facility needs update a presentation to the board of education prepared by facilities and planning...

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Facility Needs Update

A Presentation to the Board of Education

Prepared by Facilities and PlanningFebruary 5, 2008

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 2

The District has accomplished much in the area of facility

improvements.• Local bond measures in 2002 and 2006 have been

successful in providing much needed funding for new schools and facility improvements...

– 10,000 student seats at seven new schools allowing for the elimination of the year-round school calendar

– Major addition projects at 9 schools– Ongoing modernizations of existing schools– Ongoing safety improvements– 5 additional new schools during the next five-eight

years in the North Stockton area

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 3

The need for additional seats has been driven by a nearly

unprecedented housing boom.

• During the last seven years, nearly 9,000 new building permits have been issued in the District's boundaries, most in North Stockton

– This resulted in the collection of more than $73 million in development fees to support the construction of new student housing

– The windfall of local income has fully funded the local share of one new elementary school and 3 major addition projects during that last five years, in addition to supporting many, many other growth projects

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 4

The boom days for new housing starts has temporarily ended.

• During the last two years, development fee income has dropped more than 80 percent.

– Total permits pulled have also dramatically decreased, from a high of 2,154 in 2004, to last year’s number of 382

– A trend toward smaller new home sizes has begun to surface

– Anticipation is that both permit numbers and development fee income will continue to decrease through fiscal year 2009

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 5

Despite the reduction in new housing starts, many pressing

facility issues remain.• The passage of Measure L in 2006 provided much needed

facility support to the North Stockton area by assisting in the construction of new schools; the creation of vital science classrooms additions; and the infusion of monies to address safety concerns

• Unfortunately, the majority of the District’s oldest existing campuses are located in the general area defined by City of Lodi Boundaries– These schools now represent the facilities that are

need of the most support if they are to be maintained to the District’s high standards

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 6

The amount and nature of the work required to support Lodi-area schools is

significant.• In addition to the 2 new schools currently planned for

the City’s western edge, classroom additions, major renovations and safety-related projects are needed at the 22 campuses that make up this part of the District

– With the major renovations now being completed at Tokay High, Lodi High remains as the only comprehensive high school that has not seen a significant infusion of monies to address concerns with their existing facilities

– The status of Needham School, the need for an additional campus on the City’s east side, the replacement of the numerous long-standing portable classrooms at Reese and Washington Schools and the support of Grape Bowl renovations are some concerns pressing for solutions

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 7

A preliminary list of Lodi-area school needs might include…

• New School Projects– Samuel Gantner K-6

Elementary– Westside K-8 Elementary– Eastside K-6 Elementary

• Lodi High School Renovation• Needham School Renovation• Henderson School

Renovation• Lodi Middle School

Renovation• North-side Academy High

School• Grape Bowl Improvements

• Washington School Classroom Addition

• Reese School Classroom Addition

• Safety Projects – Various Sites

• School Office Reorganization Projects - Various Sites

• Other projects as identified during the work plan development process

• Middle College High on the Delta College Lodi-campus

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 8

Funds to support this work would need to come from a variety of

sources.• Local bonds

– Prop 39 or 2/3 majority

• Development Fees– Limited to support of additional student

housing (interim or new construction)

• State School Facility Program– Local match needed for most programs– Supports new construction, modernization and

emergency repairs (Williams)

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 9

The important nature of the facility work required in the Lodi-

area calls for new planning strategies.

• In order to continue with the comprehensive and successful facility program that has been the District's history, considerations will need to be given as to how these projects might be accomplished

– Development of a funding model and construction work plan must be undertaken to support this goal

– A determination of local funding source availability is a critical step in the process of developing these items

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 10

The current uncertain economic state will have an effect on the success of

this endeavor.

• The timing of new school construction will be directly dependent on the rebound efforts of the housing market – both in the North Stockton and Lodi areas

• The availability of local bond monies – coupled with state facility program funds – would allow the renovation/upgrade-type work needed at most Lodi-area schools to immediately proceed

• Each year that goes by in delay of action at these sites effectively increases the costs for projects once work does get underway

Facility Needs Update February 5, 2008 Page 11

The next steps in this process would require an investment of District time

and money, if the decision is to proceed toward implementation of a work plan

that will address Lodi-area needs .

• Staff will look to the Board of Education for direction in how best to meet the facility construction and maintenance concerns identified here.

• In the interim, creative and aggressive efforts will continue towards finding those means and methods which will accomplish all work that can be done without a considerable influx of local and state funds

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