fall 2011 esl newsletter

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A publication of the English as a Second Language Institute at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.


The ESL Globe

Fall 2011

A publication of the ESL institute University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Delving into English at Cumberland Caverns!

Journey to Cumberland Caverns by Steve Zhiming Li

Every semester, we have an exciting field trip. This semester’s field trip was no exception. Discovering Cumberland Caverns was exciting. It’s the most impressive thing in memory. I didn’t have any chance to discover any caverns in China, but I finally achieved my long cherished wish. Cumberland Caverns is located in the middle of Tennessee. It took us about one hour and thirty minutes to get there from Chattanooga. The caverns were discovered in 1810 and the place became a national natural landmark. When we first entered the caverns, we felt a little cold. And then the tour guide told us that the temperature remained a constant 56 degrees year round. It took about one hour to complete the tour. We saw a lot of interesting things. Unfortunately, we couldn’t take pictures in the caverns.

In this Newsletter Cumberland Caverns Or’s Hang Gliding Autumn Picnic International Buffet Shane’s Horseback Riding

Page 2 ● Fall 2011 ● Volume 2, Issue 1 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● http://www.utc.edu/Academic/ESL/


The Cookie Jar Cafe

Among the cookie jars.

We celebrate Suzanne’s birthday!

Old folks on the porch. Trinity, Kwan, Wade, and Mariela.

Braulio, Nasser, and Steve. Anne and Jane tour the cookie jars.

Teachers eat.

At the Cookie Jar Café.

Before we arrived at Cumberland Caverns, we had a memorable lunch at The Cookie Jar Cafe.

A grand restaurant for grand appetites.

The Cookie Jar Café is located out in the rolling Tennessee countryside near Dunlap, Tennessee. It’s a great opportunity to have a unique dining experience away from the hustle and bustle of the city. They offer a daily special -- a “meat and three.” The offerings range from grilled meatloaf, hamburger steak, and catfish, to sides such as greens, potatoes, okra, white beans, pinto beans, and cornbread dressing. The service, by the way, was first class. The desserts at The Cookie Jar Café are by far the best feature, as they are made fresh and the variety is huge and delectable. There are high shelves which run around the perimeter of the dining areas. Lined up on the shelves is a huge collection of cookie jars, and thus the name, The Cookie Jar Café.

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Folk Tales

Carolyn’s Reading & Writing Class

By Carolyn Randle | This semester Carolyn’s students learned how to apply reading skills such as sequencing, making inferences, identifying the main idea and details, and developing vocabulary through context by reading and discussing folktales. Students wrote summaries, scripts, different versions, and alternate endings of the stories. Here are some of the summaries Carolyn’s students wrote.

The Gingerbread Boy

Summarized by Husam Alkushiban | A husband and wife are baking a gingerbread boy cookie. He jumped out of the oven and out the window. Then he ran down the street. A rat tried to eat him but he ran too fast. Then he met some construction workers and he said, you can’t catch me if you want to eat me. Then they all ran after him. They wanted to catch him but he ran too fast. Then he met some musicians and said, if you want to eat me, follow me. Then he ran. He met a policeman on a horse and he said, you want to eat me, but you can’t catch me. They all followed him, but they couldn’t catch him. Finally, he met a fox and said, they all want to eat me, but they can’t catch me. If you want to eat me, follow me, but the fox said, no no, I don’t want to eat you. I want to help you, and the Gingerbread Boy said OK. But the fox was smart. The fox said, do you see the lake? I will take you to the other side and they can’t catch you. The Gingerbread Boy said ok. Then the fox took him on his back and swam in the lake. The fox said, you can’t run on the water, and if you swim, you will crumble. Then the fox ate him.


Summarized by Fawzia | Long ago a husband and wife didn’t have children. Then one spring the wife became pregnant. One day she saw rapunzel (an herb) in the garden behind her house. The garden belonged to a sorceress. The wife liked rapunzel. She told her husband to get her some. The husband stole rapunzel from the sorceress’ garden ten or twenty times. One time the witch caught the husband when he stole rapunzel. She asked him, “What are you doing in my garden?” “My wife likes rapunzel. If she doesn’t eat it she will die,” the husband said. The witch said, “You can take rapunzel, but I will take your baby when it is born.” Then the child was born and the witch took the child. She named the girl Rapunzel. The witch cared for the girl. The girl was beautiful and had long gold hair. When she became twelve, the witch took her into the forest to live in a high tower. The tower didn’t have a door; it just had one window that was at the very top. When the witch entered the tower she called, “Rapunzel, let down your hair.” Then the witch climbed the silky braids. For years Rapunzel lived alone in the tower. Then one day a king’s son came to the forest. As he came near the tower he heard a voice. It was Rapunzel singing to the birds. The prince wanted to climb up to her and look, but he couldn’t. He tried every day. One day he saw the witch and she called, “Rapunzel, let down your hair.” The next day the prince came to the tower and called, “Rapunzel, let down your hair.” She did, and she saw the prince. She was scared because this was the first time she saw a man. The prince talked to her like a friend. He came to her every day and they had their own marriage ceremony. When the witch knew Rapunzel met the Prince, the witch cut her hair and took her far away. Next day, the Prince came to the tower and called, “Rapunzel, let down your hair.” The witch let down the hair she cut and the Prince climbed it. The witch said Rapunzel was lost and she pushed the Prince down the tower. He hit his head and became blind. He walked in the forest for many years. Then he found Rapunzel with twin children. When he met his family, he cried and he could see. Finally, they lived a long and happy life.

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More Folk Tales

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed

Summarized by Mohannad Alkushiban | Once upon a time there was a man named John Chapman. The people called him Johnny Appleseed because he grew apple trees. He wore a cooking pot on his head, and a big sack he made for himself. The people thought Johnny was crazy because he talked to himself and gave people apple seeds for free. He always carried a seed bag everywhere he went. Johnny did not care what the people said about him. He loved nature, animals, children and planting apple seeds. When he was traveling across the USA to grow apple trees, Johnny became a friend to everyone he met. He had a lot of Indian friends. They thought he was a wise medicine man. When he was traveling, he met a wolf. The wolf’s foot was captured in a trap. Johnny helped him and they became friends forever. Johnny and the wolf traveled together. The wolf started to love Johnny. He didn’t bother the animals anymore. When the wolf drank water from the lake, there was a rabbit, squirrel, and some other animal near him. They drank the water too. Johnny and the wolf were together all the time everywhere Johnny went. One time when Johnny and the wolf were traveling between the farms, they passed near a chicken barn. The farmer saw the wolf and brought a gun and shot him. Johnny yelled to the farmer, “Don’t shoot! Stop!” But that didn’t stop the farmer. The bullet hit the wolf’s heart and killed him. Johnny was sad because his friend died. He buried the wolf in the forest. Later, a man found Johnny under an apple tree. He had died.

Moral: build with brick.

The Little Red Hen

Little Red Hen

Summarized by Kyeong Sook | Once upon a time a little red hen, chick, pig, duck, and goat lived together. One day Red Hen found a stalk of wheat. “With this stalk we can grow wheat to make into bread,” the hen told her chick. “Now who will help us plant this wheat?” “I won’t,” said the pig, the duck, and the goat. The Red Hen and Chick put on the water. After some time the wheat grew and it was time to harvest it. “We will have to do it ourselves.” So the Little Red Hen and her chick harvested all the wheat. “Now who will help us grind this wheat into flour?” “I won’t,” said everyone. So Red Hen and her chick worked hard to make the flour into bread. The Red Hen took the bread out of the oven. It smelled good. “Now who will help us eat it?” “I will,” said the pig, duck, and goat. “Oh no you won’t,” she cried. “You didn’t help us. Now my chick and I are going to eat it ourselves.”

Three Little Pigs

Summarized by Nasser Alharbi | Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They decided to build new houses. The first one made his house from straw because it was cheap and easy to use. Then the wolf came to the little pig and asked him to open the door, but he didn’t. Then the wolf said, “I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down.” Then he blew the house down. The pig ran to his brother. His brother made his house from twigs. The wolf followed the first pig. When he arrived, he said, “Little pigs, open the door.” But they said no. Then the wolf said, “I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down.” And he blew the house down. The little pigs ran to their brother. The third pig made his house from brick, so the wolf couldn’t blow his house down, and he went away. The pigs learned a lesson and made their houses from brick.

Page 5 ● Fall 2011 ● Volume 2, Issue 1 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● http://www.utc.edu/Academic/ESL/


Shane Rides Horseback; Or Eitani Hang Glides

Or. The sky is not the limit.

By Or Eitani | My first hang gliding experience took place about a month ago on Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga. I always had the dream of flying, so shortly after I arrived in Chattanooga, I decided that I wanted to try hang-gliding. First Let me tell you a little about hang gliding, Hang gliding is an air sport in which a pilot flies a light and unmotorized foot-launchable aircraft called a hang glider. Most modern hang gliders are made of an aluminium alloy. The pilot is ensconced in a harness suspended from the airframe, and exercises control by shifting body weight in opposition to a control frame. In the sport's early days, pilots were restricted to gliding down small hills on low-performance hang gliders. However, modern technology gives pilots the ability to soar for hours, gain thousands of metres of altitude in thermal updrafts, perform aerobatics, and glide cross-country for hundreds of kilometres. Although hang gliding Is very fun, it has traditionally been considered an unsafe sport. It might sound scary, but once you are in the air, you feel free like never before in your life (it’s pretty cold up there, so I recommend wearing warm clothes). I recommend hang gliding to anyone who wants to feel how it is to hang in the air at 4,000 feet. And another thing—it’s not very cheap, so be ready to pay about $200.

Or Eitani? Is that you soaring at 4000 feet?

Shane! Come back!

By Shane | Before coming to USA, I had dreamed of something special for a long time. That was horseback riding. I like horses. Why? Because …….? “I don’t know.” But I just wanted to run fast on the wide ranch or wild field and sometime roam on the grass and in the forest. Horseback riding meant something like “Exit” for me, like “escape” from the big city. I was just a city mouse that envied the “country mouse.” Unfortunately, until recently, I had never had a chance to try horseback riding. Like most people who live in a huge metropolitan city, where more than 20,000,000 people are living there, my usual life was so busy (working hard, friends, etc). Even though I had enough time to do some things, I couldn’t just anything I liked. I only left my dream in my mind. One day, last December, I visited my wife’s sister who lived in Chattanooga. At that time, I was reminded of my dream about horses in my mind, and I looked for it. I knew that my dream would come true. After that I decided to take some time from my work. As soon as I went back to Korea, I asked my company to take time off for a few years, then I got my real free time. Finally, I’m here now. I’m in Chattanooga. Actually I started learning horseback riding 3 months ago. Every Friday, I go horseback riding and I enjoy it with my “Kissy”. Kissy is my lovely partner, a 2-year-old mare (female horse). Sometimes I feel that I communicate with Kissy. She is just like my friend and daughter. For 3 months I have learned 3 steps of horseback riding skills. There are 4 steps in horseback riding. Step 1) Walking Step 2) trot ----- to walk fast Step 3) canter ---- to run softly Step 4) gallop ----- to run very fast I just reached to 3/4 of horseback riding skill. But that’s not all that I have to learn. There are so many other skills in horseback riding. It would be hard time to learn everything and will take so much time. But I won’t give up. Until my dream comes true, I’ll keep going on. Tonight I imagine that I run with my horse against a background of burning red sky. Like another ‘Shane’ – It would be like such a scene out of a movie. What a wonderful life; oh! Peace of mind.

Page 6 ● Fall 2011 ● Volume 2, Issue 1 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● http://www.utc.edu/Academic/ESL/


International Buffet

By Anne Rittenberry | The idiom “the best of both worlds” certainly applied when the ESL students and teachers threw a delicious international pot luck lunch in the new break room in Metro. The worlds of Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Tennessee came together to delight the palates of all of us. It was fun to experience the major music festival in our adopted city, Chattanooga. In addition to students and teachers, Jane had invited two guests from the English department to join us, Dr. Joe Wilferth, Head of the department, and Heather Grothe, administrative assistant to Dr. Wilferth. Unfortunately, Dr. Wilferth was unable to attend because he was teaching the class of a sick colleague in the department. Lucky for us, Heather Grothe was able to attend and she had a wonderful time. The tables in the break room groaned with the heavy weight of platters, bowls, trays, pans, and dishes filled with marvelous looking foods. As we gathered around the table, remarks were heard such as “What is this? It looks great!”; Wow, who made this?”; and “I’ve gotta try this one!” and “This one looks delicious!”

The best of many worlds.

Marvelous traditional Asian dishes such as Shane’s bulgogi, Korean barbecued beef, and Chloe’s kimchee seafood pancake brought the tastes of South Korea to the table. Kyeong Sook also brought Korean foods: rice, kimchee, and sausage. Winnie’s Tawanese boiled eggs flavored with tea and spices were yummy along with Trinity’s spring rolls with turkey and pork, a taste of Viet Nam. Steve brought China to the feast with a plate of orange chicken and salt and pepper shrimp. Contributing chicken fried with cashew nuts and chili, a Thai favorite, was Kwan. The Middle East was represented by tasty hummus and motabl, an eggplant dish made by Haitham and Rayan. Also, Moe, Nasser, and Husam brought a fancy version of the most popular foods in Saudi Arabia, dates, which come from the date palm tree. Fawzia brought another Saudi treat, kanafah, a sweet cake with angel hair pasta. Or Eitani brought eitahi and tabouleh salad, a zesty salad made from parsley and bulgar wheat, which is a favorite all over the Middle East including his native Israel. Aziz contributed ghalia, an Arabian stew of tomatoes and other vegetables and tabouleh. A Latin zest enlivened the table with Sam and Andréa’s arepas, corn bread tortillas stuffed with ham and cheese. For dessert, Braulio’s zuspiros, delectable cookies made light as air with egg whites, and Mariela’s sweet and smooth Mexican custard dessert, called carlota, finished the meal off beautifully. Maria’s flan was absolutely perfect as well. American foods were yummy Dunkin’ Donuts brought by Kevin; pineapple punch brought by David; down home favorites baked beans and potato salad, brought by Carolyn; a cranberry cobbler brought by Linda; pumpkin and sweet potato pie brought by Suzanne; fried chicken, cider and a cake, brought by Jane, and tossed salad brought by Anne.

Sweet dates made even sweeter.

Kwan’s Thai cuisine.

An Asian delicacy.

An Asian buffet.

Shane’s bulgogi.

Everyone ate until totally stuffed, enjoyig every bite and being together. This pot luck banquet offered delicious food as well as wonderful friendships. If all the world could come together as ourstudents and teachers did at this lunch, sharing and appreciating each other’s foods and cultures, what a better place this world could be.

Fresca & Pineapple Juice

Mix half Fresca and half pineapple juice over chipped ice for a sparkly, citrus-y drink—great for the holidays! The chipped ice (rather than chunk ice or ice cubes)

adds to the breezy coolness of the beverage.

Page 7 ● Fall 2011 ● Volume 2, Issue 1 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● http://www.utc.edu/Academic/ESL/


Pad Thai

Orange Chicken

By Steve | Orange Chicken

Ingredients: Chicken, potatoes, orange, flour, salt, sugar, vinegar, ketchup. soy sauce, water 1. Wash chicken, potatoes and orange. 2. Peel the potatoes and orange (Don't throw away orange peel). 3. Dice chicken and potatoes, slice the orange peel. 4. Wrap chicken in flour and then deep-fry chicken and potatoes. 5. Fry chicken and potatoes until the color of their surface looks golden, take them out and drain away the oil. 6. Get a new pan, turn on the fire, spread the butter or pour a little oil, put the orange peel into the pan, stir-fry it, combine ketchup, soy sauce and vinegar, sprinkle a little salt and sugar. 7. Simmer the sauce, then take a bowl, mix the flour and water, pour it into the sauce and let it thicken (pour in the mixture as needed until you feel it's thick enough). 8. Put chicken and potatoes into the pan, let the sauce cover the chicken and potatoes, then put them into a dish.

Orange Chicken

Pad Thai

Fun Fact: The Fortune Cookie is Japanese, not Chinese. The

Chinese popularized it, though, and the Americans eat it. It's barely known in China and Japan.

Fun with food.

By Kwan |

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus extra as needed 1 teaspoon chopped garlic 1 tablespoon dried shrimp, optional 1/2 cup whole shrimp, shelled and deveined 1 tablespoon (shredded) preserved radish 1/4 pound medium-size dried rice noodles (soaked 60 minutes in cold water and drained) Water 5 tablespoons Pad Thai sauce, recipe follows 2 large eggs 1/2 teaspoon ground hot chiles, or more to taste 2 tablespoons ground roasted peanuts 1/2 cup sliced garlic chives or green onion 2 cups bean sprouts, rinsed, plus more for garnish 1 wedge lime

Directions: Heat the oil in a wok. Add the garlic and stir-fry until golden brown. Add the shrimp and keep stirring until the shrimp changes color. Remove the shrimp to prevent overcooking and set aside. Add the noodles. They will stick together so stir fast and try to separate them. Add a little water, stirring a few times. Then add the Pad Thai sauce, and keep stirring until everything is thoroughly mixed. The noodles should appear soft and moist. Return the cooked shrimp to the wok. Push the contents of the wok up around the sides to make room to fry the eggs. If the pan is very dry, add 1 more tablespoon of oil. Add the eggs and spread the noodles over the eggs to cover. When the eggs are cooked, stir the noodles until everything is well mixed--this should result in cooked bits of eggs, both whites and yolk, throughout the noodle mixture. Add chillies, peanuts, garlic chives and bean sprouts. Mix well. Remove to a platter. Serve with raw bean spouts and a few drops of lime juice. Pat Thai Sauce: 1 cup tamarind juice 1 cup palm sugar plus 3 tablespoons 1 cup water 1/2 cup fish sauce 2 teaspoons salt Mix all ingredients in a saucepan for about 60 minutes until it is well mixed and syrupy. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.

Page 8 ● Fall 2011 ● Volume 2, Issue 1 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● http://www.utc.edu/Academic/ESL/


Chattanooga Ducks—Quack! Quack!

Kwan and friends.

A fun day out with her cousin, Amy. Not a bus, not a boat.

The DUKW (colloquially known as duck) is a six-wheel-drive amphibious truck that was designed by a partnership under military auspices of Sparkman & Stephens and General Motors Corporation (GMC) during World War II for transporting goods and troops over land and water and for use approaching and crossing beaches in amphibious attacks. Designed to last only long enough to meet the demands of combat, productionized Ducks, a modification of the 2-ton capacity "deuce" trucks used by the US military in World War II, were later used as tourist craft in marine environments.

The designation of DUKW is not a military acronym; rather, the name comes from the model naming terminology used by GMC:

"D" indicated a vehicle designed in 1942,

"U" meant "utility",

"K" indicated front-wheel drive,

"W" indicated two powered rear axles.

Decades later, the DUKW designation was explained erroneously by writers such as Donald Clarke who wrote in 1978 that it was an acronym for "Duplex Universal Karrier, Wheeled.” This mistaken explanation is likely a backronym fabricated by someone unaware of GMC naming practice.

Principal military users of DUKW

Australia – 535

Canada – approximately 800

France -

Soviet Union – 586

United Kingdom – approximately 2,000

United States -

Kwan rides a mighty duck.

By Kwan During the fall break my cousin and I decided to spend a special time touring downtown. We went on an adventure with the Chattanooga Ducks. This was our first time to ride in an antique military vehicle, so we were so excited. We got a lively captain who gave us a fun and animated history of the city.

We got a little history about WWII and the DUKW. The DUKW vehicles are the real thing, produced during the war. It was exciting to ride something that's part of history. We also got a lot of background of the town Chattanooga and the river. We traveled around a couple of blocks in downtown Chattanooga, and then we went down a ramp into the beautiful Tennessee River. We saw many waterfowl and gorgeous private homes along the banks. Moreover, the captain offered to let someone drive before returning downtown. While driving and floating around, we learned a lot about the history of Chattanooga. We really enjoyed the adventure and had a lot of fun on this trip. It was such a great experience, so I really highly recommend the Chattanooga Ducks to my ESL friends. Don’t miss it!!

DUKW From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A DUKW, in use by American troops in France.

Page 9 ● Fall 2011 ● Volume 2, Issue 1 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● http://www.utc.edu/Academic/ESL/


Picnic with Students from Soddy-Daisy High School

Khia, Savannah, Taylor, Rayyan and Nasser

On Thursday, October 27th, Jane Womack, the Director, on behalf of the UTC ESL students, invited students from Soddy-Daisy High School for a picnic at Greenway Farms. What a fine day for meeting new friends! Jane, Anne, Candace, and Carolyn came early to decorate the pavilion. Halloween, four days away, was the theme. Anne dressed up as a witch. A good witch. There were oodles of faceless pumpkins just begging to be carved into jack-o’lanterns. And the Soddy-Daisy students brought doughnuts for breakfast. How many friends have been brought together over doughnuts? The sugar rush set several teachers dancing to the background music—and some of the more adventurous high-schoolers joined in. They danced to the Monster Mash, and gyrated to the dance styles of the Roller Coaster, the Four Corners, and the Pony.

Scene of a pumpkin massacre. Cutting a rug. Guy stuff. Or made a soccer ball.

Teams were formed and groups of the high school students went looking for the international students whose names they had already been given. After chatting for a while, introductions were made to the entire group. Bonds of friendship were strengthened with the pumpking carving activity. The newly formed teams of friends gathered at tables and worked together to produce art out of the oversized vegetables.

Jane, Ashton, and staff watch the fun. Girls and giggles. Anne, the Good Witch. Presenting the jack-o’lanterns.

About lunch time Jane and Candace rolled up with boxed lunches made fresh with turkey sandwiches, fruit, drinks—and we had lots of chips on the side and all the soda you could eat. The ESL teachers had thoughtfully brought desserts too. After lunch, the pumpkin carvers presented their jack-o’lanterns. Then it was playtime in the beautiful fields of Greenway Farms. The students were free to play as they wished, so out came the footballs and soccer balls. After that, there was a question-and-answer session with the Soddy-Daisy students asking questions of our international ESL students. Finally, our guests had to get back on the big yellow school bus and head back to the schoolhouse. Before leaving, the ESL students were issued an open and genuine invitation to visit Soddy-Daisy High School anytime they liked.

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Making Headlines

Soddy-Daisy High School students share U.S. culture

by Kevin Hardy

Nasser Alharbi, left, and Savannah Davis carve a pumpkin Thursday at Greenway Farms during a cultural program between students in a UTC English language program and Soddy-Daisy High School students. Photo by Angela Lewis.

Nasser Alharbi never had carved a jack-o-lantern until this week.The 19-year-old was among 20 foreign students in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga's English as a Second Language Institute who took time out to learn about American culture.A class of 34 Soddy-Daisy High School English students spent the day sharing about their lives, while also learning about the foreigners. Alharbi said he enjoyed learning about the American celebration of Halloween -- a holiday that doesn't exist in his native Saudi Arabia. He said he appreciates the chance to interact with Americans. "I actually just came to the country. So this is really good for me," he said. Soddy-Daisy English teacher Trevor Fuller said his students gain a better understanding of the world by meeting diverse people. The day also helps the Americans dispel some myths or stereotypes about foreign cultures, he said. "We're not very culturally diverse and we don't get these opportunities," he said. "My kids get to interact with kids from countries that they read about and study about." Most of the students studying in the ESL institute are in their 20s, hoping to go on to study full-time at a college or university after mastering English. Soddy-Daisy student Laura Maynard said she was surprised to learn all the things she had in common with the foreign students. "They're just like us. It's really cool," she said. "Most people think that people from other countries are so much different. But we like a lot of the same things." For the ESL students, spending a whole day with American students is a rarity. Jane Womack, director of UTC's ESL Institute, said her students can sometimes struggle connecting with busy UTC students. For some of the internationals, the program is their first chance to get to know American youth. "It's hard to meet American students, ironically, even though we're in the heart of campus," she said. "For many of them it's their first opportunity to meet young Americans." And the lessons from the field trip to Hixson's Greenway Farms last more than just the one day. Organizers say students often continue relationships after the field trip. "Some stay in contact," Maynard said. "That's really what it's all about -- building relationships."

The article below appeared on October 29th

in the Chattanooga Times Free-Press and was borrowed and reprinted here, with thanks, from the website, timesfreepress.com . The article was written by Kevin Hardy and the photograph was snapped by Angela Lewis, both of whom appeared at our picnic with the Soddy-Daisy High School students on Thursday, October 27

th. Nasser is now famous in Chattanooga.

Page 11 ● Fall 2011 ● Volume 2, Issue 1 ● ESL Globe ● UTC ESL Institute ● http://www.utc.edu/Academic/ESL/

TOEFL Essential Vocabulary Words for the TOEFL

abandon assimilate complication distort impact nucleus retain abduction associate component diverse impair obese retrieve abstract astrological compress divination implant objectively reward accumulate atheist concentrated domesticate implement obnoxious rigor accuracy augment condemn dynamic implicate obtain rite accuse authority confide ecclesiastical implicitly offense ritually acquire battle conflict election impoverish oppress roster acquisitions be inclined to connotation elementally improvisation overlap rotate adapt berate conquest elite in common paradigm sacrifice addictive biased consciously emission in the trenches parallel safeguard adjacent bitterly consequence engender inaugurate parochial saga adjust bond constraint enterprising incentive passion scandal adolescent bribery contamination entrepreneurial incompetent paternal scar advent bulk contemplate equity indisputable peer secular adversely burden contemptuous erode industrious per capita seize advocate bureaucratic contest erudite inference permeate sentiment affection candidate context eruption inflation persevere sequence affluence capricious contrary esthetically ingenious persist severely aggravate cartel convey evade inherent perspective shame aggregate cast convict evidence inhibit phantom shrink agnostic catastrophic core evolve inject phonetic sibling allegedly cause corrode exalt innovative photosynthesis simulation allegiance cease counter exclusive inquiry pious smuggle allocate certifiably cremation exotic inscription piracy solar amateurish charismatic cultivation expeditiously installation plunge sole ambiguous chronologically cumbersome exploit integrity policy solidarity amend circulate cure exponentially intensify poll source analyze civil curriculum extinction intentionally portrayal spectrum anomaly clique cynically extract intermediary potent stable anticipate coalition de facto famine intervene precipitation status quo antipathy coerce decipher fatality intrepid predicament strategic apex cohesion decline feasibly intrinsic prejudiced striking apprehend coincide decrepit feature intuitively prestige structure arbitrary collapse degrade fertilize invasive prevalent subsidy arrogantly collide deify flood irrigation privileged subtly artillery combustion delinquency fluctuate jointly process surveillance ascertain commodity denominator folklore juxtapose prognosis survive assail compensate denote forensics kin proliferation suspect assess complex deny fortify legitimate promote suspend asset cast depict fossilize liability proportion suspicious agnostic catastrophic deplete fringe longitude proprietor symbolic allegedly cause derive gala luxury prosper tangible allegiance cease descendent gap maintenance prototype terminal allocate certifiably despise generation manipulation proximity tolerate amateurish charismatic despondent grotesque marginal psychic trend ambiguous chronologically detain guilty maximize rank trigger amend circulate detection gut meditate rate unmask analyze civil devise haggle medium ratio vanish anomaly clique devotion haunt merchant realism vestige anticipate coalition dilemma hazardous merit recede villainy antipathy coerce dimension hedonistic migration reciprocity violation apex cohesion diminish hierarchy milieu reconciliation vitriolic apprehend coincide discretely hilarious minimum regulate vulnerable arbitrary collapse discriminate horror misconception relic willing arrogantly collide disease humiliation mobilize reservoir witness artillery combustion dispose of hypocritically modify residual working class ascertain commodity distill hypothesize nobility resign wound assail compensate distinctly illiterate notion resist zeal

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Friends Call Me, Text Me


Haitham Aldughiem

Kyeong Sook

Msk565@hotmail.com Ah_bw@hotmail.com


(615) 556-3579


Braulio Ferrando

Trinity Vu

Kevin Park

ferrandobraulio@gmail.com phuangtrinh_vu1992@yahoo.com


(423) 255-0478

(423) 991-2390

(267) 250-2938

Husam Alkushiban


Samuel Pahmer

Stoon-900@hotmail.com Ray_05550@hotmail.com samuelg1@hotmail.com

(865) 253-8412 (731) 335-0108 (423) 991-1160

Or Eitani

Nasser Alharbi


alharbi.nasser.a@gmail.com Hayunseun11@gmail.com

(706) 537-2953 (423) 305-9077 (423) 280-3846

Mariela Ruvalcaba


Chloe Park (Ki Ran Park)

marieruv@hotmail.com Abdulaziz0@gmail.com sweetest00@hanmail.net

(423) 903-2030 (678) 231-1861

Nancy Neff

Steve (Zhiming Li)

Maria Capriles

Nancy-Neff@utc.edu lzm271122839@yahoo.cn cmavalle@hotmail.com

(423) 653-1381 (423) 486-2221


Carolyn Randle

Anne Rittenberry

cv.randle@yahoo.com aritten@comcast.net

(423) 667-2062

Linda Voychehovski

Wade Rittenberry


lindy-sky@comcast.net waderittenberry@yahoo.com

(423) 314-3197 ( (

Suzanne Carter

Candace Long

Jane Womack

Suzanne-Carter@ utc.edu wanderlust7@comcast.net Jane-Womack@utc.edu

(423) 314-4006 (423) 902-6556 (423) 364-5591


Thank you to all who contributed to the creation of the Fall 2011 Edition of the ESL Globe. Great thanks to Abdulaziz Alrasheed, who worked so hard to create this little history of our ten weeks during the autumn of 2011. Thanks to each and every student who contributed a story or photo—or photos! including Nasser, Husam, Muhannad, Steve, Kwan, Shane, and Or. If you don’t see enough of yourself in the newsletter—submit stories and photos! Thank you, teachers (special thanks to Carolyn, for the folk tales), for shepherding the students and reminding them to submit work for publication in the newsletter.

Reminder: 12-week ESL Courses begin in the new year 2012.

Spring Session runs from January 17th

to April 13th

Summer Session runs from May 14

th to August 3


Fall Session runs from August 27th

to November 20th

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