factors affecting the quality of customer service in …

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A Research Project Report Submitted to the Chandaria School of Business in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Masters in Business

Administration (MBA)






I, the undersigned, declare that this research proposal is my original work and has not

been submitted to any other college, institution, or university for academic credit other

than United States International University – Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.

Signed:____________________________ Date:_____________________________

Mercy Mose N. Salim (ID 642941 )

This research project has been presented for examination with my approval as the

appointed supervisor.

Signed:_____________________________ Date:____________________________

Fred Newa

Signed:___________________________ Date:___________________________

Dean, Chandaria School of Business



All rights reserved. No part of this project report should be reproduced in any form or by

any means including photocopying, recording without prior written authorization from

the author.

Mercy Mose N. Salim © 2016



The purpose of the study was to establish the factors that affect the quality of customer

service in the Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya. The study specifically sought

to determine the extent to which training of staff affect the quality of customer service in

the Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya, the extent to which staff attitude affect

the quality of customer service in the Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya, the

effects of Ecobank Kenya’s internal processes on the quality of customer service within

its Nairobi region branches,

The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study applied stratified random

sampling technique to select the sample size of the study where the population was

grouped into stratus. From each stratum the study took a 10% sample to give a sample

size of 45 respondents. Primary data was used for the study and it was collected using a

questionnaire. A pilot test was conducted to test for validity and reliability. The study

used both personal administration and drop and pick later method to collect the data. The

quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics which included frequency

distribution tables, mean and standard deviation while the qualitative data was be

analyzed in prose form. Data will be presented using tables, charts and graphs for ease of

understanding the results.

The study concluded that there was a strong positive correlation between quality of

customer service and staff training, staff attitude and internal processes. The study

established that there was a positive correlation between the quality of customer service

and the internal processes. When the influence of all the three factors, Staff training, staff

attitude and internal processes, on quality of customer service are considered together,

internal processes appears to have the highest impact.

The study recommends that Ecobank should ensures its internal processes are clearly

designed and documented to guide employees in providing quality customer service.

Considering that, a satisfied customer and employee are of important value to the

organization; it therefore, becomes the duty of the management to put in place a system

that would ultimately generate either satisfaction, or dissatisfaction from their customers

and employees. Ecobank should also re-think their customer service strategies since the

employees have a major role to play in determining, whether a customer would enjoy the

experience or turn to their competitors for better solutions.



First I want to thank God Almighty for the gift of life and provision to the achievement of

this worthy goal.

My supervisor, Fred Newa for his academic insight and guidance throughout this project

My appreciation also goes to my loving husband Thomas and our amazing children

Amanda and Alvin for their patience, support and understanding during the course and


Special thanks go to the USIU- Africa community, facilities and conducive environment

which enabled my successful completion of this course.



STUDENT’S DECLARATION ........................................................................................ ii

COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................v

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................1

1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Problem ........................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................... 6

1.3 Purpose of the Study ...................................................................................................... 8

1.4 Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 8

1.5 Importance of the Study ................................................................................................. 8

1.6 Scope of the Study ....................................................................................................... 10

1.7 Definitions of Terms .................................................................................................... 10

1.8 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................................11

CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................12

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................12

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 12

2.2. Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service ................................... 12

2.3 Staff Attitude and Quality of Customer Service .........................................................19

2.4. Training of Staff and Quality of Customer Service ....................................................23

2. 5 Chapter Summary ....................................................................................................... 27

CHAPTER THREE .........................................................................................................28

3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................................................28

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 28

3.2 Research Design........................................................................................................... 28

3.3 Population and Sampling Design ................................................................................. 28


3.4 Data Collection Methods ............................................................................................. 30

3.5 Research Procedures .................................................................................................... 31

3.6 Data Analysis Methods ................................................................................................ 31

3.7 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................................ 32

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................33

4.0 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ......................................................33

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................33

4.2 General Information .....................................................................................................33

4.3 Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service ....................................36

4.4 Staff Attitude and Quality of Customer Service ..........................................................39

4.5 Training of Staff and Quality of Customer Service .....................................................42

4.6 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................................45

CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................46


5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................46

5.2 Summary ......................................................................................................................46

5.3 Discussion ....................................................................................................................47

5.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................51

5.5 Recommendations ........................................................................................................52

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................54

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................57

APPENDIX I: COVER LETTER ..................................................................................57

APPENDIX II: QUESTIONNAIRE ..............................................................................58



Table 3.1Distribution of Sample Size ................................................................................ 30

Table 4.1 Response Rate .................................................................................................... 33

Table 4.2:Respondents Ecobank Branches ........................................................................ 34

Table 4.3 Respondents Gender .......................................................................................... 34

Table 4.4 Respondents Age ............................................................................................... 35

Table 4.5 Level of Education ............................................................................................. 35

Table 4.6 Years Worked .................................................................................................... 35

Table 4.7 Respondents Departments.................................................................................. 36

Table 4.8 Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service .......................... 36

Table 4.9 Correlations ........................................................................................................ 37

Table 4.10 Model Summary .............................................................................................. 37

Table 4.11 Coefficient ....................................................................................................... 38

Table 4.12 model Summary ............................................................................................... 38

Table 4.13 Multiple regression .......................................................................................... 39

Table 4.14 Staff attitude and Quality of Customer service ................................................ 39

Table 4.15 Correlations ...................................................................................................... 40

Table 4.16 Model Summary .............................................................................................. 39

Table 4.17 Coefficients ...................................................................................................... 42

Table 4.18 Quality of Customer Service............................................................................ 42

Table 4.19 Training of Staff and Quality of Customer Service ......................................... 43

Table 4.20. Correlations ..................................................................................................... 44

Table 4.21. Model Summary ............................................................................................. 44

Table 4.22 Coefficients ...................................................................................................... 45




1.1 Background of the Problem

Service quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts that companies

must understand if they want to remain competitive and grow. In today’s competitive

environment delivering high quality service is the key for a sustainable competitive

advantage (Angelova and Zekiri, 2011). More companies are recognizing the importance

of satisfying and retaining customers; many businesses such as banks, insurance

companies, and other service providers realize the importance of quality customer service

and its potential to help them acquire new customers, retain existing ones and maximize

their lifetime value (Onut, Erdem and Hosver, 2011).

Customer service is the ability to identify the needs of customers and meeting those needs

beyond their expectation within the shortest possible time. Customer service varies by

product, industry and customer. It however, assume important dimension in service

delivery. This is because service firms such as banks have to retain their customers and

win new ones if they are to remain in the market (Addai-Minkah, 2011). Customer

service has evolved though the years from a simple interaction between a company’s

employees and its existing customers to a more complex interaction that involves

experiences of customers with every touch point of an organization; from retails service

delivery and branding, online presence, self-service technologies and advertising. Firms

have heavily invested in developing cutting edge customer experience strategies however

implementation has continued to fall short in emerging markets (Verhoef, Lemon,

Parasuraman, Roggeveen, Tsiros, and Schlesinger, 2009).

Businesses around the globe have embraced the concept of customer service

management, with many incorporating the notion into their mission statements (Verhoef

et al., 2009). For example, Valero Energy Corporation is committed to ensuring a positive

retail experience for customers by focusing on convenience, value and quality. Dell

computers focus on delivering the best customer experience in the markets the firm

serves, while Toyota’s mission statement is to sustain profitable growth by providing the

best customer experience and dealer support. Similarly, it has been argued that the

success of Starbucks is based on creating a distinctive customer experience for their

customer (Michelli, 2007). An IBM report also identifies customer service as a key factor


for companies to use in building loyalty to brands, channels and services (Badgett, Boyce

and Kleinberger, 2007).

Customer service has become so vital and significant to consider especially in the

financial business sector globally (Khondaker and Mir, 2011). As the global world has

suffered from financial depression in recent years, it is essential for banks to establish a

sturdy and solid loyal customer base to weather tougher economies and more intense

competition. The practice of excellent service quality integrated with consumer products

is a powerful generator to cater to customers’ needs and engage with them. Considering

that many banks offer undifferentiated products in a rival marketplace, banks are paying

more attention to service quality in order to gain a competitive advantage. Banks that

master service quality can gain a competitive edge in terms of higher revenue, customer

loyalty and customer retention (Kumar et al., 2010).

Banks play an important and active role in the financial and economic development of a

country. An effective banking system greatly influences the growth of a country in

various sectors of the economy. Practitioners in the banking industry face a large number

of complex challenges in the global marketplace (Lau et al., 2013). As most banks offer

similar products and services, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty is the most

important factor in maintaining as well as increasing market share for these organizations.

Customer Satisfaction has become an important aspect of measuring performance,

particularly for the banking and finance industry (Khondaker and Mir, 2011). A vast

number of studies for instance Yoon and Suh (2004); Lau et al. (2013); have identified

the significance of service quality. Good service quality is generally regarded as a way to

retain existing customers and acquire new ones, reduce costs, enhance corporate image,

generate positive word-of-mouth recommendation, and improve profitability. Service

quality is regarded as a critical success factor for organizations to differentiate from

competitors (Lau et al., 2013).

In Africa, it is perceived that the bank customer of late is more knowledgeable,

demanding, analytical and aware of his rights and as such would not like to be treated

anyhow or given substandard service (Asante and Kwasi, 2012). For instance, in the

banking industry in Ghana; the intense competition in the past years due to new entrants

into the industry both local and foreign and enforcement of Bank of Ghana regulations

has demanded the need to offer high service quality to differentiate offerings in the


market place. This is in a bid to attract and retain customers and increase customer

confidence (Amoako, 2012). According to (Moller, 2008) customers of retail banks in

Africa are clearly seeking a responsive service, with a high level of staff efficiency. This

would suggest that efforts to increase speed of processing information and customers are

likely to have an important and positive effect on customer satisfaction. Addressing this

issue through regular staff training should improve service quality. Shorter queues,

service reliability and convenient locations are also considered to be very important by

customers. For retail banks in Africa wanting to enhance customer satisfaction, these

would be key areas for improvement.

In Kenya, the level of competition and high customer expectations is fiercer in the service

industry. Kenya’s service industry is the largest contributor to its gross domestic product.

It accounts for around 63 percent of its GDP (World Bank, 2008). The banking sector in

Kenya is regulated and supervised by the Central Bank of Kenya. The sector has grown

tremendously over the years; it currently has 43 licensed commercial banks and 1

mortgage finance company. Out of the 44 financial institutions, 31 are locally owned

while 13 are foreign owned. The locally owned financial institutions comprise 3 banks

with significant shareholding by the Government and State Corporations, 27 commercial

and 1 mortgage finance institution. By 2012 the sector had 8 deposit taking microfinance

institutions, 7 representative offices of foreign banks, 108 foreign exchange bureaus and 2

credit reference bureaus (Central Bank of Kenya, 2015). Traditional ways of banking

through brick and mortar branch network have evolved to alternate channels to include

debit and credit cards, internet banking and mobile phone transactions.

Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI), a public limited liability company, was

established as a bank holding company in 1985 under a private sector initiative

spearheaded by the Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce and Industry

with the support of ECOWAS. In the early 1980’s the banking industry in West Africa

was dominated by foreign and state-owned banks. There were hardly any commercial

banks in West Africa owned and managed by the African private sector. ETI was founded

with the objective of filling this vacuum (Ecobank, 2014).The report continues to state

that the Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce promoted and initiated a

project for the creation of a private regional banking institution in West Africa. In 1984,

Eco promotions S.A. was incorporated. Its founding shareholders raised the seed capital

for the feasibility studies and the promotional activities leading to the creation of ETI. In


October 1985, ETI was incorporated with an authorized capital of US$100 million. The

initial paid up capital of US$32 million was raised from over 1,500 individuals and

institutions from West African countries.

The largest shareholder was the ECOWAS Fund for Cooperation, Compensation and

Development (ECOWAS Fund), the development finance arm of ECOWAS.

A Headquarters’ Agreement was signed with the government of Togo in 1985 which

granted ETI the status of an international organization with the rights and privileges

necessary for it to operate as a regional institution, including the status of a non-resident

financial institution.

ETI commenced operations with its first subsidiary in Togo in March 1988. Today,

Ecobank is the leading pan-African bank with operations in 36 countries across the

continent, more than any other bank in the world. It currently operates in countries in

West, Central , East and Southern Africa, namely Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi,

Cape Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic

Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, The

Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger,

Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South

Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Group also has a licensed

operation in Paris and representative offices in Beijing, Dubai, Johannesburg, London and

Luanda. The Ecobank Group is a full-service bank focused on Middle Africa. It provides

wholesale, retail, investment and transactional banking services to governments, financial

institutions, multinationals, local companies, SMES and individual services are delivered

by three customer-focused business segments; Corporate Bank, Domestic Bank and

Ecobank Capital. (Ipek Kuran 2008)

Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI) entered the Kenyan market in 2008 as a

strategic move in its expansion plans. The entry mode was through acquisition of 75%

stake of East Africa Building Society (EABS), making it the 43rd commercial bank in

Kenya. EABS was founded in 1959 by the Pandit family who were the single largest

shareholders. After the purchase of East African Building Society, Ecobank Transnational

Incorporated changed EABS’ name to Ecobank Kenya Limited. (MicroCapital,June



Ecobank Kenya currently has 29 branches around the country, it offers wholesale, retail,

commercial and investment banking services to individual and corporate customers both

private and public. Ecobank Kenya recently launched its banc assurance services through

its wholly owned subsidiary called Eco Insurance Agency Limited (Ecobank Kenya,

2014). In a bid to improve the quality of customer service, the bank has restructured the

customer service department and elevated the Head of Client Engagement to report

directly to the MD and become a member of executive committee. This is to ensure that

customer service issues get a deeper consideration at top management. The number of

line managers who report directly to the head of department was increased from one to

three while customer service officers at branches have a dotted reporting line to the head

of client engagement. The bank is also investing in increasing capacity of the department

in a bid to offer efficient customer service which is core to the bank’s operations.

The increased competition in the Kenyan banking industry and the need to increase

customer satisfaction calls for quality service in order to attract and retain the current

customers thus the need for the institutions to be innovative and creative to win the

customer’s trust and loyalty (Kimando and Njogu, 2012). Ecobank Kenya has continued

to experience customer service challenges as evidenced in the confidential internal

monthly Customer Service reports. The reports indicated an increase in customer churn as

demonstrated in account closure letters and general customer attrition. Frustration due to

system malfunction was also a key dissatisfaction area and gave rise to law suits. An

online customer satisfaction survey conducted in 2015 by Ecobank Group Customer

Service team indicated lack of customer satisfaction on some services and lack of

feedback to customers. Lack of feedback to customers is an indicator of poor customer

service which would negatively impact on the customer satisfaction, customer loyalty,

and retention in organization performance.

As most banks in Kenya offer similar products and services, improving customer

satisfaction and loyalty is key. Service quality is the only way that banks can to

differentiate their offerings in the market place (Amoako, 2012). It is against this

background therefore that the study seeks to investigate the factors affecting the quality of

Customer Service at Ecobank Kenya Limited with key focus on service delivery by staff

at the branch. Despite the extensive customer service strategies employed by Ecobank

Kenya Limited


1.2 Statement of the Problem

In today’s rapidly challenging business environment due to technological advancement

coupled with high competition within industry players and outside businesses, there is a

greater need to improve on customer experience in the banking industry. Customers are

willing to extend their loyalty to business that can offer superior value relative to the

offers by competition (Yang and Peterson, 2004). Today’s customers are sophisticated

and technology savvy, they want their service when and where they need it; they are also

spoilt for choice in terms of quality and pricing. For this reason, the pressure to meet

shareholders’ expectations, manage costs and grow profits is very high within

organizations (Chen and Quester, 2006). The modern customer expects to be treated as an

equal partner with courtesy and efficiency thus need of organization to make customers

feel the value of using its products or services is greater than the price the customer is

paying (Addai-Minkah, 2011).

Customer service is a basis which customers use for differentiating between competing

services, second only to market share (Gale, 2007). Therefore, with increasing

competition in the service industry, banks included there are need to refocus service

delivery objectives. Relative quality is a key contributor to bottom line profit

performance. Quality can only be defined by customers (Payne 2008). Despite the

extensive customer service strategies employed by Ecobank, the bank has continued to

face service delivery challenges as evidenced in internal monthly customer service reports

for Nairobi region branches which highlighted delays in transaction processing, high

churn rate, non-active accounts and long pending complaints. The customer satisfaction

survey of 2015 also pointed out the main customer pain points as lack of feedback in loan

application, indifference attitude from staff, weak product knowledge and system


Examination of the above service data from Nairobi region branches against service

standards as set out in the customer experience policy it would appear that service

delivery may be affected by customer facing staff due to factors such as staff training and

motivation, Schneider, Gunnarson and Niles-Jolly (1994) assert that employees observe

what happens to them and around them, and draw conclusions about the organization's

priorities. Some researchers (Julian and Ramaseshan 1994) claim that since service

organization employees have face-to-face contact with customers, their work seems to

result in increased stress and strain because employees try to meet conflicting demands


from management and customers. (Schneider and Bowen 1995) contend that management

can potentially manage employee stress by establishing an environment in which

employees' desires to give good services are made easier and encouraged.

Though service loyalty is one of the most important structures in service marketing, as a

result of its final effect on customers’ repeated purchases, in fact, those loyal customers

who purchase repeatedly have been considered as the base of any business (Caruana,

2002) Service environment created in an organization, including how the service is

delivered, is critical for the service unit's effectiveness. Furthermore, since one aspect of

service quality is the delivery, the interaction between the service deliverer and the

consumer may determine service quality for the consumer. Organizations can only

indirectly control the interaction or "service encounter" because of the simultaneous

nature of production and consumption. In order to explore the relationship between

service orientation and service quality.

Internal processes that guide execution often provide a bone of contention to the customer

facing staff between meeting the needs of customers while also adhering to set standards

and procedures that are sanction backed.

In emerging economies, the banking business has been revolutionized with the banking

business now built on the platform of quality of service. In Bangladesh, (Siddiqi, 2010)

examined the applicability of service quality of retail banking industry and found that

service quality is positively correlated with customer satisfaction; empathy had the

highest positive correlation with customer satisfaction, followed by assurance and

tangibility. In Malaysia, Lo, Osman, Ramayah and Rahim (2010) found that empathy and

assurance had the highest influence on customer satisfaction in the Malaysian retail

banking industry. In Greece, (Arasli, Smadi and Katircioglu 2005) found that reliability

had the highest impact on customer satisfaction. A number of studies have identified the

dimensions of service quality as the antecedents of customer satisfaction.

Staff responsiveness to customers needs affects quality of service and ultimately

cusyomer satisfaction. Responsiveness is the readiness to provide assistance and speedy

service to customer (Parasuraman, 1999). Responsiveness dilly-dallies the willingness of

employees to avail a service in a way that it will send a transaction slip instantly, speedy

mortgage conformation, and updating an account in a timely manner (Buteele, 1996).


These are the difference perception of bank’s customers about dealing with machines or

employees (Munusamy , 2010).

It is against this back ground that this study seeks to examine factors affecting the quality

of customer service delivery at Ecobank Kenya Limited.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to establish the factors that affect the quality of customer

service in the Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya.

1.4 Research Questions

1.4.1 What are the effects of Ecobank Kenya’s internal processes and procedures on the

quality of customer service within its Nairobi region branches?

1.4.2 To what extent does staff attitude affect the quality of customer service in the

Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya?

1.4.3 To what extent does training of staff affect the quality of customer service in the

Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya?

1.5 Importance of the Study

1.5.1 ECOBANK Kenya Management

The study will provide the management of Ecobank Kenya with practical information on

what the factors affecting the quality of customer service within its Nairobi region are.

This study will also assist the bank in more focused implementation of customer service

strategies due to the information that will be provided. The findings of this study will

assist Ecobank Kenya employees to appreciate their interdependence and cohesion in

service delivery.

1.5.2 ECOBANK Kenya Client Engagement Department

The client engagement department will benefit from this study through the practical

findings which will assist in re-aligning the department’s objectives to effectively meet

and exceed customer’s expectations.


1.5.3 ECOBANK Kenya Employees

Customer facing employees at the branch will find these findings useful through the

recommendations for training and process review. These will ensure they are well trained

and equipped to apply processes that are customer centric. The study will clearly indicator

the factors affecting quality of customer service which will inform branch staff behavior

change objectives.

1.5.4 ECOBANK Kenya Customers

As key stakeholders in the banking sector, customers will benefit from improved and

better service delivery due to the recommendations of this study. The advantages will

include delightful customer experiences characterized by prompt, effective and delightful

service delivery.

1.5.5 Central Bank of Kenya (CBK)

As a regulator of the banking sector in Kenya, CBK will find the results of this study

useful in terms of providing insights to policy making as appertains customer protection

and advocacy

1.5.6 Kenya Bankers Association

The study will prove useful to Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) whose mandate is to

promote the development and growth of the banking industry in Kenya by engaging the

government and the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK). The study outcome will provide a

valuable opportunity for KBA to understand the factors that affect the quality of customer

service in the banking sector even as KBA strives to support Kenyans who entrust their

financial resources with its member banks.

1.5.7 Banking Institutions

This study can provide practical understanding of factors affecting the quality of customer

service among banking institutions. This study will also provide practical information and

knowledge for management decision making in service delivery to customers as well as

indicate service bench marks.


1.5.8 Researchers and Academicians

The findings and recommendations of this study will contribute to the body of knowledge

in the area of customer service delivery within the banking industry. Other researchers

and academicians will borrow ideas from this study as a point of reference. It will provide

a source of information for future research in the area of customer service and

recommend areas that need to be explored in this area.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study will be carried out within the Nairobi branch network and head office of

Ecobank Kenya. The population scope will consist of both management and junior staff.

The study will be conducted between the months of June 2015 to April 2016.

In conducting this study, the foreseeable limitations include the unwillingness of

respondents to provide information for fear of sanctions by the bank. The bank will need

to see the value of the study to its performance plus confidentiality of information

provided. Another possible challenge will be how to ensure quality of information

collected. Mitigation strategies that will be employed include issuing a written

introductory letter to the management stating the value of the study to the bank, the

purpose which is academic and guaranteeing confidentially. A written authority from the

Head of Human Resources to conduct the study will be sought while quality checkers will

be employed to ensure completeness of data collected.

1.7 Definitions of Terms

1.7.1 Customer Service

Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer

satisfaction creating a feeling that a product or service has met the customers’

expectations (Turban et al, 2002).

1.7.2 Customer Satisfaction

It is a concept that refers to how customers perceive the performance of a product or

service in relation to their needs and expectations; delivering superior value over

competitors to the target customers (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2007)


1.7.3 Service Quality

Service quality is a global cognitive judgment or attitude relating to a particular service;

the customer's overall impression of the relative inferiority or superiority of the

organization and its services (Fogli, 2006).

1.7.4 Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is the development of a positive state of mind by the customer towards

the organization (Asante and Kwasi, 2012).

1.8 Chapter Summary

This chapter provided an introduction to the area of study and a background of the

statement of the problem. It stated the main objective of study which is to investigate the

factors that affect the quality of customer service within Ecobank Kenya’s branches,

Nairobi region. The chapter further gave an introduction on the state of customer service

in Ecobank Kenya; it illustrated the existing gaps from the available information. It went

ahead to outline the purpose, importance and scope of the study.

In chapter two, the study will endeavor to conduct literature review of various sources of

information. The chapter will further explore the information available on the area of the

study. The research questions will guide the literature review chapter. Chapter three

describes the methods and procedures that were used to carry out the study. Chapter four

focuses on analysis of the results and findings of the research data. Finally, a summary of

the study, conclusions drawn and recommendations for further study have been discussed

in Chapter five.




2.1 Introduction

This chapter covers the review of existing literature on the factors that affect the quality

of customer service. The chapter will be guided by the study’s objectives which are to

investigate the extent to which training of staff influence, staff attitude, internal processes

and procedures, evaluation and monitoring, staff’s knowledge of product and services

affect the quality of customer service in commercial banks. The chapter ends with a


2.2. Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service

The quality of customer service is the key differentiator between good, bad and

indifferent companies. Good quality customer service keeps customers coming back; bad

customer service drives customers away, taking their friends, family and workmates with

them. The following subsection provides the effects of internal processes on quality of

customer service.

2.2.1 Internal Processes

Davenport (1993) defines a (business) process as a structured, measured set of activities

designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market. A process is

thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and space, with a beginning and an

end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action. They continue to argue

that Taking a process approach implies adopting the customer’s point of view and that

processes are the structure by which an organization does what is necessary to produce

value for its customers. On the other hand Hammer and Champy’s (1993) define a process

as a collection of activities that takes one or more kinds of input and creates an output that

is of value to the customer. Rummler and Brache (1995) distinguish in their definition that

clearly two types of processes, primary and support processes, depending on whether a

process is directly involved in the creation of customer value, or concerned with the

organization’s internal activities. Their works build on Porter’s value chain


2.2.2 Quality and Customer Service

Service quality from the provider’s perspective means the degree to which the service’s

features conform to the organization’s specifications and requirements; from the

customer’s perspective it means how well the service meets or exceeds expectations

(Fisk,004) Service quality as the subjective comparison that customers make between the

quality of the service they want to receive and what they actually get (Gefan, 2002).

An acceptable outcome is an absolute necessity for good perceived quality, but an

excellent service process creates a distinct and sustainable competitive edge”, (Gronroos,

2005 p.15) Service quality is determined by the differences between customer’s

expectation of the service’s provider’s performance and their evaluation of the services

they received (Parasuraman,1988).Service quality can be defined as the difference

between customer’s expectations for service performance prior to the service encounter

and their perceptions of the service received (Asubonteng et al,1996).

Depending on whether we are a provider or a user, we have many different ways of

defining service quality In this study, Fisk’s definition is used. A key distinction between

the provider-based and customer-based definitions of quality is that the latter definition

recognizes that for the same level of product performance, different customer will

perceive different levels of quality. Thus service quality is more appropriately termed

perceived service quality and defined as the level of service delivery that meets or

exceeds customer expectations (Fisk, 2004)

Quality creates a chain reaction with regard to loyalty and customer inclination to

establish enduring relationships with service providers. The greater the level of customer

satisfaction, the stronger the link between the provider and the customer. Satisfied

customers are loyal and form strong relationships with service organizations (Fisk, 2004).

Previous studies found that in order to determine customer’s perceptions of the overall

banking service quality, banking service product quality plays an important role (Jun and

Cai 2001). There are eight dimensions in banking service quality according to

Parasuraman (1985) and they are reliability, responsiveness, competence, courtesy,

credibility, access, communication and understanding the customer. Reliability refers to

correct service, keeping service promise, accurate records and keep promise as advertised.


Responsiveness refers to prompt service quickly, quick problem solving and convenient

service. Competence means ability to solve problems and knowledge to answer questions.

Courtesy is handling complaints in a friendly manner and consistently courteous.

Credibility means confidence in the bank’s service good reputation. Access includes

availability for help, ATM access, phone access, email access and account access when

abroad. Communication means clear answers, informing customer of important

information, availability of status of transactions. Understanding the customers means

personalized attention. Two additional dimensions were added with the advent of internet

banking and these are collaboration and continuous improvement (Jun and Cai, 2001).

2.2.3 Processes and Service Quality in Organizations

Gronroos (2001) argues that because of the complexity of the characteristics of most

services, their quality has to be complex too, as compared to the quality of goods. In the

case of goods, the outcome or end result of the process is transferred to the customer.

However, in services, the way employees perform their tasks, what they say, and how

they do it also influences the customer’s view of the service and their experience. Other

factors that could affect service are:

According to Caruana (2002), the attitudes of other customers consuming the service and

the atmosphere of the buyer- seller interactions can positively and negatively affect a

customer. The way the customer receives the service also influences his view of the

quality of the service, the way he experiences the simultaneous production and

consumption of the service is quality dimension. The quality of services can be classified

into two parts based on how the customer receives the service and what the customer

receives. “The WHAT and HOW”.

According to Caruana (2002), service quality is split into two terms, first the technical

quality and functional quality. Technical quality is what the customer receives and how

he receives it, the outcome of the process. Functional or process quality is how the

services encounter is taken care of and how the service provider functions.


Figure 1: The Service Quality Dimensions (Gronroos, 2001 P.65)

The third or additional dimension of service quality that research suggests is that of the

physical environment of the service encounter, which is the WHERE of the service

quality perception. However according to Zethami et al (2006), service quality is the

customers’ perception of the service component of a product and a critical determinant of

customer satisfaction more so, that service quality focuses specifically on dimensions of

service, and is a dimension of customer satisfaction even though the two of them tend to

be used interchangeably.

2.2.4 Impact of Processes on Quality Customer Service

An acceptable outcome is an absolute necessity for good perceived quality, but an

excellent service process creates a distinct and sustainable competitive edge”, (Gronroos,

2005 p.15) Service quality is determined by the differences between customer’s

expectation of the service’s provider’s performance and their evaluation of the services

they received (Parasuraman,1988).Service quality can be defined as the difference

between customer’s expectations for service performance prior to the service encounter

and their perceptions of the service received (Asubonteng et al,1996).

Service quality from the provider’s perspective means the degree to which the service’s

features conform to the organization’s specifications and requirements; from the

Total Quality

Image (Corporate/ Local)

Functional quality of the

service process (HOW)

Technical quality of

the outcome (WHAT)


customer’s perspective it means how well the service meets or exceeds expectations (R.P

Fisk,004) Service quality as the subjective comparison that customers make between the

quality of the service they want to receive and what they actually get (Gefan, 2002).

This study uses Fisk’s (2004). definition of service quality. Depending on whether we are

a provider or a user, we have many different ways of defining service quality. A key

distinction between the provider-based and customer-based definitions of quality is that

the latter definition recognizes that for the same level of product performance, different

customer will perceive different levels of quality. Thus service quality is more

appropriately termed perceived service quality and defined as the level of service delivery

that meets or exceeds customer expectations (Fisk, 2004)

Quality creates a chain reaction with regard to loyalty and customer inclination to

establish enduring relationships with service providers. The greater the level of customer

satisfaction, the stronger the link between the provider and the customer. Satisfied

customers are loyal and form strong relationships with service organizations (Fisk, 2004).

Previous studies found that in order to determine customer’s perceptions of the overall

banking service quality, banking service product quality plays an important role (Jun and

Cai 2001). There are eight dimensions in banking service quality according to

Parasuraman (1985) and they are reliability, responsiveness, competence, courtesy,

credibility, access, communication and understanding the customer. Reliability refers to

correct service, keeping service promise, accurate records and keep promise as advertised.

Responsiveness refers to prompt service quickly, quick problem solving and convenient

service. Competence means ability to solve problems and knowledge to answer questions.

Courtesy is handling complaints in a friendly manner and consistently courteous.

Credibility means confidence in the bank’s service good reputation. Access includes

availability for help, ATM access, phone access, email access and account access when

abroad. Communication means clear answers, informing customer of important

information, availability of status of transactions. Understanding the customers means

personalized attention. Two additional dimensions were added with the advent of internet

banking and these are collaboration and continuous improvement (Jun and Cai, 2001).


2.2.4 Relation of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction

Service quality has a positive effect on the bottom-line of a firm and thereby on the

competitive advantages that could be gained from an improvement in the quality of

service offering, so the perceived service exceeds the service level desired by customers

(Caruana, 2002; Chumpitaz, 2004). The literature relating to service management has

argued that customer satisfaction is the result of a customers’ perception of value received

(Hallowel, 1996). Perceived value is considered a construct that captures any benefit

sacrifice discrepancy in the same way that disconfirmation does for variations between

expectation and perceived performance. As clearly explained, perceived service quality

and perceived value has approximately the same meaning.

Fisk (2004) says that three links connect the customer and provider: the service delivery

link, the customer satisfaction link and the customer–provider link. The service delivery

link represents the interactive nature of the service and is strengthened through satisfying

service encounters. The customer satisfaction link represents the connection between the

customer’s level of satisfaction and the degree of loyalty to the service provider. The

customer-provider link represents the mutually rewarding relationship between the

customer and the service provider, resulting in the customer’s commitment to that service

provider. These links connect activities that fall into three domains, or wheels,

representing the domains of the customer, the provider and the service encounter

respectively. The service quality cycle is driven by three wheels connected by three links.

When customers repeatedly enjoy satisfactory service encounters, that is, when the

encounters meet or exceed their expectations for all the service attributes, they perceive

the service quality as high and are likely to remain loyal to the service provider. Figure 2

illustrates the Service quality Cycle which is driven by three wheels connected by three

links as seen below. The term cycle is used to denote that service quality involves

important links between the service organization and the customer in a recurring series of



Figure 2: The service quality Cycle (R.P Fisk, 2004 p. 154)

Loyal customers provide positive word-of-mouth communications about the service

organization feel a sense of belonging and commit to relationships with the service

provider. As loyalty is further nurtured by ongoing satisfying encounters, the customer-

provider relationship becomes mutually rewarding and customers feel even more

committed to the service organization. It is then in the best customer’s best interest to

help the service provider improve its service offerings. With continual improvements, the

service offering will more closely match customer needs. The interactive nature of

services also fosters provider-customer familiarity, which in turn enables the customer to

receive a more personalized service. The cycle is complete when these process



to customer



to Process





Service Provider Wheel



Word of




Attribute and



Service Customer Wheel







Service Encounter Wheel

Customer Satisfaction Link








improvements lead to even better and more satisfying service encounters and overall

customer satisfaction, (Fisk, 2004).

In large service organizations, the same logic applies whereby satisfactory service

encounters lead to continued customer satisfaction and loyalty accompanied by positive

referrals. The strength of the customer-provider relationship fosters a mutual desire to

continually improve the quality of the service encounters and discourages customers from

switching to other service providers. Service quality’s critical influence on service

organization success makes it important for us to understand how the customer evaluates

it and what factors enhance perceived service quality (Fisk 2004).

2.3 Staff Attitude and Quality of Customer Service

Robbins (2003) defined attitudes as evaluative statements and they can be either favorable

or unfavorable-concerning objects, people, or events. Therefore, they reflect how one

feels about something. The favorable statements may provide positive effects regarding

the concerned object, person or event whereas unfavorable statement may provide

negative effects. An attitude is a positive or negative feeling or mental state of readiness,

learned and organized through experience that exerts specific influence on a person’s

response to people, objects and situations. This definition of attitude has certain

implications for managers. First, attitudes are learned. Second, attitudes define one’s

predispositions toward given aspects of the world. Third, attitudes provide emotional

basis of one’s interpersonal relations and identification with others. And fourth, attitudes

are organized and are closed to the core of personality. Some attitudes are persistent and

enduring; yet, like each of the psychological variables, attitudes are subject to change

(Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975; Hettiararchchi and Jayarathn, 2014).

Business environment has become very dynamic, competition continues to intensify, and

customers are increasingly sophisticated in their needs so much that to continue to be

successful, businesses have to be able to see around the corner and be fleet of foot in

order to be able to meet customer needs and most importantly to retain customers. This

requires a strong organisational culture to underpin the business strategy; this is the ways

in which employees behave and the ways in which they work. Line managers have the

responsibility to influence employee attitude and behaviour in order to build this culture

and thereby impact employee performance; and HR impact on the business must be to


partner line managers to acquire the skills and capabilities required to perform this role

effectively (Consult, 2013)

2.3.1. Effect of Staff Attitude in an Organization

The first factor subject to employee attitudes is engagement. Employees that have a

negative attitude toward their company are far more likely to be disengaged, fulfilling

their jobs with the least amount of work possible and at the lowest quality level. This

attitude of disengagement, disconnection and lack of concern for the company's well-

being is costly to employers by way of lost productivity. Employees with the same

competencies and skill levels are likely to be many times more productive if they have a

positive attitude toward work, and feel connected, committed and invested in the success

of the company (Gallup, 2012).

Based on their attitudes toward work, employees feel more or less committed to the job.

Those with a generally negative outlook at their work situation have no reason to feel

invested in a future with the company. They can leave at any time and might just be

waiting for the right opportunity. High employee turnover is significantly costly to

business in a number of ways, including training, hiring resources and work left undone.

By contrast, employees with positive attitudes toward the job are more likely to develop a

sense of commitment to the business and stay for the long haul, lowering turnover costs

and increasing productivity through experience, reports (Moran, 2011).

Workplace attitudes, both positive and negative, are infectious and can easily spread to

co-workers. Negative employee attitudes can have a ripple effect. Decreased trust and

goodwill toward co-worker’s harms collaboration, decreasing productivity. A negative

social environment isolates individual employees and creates incentives to avoid or leave

the job. By contrast, positive attitudes make interaction and collaboration more pleasant

and productive. The encouraging social atmosphere that results from good attitudes

creates incentives to be part of the team and gives employees a sense of belonging and

emotional investment with the success of the company (Ray, 2015).

Not all employees interact directly with customers and clients, but when they do, their

attitude is a reliable predictor of customer satisfaction. Even the employees who don't

have direct contact with clients can influence through their attitudes the level of care and

customer service. A negative attitude is likely to manifest in disengagement from

customers and lack of concern for their needs. Customers are an annoyance and an


inconvenience to employees with a bad attitude. On the other hand, a positive and

engaged attitude is likely to result in courtesy, emotional engagement and a real concern

for the well-being and satisfaction of the customer (Ray, 2015).

2.3.2. Effect of Staff Attitude on Quality of Customer Service

The attitudes of employees in the workplace can have a significant effect on the business

as a whole. Attitude is one of the hidden, hard-to-measure factors that ends up being

crucial to the success of a company. Whether for better or for worse, employee attitudes

tend to have a drastic impact on the productivity of a business, both directly and through

the effect on other job-related factors (Bartel, Freeman, Ichniowski and Kleiner, 2011).

Employees’ empowerment is one of the aspects that change their attitude. According to

Ellinger, Elmadag and Ellinger (2007), empowered employees have control over their

work and how the work is done. They also have a great deal of task autonomy and

identify which are desirable job characteristics that improve morale and job satisfaction.

Empowerment also enhances employee commitment towards the organization by

allowing them to make on-the-spot decisions. By empowering employees, management is

demonstrating its commitment to service quality by giving them the authority and

responsibility to deliver excellent service delivery.

A study by Pritchett (2007) established the effects of an upbeat and positive attitude in

customer service interactions. The study involved experiments and examination of case

studies. The experiment revealed that dealers, who engaged customers with a positive

attitude, earned more in tipped income. In a series of case studies, service surveys were

taken from customers that experienced a normal wait for service at counter service areas

and in receiving beverage service. Those customers who experienced a normal wait, but

received service from an upbeat and positive employee, rated the interaction better than or

equal to service received in a timely manner. It is therefore clear when customer service

employees perform their duties with a positive attitude, have the ability to affect certain

aspects of customer service interactions.

Susskind, Kacmar and Borchgrevink (2013) also sought to establish the relationship

between customer service providers’ attitudes relating to customer service and customer

satisfaction in the customer - server exchange. Results indicated that the perception of

having standards for service delivery in an organization is strongly related to line-level

employees’ perceptions of support from coworkers and supervisors. Perceived support


from coworkers was significantly related to service providers’ customer orientation,

whereas perceived support from supervisors showed a weaker relationship to a customer

orientation. Ultimately, service providers’ customer orientation was strongly related to

customers’ satisfaction with service.

A study by Ashill, Rod and Carruthers (2008) tested a model of behavioral job outcomes

grounded in Bagozzi’s (1992) reformulation of attitude theory. The study targeted the

Frontline employees who played a crucial role in service delivery and building

relationships with customers. Results suggest there is a significant influence of

management commitment to service quality on job attitudes, which in turn influence

customer service performance and turnover intentions. Yazdanifard et al. (2011) also

asserts that there is a strong association between employee attitudes about their jobs and

their conducts with customer service which in turn influence customer retention and more

persistent customer comments about a product or services to others. Customers who feel

they were poorly treated by employee of the organization will tell numerous people,

friends, relatives, and neighbors about their experience each of this individual, in turn,

will tell others what the dissatisfaction customer told them.

Litwin and Stringer (1968) identified organizational standards as a key influence on

individuals’ behavior in organizations and defined standards as consisting of

organizational members’ per-ceptions of organizational goals and objectives, managerial

expectations for job performance, and the implicit importance placed on those goals,

objectives, and performance demands. Because managers of service-based organizations

typically have less direct interaction with their customers than they do with their front-

line employees (Schneider & Bowen, 1993), front-line employees tend to be the direct

link between an organization’s goals and operational mission and the consumers they

serve (Grisaffe,2000). Because front-line service providers are a key element in the

service delivery process, the standards dimension presented in this article represents the

extent to which these employees believe that they are viewed as an important part of the

service delivery process (Lewis, 1989) and that standards exist to guide, direct, and

monitor the service delivery behaviors of both management and line-level employees.

Standards represent an important part of an organization’s mission as they provide

guidelines for how products or services are produced, delivered, and evaluated. Grisaffe

(2000) indicated that managerial philosophies and values influence and business

practices, which, in turn, influence employee and customer interactions and behaviors.


Armeli, Eisenberger, Fasolo and Lynch (1998) described this contention from a social

exchange framework (Blau, 1964), suggesting that perceptions of organizational support

are likely to be stronger when employees believe they are acting consistently with

organizational standards. Schmitand Allscheid (1995) also identified service standards as

a key part of an organization’s service climate because they positively influence service


2.4. Training of Staff and Quality of Customer Service

2.4.1 Training of Staff

Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the

teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful

competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity and

performance at the work place or off the place (Singh, 2012). On the other hand, customer

service is the practice of providing customers with a positive helpful experience when

they enter a business, throughout the time they stay at the business, and even after the

customer leaves, should they have additional questions or products to return (Thompson

and Kolsky, 2004). Dealing with customers involves the appreciation of the time of

customers and tolerating their behaviors. The provider must always convey to the

customer that he or she appreciates the time it takes them to do business with the

company. Respecting the customer ‘s time implies that members of an organization

should always work at peak efficiency and stay focused on the customer. Respecting the

customer ‘s time by not imposing bad or negative mood on anyone else, recognizing

regular customers, avoiding destructive remarks and showing initiative are tips to creating

challenging customers (Thompson and Kolsky, 2004).

2.4.2. Effect of Staff Training on Quality of Customer Service

Padi (2012) conducted a study on the effect of training on customer service delivery; the

study was based on a contextual analysis of a limited number of training sessions held for

staff of Barclays bank, Ghana. The study revealed that all the staff had special training

towards improving customer service delivery and majority of the bank ‘s customers

perceived its service delivery as good. The study concluded that training received by bank

staff on improving customer service delivery resulted in improving the performance of

staff which resulted in improving the performance of staff which was perceived as good


by the customers of the bank. It is recommended that the human resources department of

Barclays Bank Ghana Ltd should train their staff on how to meet customer expectations,

increase assertiveness, and deal with stress and how to maintain good customer service


Dhar (2014) also examined how training of employees influence service quality. The

author analyzed the perception of training opportunities and the impact of such training

on the service provided to guests in small and medium size tourist hotels operating in

Uttarakhand, India. The findings of the study revealed a strong relationship between

employee training and the quality of services offered by employees in tourist hotels.

The relationship between various perceptions of training and its impact on service quality

may be mediated by the organizational commitment level displayed by employees.

Employees may show a dramatic improvement in the quality of services they offer to

customers if they are trained in problem solving and technical skills (Yavas and Babakus,

2010). This kind of training not only improves employee competency but also creates a

feeling of obligation for them to repay it, which takes the form of displaying a higher

level of commitment toward the organization. Employees who feel that the organization

supports them by offering them relevant training programs, provide faster and better

solutions to customer issues (Yavas and Babakus, 2010). Such beliefs about the

organization encourage employees to go beyond their role boundaries and demonstrate

extra role performance. The findings concur with Malhotra et al. (2013) who revealed that

employees who are committed to an organization and use discretionary efforts are prone

to excel in achieving quality customer service; the study highlights a direct relationship

between organizational commitment through training and customer service quality.

Any business that is keen to survive and prosper in this present day diverse and turbulent

economy has found it imperative to invest in ongoing training and development to

improve proficiencies in service delivery as well as to acquire the greatest return in

investment of human capital (Knoke & Kalleberg, 1994). Although this area of training

effectiveness seems paramount, and although training is an integral part of the employer–

employee relationship, Knoke and Kalleberg (1994) suggest direct evidence about

company training practices based on representative samples of diverse employing

organizations is almost non-existent. Furthermore, several authors have suggested that

training is most extensive only in establishments which operate in complex market


environments (Rowden & Conine, 2005; Sahinidis & Bouris, 2008). In addition, Rowden

and Conine (2005) indicate that there is limited research on human resource development

in small and midsized businesses. According to these authors, most people believe that

small businesses do little, if any, development of their workers. Moreover, Rowden and

Conine cite Training Magazine, which annually conducts research on the training industry

in the United States, as not even attempting to contact businesses with fewer than 100

employees. In addition, in their annual research sample, only 16% consisted of companies

between 100 and 500 workers. In general, little human resource development occurs in

small businesses (Hill & Stewart, 1999). In summary, a slowly growing number of

authors are currently doing more research in the areas of training and development and its

effects on employees that we have not seen in past literature. Effects Staff’s Knowledge of Product and Services on Quality of Customer


Employees in a service organization and particularly, those who have frequent contacts

with the customer usually serve as representatives of both the organization and their

products or services to the customer at contact point. The quality of the service and the

satisfaction the customer may derive will be an assessment of the entire service

experience. Employees who are empowered in an organization can either portray a

positive or negative picture to the customers. Considering that, a satisfied customer and

employee are of important value to the organization; it therefore, becomes the duty of the

management to put in place a system that would ultimately generate either satisfaction, or

dissatisfaction from their customers and employees. Since the employees have a major

role to play in determining, whether a customer would enjoy the experience or turn to

their competitors for better solutions. This forces organizations to re-think their strategy

(Baruch, 2008). Companies today recognize that they can compete more effectively by

distinguishing themselves with respect to service quality and improved customer

satisfaction (Zeithaml et al. 2006).

2.4.3. Benefits of Staff Training to the Organization

According to Al Emadi and Marquardt (2007) training program benefits can be looked at

from three different perspectives: personal benefits, job related benefits, and career

benefits. Personal benefits refer to the benefits that an employee attending the training

program can expect to achieve in terms of improving their job performance, developing


their network, and attaining personal growth and development. Job related benefits lead to

the development of better relationships with customers, colleagues and managers and

gives a break from the daily work routine. Career benefits can be considered an outcome

of employee participation in training programs, as it helps them achieve their career

objectives and pursue new paths to extend and develop their careers (Al Emadi and

Marquardt 2007).

A study by Brunetto, Farr-Wharton and Shacklock (2012) have shown that giving

employees an opportunity to learn develops a higher level of commitment among

employees, compared to job security, monetary benefits, and job satisfaction. Further, it

has been found that employee commitment levels are high when they are given training

opportunities and, hence, they display a higher rate of training participation (Bartlett,

2001). Bartlett and Kang (2004) further revealed that firms who have fair accessibility to

training programs are more likely to have a greater number of committed employees in

their organization. A training program that is effective may also lead to employees

forming an opinion that their organization demonstrates a willingness to invest in them,

since the organization cares about them. This encourages a higher level of commitment

among employees toward their organization (Teck-Hong and Yong-Kean, 2012).

Higher degree of training also increases employee satisfaction and loyalty towards the

firm (Choo and Bowley, 2007). A study by Stephen and Bowley (2007) shows that

training is associated with employee’s productivity which further leads toward improved

employee and customer satisfaction. However, Choo and Bowley (2007) asserts that

while considering a training process its essential to explore who is taking part in trainings,

style and design of training and all about the main objectivity of the trainings being

achieved or not.

Employee commitment levels can be evaluated in the manner in which they welcome

their customers, attend to their issues, and, hence, support and fulfill the objectives of an

organization. Employees who feel part of an organization and agree to the targets

stipulated by the management perform their duties and responsibilities with sincerity,

unlike employees who stay with the organization just for the sake of duty or merely under

obligation (Malhotra, Mavondo, Avinandan, and Hooley, 2013).


2. 5 Chapter Summary

This chapter discusses the literature review based on the research objectives of the study.

These are: to investigate extent to which training of staff affect quality of customer

service; to establish extent to which staff attitude affect quality of customer service;

effects of internal processes and procedures on the quality of customer service; to

establish the extent to which monitoring and evaluation affect quality of customer service;

and the effect of staff’s knowledge of product and services on quality of customer service.




3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the research design and methodology for the study. It specifically

provides for the design adopted followed by the target population and sampling frame,

sampling design and sample size for the study, the sampling procedure to be used in

conducting the study, methods of data collection, instrumentation issues with regard to

validity and reliability, operational definition of variables, method of data analysis to be

used in conducting the research and finally the summary of the chapter.

3.2 Research Design

Cooper and Schindler (2008) defines a research design as the scheme, outline or plan that

is used to generate answers to research problems. Creswell (2007), similarly notes that a

research design is the structure of the research that holds all the elements in a research

project together. The research design adopted for this research is descriptive quantitative

study. According to Colin (2002), descriptive research design involves fact finding and

enquiries of different types. It explains a state of affairs as it exists currently. Descriptive

study will help address research objectives through empirical assessment that involve

numerical quantitative measure. Quantitative numerical data collected will make

statistical analysis of findings feasible. The methodology adopted in this study will be

carried out using a questionnaire survey. According to Cox and Hassard (2005) a survey

is method of carrying out research using structured questionnaire that are given to a

sample of a population and designed to elicit specific information from the respondents.

The survey questions are designed to gather information on such things as attitudes,

intentions, awareness, behaviors and motivations

3.3 Population and Sampling Design

3.3.1 Population

Mugenda and Mugenda (2008) define population as the entire group of individual’s,

events or objects having a common observable characteristic. On the other hand, he

defines target population as that population the study studies, and whose findings are used

to generalize the entire population (Mugenda and Mugenda, 2008). The research will


target all the Ecobank franchises in Kenya with a population of 450 regional staff. The

research will be looking mainly at the factors affecting the quality of customer service in

the banking industry in Kenya: A case of Ecobank Kenya, Nairobi region.

3.3.2 Sampling Design Sampling Frame

The sampling frame refers to the listing of all population elements from which the sample

will be drawn and is closely related to the population (Cooper and Schindler, 2011). They

suggest that ideally, it is a complete and correct list of population members only. The

sampling frame for this study will be a listing of all the 450 regional staff of Ecobank

franchises in Kenya. The list will be obtained from the Ecobank’s Human Resources

manager. Sampling Technique

Sampling is the process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way

that the individual selected represents the large group from which they are selected from

Mugenda et., (2003). Sampling procedure may be defined as a systematic process of

individuals for a study to represent the larger group from which they are selected (Cooper

and Schindler, 2008). They all define sample as method of selecting a portion of the

population for conducting a study in order to represent the population adequately since it

is impossible to take the entire population because of time, financial factors and errors

which can discourage the researcher and lead him to surrender the study. This study will

utilize a multiple methodology to achieve optimum representative sample. The mix

consists of Stratified sampling, and simple random sampling. Sample Size

A sample size refers to the collection of elements selected in the population (Cooper and

Schindler, 2011). In their earlier work Cooper and Schindler (2008), describe the sample

size as a smaller set of the larger population. Mugenda (2003) argues that the choice of

sample size is governed by the confidence you need to have in your data, level of

certainty, the accuracy you require for any estimates made in your sample, the type of

analysis you are going to undertake and finally the size of total population from which

your sample is drawn. This study selected an equal number of employees from the


Ecobank Nairobi region. This will comprise of the customer service manager and

customer service officer from each branch in the Nairobi region and all the 20 employees

of the Customer engagement department.

Table 3.1: Distribution of Sample Size

Ecobank Branch(Nairobi) Population Sample

Client engagement 20 20

Ecobank Towers 10 2

Chambers 8 2

Industrial Area 7 2

Gikomba 5 2

Embakasi 5 2

Karen 6 2

Plaza 2000 7 2

Thika Road Mall 5 2

Ongata Rongai 5 2

Kitengela 5 2

Total 83 40

3.4 Data Collection Methods

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of

interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research

questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes (Cooper and Schindler, 2008). Primary

data will be sourced from the questionnaires by the respondents and secondary data will

be sourced from existing publications on the subject of study. The questionnaire will

incorporate a Likert scale of 5 measurements. The questionnaire had four sections,

Section ‘A’ formed demographic questions, Section ‘B’ had questions under research

question 1, section ‘C’ had questions under research question 2, while section ‘D’ had

questions under research question 3. Glaser and Strauss (2009) explains that

questionnaires are an important instrument for research as a tool for data collection. The

use of questionnaires was justified to the extent that questionnaires are effective way of

collecting information from a large literate sample in a short span of time and at a reduced

cost than other methods. The questionnaires were made use of closed ended questions to

ensure consistency, easy coding, and data analysis.


3.5 Research Procedures

This data collection instrument will be pilot tested with 5 respondents. The pilot test was

conducted to detect weaknesses in design and instrumentation and to provide proxy data

for selection of probability sample, it therefore draws subject from the target population

and simulate the procedures and protocols that have been designated for data collection

(Cooper and Schindler, 2008). According to Saunders et al., (2009) a complete account

of the research process including pilot testing, scheduling of the subjects and collection of

the data collection instruments has to be conducted.

The problems encountered during piloting testing of the data collection instrument will

addressed by making necessary adjustments to the data collection instrument before

administering it on the whole study sample. A number of methods will be used to

administer the questionnaires. The researcher with the help of one research assistant who

will be trained on communication and interviewing technics will administer the

questionnaires They will use the drop and pick method by delivering the 6 questionnaires

to each of the Nairobi region branches and pick them the day after by which time it’s

expected that all the respondents will have filled them.

3.6 Data Analysis Methods

Data analysis involves reducing accumulated data to a manageable size, developing

summaries, looking for patterns, and applying statistical techniques (Cooper and

Schindler, 2008). The quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and

inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was utilized for measures of central tendencies

(Mean, Median and Mode), and measures of dispersion (Variance, Standard deviation,

Standard Error, and Percentiles). On the other hand, inferential statistics was utilized for

correlations, and multiple regression. The analysis process will entail transforming a mass

of raw data into tables, charts, with frequency distribution and percentages to provide key

answers to the research questions. Data will be analyzed using Statistical Package for

Social Sciences (SPSS) program and presented using descriptive statistics especially

frequency tables and figures


3.7 Chapter Summary

This chapter has presented the research methodology that was adopted to conduct this

study. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The study population comprised

60 employees of Ecobank Nairobi region. The study relied mostly on primary data which

was collected from the respondents using a tailor-made self-administered questionnaire.

This data collection instrument was pilot tested on 5 respondents. Statistical methods that

is, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.

The next chapter will present the results and findings of this study.




4.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the data analysis, interpretation and presentation. The study

sampled 40 Ecobank Kenya staff from Nairobi. The data was interpreted as per the

research questions. The analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics.

The findings were presented in form of figures and tables. The data was analysed using

statistical package software, SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) as was

proposed in the previous chapter. The analysed data was presented according to the study


4.2 General Information

4.2.1 Response Rate

Koltler (1997) defines the response rate as the extent to which the final set of data

includes all sample members and it is calculated as from the number of people with

whom interviews are completed divided by the total number of people in the entire

sample, including those who refused to participate and those who were unavailable. So

the researcher examined a sample of 40 respondents from whom dully filled

questionnaires were collected a proportion of 88.89% which is a reliable response rate for

data analysis as Babbie (2002) posited that any response of 50% and above is adequate

for analysis.

Table 4. 1: Response Rate

Ecobank Branch(Nairobi) Sample Response Rate%

Client engagement 20 12

Ecobank Towers 8 8 100

Westminster 8 8 100

Westlands 4 4 100

Chambers 2 2

Industrial Area 2 0 0

Gikomba 2 2 100

Embakasi 2 0 0

Karen 2 0 0

Plaza 2000 2 0 0

Thika Road Mall 2 2 100

Ongata Rongai 2 2 100

Kitengela 2 0 0

Total 58 40


4.2.2 Respondents Department

A total of 40 respondents were interviewed for this study and all responded. Figure 4.3

indicates that 30% of the respondents were from the headquarters; followed by Ecotowers

branch and Westminster with 20% (8) each. Westlands was fourth with 10% and

Chambers, Thika road Mall, Gikomba and Ongata Rongai all were fifth with 5%(2)

respondents each.

Table 4. 2: Respondents Ecobank Branches

Frequency Percent

Valid Ecotowers 8 20.0

Westminister 8 20.0

Westlands 4 10.0

Chambers 2 5.0

Gikomba 2 5.0

Ongata Rongai 2 5.0

Thika road Mall 2 5.0

H/Q Client Engagement 12 30.0

Total 40 100.0

4.2.3 Respondents Gender

of the 40 respondents interviewed for this study, 60% were female and 35% were male.

5% of the respondents did not indicate their gender as shown in Table 4.3

Table 4. 3: Respondents Gender

Frequency Percent

Valid 2 5.0

Male 14 35.0

Female 24 60.0

Total 40 100.0

4.2.4 Respondents Age

The study wanted to establish the age of the Ecobank employee. Most (55%) of the

respondents interviewed as shown in Table 4.5 were 26 -33 years old. This was followed

by 18 to 25 years old who were 20% , 34-41 who were 15% and the least were 42-49 year

olds who were only 5%.


Table 4.4 Respondents Age

Frequency Percent

Valid 18-25 years 10 25.0

26-33 years 22 55.0

34-41 years 6 15.0

42-49 years 2 5.0

Total 40 100.0

4.2.4 Respondents Level of Education

According to the findings, 45% of the Ecobank employees interviewed had undergraduate

degrees followed by 25% who had diplomas. The least 15 % had certificates same as the

ones with post graduate degrees as shown in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Level of Education

Frequency Percent

Valid Certificate 6 15.0

Diploma 10 25.0

Undergraduate 18 45.0

Postgraduate 6 15.0

Total 40 100.0

4.2.5 Years Worked for Ecobank

According to the Table 4.6, most 40% of the employees interviewed had worked for

Ecobank for less than 1 year. This was followed by 25 % who had worked for 1-2 years,

25% who had worked for 2-3 years and the least 10% who had worked for more than 4


Table 4.6 Years Worked

Frequency Percent

Valid Less than 1 year 16 40.0

1-2 years 10 25.0

3-4 Years 10 25.0

Above 5 years 4 10.0

Total 40 100.0


4.2.6 Respondents Departments

According to the findings, 55% of the Ecobank employees interviewed worked in the

Client Engagement department, followed by 50% who worked in the operations

department. The trade services department which had only 10% and the legal department

with the least 5% as shown in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7 Respondents Departments

Frequency Percent

Valid Client Engagement 22 55.0

Trade services 4 10.0

Operations 12 30.0

Legal 2 5.0

Total 40 100.0

4.3 Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service

To get an idea of the influence of Internal processes on quality of customer service,

respondents were asked to answer questions on processes related to customer service in

the bank. All the respondents confirmed that internal processes influenced quality of

service as shown on Table 4.8. These findings show that, Our CS processes help us serve

our customers better was the most dominant factor with a mean of 4.28, followed by We

have diverse products and services that meets our clients’ needs (mean = 4.25); We have

clear process to deal with complaints from customers (mean = 4.22). the least is Our

processes ensure quality customer services and We have SOP on consultations with

customers both with a mean of 4.89.

Table 4.8 Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean


Deviation Variance

Our processes ensure quality customer services 36 3.89 1.063 1.130

Our processes are written and clearly articulated 36 3.94 .984 .968

We have clear process to receive complaints from

customers 36 3.94 .924 .854

We have clear process to deal with complaints from

customers 36 4.22 .989 .978

We have SOP on consultations with customers 36 3.89 .950 .902

We have diverse products and services that meets our

clients’ needs 32 4.25 .672 .452

Our CS processes are efficient 36 4.17 .971 .943

Our CS processes help us serve our customers better 36 4.28 1.059 1.121

Valid N (listwise) 32


4.3.1 Correlations

The study sort to establish the relationship between the quality of customer service and

the internal processes in Ecobank towards their customers. From the correlation Table 4.9

there is a positive correlation between the quality of customer service and the internal

processes (r = .744, p < 0.01).

Table 4.9 Correlations

Qual_CS Int_Processes Attitude Staff_Training

Qual_CS Pearson Correlation 1 .744** .688** .597**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000

N 40 36 36 40

Int_Processes Pearson Correlation .744** 1 .581** .394*

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .017

N 36 36 36 36

Attitude Pearson Correlation .688** .581** 1 .579**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000

N 36 36 36 36

Staff_Training Pearson Correlation .597** .394* .579** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .017 .000

N 40 36 36 40

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

4.3.2 Regression

To establish the type relationship between internal processes and quality of customer

service, a simple linear regression was used and the findings are shown in Table 4.10 and


Table 4.10 Model Summary

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the


1 .744a .553 .540 .29589

a. Predictors: (Constant), Int_Processes

b. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

From the model summary table 4.11, the R Square, the coefficient of determination, .553,

is the squared value of the multiple correlation coefficients. It shows that 55.3% of the


variation in the dependent variable (Quality of Customer service) is explained by the

model. This therefore means that other factors not studied in this research contribute

64.3% of variance in the dependent variable.

Table 4.11 Coefficient







t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 2.376 .261 9.115 .000

Int_Processes .410 .063 .744 6.489 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

This study aimed to determine the type of relationship that exists between the dependant

variable, quality customer service and independent variable internal processes.

From the table 4.18, the regression equation is:

Quality Customer Service = 2.376 + 0.410Internal processes

4.3.3 Multiple Regression Analysis

To establish the type relationship between quality of customer service, Staff training, staff

attitude and internal processes, a Multiple linear regression was used and the findings are

shown in Table 4.12 and 4.13

Table 4.12 model Summary

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the


1 .837a .701 .673 .24961

a. Predictors: (Constant), Staff_Training, Int_Processes, Attitude

b. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

From the model summary table 4.19, the R Square, the coefficient of determination, .701,

is the squared value of the multiple correlation coefficients. It shows that 70.1% of the

variation in the dependent variable (Quality of Customer service) is explained by the

three independent variables.


Table 4.13 Multiple regression







t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 1.045 .403 2.594 .014

Int_Processes .273 .066 .496 4.156 .000

Attitude .224 .124 .243 1.808 .080

Staff_Training .227 .100 .271 2.280 .029

a. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

The study aimed to determine the type of relationship that exists between the dependant

variable, quality customer service and independent variable staff training, staff attitude

and internal processes.

From the table 4.13, the regression equation is:

Quality Customer Service = 1.045 + 0.273Internal processes + 0.224Staff Attitude +

0.227staff Training,

This means that together the three independent variable have nearly the same influence on

quality customer service when considered together, but internal processes with a

coefficient of 0.273 has the highest influence.

4.4 Staff Attitude and Quality of Customer Service

In order to determine the impact of Staff Attitude on Quality of Customer Service, the

respondents were requested to indicate their level of agreement on the extent to which a

number of issues related to attitude. From the findings shown in Table 4.14, We respect

our customers with a mean of 4.72 is the most dominant factor followed by we don’t

discriminate our customers (mean = 4.61) ; Customers can easily reach us even when the

bank is closed (mean = 4.56) ; we treat our customers in a friendly and courteous

manner(Mean = 4.44). the least is Customers like our opening hours (mean = 3.39)

followed by Banking queues are short and manageable (mean 3.56)


Table 4.14 Staff attitude and Quality of Customer service

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean


Deviation Variance

We are positive and upbeat when serving our customers 36 4.33 .756 .571

We value our customers 36 4.39 .766 .587

we don’t discriminate our customers 36 4.61 .688 .473

We respect our customers 36 4.72 .454 .206

We spend enough time with our customers 36 3.83 1.082 1.171

Banking queues are short and manageable 36 3.56 1.229 1.511

Customers like our opening hours 36 3.39 .903 .816

Customers have easy access to our services 36 3.89 .820 .673

Customers find it easy to get appointments with our

managers 36 3.56 1.319 1.740

Customers can easily reach us even when the bank is

closed 36 4.56 .773 .597

Customers don’t wait for long to be served 34 4.12 1.200 1.440

There is a good relationship among employees in our

branch 36 4.39 .599 .359

we treat our customers in a friendly and courteous

manner 36 4.44 .607 .368

Valid N (list wise) 34

4.4.1 Correlations

The study sort to establish the relationship between the quality of customer service and

the attitude of Ecobank staff towards their customers. From the correlation Table 4.15

there is a positive correlation between the quality of customer service and the staff

attitude (r = .688, p < 0.01).

Table 4.15 Correlations

Qual_CS Int_Processes Attitude Staff_Training

Qual_CS Pearson Correlation 1 .744** .688** .597**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000

N 40 36 36 40

Int_Processes Pearson Correlation .744** 1 .581** .394*

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .017

N 36 36 36 36

Attitude Pearson Correlation .688** .581** 1 .579**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000

N 36 36 36 36

Staff_Training Pearson Correlation .597** .394* .579** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .017 .000

N 40 36 36 40

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


4.4.2. Regression

To establish the type relationship between staff training and quality of customer service, a

simple linear regression was used and the findings are shown in Table 4.15 and 4.16

Table 4.16 Model Summary

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the


1 .688a .473 .458 .32122

a. Predictors: (Constant), Attitude

b. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

From the model summary table 4.15, the R Square, the coefficient of determination, .473,

is the squared value of the multiple correlation coefficients. It shows that 47.3% of the

variation in the dependent variable (Quality of Customer service) is explained by the

model. This therefore means that other factors not studied in this research contribute

64.3% of variance in the dependent variable.

Table 4.17 Coefficients







t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 1.414 .477 2.963 .006

Attitude .634 .115 .688 5.529 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

This study aimed to determine the type of relationship that exists between the dependant

variable, quality customer service and independent variable staff attitude.

From the table 4.16, the regression equation is:

Quality Customer Service = 1.414 + 0.634Staff Attitude


4.5. Training of Staff and Quality of Customer Service

4.5.1. Quality of Customer Service

The study sought to find out the effect of Training of Staff and Quality of Customer

Service. The respondents were interviewed on various statements in order to establish the

relationship. To measure the level of perceive quality of service the Ecobank employees

offer their customers, the respondents were asked the extent they agreed with statements

related to quality customer service. The responses were rated on a five point Likert scale

where: 1-strongly disagree, 2-disagree, 3-neutral, 4-agree, 5-strongly agree. Table 4.18

below illustrates the study findings.

Most of the respondents agreed with most of the statements with all having a mean of

more 3. I am confident when serving my clients (Mean 4.55) was the highest followed by

We talk to our customers clearly and enthusiastically (Mean = 4.45); Our customers like

our Customer services (Mean = 4.45); We have competent CS personnel (Mean = 4.30) ;

We receive positive feedback on our services (Mean =4.25). The least was We receive

very few complaints from our customers (Mean =2.85) followed by Our customers are

happy with fees we charge for services (Mean = 3.20)

Table 4.18 Quality of Customer Service

N Mean


Deviation Variance

Our customers like our Products and services 40 4.05 .932 .869

Our customers like our Customer services 40 4.45 .597 .356

We have diverse products and services 38 4.05 1.293 1.673

We receive very few complaints from our customers 40 2.85 1.075 1.156

We give adequate time during consultation with our

customers 40 3.90 .900 .810

Our services are designed to satisfy customers 38 4.21 .843 .711

We receive positive feedback on our services 40 4.25 .776 .603

We have competent CS personnel 40 4.30 .853 .728

I am confident when serving my clients 40 4.55 .815 .664

We confirm every details of products and services

before engaging clients 40 4.20 .992 .985

We are keen to listen to my clients 40 4.15 .921 .849

We talk to our customers clearly and enthusiastically 40 4.45 .815 .664

Our customers are happy with fees we charge for

services 40 3.20 1.265 1.600

We are happy with the remuneration we receive from

the bank 40 3.45 1.218 1.485


4.5.2. Effect of Staff Training on Quality of Customer Service,

To further establish the effect of staff training on the quality of customer service the,

respondents were asked the extent they agreed with selected statements. From the study

findings shown on table 4.19, the majority of the respondents agreed that; they treat

customers in a friendly and courteous manner (Mean=4.44), followed by we have good

knowledge of the products and services we offer (Mean=4.40), We have good knowledge

of CS processes (Mean=4.40), We have received CS training (Mean=4.42), Our

employees have requisite qualification to do their jobs (Mean=4.30), We are trained

whenever a new product or service is introduced (Mean = 3.85) was the least followed by

We have refresher courses (Mean= 3,90).

Table 4.19 Training of Staff and Quality of Customer Service

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Our employees have requisite qualification to

do their jobs 40 4.30 .648 .421

We receive training and induction for the job

we do 40 4.20 .939 .882

we have good knowledge of the products and

services we offer 40 4.40 .744 .554

We have good knowledge of CS processes 40 4.40 .744 .554

We know how to respond to disgruntled

customers 40 4.10 .778 .605

We have refresher courses 40 3.90 .841 .708

We have received CS training 38 4.42 .889 .791

we treat our customers in a friendly and

courteous manner 36 4.44 .607 .368

There is a good relationship among

employees in our branch 36 4.39 .599 .359

40 3.85 1.406 1.977

Valid N (listwise) 34

4.5.4. Correlation

To establish the relationship between staff training and quality of customer service,

Pearson’s bivariate correlation was used and the findings are shown in Table 4.20.


Table 4.20. Correlations


Qual_CS Int_Processes Attitude Staff_Training

Qual_CS Pearson Correlation 1 .744** .688** .597**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000

N 40 36 36 40

Int_Processes Pearson Correlation .744** 1 .581** .394*

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .017

N 36 36 36 36

Attitude Pearson Correlation .688** .581** 1 .579**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000

N 36 36 36 36

Staff_Training Pearson Correlation .597** .394* .579** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .017 .000

N 40 36 36 40

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

From the findings, there was a strong positive correlation between quality of customer

service and staff training (r=0.597, p > .01). There was also a strong positive correlation

between staff training and staff attitude (r= 0.579, p>0.01) and a positive correlation

between staff training and internal processes (r=.394, p>0.01)

4.5.5. Regression

To establish the type relationship between staff training and quality of customer service, a

simple linear regression was used and the findings are shown in Table 4.21 and 4.22

4.21. Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the


1 .597a .357 .340 .35559

a. Predictors: (Constant), Staff Training

b. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

From the model summary table the R Square, the coefficient of determination, .357, is the

squared value of the multiple correlation coefficients. It shows that 35.7% of the

variation in the dependent variable (Quality of Customer service) is explained by the

model. This therefore means that other factors not studied in this research contribute

64.3% of variance in the dependent variable.


Table 4.22 Coefficients







t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 1.820 .479 3.800 .001

Staff_Training .520 .113 .597 4.589 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Qual_CS

This study aimed to determine the type of relationship that exists between the dependant

variable, quality customer service and independent variable staff training.

The general form of the regression equation is: Y = a + bX


Y’ is the predicted value of the Y variable for a selected X value.

a is the Y-intercept. It is the estimated value of Y when X = 0. In other words it is the

estimated value of Y where the regression line crosses the Y-axis when X is zero.

b is the slope of the line, or the average change in Y’ for each change of one unit (either

increase or decrease) in the independent variable X.

For this case:

Quality Customer Service =1.82+0.52 Staff Training

4.6 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, the researcher provided the findings with respect to the information

collected from the respondents. The first section provided the study findings based on

general information on the response rate, respondents’ distribution across the organization

and their respective demographics. This was followed by findings on the three variables

presented on the research questions. The correlation between quality of customer service

and Staff training, Internal Processes and Staff attitude. The next chapter provides the

summary, discussion as well as conclusion and recommendations.




5.1 Introduction

In this section, the researcher provides a discussion on the findings of the research as

compared to the findings in the literature review, the summary of the study and

recommendations for further improvement on identifying the factors affecting the quality

of Customer Service in the Banking Industry in Kenya; A Case study of Ecobank Kenya,

Nairobi Region. The research is concluded on the basis of the conclusions drawn from the

research questions.

5.2 Summary

The purpose of the study is to establish the factors that affect the quality of customer

service in the Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya. The study was guided by the

following questions. To what extent does training of staff affect the quality of customer

service in the Nairobi Region Branches of Ecobank Kenya? To what extent does staff

Attitude affect the quality of customer service in the Nairobi Region Branches of

Ecobank Kenya? What are the effects of Ecobank Kenya’s internal processes and

procedures on the quality of customer service within its Nairobi region branches?

The methodology adopted during the study was in form of a descriptive design whereby

the respondents were asked their opinions on different aspects of customer service. The

target population of this study consisted of 60 employees of Ecobank in the Nairobi

region. It had a response rate of 40. The respondents were from the headquarters,

Ecotowers branch, Westminster branch, Westlands, Chambers, Thika Road Mall,

Gikomba and Ongata Rongai branches. Data was collected by conducting structured

questionnaires to explore all relevant issues. The data was then analyzed using

descriptive statistics and the variables described by means. Correlation and simple and

multiple regression analysis was used. The main data analysis tools used in this study was

the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

The findings indicated that, there was a strong positive correlation between quality of

customer service and staff training (r=0.597, p > .01). There was also a strong positive

correlation between staff training and staff attitude (r= 0.579, p>0.01) and a positive

correlation between staff training and internal processes (r=.394, p>0.01)


The findings also established that there is a positive correlation between the quality of

customer service and the staff attitude (r = .688, p < 0.01). Respect for customers with a

mean of 4.72 is the most dominant factor with the least factor being customers like our

opening hours (mean = 3.39)

The findings established that the most of the respondents agreed that internal processes

plays a key role on its ability to offer quality customer services. The study established that

there was a positive correlation between the quality of customer service and the internal

processes (r = .744, p < 0.01). The study also determined that together the three

independent variable have nearly the same influence on quality customer service when

considered together, but internal processes with a coefficient of 0.273 has the highest


5.3 Discussion

5.3.1. Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service

The study sort to establish the relationship between the quality of customer service and

the internal processes in Ecobank towards their customers. To get an idea of the influence

of Internal processes on quality of customer service, respondents were asked to answer

questions on processes related to customer service in the bank. All the respondents

confirmed that internal processes influenced quality of service. These findings showed

that, customer service processes helped the employees serve their customers better and

that Ecobank has diverse products and services that meets our clients’ needs This agrees

with, Zeithaml et al. (2006) which implies that companies today recognize that they can

compete more effectively by distinguishing themselves with respect to service quality and

improved customer satisfaction processes.

The findings showed that although Ecobank has a clear process to deal with complaints

from customers, it needs to be improved to meet the customers’ expectations. the bank’s

processes ensured quality customer services and further showed that the need to use

standard operating procedures on consultations with customers.

The findings showed that there was a positive correlation between the quality of customer

service and the internal processes (r = .744, p < 0.01).


From the model summary showed that nearly a half of the variation in the dependent

variable Quality of Customer service is explained by the internal process model. The type

of relationship that exists between the dependent variable, quality customer service and

independent variable internal processes was captured by the regression equation:

Quality Customer Service = 2.376 + 0.410Internal processes

This findings agree with Stem’s, (2005) works which argues that effective service

delivery requires that; the principles , objectives, indicators, inputs, outputs, outcomes ,

impact and implementation strategies are well structured. Gronroos, (2005) has also

argued that although acceptable outcome is an absolute necessity for good perceived

quality service, an excellent service process creates a distinct and sustainable competitive


A Multiple linear regression was used to establish the type relationship between quality of

customer service, Staff training, staff attitude and internal processes. The finding showed

that 70.1% of the variation in the dependent variable (Quality of Customer service) is

explained by the three independent variables. The regression equation relating was:

Quality Customer Service = 1.045 + 0.273Internal processes + 0.224Staff Attitude +

0.227staff Training,

This means that together the three independent variable have nearly the same influence on

quality customer service when considered together, but internal processes with a

coefficient of 0.273 had the highest influence. Susskind, Kacmar and Borchgrevink

(2013) found that the relationship between customer service providers’ attitudes relating

to customer service and customer satisfaction in the customer was most critical which is

different from the study’s findings.

It can be argued that the quality of the service and the satisfaction the customer may

derive will be an assessment of the entire service experience. Employees who are

empowered with clear processes and training in an organization can either portray a

positive or negative picture to the customers. Considering that, a satisfied customer and

employee are of important value to the organization; it therefore, becomes the duty of the

management to put in place a system that would ultimately generate either satisfaction, or

dissatisfaction from their customers and employees. And as Baruch, (2008), organizations

to re-think their customer service strategies since the employees have a major role to play


in determining, whether a customer would enjoy the experience or turn to their

competitors for better solutions.

5.3.2. Staff Attitude and Quality of Customer Service

This study wanted to establish the effect of Staff Attitude on Quality of Customer

Service. First, its important note that attitudes are learned and provide emotional basis of

one’s interpersonal relations and identification with others. (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975;

Hettiararchchi and Jayarathn, 2014). From the study respect for customers was the most

dominant factor followed by non-discrimination of their customers; which is

understandable because respected customers will tend to build trust on the organization.

From the findings, there is a positive correlation between the quality of customer service

and the staff attitude (r = 0.688, p < 0.01). This agrees with a number of authors like

Gallup (2012), Moran (2011), Pritchett (2007) which established the effects of an upbeat

and positive attitude in customer service interactions. Susskind, Kacmar and

Borchgrevink (2013) also found that there was a relationship between customer service

providers’ attitudes relating to customer service and customer satisfaction in the

customer. As Hettiararchchi and Jayarathn, (2014) attitudes are organized and are closed

to the core of personality and some attitudes are persistent and enduring; yet, like each of

the psychological variables, attitudes are subject to change. Ecobank should strive to

positively influence its employee’s attitude to ensure quality service provision.

The least favorable factor from the study, was that customers like our opening hours

followed by banking queues are short and manageable. These two are negative aspect of

the service Ecobank offers which the bank should address to enable the employees offer

quality services. Empowering of the employees by facilitating the jobs with resources,

quick and supportive decision is one of the aspects that can change their attitude.

According to Ellinger, Elmadag and Ellinger (2007), empowered employees have control

over their work and how the work is done.

From the study the type of relationship that exists between the dependent variable, quality

customer service and independent variable staff attitude was captured in the regression



Quality Customer Service = 1.414 + 0.634Staff Attitude

This reinforces the findings of many studies like Moran (2011), and Ray (2015), which

show a strong positive relationship between the employee’s attitude and quality of service


Workplace attitudes, both positive and negative, are infectious and can easily spread and

can have a ripple effect on the work force. Ray (2015) argues that positive attitudes make

interaction and collaboration more pleasant and productive and encourages organizations

to create social atmosphere that results from good attitudes creates incentives and gives

employees a sense of belonging and emotional investment for the success of the


5.3.3 Training of Staff and Quality of Customer Service

The study sought to find out the effect of Training of Staff and Quality of Customer

Service. Most of the respondents agreed that Ecobank offers quality customer service.

The finding also showed that the employees felt that the customers like Ecobank’s

Customer services. This is illustrated by the fact that they receive positive feedback on

our services from the employees.

Training employees encourages a higher level of commitment among employees toward

their organization (Teck-Hong & Yong-Kean, 2012). This is reflected in the study where

employees who have been trained seem to committed to the organization’s objectives of

offering quality customer service

They expressed confidence when serving their clients and talked to our customers clearly

and enthusiastically. This could be because they were competent or felt that they were

backed by competent customer service personnel.

This study sort to establish the effect of staff training on the quality of customer service.

From the findings, the majority of the respondents agreed that treating their customers in

a friendly and courteous manner was the most important factor. This agrees with Bartlett

and Kang (2004) who argue that firms who have fair accessibility to training programs

are more likely to have a greater number of committed employees in their organization.

Training also empowers the employees as the offer services to the customers as reflected

in the respondents’ view that they have a good knowledge of the products and services


Ecobank offers. According to Bartlett and Kang (2004) a training program that is

effective may also lead to employees forming an opinion that their organization

demonstrates a willingness to invest in them, since the organization cares about them.

This would be a good recommendation to Ecobank as the employees score training

whenever a new product or service is introduced the least factor followed offering of

refresher courses.

From the findings, there was a strong positive correlation between quality of customer

service and staff training (r=0.597, p > .01). There was also a strong positive correlation

between staff training and staff attitude (r= 0.579, p>0.01) and a positive correlation

between staff training and internal processes (r=.394, p>0.01). This agreed with Padi

(2012) study conducted on the effect of training on customer service delivery; which was

based on a contextual analysis of a limited number of training sessions held for staff of

Barclays bank, Ghana a comparable economy to Kenya. The study revealed that all the

staff had special training towards improving customer service delivery and majority of the

bank ‘s customers perceived its service delivery as good which is in line with the findings

of this study.

The regression model summary showed that only about a third of the variation in Quality

of Customer service is explained by staff training. The regression equation from the linear

regression indicates that: Quality Customer Service =1.82 + 0.52 Staff Training

This is to show Ecobank that they need to address other issues in conjunction with the


Although quite positive about the services they gave the findings showed that there were

complaints from customers and that customers were not happy with fees Ecobank charges

for services. This could be as a result of what other banks offer in the market.

5.4 Conclusions

5.4.1. Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service

The study sort to establish the relationship between the quality of customer service and

the internal processes in Ecobank towards their customers. The findings showed that there

was a positive correlation between the quality of customer service and the internal

processes. Organizations need to ensure that they create excellent internal service


processes that will enable them create a distinct and sustainable competitive edge. When

the influence of all the three factors, Staff training, staff attitude and internal processes,

on quality of customer service are considered together, internal processes appears to have

the highest impact.

5.4.2. Effects of Staff Attitude on Quality of Customer Service

This study wanted to establish the effect of Staff Attitude on Quality of Customer

Service. There is a positive correlation between staff attitude and Quality of Customer

Service. There is also a strong positive correlation between attitude, training, and internal

processes within organizations. The actions of employees in providing quality customer

services should not be viewed or expected to have desirable effect in isolation, an

organization must ensure it provides quality products and services that meet their

customers’ needs.

5.4.3. Effect of Staff Training on Quality of Customer Service

The study sought to find out the effect of Training of Staff on Quality of Customer

Service. From the findings and discussion, it’s clear that training has an influence on the

quality of service offered by Ecobank. The training received by Ecobank bank staff on

improving customer service delivery can result in improved the performance of staff

which resulted in improving the performance of staff which was perceived as good by the

customers of the bank

5.5 Recommendations

5.5.1 Recommendation for Improvement Effects of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service

The study recommends that Ecobank should ensure its internal processes are designed

and clearly documented to help the employees provide quality customer services.

Considering that, a satisfied customer and employee are of important value to the

organization; it therefore, becomes the duty of the management to put in place a system

that would ultimately generate either satisfaction, or dissatisfaction from their customers

and employees. Ecobank should also re-think their customer service strategies since the

employees have a major role to play in determining, whether a customer would enjoy the

experience or turn to their competitors for better solutions.

53 Effects of Staff Attitude on Quality of Customer Service

It is recommended that the Ecobank Kenya should increase the training they offer their

employees especially on new products and on how to meet customer expectations,

increase assertiveness, and deal with stress and how to maintain good customer service

delivery. They need to incorporate refresher courses to keep them abreast with

developments in the industry. Effect of Staff Training on Quality of Customer Service

It is recommended that the Ecobank Kenya should increase the training they offer their

employees especially on new products and on how to meet customer expectations,

increase assertiveness, and deal with stress and how to maintain good customer service

delivery. They need to incorporate refresher courses to keep them abreast with

developments in the industry.

5.5.2 Recommendations for Further Studies

This study only involved the employees yet the customers who are the recipients of the

services were not involved. There is need to enhance the study’s findings by involving the

customers. A national and international study could also be done for a better and clearer

view of the impact of Staff training, staff attitude and internal processes, on quality of

customer service in the Ecobank. There is a possibility that other factors could have

significant impact on the quality of customer service.



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Mercy Mose,

P.O Box 22807 – 00100,


Dear Respondent,


I am the above student currently pursuing a course towards conferment of Master of

Business Administration (MBA) from United States International University – Africa.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the degree, I am conducting

research proposal to determine factors effecting the quality of customer service at

Ecobank Kenya. You have been randomly selected to participate in this study.

Participation is voluntary and I will spare a few minutes of your time to fill in the blanks

of the attached list of questions to the best of your knowledge. Kindly complete all

sections of the questionnaire to enable me complete the study. Please note that the

information you provide will be treated as confidential, and will only be used for purpose

of this research.

The findings of this study will inform the Ecobank to enable them adopt the findings into

their operations and facilitate further research.

Your participation in this study will be highly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,

Mercy Mose



Section 1: Background information

1. Ecobank Branch …………………………………………………………

2. Gender

Male ( ) Female ( )

3. Age

18-25 years ( ) 26-33 years ( )

34-41 years ( ) 42-49 years ( )

Above 50 years ( )

4. Education ( ) High School ( )

Certificate ( ) Undergraduate ( )

Diploma ( )

Postgraduate ( )

5. How long have you worked for Ecobank

Less than 1yr ( ) 1-2 years ( )

3-4 years ( ) 4-5 years ( )

Above 5 years ( )

6. Department…………………………………….


Section 2: Quality of Customer Service

The following factors relate to the quality of Ecobank customer service. Please rate to

what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. 1=Strongly Disagree,

2=disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree and 5=Strongly Agree

Factors 1 2 3 4 5

Our product and services

Our customers say the like our products and services

Our customers say they like our customer services

We have diverse products and services

General Satisfaction

We receive very few complaints from our customers

we give adequate time during consultations with our customers

Our services are made to ensure customer are satisfied

We receive a lot of positive feedback on our services

Technical capacity

We have competent customer service personnel

I am confident when serving my clients

We confirm all details of product and services before engaging our



we make am keen to listen to my clients

we talk to our customers clearly and enthusiastically


Our customers are happy with the fees we charge for our services

We are happy with the remuneration we receive from the bank


Section 3: Effect of Internal Processes on Quality of Customer Service

Processes 1 2 3 4 5

We have processes that ensure quality customers services

Our processes are written and clearly articulated

We have a clear process to receive complaints from our customers

We have a clear process to deal with complaints from our


we have SOP on consultations with our customers

we have a diverse products &services that meets our clients’ needs

Our customer service processes are efficient

Our customer service processes help us serve our customers better

Section 4: Staff Attitude and Quality of Customer Service

1 2 3 4 5


We are positive and upbeat when serving our employees

We value our customers

We don’t discriminate our customers

We respect our customers

Time spent with client

We usually spend enough time with customers

Banking ques are short and manageable

Our customers like our opening hours

Accessibility and Convenience

Customers have easy access to our services

customers find it easy to get appointments with our managers

Our customers can easily reach us even when the bank is closed

Our customers don’t wait for too long to get served

Interpersonal manner

There is a good working relationship among employees in our branch

we treat our customers in a friendly and courteous manner


Section 4: Staff Training and Quality of Customer Service

1 2 3 4 5


Our employees have the requisite qualification to do their job

We receive training and induction for the jobs we do

we have good knowledge of the products and services we offer

We have good knowledge of the customer service processes

We know how to respond to disgruntled customers

We have refresher courses

we have received customer service training

We are trained whenever a new product or service is introduced

Thank you very much for taking your time to fill in the form and to take part in this


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