. Lisa is a STOTT PilatesCertified Instructor and iscompleting a diploma inOsteopathic Manual Therapy.You can follow Lisa on Twitter@SpineStretchPilates or@BenderPilates and learn moreat spinestretchstudio.com.


Your Spine is Your BusinessBy Lisa Bender

Call 1.800.598.2073

Extended Calling Hours

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 10

While youunderstand the

excellent compensationdeal you provide to youremployees, they may notrealize that vacationdays, RRSP matching,training opportunitiesand massages are all partof their rewards package.The Human ResourcesProfessionals Association(HRPA) provides sometips on how tocommunicate youremployees’ rewardspackage.

Ask an employee abouttheir compensationpackage and you mightget a very differentanswer from whatmanagement or the HRdepartment has to say.While it’s clear toemployers whatencompasses a worker’stotal rewards – pay,benefits, recognition andperformance, careerdevelopment andwork/life programs –often an employee willonly consider salary andbenefits. And that’stypically because theyjust don’t know whatkind of investment theorganization has made inthem.

Make a Statement

Jim Stoeckmann, asenior practice leader atWorldatWork, a not-for-profit knowledge leaderin total rewards,compensation and

benefits, suggests theeasiest way to relay thisinformation is via a totalrewards statement. “It’sa document that itemizeswhat the organization isinvesting in anemployee: salary,promotion or meritincrease or otherincreases received,variable payopportunities, medicalbenefits, time off,

retirement savings,training – anything with adollar value,” he says.“The statement shoulditemize everything, notjust so they understandthe investment, but alsoto remind them of all the

benefits they’re eligiblefor. Even things likepayroll taxes have to becommunicated soemployees reallyunderstand the totalinvestment organizationsmake in them.”

In drafting youremployee benefitsmaterials, don’t make themistake of assuming youraudience has the samelevel of knowledge as

you. When you’reexplaining procedures orcoverage, don’t leaveanything out and risksome seriouslydisgruntled employees,says Scott Watkinson, anemployee

communicationsconsultant. “Considermedical benefitscoverage. People mightget a procedure done,submit a claim, only tohave it rejected becauseit’s not covered underthe plan – and theydidn’t know,” he says.“It’s critically importantthat you spell thingsout.”

While detailing yourbenefits materials, try toavoid compensation andbenefits jargon. Useclear, plain language.

“Explain things in anintuitive way,” saysWatkinson. “Think thingsthrough step-by-stepfrom the beginning. Youhave to use examplesthat help peopleunderstand theimplications of thechoices you’re askingthem to make. Ratherthan giving a long-winded explanation ofeverything it might coverin very technical terms,you want to also justbreak it down usingrealistic examples.”


According to Watkinson,the only way to ensureyour benefits materialsare effective is throughtesting. Ideally, youshould be doing two setsof tests – an initial test tofind out what peopleunderstand their benefitsto be and their issueswith current materials,and a second test withreworked materials toensure clarity.


Communicating CompensationBy Duff McCutcheon

Continued on page 14

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If you live in Aurora or any ofthe surrounding communities,

it’s safe to say you’ve probablyheard of fraktals. Perhaps you’veeven had the pleasure of tastingthe 'spectacular chocolatecashew buttercrunch' once or twice, or several times - let’s face it, no one can havejust a few.

One bite of the sweet, crunchy,melt-in-your-mouth candy is all you need to understandthe buzz around the brand,which has flourished in Aurorasince 2005.

Ingrid Kulbach, fraktals creatorand founder, received so manyunsolicited testimonials over theyears that she was astounded bythe response. Although Ingridis extremely humble about her

success, she is veryproud of the positiveimpact fraktals has hadon the lives of others.“The feedback hasbeen incredible,” sheadmits.

Fraktals rose fromhumble beginnings tobecome an iconicAurora brand. Ingrid

recalls possessing anentrepreneurial spirit from ayoung age: “I’ve always beenself-driven,” she confessed. “Ijust like the idea oforchestrating a business, ofmaking things happen.”Although the idea of becomingan entrepreneur beganpercolating when she was in herteens, Ingrid did not embark onher own business until after asuccessful career in finance.

Upon graduating from theUniversity of Toronto, Ingrid

worked downtown on BayStreet, then overseas beforereturning home to start a family.Ingrid rekindled her financecareer in Toronto once herdaughters began school, but

the idea of running her ownbusiness started to gain steam.

When the time was right, shetook the plunge. Ingrid left thefinance world and participatedin the Women's Centre ofYork Region businessprogram, which was“extremely helpful.” Shehad the opportunity tocomplete a business planduring the nine-monthcourse, and gained somevaluable insight intostarting her small business.The York Region SmallBusiness Center was also“instrumental” in assistingIngrid, helping her to“avoid big mistakes” andproviding the informationalresources she required.

Ingrid didn’t invent butter-crunch, but took what she likedabout it to another level. Shebrought samples of her kitchenstove-top creation into heroffice, while her daughtersshared it with friends at school.

Ingrid received very enthusiasticfeedback about the “pure,lovely comfort food” she hadcreated. She decided to moveahead with her 'spectacularchocolate cashew buttercrunch’business, and became “laser-focused” on her work.

Ingrid remembers receiving veryimportant guidance: “you justhave to get out there and sell!”She was grateful her career infinance afforded her the salesskills she required, and startedcold-calling shops in Newmarketand Aurora. She found acompany interested in

packaging her product at aconference hosted by theWomen’s Centre, and was onher way to establishing thebrand we know and love today.

In terms of her involvement withthe Chamber, Ingrid states: “Ijoined right away. It wasextremely valuable toparticipate in the workshopsand the networking. I was veryactive and met so manybusiness colleagues in thecommunity who were extremelysupportive over the years.”

Ingrid began to grow herbusiness by getting involved invarious consumer tradeshows. Infact, her very first was theAurora Chamber Home Show in2005. She also participated inthe Chamber’s annual StreetFestival. “People would talkabout fraktals. People would gift it. Recipients would want to know where they could getmore.” Tim Jones, formerAurora Mayor, was veryinterested in her product and


What advice does Ingrid have to offerto budding entrepreneurs? “Learn asmuch as you can. Talk to lots of peoplethat have expertise. Be prepared for alot of hard work up front to getestablished. You will make mistakes;you just need to learn from them.”

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showed a lot of support. “Hehas been extremely enthusiasticthrough the years; my biggestfan in Aurora.”

In 2005, Ingrid incorporatedfraktals and secured a unit inAurora for her company’soperations. Although fraktalswas off to an incredible start,her foray into small business wasnot without its challenges. “Iworked seven days a week,especially in the early years.”Ingrid had to fine-tune theprocess in her new space, whilesimultaneously setting up theadministration and accounting.“It was new territory; I waslearning.”

When Ingrid needed help, shewasn’t afraid to ask. “I’m big onasking questions. I learn a lotfrom people who have moreexpertise.” She worked with acandy consultant, talked toother chocolatiers, andengaged in a lot of trial anderror.

Once she perfected her craft,she distributed her productthrough fine food stores, giftshops, corporate gifting, specialevents, tradeshows and a smallstore within her unit. When itcame to choosing retailers tocarry fraktals, Ingrid states “Iwas quite particular about agood fit. I would typicallypartner with gourmet foodshops.”

Ingrid has made a point aboutgiving back to the community.She has contributed to manylocal charities and organizations,donating her product to silentauctions as well as organizationssuch a Belinda’s Place,Southlake Hospital, Habitat forHumanity, NeighbourhoodNetwork, CHATS, and theCommunity Safety Village. “I’mhappy to help anywhere I can.It’s just natural to give back.”

What is Ingrid’s secret tosuccess? “Definitely work ethic,persevering, attention to detail,addressing every aspect of the

business and being proactive.”

When it comes to problemsolving, Ingrid affirms, “I willfind a solution. I’m a ‘make ithappen’ person.”

She believes in “working withintegrity. I make sure everythingis out in the open. I do what Isay I’m going to do.” Herbusiness philosophy involves“Working with respect for

everyone, both staff andcustomers, and providingoutstanding service and anexceptional product.”

Ingrid’s focus on quality is a keycomponent in the success of herbrand. “I worked hard to getvery high quality ingredients;very pure Belgian chocolate andmaple syrup.”

Ultimately, Ingrid could not haveachieved her dreams alone. “Iam so thankful for having such astrong team around me. Theyhave been crucial to the successof fraktals. They enjoy makingsuch an outstanding product.”

Despite everything fraktals hasachieved through Ingrid’sstewardship, being successfulin business means knowingwhen it’s time to move on.Demand for the product grewso intensely that Ingrid beganto feel concerned aboutmeeting the demand, mostespecially at Christmas.“Fraktals needed to grow; thebaby needed to walk.”

The expansion requiredexpertise that Ingrid knew wasbeyond her scope. She madethe decision to sell her business.

Ingrid is grateful to have found“really good people to purchasefraktals, with outstandingexpertise to take it to the nextlevel.” High volume productionis a completely differentbusiness, requiring a uniqueskill set.

She is excited about the futureof the company, and feelsconfident about her choice tomove on. “The fact that the

business is going into suchgood hands, and they can dowhat I can’t do, feels great.They really appreciate whatfraktals is all about.”

So what does the future hold forfraktals? Ingrid confirms“fraktals will be staying inAurora.” Fans will see anexpansion in distribution,increased availability of theproduct beyond its currentfooting in southern Ontario. As for Ingrid, she intends topursue a new venture, althoughshe isn’t quite sure of thedirection yet.










What makes fraktals so sublime? Whyhave fans been known to proclaimthemselves as “fraktalians?” Why didLance Brown, Sports Anchor for CTVNews Toronto, once describe fraktals as“the natural resource of Aurora?” Ingrid offers a simple answer: “becauseof the purity of the product, the flavouris exceptional.”

Continued on page 14

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fraktals continued from page 13

Communicating CompensationContinued from page 11

View the ChamberCALENDAR OF EVENTSand register online at www.aurorachamber.on.ca/events

Finally, what advice does Ingridhave to offer to buddingentrepreneurs? “Learn as muchas you can. Talk to lots ofpeople that have expertise. Beprepared for a lot of hard workup front to get established. Youwill make mistakes; you justneed to learn from them.”

Ingrid is keen to offer onerecommendation in particular:“Learn to present the uniqueaspects of your product or

service to your potential clientsor customers really well.”

Fraktals is located at 20Furbacher Lane, Unit 1 inAurora. Learn more atwww.fraktals.com, or contactinfo@fraktals.com. Fraktals areavailable at fine food shopsthroughout southern Ontario.Locally, you can purchasefraktals at Caruso’s andMaunder’s, and Nature’sEmporium and Vince’s inNewmarket.

Watkinson recommends one-on-one testing with employees.“Pick a representative cross-section, give them prototypesof the new materials, and askthem to do very specific tasks:‘tell me what your dentalcoverage for your children’sorthodontics is.’ They sit athome trying to work throughthe information on their ownand that’s the environment youneed to recreate if you’re goingto test them realistically.”


The employee’s supervisor ormanager is the best person toexplain the total rewardspackage. It is important to takethe time to ensure eachsupervisor is completely versedin their direct reports’ totalrewards elements, why they’reoffered and how to accessthem. “And remember thiscommunication works bothways,” says Stoeckmann. “Youcan learn from frontline leadershow rewards are perceived byemployees.”

When to Discuss

Communicating total rewardseffectively means using allavailable opportunities: initialrecruiting, sign-on andonboarding phases, as well asopportunities throughout theemployment relationship suchas promotions and transfers.

If you happen to know about

significant life events, likemarriage or children, takeadvantage of these times tocommunicate benefits thatrelate to this new life stage –like family medical and dentalbenefits, says Stoeckmann. “Youmight not know those specificoccasions, but if you know anemployee’s age you can inferthat they’d be more interestedin benefits as they hit their 30sand start having families, or areapproaching retirement.”

Strategic Rewards

Your organization’s rewardsstrategy is one of your biggestweapons in the war for talent. Ifyou study and understand yourlocal labour market and find outwhat the needs and interestsare, you can think through whatyou have to offer employeesand prospective employees, doa total rewards inventory of yourorganization and “thencommunicate that in a holisticfashion to employees andfrontline leaders,” saysStoeckmann. “It’s important tobe singing from the same songbook in terms of what you areas a company, what you investin employees and why you’vechosen that investment strategy.You’ve taken a look at yourtalent and their needs and triedto identify programs that youcan afford and that, in yourview, is going to attract, retainand motivate them.”

Duff McCutcheon iscommunications specialist atthe Human ResourcesProfessionals Association(HRPA). For more informationvisit www.hrpa.ca.

Your organization’srewards strategy isone of your biggestweapons in the war for talent.

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The Employer Leadership Council of York RegionMany employers lack the time,

information or tools to participate inthe development of a changing newworkforce. To develop strategies andimprove their hiring process, employersmust learn and respond to current trends toattract the right talent. Where can localemployers go to discuss challenges inrecruiting and retaining good employees?

Recently, the Employer Leadership Councilwas created. This unique forum has localemployers getting together and discussingcollective experiences, challenges andconcerns in recruiting and retaining goodemployees.

"From my perspective, the sharing ofinformation has been invaluable. Theoutcomes from these discussions beingelevated to policy makers will hopefullyproduce substantive results benefiting thebusinesses of York Region," said Lee

Whitwell, Controller of Chouinard Bros.Roofing in Aurora, a construction companythat has been family-owned for over 35 years.

Hugh Caines, General Manager of CleanRiver Recycling Solutions in Aurora said,"Participating in the Leadership Council hasprovided me the opportunity to networkwith other leaders within our localcommunities and share best practices toimprove each other’s businesses. Thecouncil has been a valuable platform to gainknowledge on the various services andresources within the region and supportemployers in recruiting and retainingtalent."

The Employer Leadership Council is aninitiative of the Workforce Planning Board ofYork Region and Bradford West Gwillimbury,who facilitates labour market planning anddevelopment at a local level. Al Wilson,

Executive Director of the WorkforcePlanning Board, is thrilled with this uniqueopportunity for employers to share theirconcerns and ideas with each other anddiscover possible solutions to improve theirworkforce.

The council is a partnership of York Region’semployers, Employment Ontario serviceproviders, educators and policy makers.Working together they:

• Review and discuss the trends in theworkforce

• Share ideas, challenges and best practices

• Identify required skills

• Foster sustainability strategies

• Discuss training and assessment tools

• Learn about Employment Ontarioservices, subsidies and incentives

Continued on page 16

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The Employer Leadership Council of YorkRegion is comprised of larger companiesthat have a minimum of 200 employees.Four Local Employer Councils have beendeveloped for Markham, Richmond Hill,Vaughan and the Northern 6 (Aurora,Newmarket, East Gwillimbury, BradfordWest Gwillimbury, Georgina, King andWhitchurch-Stouffville). Each of these localcouncils consist of businesses that employfive to 200 employees.

Ted Chant, President of the Chant Group,said “We have been pleasantly surprisedwith the outcomes to date of ourparticipation in the Council. The widevariety of industry participants that haveassembled (with respect to scope and

nature of businesses, mix of employmenttypes and the local, regional, national andinternational market context of participants)and their willingness to openly share boththe employment challenges they face andthe manner in which they are addressingthese challenges has caused us to moveoutside our “conventional ways ofthinking.” We are now critically reviewingour own recruiting, hiring and employeeretention practices."

Developing their workforce in challengingtimes, local employers are talking andlearning together to plan and developsolutions to attract the right employees.

You can be part of the discussion too!

If you would like additional information or to apply to join a Local EmployerCouncil, please contact Andy Hewitson,Employer Liaison, 647-248-7559,andyhewitson@iib.ws or visitwww.employleadership.ca.

The Employer Leadership Council of York Region Continued from page 15

The Employer Leadership Council of York Region

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7 Networking Tips for Introverts, Extroverts & the Socially AwkwardBy Christine Desmarais

In terms of networking, introverts, extrovertsand the socially awkward can all benefit byheeding seven pieces of advice, accordingto Jacqueline Whitmore, etiquette expertand author of Poised for Success:Mastering the Four Qualities ThatDistinguish Outstanding Professionals.Here's what she says you need to do tomake the most of networking opportunitiesand garner valuable connections.

Manage your expectations.If you're attending some kind of networkingevent, you don't have to put pressure onyourself to meet a lot of people. "You cango to an event and be there for 20 to 30minutes and make a great connection justby talking to one or two people," she says."One quality conversation is more beneficialthan 20 superficial ones."

Plan some ice-breakers ahead oftime.Find out who will be at an event, andresearch the people you want to meet bylooking them up on Google or LinkedIn."Come up with a few questions as icebreakers," Whitmore advises. "My typicalgo-to questions always revolve around foodand travel, because everybody loves to eatand most everybody loves to travel."

Set a time limit.Instead of committing to stay for theduration of an event, tell yourself you'll onlyhang out for an hour, or some other chunkof time you're comfortable with. The point isto take the pressure off yourself and justshow up.

Ask for an introduction.Find someone who knows everyone and askthat person – maybe the individual hostingthe event – to connect you with whomeverit is you want to meet. "When you asksomeone to introduce you, it holds a lotmore weight versus going up to someoneand introducing yourself, because theperson you're being introduced to sees youin a different light if somebody ofimportance or someone in authority isbringing you up to them," Whitmore notes.

Practice empathetic listening.Put yourself in another person's shoes, and

listen with the goal of learning something."When you ask the person a question, listen… with the intent to understand and also toestablish a connection with that person,because people tend to remember peoplethey have a connection with."

Share personal stories.Your personal stories are what make youinteresting and memorable. If you said tome "Oh, I love that pin you're wearing," Icould say "Oh, thank you" and leave it atthat. Or, I could say "Oh, thank you. This ismy grandmother's pin, and it came fromEngland. When she was 12 years old, herfather gave it to her." And it's "Oh, really?My family is originally from England."

Practice every day.The more you network, the easier it gets,but you have to keep doing it. You canexercise this muscle during the course ofevery work day by getting up, walkingaround, and starting brief conversationswith co-workers.

The content of this article was taken from apiece originally published on August 15,2014 by the Huffington Post atwww.huffingtonpost.com, via www.inc.com.The site was launched in 1996 with smallbusiness ideas, information, inspiration, andpractical advice.

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Alliance Pharmacy Group Inc.Nilesha Patel, Customer RelationsManager20 Furbacher Lane, Unit 2-4Aurora, ON L4G 6W1 905-713-3944nilesha.patel@apgrx.cawww.apgrx.caAlliance Pharmacy Group (APG) operatesfully accredited pharmacies serving all ofCanada. APG will cost-effectively andconveniently fill your prescriptions to ensureyou get the best value for your time andmoney.

Andrew Edge -ArbonneInternationalAndrew Edge, PartnerKeswick, ON 647-430-3372

andrewtedge@gmail.comwww.julieandrew.myarbonne.caWe are a premium, Swiss-formulated, veganhealth and wellness company. Throughcomplimentary consultations and pure, safe,beneficial products we help people lead abetter life from the inside out by makinghealthier choices in their daily lives.

The Art JournalistCassandra Russell, Self Care Expertfor Wealth &

Well BeingBradford, ON 905-778-9926

cassandrarusselldesign@gmail.comwww.theartjournalist.comGet help increasing your well-being andwealth through my workshops, speakingevents and programs. Learn more aboutself-promotion and self-esteem building fora notable life. Learn countless wonderfulways to promote yourself. Start bycollecting a free e-book atwww.theartjournalist.com.

Aurora SportsHall of FameNancy Black, ProjectManagerc/o Sport Aurora, 100 John West WayAurora, ON L4G 6J1647-632-6911

project.manager@aurorashof.cawww.aurorashof.caThe Aurora Sports Hall of Fame is acelebration of sport history and excellence,dedicated to recognizing the importantplace that sport has assumed within thefabric of Aurora. Every person who valuesthe contribution of sport to our communityand country is a part of thatcommemoration.

Barbara Brindle - RE/MAX HallmarkYork Group Realty Ltd., BrokerageBarbara Brindle, Broker of Record15004 Yonge StreetAurora, ON L4G 1M6 905-727-1941barbara@webuildcareers.cawww.aurorahomesandcondos.comWe are extremely proud of our business andtake on the responsibility of helping to growour industry in the hearts and minds of ourconsumers. We deliver professional serviceto everyone we are privileged to serve. Weare not bystanders in the communities weserve.

CADS CanadaIncorporatedCliff Davies, PresidentAurora, ON 905-727-2244cadscaninc@bell.net

CADS Canada Inc. is a research anddevelopment project that aims to producea prototype of a Computerized AutomaticDriving Simulator, similar to a FlightSimulator, which can be used to train andevaluate all forms of vehicle drivers.

Canadian Disc InstituteDr. Brian Moore, Director15000 Yonge StreetAurora, ON L4G 1M6 905-727-1817docmoore@rogers.comwww.canadiandiscinstitute.comThe Canadian Disc Institute is a specializedfacility dedicated to patients with severedisc conditions. VAX-D, combined withother disc-specific therapies, provides ascientifically proven and successfultreatment for patients with serious back andneck pain – even when all else has failed.This non-surgical treatment reverses internalpressure and enables the disc to heal fromthe inside out.

Chris Ballard, MPP, Newmarket-AuroraChris Ballard, MPP201-14845 Yonge StreetAurora, ON L4G 6H8905-750-0019

cballard.mpp.co@liberal.ola.orgwww.chrisballard.onmpp.caI am honoured to be the new MPP forNewmarket-Aurora. I am committed toworking hard for the community andrepresenting your voice at the OntarioLegislature. If I can help you, please contactmy community office.

D&D MeatsTony DeMaria, Owner77 Victoria Street WestAlliston, ON L9R 1V5 705-435-8560d-dmeats77v1@live.cawww.d-dmeats.com

Digital Line Studio Inc.Pamela Byer, General Manager9-158 Don Hillock DriveAurora, ON L4G 0G9 289-466-5425pamela@designlinestudio.cawww.designlinestudio.caDesign Line Studio is a full-service interiordecorating and design studio specializing inboth residential and commercial projects.We create spaces that matter.


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Digital MarketingExperts - MGMCMaryam Golabgir,FounderAurora, ON 416-629-9876

info@digitalmarketingexperts.cawww.digitalmarketingexperts.caDigital Marketing Experts specialize insearch engine optimization, search enginemarketing, mobile marketing, website wireframe set up, and social media marketingservices for small to medium-sizedbusinesses at affordable prices. Visitwww.digitalmarketingexperts.ca for moreinformation or call us toll free: 1-866-368-4222.

Green Side UpLandscapeJay Saveall,Owner

Aurora, ON 905-392-7123jay@greensideuplandscape.comwww.greensideuplandscape.comGreen Side Up is an Aurora-based companythat was established in 2000. Our corebusiness values are focused aroundintegrity, quality of workmanship, andadding value. Whether it's our propertymaintenance or landscape constructiondivision, we help beautify commercial andresidential properties in Aurora. Green SideUp was voted “2013 Landscape Contractorof the Year” by homestars.com.

Heddeka Business and LeadershipConsultingKelli Collins, PartnerAurora, ON 647-963-2131kelli@heddeka.cawww.heddeka.ca

Julia Mazlymian - Counselling & PlayTherapyJulia Mazlymian, MA, CertifiedCounsellor/Playtherapist308-9011 Leslie StreetRichmond Hill, ON L4B 3B6 647-709-4124playtherapyontario@outlook.comwww.playtherapyontario.com

Kelly ParalegalServicesPatrick Kelly, P1,PrincipalAurora, ON 416-938-0137

patrick.den.kelly@gmail.comwww.actionproslegal.caKelly Paralegal Services and Action ProsLegal are paralegals serving Aurora and thesurrounding communities. We cover small

claims court, landlord and tenant issues,provincial offences including traffic ticketsand many other areas of law. We are proudsupporters of the Aurora Chamber ofCommerce.

Lumawiz Inc.Dr. Peter Lau, PhD, President128 Industrial RoadRichmond Hill, ON L4C 2Y3 289-637-8553peter@lumawiz.comwww.lumawiz.comLumawiz is a dynamic science, technology,enterprise and media consulting firm basedin Richmond Hill and Markham. Ourcompany is founded on a mission tosupport small businesses and bio/tech start-ups in achieving maximum businessproductivity by securing funding sources,improving technological operations,acquiring contracting opportunities, andaugmenting online-marketing strategies.

N2N ConsultingServices Inc.Vivien Cheng,Payroll ConsultantAurora, ON 416-660-2586

vivien@n2nconsulting.netwww.n2nconsulting.netNeed help with a payroll situation? N2NConsulting offers advice, service andsolutions regarding a wide array of payrollrelated scenarios. Vivien brings more than30 years of experience as a Payroll Specialistand HR Generalist in the corporate world.N2N covers all areas of payroll includingworkflows, audits, fraud investigations,software implementation, and acquisitions.

Offen PoloDave Offen,Partner6-14845 YongeStreet Suite 268

Aurora, ON L4G 6H8 647-620-4533dave@offenpolo.comwww.offenpolo.comIs polo on your bucket list? Life is short, whynot try polo? Offen Polo offers expertinstruction in a safe environment for anyone,including those who have never riddenbefore. Our services include private andgroup lessons, clinics, corporate events andspecial occasions, horse sales, leasing, andboarding.

Organics Live GTA NorthRafael Minassian, Owner313-16 Industrial Parkway SouthAurora, ON L4G 0R4 289-203-1736rafael@organicslive.comwww.organicslive.comOrganics Live delivers 100 percent certifiedorganic food, with better variety, freshnessand prices up to 20 percent less than retail.Organics Live is a weekly subscriptionservice with no minimum commitment thatdelivers "best of season" fruits andvegetables the same day we receive them.

Original PaniniLinda Ferraro, Partner265 Edward Street Unit 3-4Aurora, ON L4G 3M7 905-503-5788paniniitalian@gmail.comwww.originalpanini.com

Oxley MarketingGroupDmitri Sennikov,President &Marketing ConsultantAurora, ON

647-694-5032 dmitri@omg.co omg.coWe are a boutique, small businessmarketing agency, providing a full range ofmarketing services from branding and printto online advertising, website design, directmail, marketing automation and more. Visitomg.co/5systems for our free e-book "5Core Systems to Successful Marketing forSmall Business."

Patricia Greco - TD Wealth PrivateInvestment AdvicePatricia Greco, Investment Advisor220 Commerce Valley Drive WestRichmond Hill, ON L3T 7M6416-817-2478patricia.greco@td.comwww.td.comWhat kind of legacy do you wish to buildand protect for yourself and your family?The foundation of what I offer as a trustedadvisor is built on a one-on-onerelationship, disciplined approach andpersonalized financial solutions that areright for you at every stage of life.


Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 19

Connect with the AuroraChamber on Social Media Join the conversation and stay informed!





Find us on Instagram: AuroraChamberON


Return To Health Chiropractic Inc.Dr. Leesa Sanchez, DC, Owner5-15570 Yonge StreetAurora, ON L4G 1P2 905-751-1115info@returntohealthchiro.cawww.returntohealthchiro.caWe are pleased to offer family-friendlychiropractic care and registered massagetherapy. We help patients reach their healthand wellness goals through full-servicechiropractic, computerized postureevaluation, personalized exercise programs,and specific techniques to meet individualneeds. Custom orthotics, pillows, tractionequipment, and vitamins are available. Callfor your complimentary assessment.

SOS - Success On StandbyLynn Alcock-Ince, OwnerAurora, ON 905-505-0690incel@bell.net

Svelte Studio Pilates & FitnessDana Morgan, Founder44-2 Orchard Heights BoulevardAurora, ON L4G 3W3 905-727-8888info@sveltepilatesstudio.comwww.sveltepilatesstudio.comOur boutique-style studio specializes insmall group training. Join us for PilatesReformer, TRX, indoor water-rowing, barreand more. Our passion for health, fitnessand service will motivate you. Our state ofthe art equipment and clean, welcomingdécor will inspire you. Discover your perfectworkout and #Fallinlovewithfitness.

Tandem Thinkers Inc.Doug LeitchHolland Landing, ON 905-868-5798dougleitch@tandemthinkers.cawww.tandemthinkers.caTandem Thinkers provides business strategyand execution, working in tandem with youand your resources. Innovative marketingstrategy, turnkey project ownership,compelling presentations and reports, andprofessional proofing and permissions arejust a few of the ways we bring cost-effective, productivity differences to you.Fresh thinking on your side!

Terry Eckert - Keller Williams Realty,BrokerageTerry Eckert, Sales Representative16945 Leslie Street Unit 27-29 Newmarket, ON L3Y 9A2 905-727-7048terryeckert@bell.netwww.terryeckert.caAfter operating Decorating Works! in Aurorafor the past 20 years, I recently decided tomake the transition into the real estate salesfield. Given my vast experience indecorating and home staging, as well as mypassionate commitment to customerservice, the move has been seamless andextremely rewarding.

Total CleanCaroline Pietrangelo,Regional Director35 Connaught AvenuieAurora, ON

L4G 1C5 416-834-7899info@totalclean.ca www.totalclean.caWith a combined 20 years of experience,Total Clean provides everything frommaintenance and construction cleaning tofloor care. Our ethical outlook on businessrelationships is the key to our long lastingrelationships with clients. Our level ofdedication to every customer, large or small,does not change, and it never will.

Tutor DoctorJennifer Brannon, Owner905-862-2863 jbrannon@tutordoctor.comwww.tdtutoring.comTutor Doctor provides students withaffordable, professional, one-on-one,individualized tutoring services in thecomfort of their own home.

Wellness WiseDolly Bhatia-Frolick, OwnerStouffville, ON 647-269-0817info@wellnesswise.cawww.wellnesswise.ca


The Aurora Chamber offers a free service to members whoexport goods internationally by endorsing Certificates ofOrigin (CO). A CO is a document attesting that goodsexported in a shipment have been wholly obtained,produced, manufactured or processed in a particularcountry. A CO may be necessary to satisfy customs ortrade requirements.

Call our office at 905-727-7262 for an appointment.

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 20


New Member to Member Discounts

View all M2M discounts available exclusively toAurora Chamber members atwww.aurorachamber.on.ca/special-offers.

Andrew Edge of Arbonne is offeringAurora Chamber members a free PreferredClient membership, which provides a 20percent discount on all products andservices.

Digital Marketing Experts is offeringAurora Chamber members a free businesssubmission to an online business directoryat www.efor.biz. Add your companyinformation, as well as photos or videos ofyour products and services, free of charge.

Green Side Up is offering Aurora Chambermembers a 10 percent discount on 2014-2015 winter services for both residentialand commercial properties.

Organics Live is offering Aurora Chambermembers a $15 discount on their firstorder. Call or register online using promocode ACC15off upon checkout.

Staples is offering Aurora Chambermembers a 20 percent discount on all in-house copy and print services.

Svelte Studio is offering Aurora Chambermembers a $50 discount on a 10-visit flexi-pass.


Lumawiz officially incorporated theirbusiness in August 2014 after four years offounding and two years of activeoperation. Going forward the company willbe known as Lumawiz Inc. A second officelocation has been opened at 7271 WardenAvenue in Markham. Congratulations!

L.H. Lind Realty Inc., Brokerage hasjoined the RE/MAX brand and is pleasedto announce their new operating name,RE/MAX Hallmark Lind Group RealtyLtd., Brokerage. For more information visitwww.hallmarklindrealty.com.

Park Place Manor is pleased to announcetheir new operating name, Chartwell ParkPlace Retirement Residence. For moreinformation visit www.chartwell.com.


Community Living Newmarket/Auroracelebrated their 60th anniversary inAugust. Congratulations!

Introducing LorieButkus-Hill, MemberRelationsAmbassadorLorie Butkus-Hilljoined the AuroraChamber ofCommerce team inSeptember as the

Member Relations Ambassador. Pleasecontact Lorie at 905-727-7262 Ext. 22 orl.butkushill@aurorachamber.on.ca for allmembership needs and advertising sales.Welcome Lorie!

2013-2014 Annual General MeetingThe Annual General Meeting was held onThursday, October 9, 2014 at OakviewTerrace. The 2013-2014 Audited FinancialStatements and year-end reports werepresented. The 2014-2015 Board ofDirectors, made up of volunteers

representing various sectors of the generalmembership, was elected. Please see thenominations list beside What’s Inside onpage 3. The role of the Board is to advisethe Chief Executive Officer and govern theChamber on behalf of its members,ensuring the viability of the organization.

Crystal Walsh hastaken on a newposition at theChamber, as theCommunications &MarketingSpecialist. She isresponsible for thewebsite, socialmedia, and

overseeing the quarterly ChamberConnection magazine and annual BusinessDirectory.

2014-2015 Business DirectoryThe 2014-2015Aurora ChamberBusiness Directoryhas arrived! Use theDirectory oftenthroughout the yearto find localproducts andservices. Anelectronic version of the Directory is alsoavailable on our website atwww.aurorachamber.on.ca/ business-directory. Thank you for supporting AuroraChamber members and the local businesscommunity!





Visit the AuroraChamber’s website at

www.aurorachamber.on.ca.Shop local and support

our members!

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OUT & ABOUTMembers

Business After Five at Treefrog

Aurora Chamber Street Festival

Aurora Chamber 33rd Annual Golf Classic

Luncheon with Chris Ballard, MPP, Newmarket-Aurora Photos by: Crystal Walsh

Fall 2014 Magazine:Fall 2014 Newsletter 14-10-03 4:01 PM Page 22

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