facebook = your identity

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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FACEBOOK = YOUR IDENTITYA UniqueBlog Presentation, Presented by Derek Jensen


THE OVERVIEWFacebook = Your Identity UNIQUE


Introduction / Staying Updated

Connecting w/ Friends & Family

Your Likes & Interests

Setting Up Filters (Privacy)

How Personal? (Privacy)

Particapting / Adding Feedback

Act as if Your Dream Job is Watching

Seperating Personal from Fun and Professional

Introduction / Staying Updated

More than 500 million people call Facebook their online home

Time spent on Facebook really varies, but it’s increasing

Your friends and friends of friends are now updating you

You can stay updated on all the information that interests you by simply liking a page

There are no tutorials on how to use Facebook properly, but their should be some guidelines to only help you UNIQUE


Connecting w/ Friends & Family

You catch up with friends that you haven’t talked to in awhile

You talk with certain friends on a constant basis

Strive to connect with people you’ve actually met or truly do know of and they would immediataly add you

Family reunions happen more often if you want

It’s more than just socializing with them. You can show them how you are developing / changing as a person. UNIQUE


Your Likes & Interests

There are millions and millions of pages to like

If you can’t find anything you’re looking for, create one!

Like something somebody posted or said

Connect with others that have liked the same thing, specifically talking about pages

Edit your interests and connect with others with your same interest. How? Just click on your interests. UNIQUE


Setting Up Filters (Privacy)

Whenever you add a friend you can create lists or now groups

Example: everyone that friends me that I met from the online world is put under a diferrent list than my college friends

Help organize who are the friends you want to truly connect to

Don’t allow certain people to see certain things on your profile, but you still would like to connect with them

Protect your identity, but don’t hide it (too far) UNIQUEBLOG

How Personal? (Privacy)

You have the right to say anything.

Just know that whoever you setup through your filters to see your status updates or anything you post on your wall or others they can see

Don’t be a robot though, but don’t do or say things that you wouldn’t want to be remembered for



Particpating / Adding Feedback

Did you know there is a discussions tab?

Start a new group to communicate with a select individuals

Add your input to get noticed through comments and discussions

The more you add feedback, the more you are noticed, the more you can get feedback in return


Your Dream Job is Watching

What is the number one job or position you’d like right now?

Pretend someone related to that job or position is watching you

Aggresive filters showing a sign

Be yourself, but don’t go “over the top”

Facebook is a great tool to socialize with others and also a great way for employers to notice you


Seperate Personal from Fun & Professional

Facebook is a place meant for you to have fun

Facebook is a place meant for you to be who you are and socialize with your friends & family

Facebook is home to many professionals and businesses that can notice you and go out and explore your profile if they want to

This is why Facebook is your identity for the online world

Just be careful and know the possibilies UNIQUEBLOG



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