facebook marketing tools

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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How to utilize free and paid Facebook marketing tools. Online-lesson 30.11.2012 for Nocry2 project.


NoCry2 How to utilize Facebook marketing tools?

What kind of free and paid marketing tools Facebook is offering?

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive


Pages, groups, places, events, subscribers

Sponsored stories, Facebook ads

Marketed updates


Contest applications

Recommendations & things to avoid

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive


Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Paid Facebook advertising suits example:

Paid ads complements other good and active content and makes it more visible.

Increasing the amount of likers (fans)

Promoting content or campaign

Highlighting important and good updates

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Creating the ad

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Promoting the page post (paid)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Audience targeting

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Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Advertising statistics

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Making Facebook-offers (+400 likers, paid)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive


Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

What can you achieve with the Facebook-offers

Baiting people into shop

Inthrowing and experimental products sales

Promoting and visibility to the new products

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Promote your page post (+400 likers, paid)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

How the promoted post is useful?

Promoting important and good post

Highlighting older intersting posts

Starting conversation

Post which are important in sales point of view

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Post targeting (big fanbase needed)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Promote a personal profile post (paid)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

When is it useful to promote the personal

profile post?

Short term promoting, when person doesn’t have specific Facebook-page for marketing.

E.g. municipal elections, short term charity and non-profit campaigns

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Facebook-profile subcribers (free)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

How is a Facebook subscribtion useful?

E.g. necessary to politicans. Citizens can ”order” the politicans public posts without need to share own ”Facebook-life” with him or her.

Celebrities, artists, specialists, teachers

Possibility to offer a more narrow connection than Facebook frienship to follow ones (public) posts.

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

https://www.facebook.com/about/groups/ (free)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Using groups (free)

Groups are useful in internal communications. They suit well in teamwork sized 2-20 persons. Conversation is the best feature of the group.

Groups can suit for conversation concerning happenings and bigger crowd as well. E.g. municipal elections Tornio 2012 group was succes.

Groups are not the best tool for brand building and marketing.

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

The group features

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

FB-Pages (free): https://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

How are Facebook-pages useful?

Long-term brand building

Brand homeplace in Facebook

Marketing communications

Brand news, pictures, videos, content sharing.

Brands ”customer coffee house”

Customer service and helpful tips

”Facebook place” could be combined into page

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Contests apps & ”like-gate” (paid)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Making a contest application by Pagemodo (paid or free)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Facebook promotion guidelines

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Events (free)

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

How are events useful?

Event can be included in a page, group of profile.

Suits well, like the name is indicating, for short term event informing

If there is a lot of content in a page or group, event can work as a ”subgroup” and the content concidering the event can be easily found

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Recommendations & things to avoid

New companies going Facebook has big challenge to get visibility without paid advertising.

Promote in those times there is interesting activity going on in your company.

Suitable budget for small company is 200-400 eur

Don’t use just paid marketing. Interesting content and conversation is the best Facebook can offer.

Stop in a time. Don’t weary your network. After two weeks it’s a time to make little pause.

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Extra: Tips for Facebook-administration

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Rules of the Facebook-page

Directs the conversation towards the righ course

Tells what page is for and what is not for

Rules can be used in case of crisis or conflict in the page

Säännöt voivat olla esim:

- Kumppaniyritykset saavat kertoa sivulla omasta yrityksestään ja tuotteistaan, mutta kohtuuden rajoissa.

- Kommentteihin vastataan vuorokauden sisällä ma-pe

- Asiattomat kommentit poistetaan ilman ilmoitusta.

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Alustava sisältökartta

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Facebook-sivun sisällön ennakkoon suunnittelu

Facebook – Righ amount of right kind of likers (fans)

Increasing the Fan/likers amount in the page

- Tell that you are in Facebook in newsletter and you can also puff the campaing which is going on in your Facebook-page.

- Invite Facebook-friends (at least some of them)

- Facebook ads and sponsored stories

- Like-box as a part of online-shop

- Facebook-badge as a part of your blog

- Lisää vinkkejä 20kpl: http://koivuinteractive.com/2011/10/11/miten-saat-facebook-sivullesi-tykkaajia/

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Common guidelines of Facebook-page content production

The administration should be active. A good principle could be minimum one update in two weeks when is quiet and four updates in a day when is lot of activities and happenings.

A page without new content doesnt´t attract to join. Comments without replies leads to disappointment..

Is important to maintain positive attitude and aim to communication with customers. ”Don´t sell – engage”

Päivityksiin voi laittaa perään päivittäjän etunimen. Se tuo päivityksiin henkilökohtaisuutta.

Oman henkilökohtaisen Facebook käytön myötä oppii, miten muut yritykset markkinoivat, kuinka usein ja miltä se ”asiakkaan” näkökulmasta vaikuttaa.

Mikko Manninen - Koivu Interactive

Mikko Manninen

Koivu Interactive





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