fact-based monitoring - puppetconf 2014

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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Fact-Based Monitoring - Alexis Le-Quoc, Datadog


Fact-based Monitoringpuppetconf 2014

Alexis Lê-Quôc @alq

Alexis Lê-Quôc, @alqCTO at Datadog

Poll: Monitoring makes me…

happy proud

cry want to hide

Puppet brings Automation to Systems Management

Improve Monitoring

the way Puppet has improved

Systems Management

“The good old days”

• Your “CMDB” was Excel

• SSH in and hack away

• Little time for anything else

Then Puppet came…

• Expressive rules that capture expected result

• Using facts and classifiers, a.k.a. metadata to figure out where to apply changes

• That freed up a lot of our time*

* on a per-machine basis

–Me (just now)

“Puppet brings immunity of configuration to change in infrastructure”

I have seen this before…

–C.J. Date (1977)

“[SQL brings] immunity of application to change in storage structure and access strategy”



• 1974 IBM introduces System R and its Structured Query Language

• Expressive rules that capture expected result

• Using facts and predicates, a.k.a. metadata to figure out what data to get

• That freed up a lot of development time


• From a time-consuming, imperative mess (“how”)

• … to expressive data queries (“what”)

SQL query

SELECT (desired facts) FROM (existing facts) WHERE (matching criteria)


• From a time-consuming, imperative mess (“how”)

• … to expressive configuration queries (“what”)

puppet apply

CHANGE (desired facts) FROM (existing puppet facts) WHERE (matching puppet classes)

Is there a pattern?

–MCollective overview

“Break free from ever more complex naming conventions for hostnames as a means of identity. Use a very rich set of meta

data provided by each machine to address them.”


• From a time-consuming, imperative mess (“how”)

• … to expressive orchestration queries (“what”)

mco rpc service restart service=nginx\ -F webpool=A

EXEC (desired actions) FROM (existing puppet facts) WHERE (matching puppet classes)

Back to monitoring

• Monitoring is to behavior what Puppet is to configuration

• Monitoring is to behavior what MCollective is to orchestration


• From a time-consuming, imperative mess (“how”)

• … to expressive monitoring queries (“what”)

Monitoring query

MONITOR (desired behavior) FROM (existing heartbeats/metrics) WHERE (matching puppet facts)

Examples• “All provisioned web servers in the production environment,

datacenter ABC must respond to queries within 200ms”

• “All PostgreSQL servers must have a postgres: bgwriter process running”

• “At least one ActiveMQ server is up to support mcollective"

• Never mention a hostname

Hosts are not the center of the monitoring universe.

Facts are!

Hosts are just places where facts occur.

The proof is in the pudding…

Hosts at the center of the universea.k.a. the Wrong Way

–Nagios Core 4 manual on monitoring clusters

“Its fairly straightforward, so hopefully you find things easy to understand…”

Host-centric: Monitor a DNS cluster

check_commandcheck_service_cluster!"DNS Cluster"!0!1!$SERVICESTATEID:host1:DNS Service$,$SERVICESTATEID:host2:DNS Service$,$SERVICESTATEID:host3:DNS Service$

Where do host1, host2, host3 come from?

Host-centric: can’t use facts directly• “Host groups solve this problem”. No, they don’t.

• Combinatorial explosion, e.g. trivially

• 4 data centers (us-1, us-2, eu, apac)

• 5 classes (web, db, cache, appserver, hadoop)

• 3 environments (test, staging, prod)

• => up to 119 materialized host groups


• No!

• Same fatal flaw with all host-centric monitoring tools

• Host-centric monitoring forces an extra, expensive step:

• replicate fact-based conditionals in host-centric templates

–puppet-nagios author

“Please note that this module is not for the faint of heart. Even I (the author) have my head hurt each time I have to make

modifications to it…”

Facts at the center of the universea.k.a. the Right Way

"De Revolutionibus manuscript p9b" by Nicolas Copernicus - www.bj.uj.edu.pl. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:De_Revolutionibus_manuscript_p9b.jpg#mediaviewer/File:De_Revolutionibus_manuscript_p9b.jpga

Earlier Examples

• “All provisioned web servers in the production environment, datacenter ABC must respond to queries within 200ms”

• “All PostgreSQL servers must have a postgres: bgwriter process running”

• “At least one ActiveMQ server is up to support mcollective"

In Sensu (heartbeats)• “All PostgreSQL servers must have a postgres: bgwriter process


class postgres::monitoring::sensu { sensu::subscription { 'postgres': }}

• Monitoring using a fact-based query

• Is node of class “postgres” and subscribed to “postgres” or not?

• If so, it will execute the postgres check

In Datadog (metrics)• “All provisioned web servers in the production environment,

datacenter ABC must respond to queries within 200ms”$ puppet module install datadog-datadog_agent

class { ‘datadog_agent’:

api_key => …,tags => [$environment],fact_to_tags => [“datacenter”]

}include datadog_agent::integrations::nginx

In Datadog (metrics)• Monitoring using a fact-based query

• Puppet facts directly reused

max(nginx.request.latency{production,datacenter:ABC}) < 200

What to take away

Fact-based monitoring

1. Hosts are not at the center of the monitoring universe

2. Expressive monitoring uses queries

3. Monitoring queries should use Puppet facts

Thank you!

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