facebook sweepstakes

Post on 03-Jun-2015






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With HiSocial your users can share your promotion on their Facebook wall, increasing the spread of your campaign and helping to achieve more customers and better sales. http://www.hisocial.com/help/en/knowledgebase.php?article=7


Coupons and offers in social media. Keys to

success.By Hisocial.com

1. Keys to success.

Numerous studies show that receiving coupons and discounts is one of the main reasons

why consumers follow brands on social networks.

Companies basically have two ways to create coupons and discounts online:-Through specialist portals (like Groupon)- Creating their own online promotions

The first strategy has one great advantage: the increased coverage that our deals will receive. The site itself takes charge of this, and has all of the appropriate means at its disposal (web


It is logical therefore, that companies strive to use this strategy to attract new social followers, more so when you consider that this type of follower can directly generate new purchases of products and services. In other words, the ROI of this type of strategy can be significantly greater than for other types of social media strategies.

1. Keys to success.traffic, emails databases etc). Nevertheless, this type of strategy does have serious disadvantages, among which we can highlight:

- The discounts that these portals demand (Often in excess of 50%)- The commission that the portal takes from any sales (this can also be in excess of 50%)- The negative impact on traffic to our social networks- We will not have a database of the participant’s details to carry out subsequent promotional activities.Creating our own promotions circumvents these disadvantages and gives us total flexibility over our business strategy. But……it’s not all plain sailing and as I’m sure the reader will realize, it also has a major drawback, if the coupon is not properly distributed it is of no use to us at all.

Now let’s see some essential features to help our discount coupon or promotional offer be a success:- The offer that we make. It’s logical that our potential market will respond better to a more attractive offer. Let’s look at some of the things to keep in mind.

If we are talking about discounts, the percentage of discount we offer, and on what product we offer it, will have a logical and intertwined effect. Bigger discounts on top products will receive a greater response than token discounts on marginal products. But the reductions do not have to be limited in solely monetary terms, instead there are many other possibilities such as

Free samples2×1 offersEasier financingExtension to guarantees etc

1. Keys to success.- Distributing the offers. The second basic pillar around which the success of our promotional offers is built is their distribution.  An offer that doesn’t even have the minimum level of diffusion is of no use to us whatsoever. The possibilities to spread the promotions are infinite, we are going to briefly look at some of them.

Social Media. We should publish the offer over all of the social networks in which our company retains an active presence.Our webpage. An obvious, but often forgotten, place to announce our promotions is our own webpage or blog, if we have one.

Newsletter. We have a database of people who have given their prior and express consent to receive information about our company; this can be very useful in distributing our promotions.Publicity campaigns. If all of the above methods do not have sufficient force to promote our offers, it will be essential to carry out an advertising campaign. Online campaigns often have a better cost to benefit ratio and, specifically campaigns on Facebook and Google Adwords, can give us excellent results.

HiSocial is characterized by being multi-platform and allowing the distribution of deals through various distribution channels. We should take advantage of this characteristic to distribute our promotion as widely as possible.

1. Keys to success.

1. Keys to success.- Virality, confidence and aesthetic elements. Finally we will look at some other complementary aspects that will help us achieve a greater diffusion of our coupon or offer.

Let’s start with virality. It is important that our promotion contains viral elements to help with its diffusion. Participants in our promotion should be able to easily share our coupon on all of the major social networks.

1. Keys to success.On an aesthetic level, the promoters should be sure that the images chosen, just like the text that accompanies them, are as attractive as possible. It’s worth taking the time to choose an image that will “seduce” our potential participants, and write a coherent and descriptive text. It is precisely this aspect that is key to transmitting confidence to the users, to adequately describing our company, to clearly specifying the details of the offer and to specifying our privacy policy and legal details of the promotion. This in turn will help to create confidence in the contest, and consequently, the number of participants in our promotions.

Having said all this, it is important to note that experience will also help us improve results and understand what kinds of deal work better. HiSocial lets you create an unlimited number of promotions, so we suggest you take advantage of this feature to improve your overall promotional activity.

Now that you know the secrets of making a successful offer, why not get moving?  and start to…..

 Make my own free promotion.


1. Keys to success.

You can read more in http://www.hisocial.com/blog/en/

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