face to face interview

Post on 26-Jan-2015






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Face to Face Interview Guide


• Go to the library or use the Web and research the company. Find things to discuss during the interview. This impresses the interviewer.

• Know the five year growth of the company and future direction.

• Know the company's financial position, i.e. net worth, stock price etc.

• Know the competitors.

• Know the product line.

• You should call on at least three possible customers to get their opinion of the company and the product. Let the interviewer know this. Tell the interviewer with whom and where you investigated their company.

Attire 1. Employers reject improperly dressed candidates. Accept the fact that many

employers have an unwritten dress code and like to hire properly dressed candidates. Forget your own personal preference. You should dress according to the impression you want to create, i.e., successful, conservative, and business-like.

2. Men--Conservative blue or gray suit, white starched shirt, conservative tie with contrasting colors, shined shoes dark socks over calf, avoid aftershave.

3. Women--Skirted suit or tailored dress, dress feminine not sexy, avoid excessive make-up and perfumes.

4. Hairstyles for both men and women should be modest. 5. Men, Facial hair, if any, should be modest and neatly trimmed. 6. Your attire/appearance WON'T get the job, but it CAN certainly rob you of it.

• No sports jacket for men. • No pantsuits for women. • Dress for your boss's job. • You can't be TOO conservative.

Timing • Get exact directions to the interview site at least one day ahead of time. • Be 15 minutes early. • Be courteous to the staff…especially the secretary. • An employer is always influenced by opinions of other employees.

Resume • Take a resume with you even if the interviewer has one. • Do not fold it! • Offer the resume to the person in a new file folder. • References • Take your "that a boy" letters and offer them at the appropriate

time. • When requested, provide a typed list of names, addresses, phone

numbers, and letters of personal and professional references.

Introduction • Example: "Good morning, Larry. I am…" • Shake hands firmly and look the person in the

interviewer eyes. Maintain good eye contact during the interview.

• Maintain high energy level. • Sit up. • Back straight. • No coffee, (to spill). • No smoking.

Note: It is to your advantage if a subject of mutual interest arises, but do not fake knowledge. Be yourself. Poise, confidence, and self-respect are of great importance.

The Site Motel room: Position yourself for good eye contact, (Don't be afraid to

move a chair; it shows positive traits. i.e., control.

Employer's office: If there is more than one chair, take the one closest to the side of the interviewer’s desk. The desk is the barrier!

Bar/Restaurant: Sit across from the person and wait for the interviewer to order drinks before you do. Do not feel compelled to drink if you normally

don't drink.

Style • Eye contact! Look directly at the interviewer. • Listen! Give the person the opportunity to talk. Do not touch

anything on the interviewer's desk. Do not fidget with anything you have, such as a pen, tie, etc.

• Relax and be confident (do deep breathing to relax). • Be enthusiastic-use your eyes, hands, and voice inflection to show


Tell-Me-About-Yourself Questions Answer these questions in terms of the qualifications required of the

job being filled and your business background. Keep responses concise and brief.

Avoid being derogatory and/or negative when asked about previous jobs and bosses.

"Tell-me-about-yourself" means, Tell me about your qualifications. Prepare ahead of time a five to ten minute discussion of your

qualifications. Discuss your experiences.

Tell how well you performed (resulting in raises, promotions, innovative designs, sales volume, increased profits, etc.)

Your Personality Questions Always answer in terms of your qualifications. Support your claims by sharing experiences.

Answer personality questions in terms of ACCURATE ANSWERS supported by past experience.

Salary Questions 1. Avoid talking salary until the job has been offered. 2. Negotiate salary from strength. 3. Your present earnings will be on the company application you fill in. Mark the

"expected earnings" portion of the application, "Open or Negotiable." 4. If unemployed, seek a salary equivalent to your last earnings. 5. On the initial interview, you should NOT directly discuss:


On Your Way Out 1. Thank the person for the time. 2. Shake his hand firmly and look the person in the eyes. 3. Tell the interviewer you look forward to the next interview. 4. Say good-bye to the secretary.

Follow Up Send a handwritten letter, fax, telegram, or e-mail thanking the interviewer

for the opportunity of interviewing with the company and 3 or 4 good reasons to consider you. If this doesn't go out the day of the interview or the

next day it won't be worth the paper it's written on. If you do not have an answering service or recording device, buy one, or as

an alternative, use the number of a friend who has one.

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