faith life now news magazine - january

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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Articles and ministry updates from Faith Life Now in New Albany, OH.


IN THIS ISSUEGary Keesee DreNDa Keesee Dr. BOB DeMariaDaVe aNDersON

Dear Friend,The beginning of the new year is a great time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make in our lives, and resolve to follow through on making them. Now, notice we didn’t say resolutions. We said resolve.

Because this isn’t about resolutions. It’s about lasting change. But most of us can’t do that on our own.

Statistically, most people don’t stick with their resolutions for more than the first two weeks after they make them. That’s not what we want for you.

We want to help you set your course of action for 2012. We want to help you experience more than just a new beginning. We want you to experience real change in your life, and we want to help you make this year the best yet for yourself and your family.

That’s why we’ve created this issue of Faith Life Now News. In it you’ll find some of the same features you’re used to seeing, like the Ministry Update, and Letters from You, but the bulk of this issue was designed to give you the information you need to help you and your family have an amazing 2012.

We’d love to hear what you thought of this issue, and we’d love to hear your story. Please visit us at and let us know what’s going on in your life. As always, more information about the ministry, television shows, and events can be also be found at

Dear Friend,The beginning of the new year is a great time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make in our lives, and resolve to follow through on making them. Now, notice we didn’t say resolutions. We said resolve.

Because this isn’t about resolutions. It’s about lasting change. But most of us can’t do that on our own.

Statistically, most people don’t stick with their resolutions for more than the first two weeks after they make them. That’s not what we want for you.

We want to help you set your course of action for 2012. We want to help you experience more than just a new beginning. We want you to experience real change in your life, and we want to help you make this year the best yet for yourself and your family.

That’s why we’ve created this issue of Faith Life Now News. In it you’ll find some of the same features you’re used to seeing, like the Ministry Update, and Letters from You, but the bulk of this issue was designed to give you the information you need to help you and your family have an amazing 2012.

We’d love to hear what you thought of this issue, and we’d love to hear your story. Please visit us at and let us know what’s going on in your life. As always, more information about the ministry, television shows, and events can be also be found at

NNothing in your life can prepare you for the experience of visiting an orphanage. The rush of emotion you feel as you look at the little faces of children who you know have been abandoned is beyond overwhelming.

More than 350 orphans live in the orphanage we visited in the little Eastern European country of Moldova. When we arrived, they ran to us and hugged our legs, looking up at us with big smiles and angelic faces. We couldn’t speak their language and they couldn’t speak ours, but it didn’t seem to matter. Their hands, some covered in dirt, and callouses, reached out for us, desperate for attention, and affection.

There was Oxana, who repeated her name to me over and over again in the hopes that I would remember it. There was a little guy named Cristi who forced me to choke back tears when, with an ear-to-ear grin, he grabbed my husband’s legs and hugged him. Then there was Vaselisa, a little girl with coal black eyes, a big smile, and a shaved head. I was told that is how the children are treated for lice—their hair is cut completely off and diesel fuel is applied to their scalps. There was also blonde-haired Victor in his ball cap, missing his front tooth, and quiet Saudu sitting perched on the monkey bars. They were all so beautiful and hungry, yet hungrier for love and attention than for food itself.

Their living conditions are considered decent for an orphanage in Moldova, but they are nothing compared to the United States. The children use a hole in the ground in a small shelter as their only toilet, with no running water. There is no sink nearby. Their showers are cinder-block rooms where everyone of the same gender showers in cold water. They never experience a day without feeling hungry. But I learned from the girls at Stella’s House that, despite the constant cold and feelings of hunger, the worst part of living in an orphanage is having no mom, no dad, and no one to tell you that you have value. Many of the girls at Stella’s House came from this very orphanage, or worse places, before being rescued and finding a real home there.

As a ministry, we’re supporting Stella’s Voice in their efforts to rescue as many of these youth as they can house. Stella’s Voice demonstrates to these young people that they have value and helps them to develop their faith in God by providing a wonderful family environment, education, friendships, and love. These youth turn around and help other orphans, and when given opportunities to move to America, choose rather to stay in Moldova and teach summer camps for orphans, visit orphanages, write children’s curriculum and nurture dreams to start their own Stella’s House when they grow up.

Currently Stella’s can house 46 girls and Simon’s House can hold 15 boys. Stella’s Voice, led by Philip and Chrissie Cameron, has the grounds purchased and plans to expand its two houses to four and to add a much larger worship/fellowship facility as well.

We want to thank our partners for helping us share the messages of faith, family, and financial restoration around the world! Partnership allows the ministries of Faith Life Now to continue spreading the life-changing message of God’s Kingdom. For more information on the benefits of becoming a partner with Gary, Drenda, and Faith Life Now, please visit and click on “Donate”.

Ministry UPDAtE

Hey, it’s 2012! Now is the time to make or re-examine your financial goals for the year. If you’re like many people, you’re probably thinking, “I know Gary. I know. And, I don’t want to think about that right now. Finances are complicated and boring and I haven’t done that well. I don’t need someone else showing me how far I have to go and emphasizing how I’ve failed.” Well, it’s time to stop the pity party and get some real answers.

I’m not perfect. If you don’t already know my story, or all of the details, it will probably make you feel better to know that I was 36 years old, sick, and in debt up to my eyeballs. Although I worked hard, I just couldn’t seem to make enough money to pay all my bills and get ahead. I was working in the financial industry, mainly selling life insurance and investments on commissions. I had mentors who were making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doing the same things. But no matter how hard I tried, I just barely made it through each month. As I came up short, I would borrow against a credit card to make ends meet, hoping that the next month I would find some great clients and be able to pay the money back.

My intentions were noble, but misled. As I was unable to pay back the money on one credit card, I was forced to open new accounts to borrow from. After a few years of living like this, I found myself in a financial pit, owing on ten maxed out credit cards, three finance company

loans, two car payments, back taxes, judgments and liens, and $26,000 to relatives. Those were dark days. The pawnshop became a place for survival cash—we sold anything we had of value. Our cars were old, rusted, and worn-out miracles. They were miracles because it was only by the grace of God that they even ran—both with more than 200,000 miles on them. Phone calls from bill collectors and attorneys came daily since every bill we had stayed in the 120-day-late category.

We lived in a small farmhouse that was built in the mid-1800s, and it looked like it. Our family of seven barely fit in the house, with its dirt cellar, broken windows, one bathroom, and no closets. All of our furniture was used—very used. We had found some of it along the road. My boys slept on mattresses that were thrown out of a nursing home and the carpet in their bedroom was found on a trash pile. I was also sick, having panic attacks, and emotionally worn out.

But the greatest pain for me was being forced to say no to my wife and children: no to the braces they desperately needed, no to the lessons they desired, no to the new clothes that they would have loved, and no to just about everything they wanted to do. I felt hopeless. And, there was nothing on the horizon that indicated things were going to change anytime soon.


I was operating in what I now call the “mailbox mentality,” thinking that someone was going to come by and say, “Hey! The Lord told me to give you this million dollars.” Well, although those types of things have happened, they are extremely rare. Instead, we need to have a mindset of looking for opportunity.

But I was a Christian! And, I believed that God really wanted better for my family! We were faithful to our church, and we loved God. We were generous people and had a heart to give, both to our local church and to other people we saw in financial need. But for some reason, nothing ever changed.

I was like most Christians. I was operating in what I now call the “mailbox mentality,” thinking that someone was going to come by and say, “Hey! The Lord told me to give you this million dollars.” Well, although those types of things have happened, they are extremely rare. Instead, we need to have a mindset of looking for opportunity. We have to harvest or capture wealth in the earth realm. God works with us to bring us to an intersection of opportunity (clue: look for a problem to solve) and then gives us a plan to capture it.

In First Samuel 17, Israel found herself outnumbered by a superior army that was threatening to take the entire nation as slaves. The Philistines felt sure they were about to bring an apparent slaughter to the Israelites,

so they offered to allow one man from each army to fight to the death. This one match would determine the fate of either army. The problem was that the man the Philistine army chose to represent them was Goliath, a nine-foot-tall giant who had been trained as a warrior all the days of his life. There was no one in the nation of Israel who could stand up to Goliath and expect to win—at least by physical strength alone. The entire army, including King Saul, was quaking in fear. But not David, a young shepherd who just happened to visit the front lines. He was there to bring

rations to his brothers and was there to hear Goliath ranting about how no one would be able to defeat him. Instead of being afraid like the rest of the army,

“I was operating in what I now call the ‘mailbox mentality,’ thinking that someone was going to

come by and say, ‘Hey! The Lord told me to give you this million dollars.’ Well,

although those types of things have happened, they are extremely rare. Instead, we need to have a mindset

of looking for opportunity.”

David couldn’t believe his good fortune. He saw it as an opportunity to prosper. He asked all who were there what the king would do for the man who defeated Goliath. They all said the same thing; the person who took care of Goliath would get the king’s daughter in marriage, his family would be exempt from taxes, and he would get great wealth (I Sam. 17:25-27).

David’s confidence was in the Lord, but he also understood that he would have to go out with God’s help and capture that opportunity. That is why I say many times it takes more courage than faith. Faith brings us to the opportunity and courage takes us on over. We all know that David won the match and cut off Goliath’s head, but how he won that match is the mystery that we must understand if we are going to prosper in the earth realm. This story illustrates one of the greatest money mysteries in the Bible, so let’s take a closer look at it.

Again, David was only a youth when he faced Goliath. His experience with fighting had only been as a shepherd warding off wild animals that were trying to steal his sheep. Goliath on the other hand had been a warrior from his youth and was skilled in using a sword, shield, and proper battle equipment.

David had no idea how to approach this battle at first. He tried on King Saul’s armor, but didn’t feel comfortable with it on. So he took them off. Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag, and with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine. Goliath was baffled by the scene before him. A boy was walking toward him with no armor and just a staff!

Goliath yelled out, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” (1 Sam. 17:43).

As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead and he fell facedown on the ground (1 Samuel 17:48-49).

David won the battle! That’s where most Christians call it a nice Bible story and move on.

But as a spiritual scientist, I wanted to know what really happened there. Very simply, Goliath was taken off guard by a unique strategy and a boy who trusted in God. When David approached Goliath, Goliath couldn’t figure out what was going on, because it made no sense to him. If David had tried to defeat Goliath with proper battle gear, he wouldn’t have stood a chance. His true weapon was a unique strategy given him by the Holy Spirit. But the strategy would have been useless if David hadn’t done one more thing. The Bible says that David ran quickly toward Goliath. What would have happened if David had danced around

for about 20 minutes getting his nerve up to engage Goliath? Goliath would have eventually figured out that David had a sling as his weapon and would have compensated with his shield accordingly. David won by using a unique strategy and also enacting that strategy in a timely manner.

Write these two words down somewhere: strategy and timing. These are essential in the spiritual battles that God will lead us to. But why are strategy and timing so

important? What we are about to uncover is, in my opinion, one of the greatest mysteries in the Word of God. It’s a mystery we must know if we expect to capture the valuable money opportunities God will show us.

We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Corinthians 2:6-16).

“God doesn’t have any money. Money has to be created or captured in the earth realm. But God does

know where the money is and can give us a plan to

capture it.”

Notice that the Bible says that if Satan had figured out the plan of God, he would have never killed Jesus. Do you see it? The devil would have adjusted his strategy if he had picked up on the plan of God. This is as true for you as it was for Jesus and for David. Satan will adjust his strategies against you if he can pick up on God’s plans, as well. Remember what I am about to tell you. God’s primary tactic against the enemy is to surprise him with unusual strategies, which God gives a man or woman in the earth to bring His will in any given situation.

We can clearly see in David’s case that the victory was accomplished by using an unusual strategy, a plan that caught the enemy off guard. Many Christians don’t understand this vital law of spiritual warfare. If they do have some understanding of it, they procrastinate moving on it, losing valuable time and tipping off the enemy. By the time they move on it, they find all kinds of issues and problems because the enemy has had time to line up interference against it. As in David’s case, it was not only the unusual strategy that caught Goliath off guard, it was the fact that David didn’t give Goliath time to figure it out. He ran to meet Goliath. So let me say it again: one of our key weapons against the enemy in any arena is first using a unique strategy that the Holy Spirit gives us. Second, we must act quickly once the plan is revealed to us so we don’t give Satan the chance to figure it out.

When I was in severe debt, I was the poster child of what not to do with money. After nine long years of financial crisis and withdrawing from life, I discovered how the Kingdom of God operates, and my life completely changed. Drenda and I proved that God’s system works, and we committed to keep learning and using God’s system from that point forward. But when we first made a commitment to the Kingdom and began to gain knowledge of how it worked, we still had no more money than when we knew nothing about how the Kingdom operated. That’s because God doesn’t have any money to just send us. Money has to be created or captured in the earth realm. But He does know where the money is and can give us a plan to capture it just like He did for David. In my case, God gave me a

dream one night to start a company that helped people get out of debt. He

gave me this plan while I still had plenty of debt to

pay off. That made a

lot of sense, didn’t it—me helping people get out of debt? Well, God was using the foolish to confound the wise. When God uses the foolish, it also confounds the enemy, who isn’t anticipating that strategy. The devil never had a clue that I would someday be out of debt and declaring the good news of the Kingdom in the area of money. Neither did I, but as we followed God and let God show us how to proceed, it worked!

It always comes down to a plan, a unique path to run on, a niche that God will give you to own and occupy. At first that plan might not make sense. You may never have thought of doing what God is showing you to do. Exactly! The devil has never thought of it either, so slip under his radar and go capture new territory! And, if you’re not sure how to hear the strategy from God, then just ask the Holy Spirit. He’s in you, and there is nothing that He doesn’t know.

Through this process, I learned that most of the teaching I had received was incorrect training, and I had to allow the Word of God to change how I thought about life and, more importantly, how I thought about myself. Now, I am able to offer resources to help people learn the things I learned, and learn them more quickly than I did. People ask me all the time what resources they should get to learn from and in what order. So, if you need change in your finances, in your career, or in your life, and you’re wondering where to start, here’s the sequence of my resources that will best help you:

1. Now Revolution 2.0 2. Fixing Your Faith 3. Heaven Here and Now4. What You Must Know About Trials and Temptations 5. The Cry for Justice: A Revelation of the Sons of God 6. Fixing the Money Thing 7. Money Mysteries from the Master (book and CDs)8. Open for Business9. PROVISION Conference10. Accelerate You can have the same change in your life that Drenda and I experienced. You just need to uncover the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

This article contains excerpts from Gary’s new book, Money Mysteries

from the Master.

I’ve shared everything I’ve learned about the mysteries of the Kingdom of God in my new book,

Money Mysteries from the Master. You can order your copy, plus the supplemental audio teaching

set, using the enclosed order form.

Watch new episodes of Fixing the Money Thing Featuring Money Mysteries!

Get listings at



Share YOUR story with us! Contact us at

Letters from You


“I just finished your 2.0 Now Revolution series and prayed for the Gift of the Spirit and RECEIVED it! I just wanted to say thank you for your teachings. We will be using these principles from now on to flourish and succeed in our lives. Thank you again.”

– Holly, Texas

“I have been sowing for years, but not reaping. I have lived in poverty for the last three years. Then, I watched you on Sid Roth. I ordered your CDs and applied the principles. I sowed a seed on Wednesday, and on Friday I was contacted and offered a job I had applied for months ago! I also sowed a seed at my church last week and released my faith for a favorable settlement in a lawsuit. My attorney called and told me we don’t have to go to court. The lawsuit was settled favorably!”

— Angelia, Ohio

“Just saw your wonderful program (Drenda) for the first time. Thank you for helping to protect us all.”

– Renee, California

“Woohoo! God is good! My basement sustained damage from hurricane Irene and I had no money to fix it. Around that time, I saw you on Sid Roth and ordered the Revolution package. The estimate to rebuild my basement came to $4700, so I sowed a seed and released my faith for the amount to cover the repairs. I then received well over the amount needed from several sources. Praise God!”

– Bernie, New Jersey

“Thank you Gary and Drenda for what you have allowed God to do through you. We have been Christians our whole lives, tithing, attending church regularly, and everything you talk about. Five weeks ago, I said, ‘If this is all God’s Church is, I’m tired of it. The promises must only be for when we get to heaven.’ Then my dad got your CDs and we listened. At the time, we were in the middle of a seven-year lawsuit that was going to cost us everything. Two weeks before the court date, we sowed a seed and followed your instructions for staying in faith. We wrote out Bible verses that pertained to our situation and read them whenever faith dwindled (usually 20 times a day or more). The [original] settlement requirement was $93,000, but we settled for $7,883 that we had received from another source. We paid it and walked away from a burden that seemed bigger than life.”

– Sharene, Canada

“I sowed a seed of $500 and gave the money an assignment. The return was immediate! My business sales doubled!”

– Shelia, Ohio

“I can’t put into words how much the Lord has used your teachings to help set us free from the bondage of financial lack, poverty and delay. We heard you on Sid Roth’s program about a year and a half ago and began devouring everything we could of your materials and shows. We began implementing the Lord’s strategies for us and, in one year’s time, we have paid off three credit accounts! Plus, our income has increased exponentially! We couldn’t have believed before for the income that we now are experiencing every month! We are also telling others about what we’ve learned from you guys about the Kingdom and Father’s ways for our blessing and abundance and we have been holding a little group in our house where we’re listening to the different teachings. God is so very good! Everything has changed.”

– Lang and Renee, Tennessee

“I stumbled across the Drenda program this morning about mothers and daughters and want to thank you for the best information I’ve ever heard about this important relationship!”

– Christine, California

hile many businesses prospered in 2011, they fell far short of their potential. And, while it’s fashionable to explain away their lack of

greater success by blaming “conditions”, the real culprit for most underachievement lies with poor decisions and failed disciplines. Sadly, unless adjustments are made to correct these flaws in 2012, these same entities are destined to fall short yet again, repeating a cycle of allowing “good enough” to get in the way of becoming great. So, gear up for greater success in the New Year by employing these five essential strategies and set the stage for your best year ever.

Take personal responsibil iTy for your resulTs by

undersTanding ThaT iT will be your inside decisions

more Than ouTside condiTions ThaT deTermine how

far you go in 2012.

This is perhaps the most important strategy of all. Without question, there is a strong cultural current

working against you in this regard. We live in an age that shuns personal responsibility and whose favorite sport is playing the blame game. Consider the following:

In 2002, Edward Brewer sued Providence Hospital for $2 million. He claimed that the hospital was negligent because it hadn’t prevented him from raping one of its patients. The judge ruled that any damage Brewer suffered due to his crime was his responsibility for choosing to commit the crime and that the hospital had no legal duty to protect him from that choice.

In 2003, Andrew Burnett sued Sara McBurnett and the San Jose Mercury News, claiming they had caused him to suffer mental anguish and post-traumatic stress disorder. Burnett filed the lawsuit while serving a three-year sentence for killing defendant McBurnett’s dog in a road rage incident, claiming that the incident had caused his suffering.

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Of course, let’s not forget the kids who sued McDonalds for making them overweight, or Miami lawyer Mark S. Gold, who got drunk at a local strip club, then woke up the next morning with a tab of nearly $19,000. He promptly sued the strip club’s corporate owner, claiming he should not be held responsible for the huge bill because the bar “continuously served plaintiff alcoholic beverages to the extent that he was rendered intoxicated…”

Just as I’m sure you have, I have also endured numerous business versions of this absolution of responsibility ranging from:

“My area is different and unique and there are no talented people here!” to “You can’t make high enough margins in my market, because our competitors give their product away,” and the list goes on!

A mature leader understands that, ultimately, it is inside decisions more than outside conditions that will determine whether or not they leave also-ran status and attain greatness. This is not to say that “conditions” (economic, acts of God, and other factors beyond your control) aren’t relevant, because they are. However, consistently making the right decisions can minimize the impact of adverse conditions, because it establishes a rock solid foundation to help your organization weather the same storms that destroy enterprises built on foundations of sand.

Sow better to reap bigger.

A surprising number of either cocky or foolish people don’t seem to believe that this universal

law applies to them. But the fact is, if you go through life sowing seeds of inconsistency, compromises, and minimum effort, you shouldn’t be surprised when you reap a banquet of mediocrity.

If you don’t proactively recruit great people, your business will reap sluggards that you’ll hire out of

desperation just to have coverage. If you fail to hold people accountable, you’ll reap a culture where you stand for nothing, fall for everything, and where anything goes. If you neglect training your people, you’ll reap constant employee turnover, more missed opportunities, and rashes of red ink. You get the idea. Life isn’t complicated and there is no secret to success. If you don’t like what you’re reaping, sow something else!

redefine performance and behavioral


This eliminates gray areas and excuses for non-performance. It also creates a benchmark for accountability that will strengthen your culture. If you’re unsure whether your performance or behavioral expectations are clear enough, they’re not!

evaluate any deadweight on your team and

determine whether you are will ing to lug laSt

year’S baggage into the next. Then, determine the proper course of action to address the non-performers. Train them, transfer them, or terminate them.

fine-tune (or Start) an intenSive, ongoing

training program.

Grow your people and they will grow your business. But know that growth isn’t automatic and won’t just happen because people show up. Growth happens when you consistently pour yourself into others with the daily goal of leaving them a little better than you found them.

There isn’t anything fancy or complicated about these five strategies and that should encourage you! In other words, you don’t need to do anything extraordinary to make 2012 your best year ever. Just do the ordinary things extraordinarily well—and do so day-in and day-out.





Dave Anderson is the president of Learn To Lead, an international sales and leadership training and consulting company. Dave has given more than 1,000 workshops and speeches in fourteen countries over the past decade on sales and leadership development. He is the author of a monthly leadership column for two national magazines, as well as twelve books, including How to Lead by The Book. Dave and his wife Rhonda are the founders of the Matthew 25:35 Foundation, whose mission is to bring food, housing, clothing, healing, and ministry to under-resourced and imprisoned people worldwide. More information about Dave can be found at

ife keeps getting busier and it seems like the pace is speeding out of control. I am often asked, “How do you keep up and do all that there is to do?” One of the keys for my life—and

one I believe everyone should have—is to discern the times and choose according to the season.

Ecclesiastes says, “To everything there is a season.” For almost nine years, I was able to work in our church’s youth ministry helping my own teens grow in Christ while helping other teens and investing in God’s Kingdom. Not only was I able to spend time with my children and help others grow in the process, I grew, too. And, it became an experience that would help define some of the next stages in my life. Was it sometimes hard or demanding of my time? Yes, you can be sure! Was it worth it? Absolutely. I see the fruit of my investment in my adult children, in other youth, and in my own spiritual growth. Conversely, many years before, I had resigned from coaching a girl’s basketball team because my children were small and the time commitment would detract from our growing, young family. The return was simply not worth the time away from our young children. It’s all about choosing the right priority in this season. It’s not that you can’t have it all—you just can’t have it all at exactly the same time!

What are you doing with this season and with the time you have? Each season has definite and important requirements that lay a foundation for the success of the next one. For instance, invest in your children while they’re young instead of pursuing a full-time vocation or ministry, but do take some time to use your gifts along the way. You won’t miss the small window of opportunity with them, and it will make the following seasons of life better because they were built on a more solid foundation.

So, how can you best invest your time and energy? Here are some ideas on how to do so wisely:

Don’t overcommit. Yes, it is possible in an attempt to please God and others to overcommit or to be taken advantage of in relationships, and even sometimes in Christian service. I’ve been there myself. I think it’s important to learn how to hear God’s direction in making long-term commitments, especially when a large amount of time commitment or financial assistance is required. But doesn’t God want us to meet every need? Interestingly enough, even Jesus differentiated between the demands that were placed on him. It was people’s faith that connected them to the answers He had

for them, not His own. Later, the disciples turned down a request for finances, but met the need in a different way—God’s way. They said, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give.”

Evaluaterelationships.I’ve learned that there are people who are consistently “takers” and those who instead look to “give.” We

all have times of need, so as we have freely received we also should give to others. Healthy relationships should have times of giving and receiving to be solid. Even mission work and serving the poor needs to be balanced by seeking God for the best method to help. We must determine God’s answer to meet the need. Otherwise, we keep others who need to step up from doing so if we consistently take false responsibility to fix their problems. It can also be unhealthy if our identity or

motivation is found in our works.

You can even do too much to meet your children’s demands, without expecting them in-turn to contribute at their level of age and ability. Consistently working 60 hours each week at your

“When we work to obtain love, we will always feel shorted. This can manifest in resentment, as commitments to friends, job demands, and relationships with ‘takers’ leave you empty.”


job, or constantly cleaning up after your 13-year-old may make you feel needed, but it will bankrupt you spiritually, physically, and emotionally, and will hurt others’ ability to grow and take personal responsibility. Everyone needs accountability so they can become their very best. Real love holds others accountable.

Identify with God’s love for you and others.

You are loved, accepted, and pleasing to God, and if you’re confident in that, any giving you do for others should flow from your identity solidly rooted in Christ. That said, one of the greatest blessings in life is to give, and it truly is more blessed to give than receive. Not only does God reward us, but we can also find a deep satisfaction in knowing that He led us to do so. If you give out of obligation or necessity then it can be a drain and it can wear you down and create resentment. Let your giving be done out of security in your identity in Him, and let it be by His Spirit, and of course done with JOY! God loves it when we give cheerfully.

Let your giving be motivated by love. “This is my commandment that you love one another that your joy may be full.” Joy is an inner force that comes from God’s Spirit. It emanates out of receiving love—real love from God—and then giving it away to others. As we love Him first, He will teach us how to love others (and love ourselves) from His vantage point. Only good things come from seeing ourselves, our relationships, and others the way God does. As we do, we can give to

others from what we have. Loving others brings joy! But living to please others, and giving to gain acceptance, love, personal gain or approval from others, makes giving turn into a weight. Instead, we must live in the freedom of giving from God’s river of love.

Forgive quickly. But what about those who have hurt us? Love doesn’t keep a record of that. It just keeps loving because of the overflow of love from God. Someone’s deficit of love can’t rob me of my love reservoir if I

have an overflowing source from God. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t hold them accountable for their decisions or apply consequences when necessary, but I don’t have to become bitter if they choose to wrong me in some way. I actually feel badly for them because I know they will reap what they have sown.

Prioritize. Every demand doesn’t have the same priority. As we begin our new year, we need to pray and ask God to help us honor Him first, then our spouse, our children, our provision or vocation, and then our ministry to family, friendships, and others. For each of us to be our best, we must

care for ourselves, too! You can’t give out of an empty vessel. Value others and yourself, because God does.

Evaluate and eliminate distractions from your life. It’s time to do a family house cleaning—spiritually, emotionally, and materially. To do that:

Set your goals as a family and individually and pray over them in a family gathering.

Record it and write the vision.

Define boundaries that align with and protect those priorities and goals.

Get a game plan. Good intentions won’t get it done. What will you do monthly, weekly, and daily to meet those goals? Break it down and make it reasonable to carry out. It’s the small day-to-day choices that form a life and determine our successes. Look at the final goal and work backwards to determine what it will take to get there.

Eliminate that which detracts from the vision and limit busy activities like too much television, video-gaming, social media, or any other time-consumers that don’t provide any return on your investment of time or money.

Engage in activities or pursuits that have multiple rewards and dual purposes, such as working alongside your child volunteering at something that brings personal growth and relationship-building time for both of you. You can develop stronger skills while being with your child, working together to advance God’s Kingdom, and modeling important life priorities. That’s a triple win! Be willing to make sacrifices for the long-term rewards, but don’t sacrifice that which is long-term, like your faith or your family!

Pray and read God’s Word. Create an environment for God’s Spirit to fill you and your family up daily.

Set times that you will read your Bible and pray, but also pray throughout the day as you encounter life. Talk to God and do life with Him. He isn’t a 10-minute devotion. He’s a relationship partner who is with you all day.

Place scripture promises around your home and small scripture books in nooks and rooms that can speak into your spirit throughout the day.

Put teachings in the car stereo. Keep praise music playing in your home.

Go to church weekly.

Give your tithes and offerings and honor God first.

Wash yourself and your family with the water of God’s Word. We live in a dirty world, and we need to bathe spiritually so we can be in this world making a difference instead of getting dirtied by the evil of the day. Redeem the time for the days are evil, BUT His promises are greater. And, the reward is worth it in your life, your family, your finances, your health, and for your eternity!

Your 2012 can be the best year yet!

For more information about finding balance and investing in the lives of others, watch Drenda, Tuesdays at 6:30am on ABC Family. You can also get Drenda’s book She Gets IT! The 11 Lies That Hold Women Hostage anywhere books are sold. And, be sure to visit for resources on topics like motherhood, relationships, health, faith, love, and more.

Success in our homes and in our families can’t be measured in wealth, position, or honors as seen by worldly measure. God’s Word tells us not to store up treasures for ourselves that moths eat and that will only rust away. And, we clearly see that Jesus came to serve and told His disciples they should do likewise. So, what are some ways our home life and family life can reflect success by God’s measure?

Seek God first Recognize God as your source and seek His counsel in all things.

Be on the same team If you’re married, make time for each other. Show the world that marriage is inspiring. Husbands and wives in agreement are a mighty force.

Pay attention to what you’re modeling Look at how you’re spending your time, what foods you’re consuming, and whether or not you’re instilling good family habits. Our children need to see us serving in God’s army. Look for opportunities to be involved with church activities and community functions.

Be determined to leave a legacy......of a marriage rich in love and respect, children raised with integrity bringing honor to God and their parents, and a family serving God for generations to come.

How to Prepare Your Marriage and Family for a Successful YearBy Cynthia Farber


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AAt the beginning of every year most everyone you talk to starts down the New Year’s journey with lofty hopes of losing weight and getting healthy. Joining a gym or exercise club is the top priority. The passion routinely lasts just a few weeks. But this year is going to be different, right? Start by wrapping your brain around this: you aren’t in a contest against anybody. You’re creating a new lifestyle pattern. Achieving optimal health with today’s fast moving convenience food patterns is practically counterculture. So, you’re going to want to be more

diligent than ever. Here are several time-tested strategies that I have used in my practice for the last 30 years that will help:

1. Drink at least a quart of pure water every day. Drink an additional quart if you weigh more than 150 pounds. Water is the most important life-giving substance in the body. It purifies the system and helps release and eliminate toxins. Additional benefits of consistent water consumption include healthier skin, more energy, and an overall sense of well-being.

2. Start your day with a protein, not a pastry.Eggs are an excellent source of protein for most people. Eat the whole egg. The lecithin in the yolk is essential to lower blood fat and improve liver and brain function. With any protein, the way you prepare it is critical. Avoid frying to avoid losing crucial enzymes. Try boiling.

3. Eat more vegetables.I have witnessed patients who are routinely amazed by how much better their body functions when they munch on a bag of vegetables throughout the day. Veggies are also an excellent source of protein. I personally crunch on four or five baby carrots, several slices of bell peppers, radish slices, celery, and baby tomatoes throughout the day. Eating veggies will provide you with a source of vitamins and minerals commonly deficient in our diet. Veggies also help control blood sugar levels so you won’t crave sweets and high calorie foods.

4. Eat Beets.Beets can help you lower your cholesterol by up to 40% without medication. Beet fiber attaches itself to cholesterol and will consistently assist you on your goal of reaching optimal cholesterol levels. It truly is remarkable. While some cholesterol is beneficial

to the body and is a building block for many other hormones, cholesterol levels increase when there is inflammation in the system. Sugar, stress, and subpar thyroid function are the common factors elevating cholesterol. I encourage our patients to eat up to 1/3 cup of beets every day. I prepare mine by cutting them in half, sprinkling on some balsamic vinegar, olive oil and Celtic Sea Salt®, covering, and baking at 400º for an hour or so.

5. Go to bed by 1O:OOpm.Give yourself an added boost by getting to bed by 10:00pm each night. The hours before midnight are very important for restoration of your endocrine system. Your body creates growth hormones at night while you’re sleeping. Shut off all stimuli one hour before bedtime so your brain can start to purge and “shut down”. If you find that falling asleep is a challenge, try taking a few calcium lactate or citrate tablets an hour before you get ready for bed. The calcium will calm the system. It is depleted with stress and is commonly deficient.

The journey to optimal life is really simple. It just requires planning and persistence. Start by choosing one item to add or change each month, or even each quarter. Regardless of what you choose, do something.

Dr. Bob’s Quick Tips to Get More Vegetables in Your Diet: Create a “pOwEr SalaD” for lunchI usually build my salad the night before so I don’t have to rush around in the morning and grab items like a high calorie bread and mayo spread sandwich or pasta. The purpose of the salad is to give you a great meal with the least amount of calories and the most fiber so you aren’t craving food all afternoon.

1. Prepare the salad to go in a glass container with an airtight lid.

2. Add plenty of mixed greens, spinach, shredded carrots, and red, yellow or orange bell peppers.

3. Include some protein. Add some chicken, turkey, lamb, legumes, or beans to help your blood sugar metabolism stay stable while all the veggies are adding healthy, low calorie fiber.

4. Throw in a variety of veggies like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, radishes, and beet slices.

5. Don’t forget to inspect your dressing. Look at the labels of your salad dressings thoroughly! Commercial-grade products often have a long list of unfriendly ingredients including sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and MSG often disguised as “texturized protein.” I use organic olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Flax oil is another great option.

6. Top it with some sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, or walnuts. The seeds are an excellent source of calcium, and walnuts are a great source of good fat.

It’s simple to lose weight and improve your health when you incorporate a mixed green salad into your routine. I have patients who have lost 25-50 pounds by replacing grains with more veggies.

Dr. Robert DeMaria has been providing and championing drugless and alternative health solutions for thousands of patients globally for more than 30 years. A frequent television and radio show guest, Dr. Bob’s drugless approach emphasizes education, empowerment, and prevention. He also hosts Half-Hour to Health, a television and radio program in the Northern Ohio market. More information about Dr. Bob and his Guide to Health books can be found at or

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