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Post on 14-Dec-2020






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rs.it s?;»" ¦;."'"""""". «r tof July. For tuo VWit«".rdav tha h"f>k'*^aarnwTi^^^^S1 *" £p-'t awaj {i)r the whooi yr^r haa

wTthe Seat on ".ord. raarh.ng an ****** *t

,v lan 000 chilrtren. Nmrly in.000 of Ihce puplls

SSL Jaa. -2 Uf* alaaapa dumntma. aahael

ThTfal. and bagta .h. Thelr P.a^ - .£w,th the rhlldren from the pr.mary prados BBBTy

SOOO primarv rhlldren havo he,*.. *~"*V* JgMHiar graae. darlng the weat aaai will hogia thelr

raKii.- on tbe aeeoaad htaaaaaf ln september.TTni'.'«- ¦¦¦¦¦m,,w (;o,m' *¦ pe* ^tak.- rharpe of the hulldlnga dnring the mmmr-r.a.nd

Z the aaai two anaalka a laraje laroa al worhmen

will bo BBWy IIIBBriBg ann elBBBtag the arhools, U

the fa-11 three. or four noiv bulldlngs will bc ready to

open. Tearhcr. hepaii lo lcrne the rlty ycsU-rday for

thrtr aummer trips. and at the Oraad Onlral sution

and tlie lIlllUllI Baaja v.-terday afternoon JMores of

the New-York teaeher- rould be BBBB with thelr grlp-laeka. DuHng tne week the rontroller BM beon paybofl lll "I thelr salanea for the montlia of MM

and .1i.lv. lha t.,tal of iil.leh for tl.e 4.000 tearhcr*of the rltv ia about oian.OOO. Nearly every teaeherhad $100 in her p«M-ket for the two BaOBahB' pay, anfl

aome of them had iiinrh more.

One of the larpest pajtle-s of toarhers for many

years that ha* aftended the National KduraUonalAaaoelatlon Conventlon will leave thlfl clty on Mon¬

day for *?t. IhaU, where, the assodatlon nn*et« this

yeaa-. Tho party will be utid.r the dlreetjon of A.

Lnnqnlst. Another party of niore than 1.000 te.v-herse.xpeet to aall by one of the Iron steamboats on

Monday up the Hnd«on for saratoca and Lake (ieorpoto attoJKl Iho State Teaehers' Asaorlation, wlitch willmoet ne.vt week at Saratopa. ThU party lsunder the dtrvvtton of H. B. Johu-on. Walto.r6. GnjinJson, a Brooklyn prineipal, 1- prosi-demt Of the 6tate Teiachcrs* Asaorlatlon,aud Brooklyn and New-York teaehers will uirn out

ln larjre delepatlons to eacort h1m. Many of theteaejie.rs after remalnlnp ln Samtopa a day will yotBthe Lnnqutst party for St. I*auL Both parlles rompletoUie.lr arrangeuients at the ,.fl1ce of BflleOOl No. 10, KastFonrteenth-st., on Ratnrday. Qulte a nuinber oftcachen will alio *a.! on r-atnrdtyr f,<r a tHp ln Baropo.

The B<>ard of Edneatloti mll not roinple.t.' lt» litxiisfor another woeA, but th.' Onal BMBtlng f<ir tho itnnnwrwUl be held on Wednoa-day next. Dr. lltint. wli<> hn^Juat been elex-tcd paaaaVieol of the Board, waa at hisoflire yaateiday to look into the deoalla ,.f hia nflieevo.-k. He expeetial to apend mneh of the lammer lntbe eity and will plve a grrat dejil of hU peraonaJ attBBtJon to «olK>ol aJT&irs. l>r. Hnnt la held ln lUphesteetn in Uie Boai-d for his lnt<*rest lu achoo] aifajr*and torUnlcal hlMiahalgn of them. CouunlaatooerO'Hrten and aOBM Of the Other nieml-ers w.na- ln f:iv,,rof eW*tmp Adoijih L. Sunpor ro the ofliee.. beBevtng himthe ablest pi-e<»ldinc oliue/. Coininl-sioner Lummleand Heiiwaf others tJnaitrtit thal V. \V. Devoeitiouid raceeed Mr. Bln dmbo, owin« t<> his praetlca]kiiowledpo of eohool work, but it was sali! vaslerdn.ythat tliere waa no feelliip atOOaTI the rasaJfa TherewlU be aeveral vaeamies ln the Board whlrh MagroffGrant will have to Ull. and lt U jald that the nwne^ nfItephen A. Waikw, tfllbcrt II. Criwford. and WllllamDowd, who hai-** ikv-^. eoflBB kattonera, and .Tain.-. g.MeOnerv and othera intere.ated ln the srhfails. will bepresenied to tho Mayor and a -.eleetlou urped. fn.m Uieai.




Mi«en-Top Hotel. near Pawlinc. N. Y., July 1..

Tbough this hotcl opened it- doors ln .lune the BBBBaa

doos not fairly be«lii until July 1. Koa the Mirzen-

Top 1* rapldly filllna with piest*. and tlie be-itiM,.-Of Quaker 1UI1 aro enjoytd by BCatea at people who

found Uidr way thero for the flrat time aaaianl years¦tjfO. and alnee tbe gral vi-it havo turned their faees

thia way, eaeh BoaMBBilng year. For kealthtalaeaa,beautllul acenory, good. roaala and a gaalrahlB cllmategurlD? the summer montha one can Bad no moro

perfect place ln Uils i-Ute. Only two liours from

rrow-ttork, by the Harlern Railroad. buslness men,

srhoae preaenre ln Uio rlty severnl time- evh weekla neceaaary, flnd the BThaaaiTlig an aeee«»ible sp.'tAmong the gnesta at the hotel are these -.

Prom h'ew York-Mr. and Mr<. S. Fl'her Jnhn«on,811*8 Edlth Johnaon, Beymonr .foinu-on. Mr. ano Mrs.C. P. Lottlng and. famllv, Clareaoe B. Van BenUruyaen.Mr. and Mr». LenVrt-. Btreuelgh, Boberl LefTertsgtrebdgh, Mr. and Mrs. (ic-rp.- K. m.-iti. W. J.gterry, J. W. Pterry, <.. E. gteaif, Jr.. Dr and Mrs.X L. Partrldpe, the Itev. Arthtir Maaon. Mlaa Monahan,Mr. and Mr*. Kdward Van Ness. Mr. and Mra. 0. CTiroj. Dr. A. V. Jova, K. D. IM-her, Mra. Nathanlel

2aher and Miss F1alu*r, William ('. Martiu afid Mlasartin, J- B. Cohjan. Mr. and Mra. B. b. Iieanl, Mr.

«nd Mra. B- Pfarrlns and famllv, General and Mrs.T T. Bodenbough. wv B. Hoinud, Blehard Bedman,Ht*. A. Itow»», tbe kDaaee ParRon, Mr. and Mra.J. M. Halatad and famllv, Mr. and Mrs. I>. S. Wiekhatu.Mr. and Mrs. F. V. tniiitlier, K. t'. («nntber, Mra.D. C. Eaton, >Ir. and Mrs. Hnnry Talmadgc. Mr. utidMrs. WHllam L&mhert. Dr. .vd Mrs. n. .1. K-r.-y, Mr.ind Mr*. Oeoriro Megrath, J. B. MeOeorge and famllv,Mr. ond Mr*. John H. Coofe. and H. Preaootl llatch.From BrtKiklyn-Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hageh, and

Mr. and Mrs. ('. S. Vun Waeoner.Moaea Y. Beeeh. I'ittalleld. Maaa. Alblon Ran

tom. Jr.. Albanv: H. M. OOOMr and It. A. Denmark,af Savannah; J. M. Oaft>. Hoston: 1). f'ady Eaton,New llaven; a. 8. Urown, Iialtimore; Mrs. W. Wrlght,Ilorida.

Wllllam F.. Wheeler, who l^-Ijeves fhero 1s no plaee.tn the Fnited Statos eo,nal to Quaher 11,II. haa bullt B*-'io.ooo hon^e on one of f," moal rouimandlng aVe*here, and dunnp tlie aummer flnda rellef from th,-ci.'iteineiit of -tlie gtreet" bv farminp on a largef^ie. iie Ima ju-t parchaaed tne u-auilful atte adjoin-Ine his snniiiier boroe now oeeapled by >. a. >i3tf,,rd.ind ):a« also ;irraiii{id t<> buiid taveral cottagea for hlabrofiier, obed BTieeler. Cokinel Hardee, «i Kavannah,riaitiTi»* Quaker ilili leveTal yeara apo found the eiimafeio eonpeiiial and tbe a>iiTonndln«*a -o deUghtful that he.arrhaaed a Int and bnllt a eharmine Queen Annerottace oppi.site the Mlaaen Top and makea Quaio-r11111 hl' home for fivo ,.r six montha every yeir.Adiniral W'orden haa fnr v<ar- -pent hla aummera bere.W. T. Ilat. h. .f. M. Hal-t"d, Mra. Sym-, Mr. MeaUo,£ F. .ToTuiaon, Mrs. (..uild, Mr. and Mr-. John I'.Brar.rh. of Klclimond. Va. A. .1. Akln. Mr-. lianrroft, E. M. geott, tbe artlat. and Mlaa Monahaa areaKo amnnp thosc who own nnd Ine Ifl eottagM heredurtnp the snmrner. .

Tha acason prornlse/; to l>e moat sucecssfuL

CALLISO Bl S CAFTAIB A LIARThe trial of Folleeman Donovan, of the Mulberry st.

.rpiad, aecMBd <>f trylnP tTi ateal money from the <ashdrawer m Dantel Iiyni.'-'a lign,,r store, at No. 4fprlnp at., roeently, was corilliined at lleadqu.-irt'-rsyeaterday. Donovan raDed the <leik of ¦ todgtnghouae to te.-tifv thnt ln: gfoh falking with him in theatreet at the Ume he wus s,aid to have been ln UioUqunr M.,r.'. (onimi.--loiier Martln Babeg DoaMVBB Ifhe had BOl adii,ltt<-d to Capt.ilii M.-aliim tliat he was lnthe atore.

uI«o, alr," aald Donovan, "that storv of the Cap-taln'iaa l!a" He al-o de<-Iai-ed tliat ( aptaJn Menltinihad called bUB a llar and a thi'f ln the poliee statlouand ha.| ihr.-at.-ned 1o pet him dlamlsvil from thefnree if he dld not realgn. Deeislon ln the tase wasreservod.


OBABOEM IS A COAL VOBPASY.There have been soine rerent chanpes ln tho New-

York aod Perry C<*%\ afid Iron Comp.-iny, partlygrowliiR out of ree«nt lltlpatlon. A proposed mort>gajte of a-j.Of10.000 that had l,ocii ob]eet«l to li&s N*encaneclled. The tniKtee-s have been lnereased ln num-bcr fr >in flve to seven and now are as follows: taanmolM. attevenaon. Vranh L. Fromcnt. Charlca F. 'Jallowuv,James K. Taaoaj. 11. K. hloodpood, O. A. U1o<k1 and.f, 1*. Pcrkir.a. Tlie Oaacara are: I*re-|dent, F. L.Fromcnt; vir«-pr»'.aident, George A. Blood; aotretaryand treasurer, Jamea F. Tweedy.

AWARItS FOR ABUBBVCt I'ROI'ERTY.¦aaani .v-well, (harles DoataMI and I'hllip I). Pennv,

fVimmis-ioiiera of Apprai-al appolnted by the Supn BBB(ourt to tal.e lnnds lor the ne.w A,|uedtKl for DoubleItc.-ervoir I, in 1'iitnam Ciut,ti, -.nt th.-ir r.port toC'onx.rjtioii (ounsei ( lari. yeaterday. The plot roijuired for t!.- r*^.avolr inriud.-a about 1,140 n. rea ofland. The demanda made by the owmrs apiln-t thoeity appr.-4Tut.-d i-;7"...''.7 3-j. xiie. 4 oi-|,oi-.,t,oiiC'ounsel (ontended that iC'J'.J.OOO was an BdaarjaalB auinto be allowed for tho land. After a two years' ronte-t Mr. C'lark' and the ritv'a *p«selal eoun.-el, llcnrj'T. Dykman, aunordeal in brtnjnng the award down totBTaVSBl 3.1, or »498,riri5 90 lcas than the property-BBraera claimed.

t'oiitroller Myeiai ye-terdav pald Hrown, llowant« Co., A.jiiedu.t eontriKtors, *vBQ\*99, whleh is theaaaarve Baanaa retalnad bb a gnanHaoaa by Uie titvon Soctlons 2, 3 and 4 of the new A<iu«*dui-t. The-oaectlons have b.eti eompleted and aa.epted.


ffg^V SEWrORK WILL SEE TBE KESDAI.t AOAISMr. and Mr*. Kendal mll make thelr reappcarani-e

»tthe F:fth Avenue Iheatre aa Oeaoaai 19 la MoaanraW»y. "Tha .Squire." This Ia the pliv that ui-id-Flaero** fame. It was .iii,lnall.v pnalured by the..Mdala at Uie 8t. Jamea 'I heatre m London, where Mbad a run of 170 niajhu. A reloroucai to .* Tlie bquira'*

reealla an intereatlng Ittorary oontroversy. Mr.llardr clalmed that the j.l-'.y wm a hold plagi&rUmfrom hla novel " Kor From tlie Maddlng Crowd," anaerusatlon that Mr. lMnero promptly and emphatteaiivdcnled. The fact 00.M not be gainsald, however. tliritthe motivea of novel and plny were strthlncly slmllar.Mr. Ilardv at onre dramatired hla novel. but Mr.IMnero's piay lias malntaltied its pnpularlty.





Ilenry Meyer, aern-e«1 of polsoning the trerrenmof Erltikman. tho rotifectloner, of No. 1,0.74 Seronrlave., w:is di-.iharged yeatorday aMentng by jnsiiecMc.Mahnn ln tho Yorhvilk* Pollee Conrt. Dr. Martlu,of tho lle.ilth Department, -nid that _. BBBTfjat, oftwenty sainples of fhe polsorioiis lee rrenin showodprvtty eon. lnsively that t.vrotoxlron had raused theslrhticss. The analyses had Khown only allght trnresof eoppej- in the cream, nof enougli to eauae slckness,and no proef th.it verdlprls was preaent. Iiad beoiiobtaiued, ¦while an examlnatlon of tlie uiiuplea at thooittsct showid tliaf tlie ci-eain was slale when it wasfrozcti. Tlio raati rora.very of fhe aftei ted personaimil thelr (.yinptoms when they tfeec 111 also showodthat tyrotoxlron. and not mlnenil poison, wn- theciiuse <>t tba alekneaa. Dr. Merflw rvterreai to n t....,k

ln whieh a typlral raae nf tyrotoxleoti polsoning atI.iiwion, Mleh., four years agn wa* dea,ri1bed a^

follows: '*Two hotirs aft4*r e.itlng the loe-oi-eun) BBfaa~voniltiDg bepan. Thero WM innrh griplng ln thostoniaa-h and alidonieii. Ati ordpltiil liettdaehc andUiohache of uniisunl sovorlty u.'a-ompanled the vomltlng.Tlie t.hroat was lurgid and swollea, iiiivkliig degltitltlotidlfflcnlt, lf not imponslblA. The tongue was dry andchepped. and tho patlcnt felt thlrst.y and freaniotitlyealled for rold w;iter, whlcb, wius plven 88 hlm.l*arti»l reeovery "a* rapM, though tfto patient wus aodnble to l.e out ln tho -nn for te.ii days aftenvard."

Dr. H.rtjB said that tyrotoxleoti was gaveaaaai lnmllk in an unfroZen .sfate, bnt free>1ng rtld not destroytlie poisou. Several eaaea of tyrotoxleon pnUnnlngwere discovered ln this elty last st'unin.;r, and ln aaehe»ie ttuie art.aa 1.d beon convm-ted into lee araaaa.The Health Boari lu*. b_m considei-ing a plan i<>

Inspert tlie lee eraan nwfiufacwrlea, t.nt at piaceswhere largc tjiu.tltlea of cream are nu.do and soldthe milk is Oaed frea,h. The trouble. I- at tlie -mailcandv shops ln tho elty whera; erc.irn l> made lnsmali .itiuutltle*. Bbopkeepen who have on handmore mllk or crutun tha, they can well before, lt geiaItale wlll nccasloimlly try to *av© lt by .-onvertlnglt uitaa loe-ereani. ExaniinatJons of mllk and creaiuin suc-h plive* win \m< made by tlio milh Inapeetotaaud any shopkecper who ls eaaght iislns stale mllk orcmv.ni In tlie preparatlon of lee-er..n wlll be antntedpromptly. ucctvlotmlly mllk Whteh. has not beenCooled properly by the ftirniers beiore bdrig ahlpped t«tho elty la toiuid to be polsonous. There d'^s Dot sccmto be BUf nicans wltlilri tJio rearh of the dep,rtmentfor stopplng Uie sttle of ku.*1i mllk In the elty. beraoeaHa daogeroua d.aractej- Is not knowu to tho denl<-rs.





Medical and aclenllflc men ln tliia rountry aro

greatiy Intereated iu the tenth Intearrmtkma] MedtealConpress. whlcli ls to be lield ln llerltn next Anpi-t.A.taaty aetlve pn-puratlons aix- iiiakiiig l.y tho-e who

lntend to t.e present at tho . oiifereii.e. and inanyAB.rleaa phyBtob.M have snllert for Knrope. taliins

advaaaaga of the opportuuity to have tbetr vaeattonln the name year as ibe eaaajraaa >neet- From tbeWe»t the utteiidauce wjll l^! speelnllv bwge, and

Chirago, in partteakte win t..- reprwented by :« anallarrny of delegate,

DeJegate- <>f the ("rerman BMdtoal fiicnlfle- and tlieBtoet enlneol medleal aoeletlea ..f tbe Oerman Bmplreliave appointed as tlio ..cnernl ('..lniulttee on Olfeanlr.ti.n tbe followinc: Dr. Itinlolf Ttrebow, pteaadent Dr. Voii Bergatana, Dr. Leydan and Dr. Wiil

aayar vlee taiatatnla. and Dr i,a-.sar, aaaretary general, to Ih, la-t ..f WbSH all i ominiiiiti-atloii- -houldl,c ;,di|r'.d at BarBa, B. W.. K:irl-tr:i--e, No. 1'..

lor eaeh al tba alftaaot aeetlona ¦ s]h-<ib1 eaaantttoaof orgaalaatton ha- alao ty-.-n apptdatod la arrangethe topica tor .I.-.. -I.-.. There wlll alao ba al therongress an Intentatlonal Mt-di. al and >«-b_tlflC Y.xblbltlon.

Tlie llrst sesslon wlll t>epin at 11 a. ni. aa Monday,August 4, and tlie eoncresK wlll la-t mitll Ibe foUowlngBaa_daya eloalag probebty in the evenlng. Tho-e arbowlll compoa, tbe eatigraaa nm-t t^- ktgally aaaBflealni'-d1cal men who li.ive bfioin.. tneml^r- and bav,paid for thelr B>rniberahlp. Bal other arlenttfk a»en

and -tudents mny be admltted a- Hextraordlnary ni.-tn>

bara ¦ by iBvfbatlon «f tba prealdjent, riios. taklngpart ln the ronare. af, I paj 80 mult- >.-'. forciiroln.'-ni. and this payment entith- th.-in Ba a eopyof iba traaeac.ena. lt wlll be a ronvenlence to aaaay,liowevi-r. to l.e enrolled by aendinR thelr iiiinMa, p_eeof residen.-e, professional stalna aad the mt.-< rijitlont.» th" tt-i-asurer, Dr. M. I.artcls, U.-rliii. B. W., I.elp-tlgerstrt.si*, No. Tb.

There wlll be elphtei-n diTeivnt sections lo pei-formthe work of tlie illligll.a. and BMtaben rnnsl deelar-

upon enrokaent to wblek Metaaa or teetlona they in

lend rlneily t'j d'-vote tlieinselves. Tlie BBaaaglOg¦eaabaea of n.e eaaaaalttee, for the etgbteea aeettoaaiire Oa anatoiny. i^ofeaaof Hcrtwlg; pbyato.)gy and

physlologldil (h.inlauy. Dr. Dti I.ol- Keymond: (ten-

er«l ].atlio|opy and pathologleal anntomy. Dr. Vlrrliow;

pbarnaeology, Dr. Uebretoh; taaernaJ mediiine, Dr.Leyden; dl-ease- of hlldren, Dr. Henoch; .suipery,Dr. bergrimnii; obatatrtoa and gynaaaatBgy, Dr. MaffUn; BCMoapaj and payebtatry, Dr. Laehr; opthalMjoio^-y, Dr. bahwiaggar; ototogy, Dr. Loeae; aaryn-gology ;md rhbialocy, i» Fnvni.ei; ter.atology aadayphlllgraphy, Dr. I..aar; dlaeaaea >.f the leeah, Dr.

Buaeh; hjglonB. Dr. Pbdor; aaadlcal geograpby and

rUmatotogy (hbrtory and atadiatka), Dr. a. Illrseb:Btato lii.'ilii'li..', Dr. riinon and tnlllturv Iim.-1-iiC, Dr.Krocker.

Tho general meetlnga will be held between 11 a- tn.and J J.. in dailv. The hour- for the iii-.'t un;- ofteetlona will b<- tixed by tbe Necttoiii Uommlltee,HuTtlme belng ao arranged a- not t<i .onflirt witii thageneral meetlnga. .\«i<ir.--.-e.. beior, the p<-ii-r:.i alltlll).'- will be Uellvereal onlj by Uiose who liave beenrfbeclHlIv requeaMd by the rnannlttee "f .>ri;anliiiiloii.

ih- three offirlaJ tonguaava «il! b, G<-i.inii, Kngiishand Prencb. <nrlng to Ibt vai.nua itu.«»iiaa«, whx i.

will be apokea by aaeaibera ed tbe Oongreee aecre-tune's from foreign tounbdei wlll be uppulnted.

Tbe Commlttoe on Tmn-ptrtatlon haa made apedalarranjr'*meiit-. #lth the llainburg-Aaieiican ra.ketCompany foi ttie tranapcrtallon of nn_bera. Therewlll be two apedal ratea: exim-aa aervlre on IheColumbla on Jaly i" and oa the Angnata ' Irtorlajulv K4, round trip, W50 and .r'j'.o: reamlar Bervtoe,Wieland, July 10, round tr1j>, *'.«> to BIBU.


a taaioaponaVinl tseanplalna thal tbe work oi "ran/swiiii,' Ibe atawai eal rtone in Ibe rear wall of ti.e.

City Hall** la belng done l.y "a lot of would be

nie.haiii.-," who an- "redoclng and apoHbJg tbe build

itm stone. wiiirii arere ael -« abapaly i^era awar elghtyyear- ago."

Ceaamlaakat*. OUroy said ytrterday thal la tbeutij.riK'tlsed eye, the bTOWMtoaa B.gbl 88884 to be m

tanger of i-e-ing apolled/ ba! it »a- only belng" laagbraf ae that Ibe eoaawete whtok is to be BMmMedupon the rear \s:>11 of th- Mty Ha'l Tn Imlt.itloii of th--

aaarhta on the three other -ides wonbI adbere t<> the

stone. The work ber.uiic peceaaaiy baeaaae tba brownhtone had b'-fnn to .l.lp off, B8M of lt flillinif ¦ 80

BBrga pgaeea ..- to make it aaaafaanaa for paaaara by.The (Viiniuisslorier wus obliced to deeide what raaaad]to appl.v. and flm.lly hlt upon the plan of eoverltiK )he

rear with (onrrete and mafiing all tlie sides look alil.e.

When .omnleled lt will be whlten.-d to representmarble. This eovartai la wafraatod ta oatktal th.-

pieaent generatlon and ls llkely, the <Oau_aslonerbelievea, to be flrui, hard and lntaet for eaghfy yearata. coine. "The work ls ln the handa of a conpetenttoiitraetor," Mi. ..llrov added. "who ha* given goodaud sufllejcnt Imnds f"or eompletlug II In aecordaorewith the rontnut. Tba rh.iiKe arfn greatiy Impioyethe appearanee ,,f the ritv Hall, and there la Mt theBlightoet danger of .--poliinpr' the BtoaM.'

kxes .t Murj soimihr rritv tmm:i

Letter ln The I.o- AagelBB Express.Colonel Miebv hae «* pepp-rT temper, nnd It Waa

irn mlafortune t" axerte it on the oecaatou rd our flratmeetlng. Oni teJayafter a tlme tnrned oa the anbjectof roiirage and i raaaaatad the oad akory "f OeneralCuatei and t.ie lemnt. eaat. is said to iniv.' beenone «>f thoae rai-e a-ten who are i.orn wlthoat ttn- enaenf f.-ar, and rever loat OOB. ln anv iiioment of p.rll.Hla tr.a.ps were htaiKllni.' under fln-. not iMTiulttedto rct'in: It.

-hav.- tabei Iba aaaklng reernti of the vetenmnext hlm, .. when ne we golnit to BBt tbe order toretreat?" "Well," tbe old soldi.i' aald. "there'a uateron ll.S borae )u-t before >ou. Keej. yonr eve ou him.and th.- ml.int- v.m see hlm turn palo you Ju,-t C8Iand run."

- iinii.-e." aaapped Ooktnel Masby. "'a nian wliotuin-iiale ha- 00 bll'-lness to K«. Into battl0."

.. Wbv not"Ue.ause he's a eoward. an*.Thoi i Uaattd liini to Ibe other ebeetnul about

ti.. Dui.f VVelBngtoa. wh«> point.-d t.> a paaatly-far.id Totinit offieer marelilnu past wltb head ii]i towardtbe Held Of Uat.'il'M.. a:id BBjtfl Tbef, |T(H-s a braveman. He knows his dnnger, but ch-s to m.'et lt" Ial-o atated Ihe f:i.t thal I h'.d aee, men in nilniiiKraanpa go Into siiootiiii: aeratjpat wbtte a, abeeta, batnevertheleaa inrbt i¦«.. ly and i.k.- the rery aewca.

"Pbbl" was all Mosj.v s,ilr|. and givliiK me a lOOBWbleJl mlfc'lit baa. meant that he B.ipeeted tlie <o|.,rof my own llver, hc wheeled *n& left mo. Ilut hacamo baek presentlv and Ulked of otlier thlnga, toBhow tl)»t he forgave mo. I



SPF-NCEB'S PHII.OSOPIlY.To the Edltor of The Trlbune.

(alr: In a late pap^r on the BBhJaet of apnost!e|<mI tlnd lha followii.r delliutlon ijuoted from tha BBBI <».«

ford Dletlonary of the Knpll-h lajmniape: " An ag-iiw-tle 1- one Who holds that th," OTlBBHIIal Of ativthlupu-yoiid and b«iiiiid nnturai pbeaooaeaai is uhiMwa (andso far a- raii be Judpi-di. unkiiowable, and c-ix'eullytliat a Mr-t raiiae and an uti-oeii u,.rld are subjeet-,of whlrh we knoar nothlng * if roar uirraBpunalent,the prealdeol of the nroakhrn Bthleal Aeaoclatloti. badmade a careful atudy af tln- .lellnltlon bof.r<*_ wrltlii?his late. airtlioiitatlvt- torrecttaa "f nii -iipp.r-ed er

roneoua Btatetnenta eoneernlng the phtloaophy of Mr.Speruer, he mlpht have found in It a wholeoOOM ror

re.tioii of hia aappoaed ecafrartlona la soverai tmpsrtaalpartlriilar*. lle nnght, fnr exatnple. have dl-envereilthat ao afflrniatlve slde ta> mu-Ii ati aptio-tlrl-iu rome*,

diinirerously near to belng a eontradlrtlnn In tertna. ua

I had trled t.» .-xplalti in tlie letter to Wliirli he wa*. re

plylnp. He mipht alao have <ll>>rnverod that th>* Bjneatlon of the -upernaHiral la not only legBlaaatetj l.ut

DBBBBBBrlly involvod Iti the dla,ission, lnastJinrb, aa Ihe^upeniatJiial js the very subjeet upon whlrh Ibe apIio-tle pretenila to Bfl Ipnnr.itit.. How tlien rould w,-

ilUruas his pretenrlona wlthont InaalttBg Into MM Ot-tent of our knouledpe In t-hat dlrtvllon. It ntlpht, too,have oeonrred to hipi that for the Ilrouklyn KthleaJ Aa

aoeluflon to adopt the propooed new torm would lnlt«e!f be 88 abandoii toelr preaent pofiltion 88 r«i over V>the other slde; i-lnce, In order to be nu arnostb' and a

motagiimrtlc at one and the miiiio tlmo, lt would beiieee.-aary to deuy any hnowledpc of fhe supcriiatiiriilatid at the umn time to afflnii it. Uut. aln.e. no man

ln fhe projier u«o <>f Ma Wfte can do anyUiltig nf »hokind. lt Miiiis to follow that for an inrnoitle to favoran afflrniatue *J48 ta tliat doctiine would be BB 88888to be aptiosiie. Uut. having abamloned hN ertaiMOaaiKvaltJoii. ii bal more la thon* t<» l«e done than to drop t!iouso of the terin by which ho di-aljnated it?

But evidently the proposltlon |0 aatopt tho pmv tenniras predirated on a ,]ulfe' dlnVr>>iit detlnltloii. t>n

thia point my erttte trtplafat by .juoting bbm of gaaQiiestloii- to whleh tho Bapara read at the syinposluTiiwere repBea, "aeeaatng that the nofi BgaMataehanrortertly repr»'-.'iits the ovolntlonlst's rvagallve vl.-wsas |o the relativlty of luiowlclpe. atid tho ImposslblUti*of ri.mpr.'heiiditip nltlmate astolopiral facts. I- not

sonie other word ravjiilred to expreas the afflrmaflvoattttude <if the evoliition phllosopliT ln repard to tlu>

approhojiMon of the Intlnlto aml absolute. aml tho ra

paeity of the human Intell". t t<> d«-al with the praetlealBailllhBlia of tvllclon and 11f«.»"* Ia r-latlon to which Iam led to tno,i]ire ln wh:it re-peet ,1,«-- the evoliitbmlstdlffer from Other BBBBBla ,,n Ihe mbjeet of fhe relHflvIt*.of knowledfa and the ImposalMUty ..f Manprebendlngnltlmate Bulologlcal fa^t<' For, if by relitlvlty l-

tiK-aiit the tofomplenaneaa ,,f our knowledge, and hTtohelleve ln the li.-rrsaary lrieompl''t«'liea- Of humaii

kiioiviedp,' and ln the hnpaaBlhUltj of graaptng altlmaleautoiopniii f.-i.f- i- to in- an apiio-tir, thfii agnoattrlam1- nothim: new.

Tlnt fhe true atfltiidc of the apiioafie la b.'tter repre-.'Tit<-d by mv rrittc wh.'ti h<- a-h- with the prophet," Who by aean hltip enn tlnd «.it »,od, or who <an knowthe Abnlghty lo perfeeUont" Bnt toatead nf ar

eeptitiir th.- ].:ia-ap," iii it- true itit,-iit and maaatng. H .¦

Mi.'Ti,,-tie with ivbom II i- n cherlahed and mueh-4]uoted¦aeripture mahe* it hi- .-i, oa,- f,,r r-'fii-iiv t>. know anytliltip l.eeaua,- lt 1- lasposalble f'.r him |0 know ill al, «tOog. M" hotda that Ihe ratotence >,f anythlnp behtndor bayond aataral phrnomraia la niikiiown. b ,t ¦¦¦

Ii.'Tki- -mr,--.'..,i any bettet than other men in rlddlnghla mind of the i,.-ii,f. tmt i.', ni. be tiini,- there lano acir-ntitir evMence tn Ba aupport

Di mv t'r-t i.'tt.'i il ana* mj endeavor t.. -h.,w howUm p'.-iiioii of agno ti,i-ni i- ahove <*¦ r.n.ai. nnd ,,.

eoneetve it lo e I* M bj Mr apen* er and hla h«.i. i-nhahrn la lt eeotre bj an argnmenl whleh haa beenr-jM-ut.xiir broaehed, Ihoagh by bo aaeana fali) Aereloped by Mr r,-i>>'. ahowtng from a fnir appllcailon,,f tbe naanlUallvii ptinclpte "f the dvnaml, erlea fthe rorrelaUoi- .,f lOrrea tl.' Impo IMlltv of any ui"

rhanlcal expl nation ,.f Ihe opwallnna >f the rnaatad. The arguraent h not dlrerted oat«iipioatieiain, but !U'..n-t lii.it' i.ili- m. upon Wlllcb. Bl

rordlng t., the ahove dcr.nltlon, agnoallclimI'or if Ihara i- no ealalenea behlnd Bnd bayondph.nom.'i.a, tfi-ui th" ,.tiiv remalnlag rxphuiallon "fthem mtiat be ln the ..pemtion «,f BMehaaleal lnwa.Mr. PHke appBe* the argnmenl only lo Ihe ufnmUiai*,,f the mind. ahowlng the InappBcabittty of Bwehalaws to their eiplanaUon. lb r. nogt hfea .» mental operatlona and appllea hla argnroeol "nii lo w*ialon withiii Ihe mind ita,-if, % poinl ln whteh ba li ilaith the metaph) bnl artdely ai varlance arlthIbe fada of nature, a* dl "i lo ua hy bl« ou-t, ar

gnmenl from Ihe corretoltan ,.f foroea, whenMl to it- uliiin.'it" ronclaaloa. Rlghl aa far w it

tri^-a. if rffcognlte* only parl "f whal it r>-,livprofeaaor llerbert, In hla "BeaMaU, AaaamptlKodern grlenee Bxamlned," baa anade a Umllar thooghfar iii..ro gtarfng mi-tak". Ui.-n. fr .m Ihe aame coarae

,,l UBBonhn aa lhal «,f Mr. Flahe. thongh bhmb Bhaborately developed, h.- faUa ta rerofalaa ln it lha dl*Utntloti "f m!.t<rl.ill-tn whkh Mr. Plake BO cMartjnnd arrlvea only nt the hvna eeaKtaaloa lhal ghy h ,itrleii'i'. belng Uliul.le la e\plaln ni'-Tit il Opi :'.itl,,livahooM ii.'tu.'fi.ifh li'Ti'M.'-tii'in !. tu ¦. to recognlae Ihelrexlateace. And thea eonotautly Inalatlng upon t!.'

enUra aavfa>to84 j 4 phj akn! la«- lo the esplanatlon ofphyalcal beta, hc Btoeeeda aKh hla laiguuMUt, ai ifn-at'Tiaii-iu rernalned anafferted bj it Bnd tntaet; ;>-

if it mlghl i^i falaa at one polnt and Irne ¦¦.\ another;aa if it mtghi fali ni erpkilnlng thoaght, and aarcaedin Baptafnlng aeiion -a- if adlon ronld be explalnedpai-t frou, l.lioiipht. A lo-er att- nn.,', II," d M IrlBC

of correlalton v..uld have ronvluced Profeaaor llerbertihat it i-. no m'.r>- ;i complete exphanaUon of onlerthan ,,f Inner farta, Uial it no more exptalna ,,ur .,,

tl.,n- than our Ihottghta, nnd thaf whll,- 11 Uwehe* tbeBnrveraallly af law li ali atarha th lnnit iti-.n- ol law-honin,r ta«t while ihroaghool phyalcal nature n premll ..i.Ty'.hoi'c, it ba out a Umtted eppUcathm any-arhere.

Vour eorreapondent, the pre Idenl "f Ihe BrooklynEthi-al A..»lation, tiiinka. however, thal wheo l

aj.iiiv ibe argaasenl "i Mr, Plaha lo Mr. gpenrer'i we

rhanlcal Iheoar] of Ihe mind, Bnd eeem t-> myaeU lolltnl BB IllC'oli. Ilal.le lonllii't Im-Iu.v ii llniii, ll 1,"

laaae I IMI ta comprehend the true poaJUon ol eltherol Ui..-.* pre.it Ihlnhera and he i-. a".-.> nr<- tbal Uwa--umptlon on mv parl lhal the phlloaophj ,'f Mr.-j,,-n,,'i la avowedly materlall th ba been repeatedl)d.-ni.ai and expooed bv Mr. Speneer and hU reeonnliedmterptwtere. In reply to whleh lt 1< proper to re dvour eorraapondenl thal l have nol eharged Mr. Kpearerwitii avov. ing tlM mat.-rlall-tir liarn, ter of bl^ Bflll HO

phy; but if whal li" meana l- thal it- Bialrrtallatlcrhaia.t.-r ha- l«''n denMd Bnd BBpoeed, 1 ,:i, ';"lt<'a«:iie of ibe tauth >.f tbe dral p.rt of Um propj Uhm.it haa eartalnly beea dealed, bnt if n haa i.n bi

poa(-d. if by thal i- nieaiit lhal it haa been refutcd,n miiat ba apsa tha aapBaaUttan that Mr. Bpgnrcr andhla frillower- hav.* it in tin-ir BowtT lo prfate an Indla

putai.ie truth. Mr. gpaneer haa daetled bb| glteniptcdI.iu,.- tha charge ln ¦ paaaaga al Ihe clo .. uf hlaFtrai i".'iii.'iple-. Thedenlal may i«.asibly be regardedai aaeceaafally BrhMved, t"it anch a refalalloa fr.-m a

phiio-ophcr of Mr. Bpeneer*! aappoaed ealot -.1 paareri1- lIBaaOthlng tO be a-t.,ni BBd BB. For l»' lt fnieu.

i..n-d, hg uut ipeaalag bere m aai r->*"^ w:,v "'

i matter wlu, li iiui.i BB de, ui"' .itber pio or roli WtUt

equally iBvorahle rraalta aa bta apateni, bnl ia alotngbj- beal to r.-lleve it from an ImpnBtttoB w|ilch, If iin

refoted, ta fatal t-, li, The *) ataaa arltteh hc l* atrl'ingto vindliate is ,,ne iihlch. aa his followers fondlytmiipliie, baa levolu'lotilied tlie th.nkltip of tha ii'Thl

.Hd furtil-h.-d B olld foutidatlon for that of B0M I-;

com." by foandlng phnoaoph) npon the ptfaetplea "1

-,|.¦;.,-.' And now hc bj alaout t, Lttng 8*1 etpaaltlnnU> a llftlUK elBBB by shonlllp how tll." pilli'-lple- laid

down may bo qCBBgtai hy l»,th rellpbn .'md i.eieii,:c as

I rommoii proiilirt upon whl'h the) BBog .'ouleare, wlUl-uut lo . lo ,-Hher And it I- under si. h BBOBMnlOU.'Inum-tai.r,;- Ihat Mr. ¦BWfMBI BBaWa BH o-f-n-lbl'3

rafuUUon of Uie rttarga of BMrfeataBaaa, tbe real

ImpoH Of vhleli Mvni- lo have BBCBgMd the Bttentloo.f mv .rllle, but whlrh lf h" «'» glBB lt his tl.ghtfnlHBBBhliBallon wtU aoaivtnee bim af aaa*aral Impavtanl1,-uth' peilalnllip to lll" dl-.u-aioii. Allionp Ih-.'

"J ,.. ,',.,-i nJ: iii Thal have nol rnhMPprehendedtbe' oo-iuoii ol elther Mr. apencer or Mr. Plaha lnthe tnatt.-i now in qaeaUon: r-') thal Mr. -v neer ha*n,.i refuted the charge ,-f matrrlaMam, bul.that ta a

fntlle attempi lo do ao ha* twlce over afllrmcd thed.Miri,,. which he ua- iai.,11 -in,ppii.i.' to denyjiJ)thal the doctrlne whlrh i- here a*«ert-d un-iuaiiii.-.iuimi ¦ neeesaary dedaeUon fr-m the correlaUun -,f force*l- ideuUrally the aame whlrh Mr. Fiake ha- aeve .,i

Ume* aaaerted that Mr. >p.-iir.'i doe- nol hold, aaaiwhlrh h<- ha- a- ofien denouilnated nnd r.-fut«''i B*materiaii-m; all of whleh belng Irne ii ma) begtn toanoear thal ihe notlon of -i verj aartou* rotillel 9*tioen th.- leachlnf* ol tbeae two freal thtohera BVje*,.,i exui wholrj In the lma«lnation ol j.ple arhomUunderataod thelr reapeetlve poalUima. The worai

ln whlrh Mr. Kpeneer aaakea tln- BBtonlabing Biapiaj.f Ihe -ireupth of hl- phlloaopliT BM a- foUoW*

.The tatarpretatloil of all ph.-liomeua ln lei-iua egMatter. Motioi, and Porre I- o«ithlBg more than Iherediietioii of our complea aymbol* of Ihowghl to Um-imnle-t aymboto; and when ihe eonation ha* heenbr.iiipht to Ita loweal t rnn the aymhofa remalni aymbol*-Ull \ieuf tbe rea*4»nlnf* rontalned In ta* riw*

i ,inp raaBjea iidmai no mpporl t elther of the anta.j«.niai7,ip,.the-"a reapertlng the ulUmate nature nl thlnga.Thelr liniilleatlou* are im more matarlallaUe than theyaro aplrltiiallaUr; and no more .plrltoaliatir than tJieya*« ujuterlallsUo. Any argumeiit which 1* opparentiy

furnibhed to eiUier hypofhesi.a la ueutr.lixed by as goodan argniaant furnlahejd to the other. The Matcrialiat.seelng lt to be u neoreaary dedncjaton from the law ofcorrelaflon that what o-tiats Iti' consciouane.ss undertbe forin of feellng ls trantforrpable Into an Cf|.iivaleiitf.f merhanical motion, and by /on-equence Intai eajiilvulenta of all toe fareea arhteb hu.tter exhlbits, may eon-»lder It thet-cfot- demonstrrtted that the phenomenaof rensetoaaoeafl are tnateilal phenom.-na. Bat thebplrltaaBat, i-ettitik- out with the «r.m« data. nu«yarjfiie with aqaal corrnev that If the force- dlnplayislby mntu-r are eegnlaabia only a_e_r Iha ahuiw., oftanec equlvalaol amount- of consriou^neus arblea thevprodure, II I- to Iv Infe.ai that tbe->e fon ea, wh-nexl-tniic out of ('on-.ioiianess, are nt tlie aame iti-trln-ir aatare a- when exi-tina- in eoaerkmeneaa; audthal s>. is Ju-tltled tbe Hplrltuallstii- cmc-ptlon of th<*etemal world, a- .on-ietinp >.f loraeaalBg eeaeotlallyIdeiittcal wlUj that we eafl inind. Manlfesilv tbeearrelatlea aad '-'luivaleiire between th.- fur.es nf tiu*outei- and the Inner world- muv> ba u-ed u> aaatmllatoettker of the otbera, eoootdlng aa we aat .»ut with oneor other term."

Mr. -.-[.enersr sets out her.- with the ..utnptlnn thatbia ayatein Interprete uii p.rnonuna ln term* of matt'-r, motion and forci, ln whlcb ca-e lt tnust ao Intarprelthe phenomena "f tt.e aatnaa mind. um tht- 1- whatMr. Plake deilnes in thv word- whlrh follow as BMteriaUaav aaya thla eary laeU writa-r: "Rear iuiiil.'.il tlia-t before a pl.waopber cuu eorreetlv be.harped with matertalism it i- ebaolateJy aeeeaaanthat he -Iii,nl.I hold that p-ychlcul plieiiom-ti.i. -u.tia- I'.ve and imfe, or th.) -en-atlon of redn.-s. <»r theldea of vlrtite. ar, lnterprt^ible ln tenn« of matliT andtiii.tloii." .Not only doe» Mr. Bpcaeer teach what Mrnpeneei

alisni.Plake her* aennea aa rauterurism. Ia.it he doos tlielaaie agmn in i-e.pre-entlnir tbe Muterlall-t a- aeeingih'. aame falae doctrme, t<» be a neceaaary djedaettou from the rjorrejettoa of guiaja uuttho erownlng va-Kury of Uii- Moiiderful r-futJitl,.iiI- ihe ta'iider of fhe sann. do.tiine to tb, -Milritiii.ilat.Ilow tlie Mat*.te.Bt '"Uld piir«uo SMB a Une of reaaoumg ll is ensy lo Blidliataad' for If hl- poaltion couldb<- Bialntalnthi at all that f- tho only way iii erhlrhlt could ba d-oiio; but to aeck a recondtllatlon ofrellKion nnd srlenco by efltttBg upon the Kptrttti.illstto nv down bu araaa aad -u.eiider to bia aneieatf...'. th_ MatorUllst, by adoptlng hl- "Tltirlnlcji, U, toaaji th- leaet, a BBtber pe_aB.r way of rbiairatlng theayatom ln Lehalf of whlcb lt ls done, from the. chnrgui.f M iteii.iii-ni. micIi a laeondl.dtob at onoe aaggratathnt of the Ilon and th, lumb Wbe, they Ile downtoguther with the laatb i_atde.

Aaot.er feednie of tiiis rea.w_Bbto-B4era of vertmiJui.-K'lcr>' ls when forci-a uro n-prcsuiifeur aa estattng uieon-. louaneaa. liul pray, who can tal] us what u foreeexlatlng ln ronaetO.nteaa may be? lt ha* often beenpolnted out. and eepeclalty by evtdsttor.rta uue Pra-haaor Tyn.lall aud Mr. KNk<-, not to m-otlon Mr.Bpencer almaeK. that the foreea of the body bm a.-.inti.'h axtoraal to ...n-ciuusties.; j_ ar, tho-e of lnanltnat.i naturo. Whal fh.-n cau Mr. .SpffietT meaii ' II-»|»ai!vs by wuv of nniltlng a f.ilnt. ahow of sittis,. ln theaxpreaatoa <>f the Correl ..f tba external workl aaiirodiirinu equlvalenl amoanU of ronaelouaneaa, butUiat is only .1 reu-vifirtloti of what, »s w, shall pre.sently»<..¦, Mr. il-Ko with due noderatlon deoonneea aarjonaenae. Bat this, Uke everj- other step In thiswooderfully eonchtalve rafbtattoB of the ciiurge ofmatertallsm, ia nelthor n.oni nor lesa than a reanlnnath.ii of the aOetrtne whieh It set out t.i deoy, and ofWhlcb Mr. Plaha iw-ahs iu>- followt.:

a wav, of noiecelar atorloa iu tho bmin catinotpi-irtiuce ii feellng or a atate "f tsaejadoaaneoa lt rand.. nothtng wbatever bnt -et ap oth.fr wavea ofnioleiuliir tno:loii altber ln the cmy wails of gaogllaor in Um. uiiita- matter "f aerve Obrea. Wbatever «..<¦-.ln anj way Into th.- organlam a- phyatral force n.u-te»ni.t ;u.'.iin aa phyaleal force an.l every pbaae ofevery tranaforma.on tliat u maj andergo ln the meantlme mii't bi- rlgorooaly acroanted for ln tn-m-i ..fphv-ir,-,j force or eise thii law "f the eooaarvatlon ufcnergj v. ;ii i.,,' be aadsned. To Intcdtice eonaclonaaeaa ..r feellng atiywhere ln tiu* s.-ri.a., aw eith.T .'au-isii.v or caoalng Bettooa ln the Lrain or nervea, i- notla. -t;ite whal ,- imtriie. bal to t ,iit noti-ense." (Ba.ui -i..ii- nf an Evolntjoniat, p. 3.13.)

l'r..in iiil- it would appear that ln the o|iinlorj ofMr. Plake when Mr. speueer propuaea t.. reeoaeUoanlrltiiallam «iif, materlallam ta dernonab-tlng fromthe ...rr-i.ii.f foree. thal the phenomena of ron-aelnuaneaa ..r- matertal pbeaomena, <.r that there I-a rnrrelatlon -f tbe force*. >.f Ihe onler and fhe Innera-orlda, "i thal there l- ka rorrelatlon between rhephv-i..il f..rr.- and Ihe . ln'iii.ui- ni... tlmt betweenih- pbyal. -.1 f.rrcea themaclvea." he la not aunplr tolllng«h:.i i- nol trne bul thal he i- tiiiiiim.' nonaenae. |..thal extorii l am hapm t.. agree with Mr. M-k... andt.. eommend tho manly randor wtth uhlrh h- ha*nfton and -.> ralnty preaeed npon Ibe artontlon of hlaIheolnffleal "|.;>..!.-ni- ,i m»a| Imnorlanl tpiib of wblchih-\ ahoahl h.iv-.ii Ibe tir-t dlarovcrera

If ii,y eatecmed «nti.. tbe prcldaal -f the BrooklynRthli il .*.- nclatl ia. »-hn thlnl lhai mj prroneonac ,t..|-i..!.t- rea.|Msrtlng Mr. Bpencer'a |.hl|.,«r.phv ..nthtt-. be anthorltatlvely eorrerted, l- atlll ,,f tha opln'lontl il ml ...I....'-- .'.. poaltlnn "f theae t-.... »-ri-ntthlnkera, nnd thal tbe aappoaed ennfllel l.-tu.-.n thelrI' lehlngl i-\l-t- ..j,lv |ii Bl] un i.-iiiiiIi.i-, J. f. m- Invit..hlm t.. -ii',mli Ihe gneallon ... Mr, Plake, and t>. aakIm '¦¦ ui- in tbe ni" t laxpllell terma al hts rornmandwhethei the docfrlne laugnl In Ihe paaaagea above

',ii..ted fr»m Mr. -|..'iici'r i- ii..t Ihe s.,ri|ii mecbanle.iiIntcrprrtatlon nf payrhlral phenomena whieh he hnaahvnva <!.--U'n-it»rf nnd refnted aa materlallam. and. l.eiher Mr. Spenerr'n afflrmallon and bia ..«.i r-'fui*

¦' I do nol prorerd natenalbly npon Ihe aame-,-i mi 'i.ih-e prlnetpre .,f ihe porrelatlnn ..f foiroal»¦ v aiiawer t" theae Innnlrle* whlcb doea nol ronal

..¦ .rir-h -f nulh ril rtloi - -.iii i... awalf. Jv. ih gi ,| i.t.-i g II VVILDERBe, iork, Jone 'J.'.. l-'"i

TMF. iti: BEnrovAL s.hkmk.-... PfbOOREM TOWABB < nri-IBATIOB TIU'S T.

BB M Mii'.

T the Edltor af The Tribune.!. aaa beea arged as -,., »rgament ln f.iv-.r of ihn

rernoval nf ihe rt- Indiaaj froai f'otorado to rtab thal-il h a n-iu..iiil WonM U.'ike ibeni BetghbOn Of theNava] -. i.i whlcb thej woadd l^« Induc^i ao adopt the

nf Hi dlana and aaa.a m-.re napld pmareMlhaa ¦* ,re ukeij t,, ii-. apoo Ibefr preaenl reawrva.ti..ii. Thla argaatenl resi- apaa the aaarnDptton thalIbe Bavajoa ;.!-». a pragieaatv, and rdvtBaed i-* ipto; bertwhal .ue tba f.« ts .f iii- .:.-"¦ I hiive jnst retarnedfr'-m a riali t.. tbe Bavafe, ..f a aiontb*a abaratbw, darli -. whlcb I bava triveli-d ..v.r -_t.n ratk- of terrltory,and, BKtteover, tbli l- my thmi vtstt lo tl.ese people

IBBB, I ;,ni theis-for- iii.re fanilllar Mlfh thelr>"ii'iiti"i. aii.i aeoapeeta, it |g falr ta aaaaato, thanth,.-e v'!.. aave adi taieed Iba argame.I ln qantton.Tbe BavajoB are nei a rlvthaed i.ple, Thep have aokno.kadge ..f ibe Bngtlan -ngaaaa, nor have they badanj opp atanltlea to re. "ive Inatrnctlon in .ii-iii7.ed pnrIBlU. Indi-r tba enre of nn e\. elloit ncent. wbO had

;. l.een uith ihi-iu two venrs, tbe* a.. now only f ihim: the orai (tepa loward .-nr wav af iMng. It ls tmelhai Ihey are aeU Mppor.ng ihrougti tbe poaaoaalon eflaraa Bwefca ..f abeep and paata, and that they are lndenendeni of Oovernment eapport. it la alao tme thaltiu method of llvlng thay have l.een accuatomed t-.f .! l-a t ii ...iitiiii paal, i;nt ii -h'.uid ba abaeivedlhai tbe Bavajoa mu-t graatly mo.iify ..ll tbetr preaenlrondltiom >.f llvlng before they aaa be brottghl Into

| i-!.itl'.ii-.!ii|. with rlvlllied eommnnltlea. Whllothev an- ..ti ihe whoje a welldUpoacd people, hi theiraupei iitl"ii-. thelr Indlan .tn-'-. t.i-ir nomadlr bablta,thelr rade bouaet, balll "f boaajba, arbfek they abaadonImuld ii (i-aih o.i'ur iu tiiem, t'i<-v aaa oaty be eoa

aldered al Ibe preaenl tlme aa andvlBaed people. Tbef ||] tberefore "f argulng lhai rentael *ai'h tbeaa wlllproiiiot.- th- rlvlB.atlon of tbe ite- _ apparent, i'.'.>argnmanl thal tbe ooalael of an anclvlBaed i»-o|.iem ii ti ii .iviii/.'.i. aader proper eoodltlena, «iii promotoIhe ivlli/iillon Of Ihe Inner iii.- |s nii'l.nil.lrs-lly -.juiiU.ni.,i in thia in-taiice, if ihe f.aa'ts a.-iitii-«i were reali.i. Ibe argnmenl for the removal of tba 11*-« ln tbaabaenee ..f other rea-on.s f..r tti«-lr i*etentfbn on Ibetipreaenl r. lervatlun woakl be b ft^id one, bul if. aa ih.-fji.n.i- ..f ibe reaioval rontorm, contaet >a1111 tlwBavajoa wlll belp t,. rlvlBa, ihe rtea, wby wlll nolontacl with ttie rltlaena of <loktcado have .i mii.Ji more

l-.i.-nt luflnenee ln thal dlreetleu. On UM Ibeorj ..film .. who advance thla argameul are enn only aaaumelhai thej belleve Ibe Bavajoa to ba more rtvlilaed thanii...-- wblte .oinmiiiiitii- whieh nt oreaenl aarround tb'.'i to reaervattou. Tbla arg.mMil l- >.f tbe natar, >.fthe biiomerang.

It i- ihe announred p»Hct of the l.nlted Blatea .;...eriimniil ao t.. rlvlUxe Indlan- ihi.t tbe] wlll .en. t.. beIndiana and duill become llke wblte men. lt la Iheraf..r- nianlfesl thal ti Ibe lioverntnenl -hall reniove IheI'tea on ih- plea thal lt dealrea then to beoonie llke tbeBavajoa ratner than llke th.. dtlaena ol Dnrango andthoae "f olh.r pla.e- i*OOt*gBOOI to tlie pr.¦«¦ nt t-

rraorvallon lt will have repadiated Ita own poUcy an<lhave adopted one wiib-h l« preclaely tbe reveree.

( iu. .un on, Bl all fiimillar wltli aeogataa ln .IvIIik.ition loiit.'iiil tliai men are to becarme more rlvlllied bjre.movliig them fr..m rantad with rlvllltatlon. t-.

I.nifua*;.* lu rellgtoo, lt- orderly bablta "f llfc lt-iieady labor Ita biw, li-> rellnoment. aod pin.-ing ti.cj..ln roiitarl w'itl. abeer barbarlam, wiurh ls the r-v-r-.e

. theae 1 t nl<. we a.-e prep'u-.d lo aOfend ao iriamlf-tlv al-urd n pwipoaltlon we «unimt logi.nllv elalralun Ibe r-mnval nl Ih, I 14, fTuUi thelr present h lUXOd

Riirniniidlnca to roodltloiia of isolatlon and barbarlamwill ii.tviui'.! thelr clvllliinl.-n. HBBBBBT VfELBH.

Idilladelphla, Penn., Jaij I, lei'"'-

VBCBOWXBD BBBOtBBB.rrom Tlie l.a.ll.' Home Joliniul.

Then- are liinidr.sU af wotneii toilnv who hayeliover iiianli-.l 1,-cni .- of aome -|.e.n.l mi-ioii Ir.

life cllher l>i tlielr Him famlllea. or t<> th- woral Ul

larv-. Mtiich they f. it Utey could better accomplUhIf unt: .um,-ll.-.1 bj .I'-o-fJ. carea. Pv thelr -ifaaa-riflee. Ibeae womwi nn* herotnee; and tne very »ai.e.-..i.- ..ii "iod's footatool of wbom Jc-.f -hoiild beininl- Two of the 4weetea1 women who have evei

l,.,,,..r.d mo with their frtondahlp, and with wbomto c.me in rontart I- W*e a benedwfton id grwdnea«.,,,1 griH-e are addn.d by tba Utle rd~Mta_* Promth.-ir life hlatorle-a. have l arawn maay a k*e*on; andtn the -ue.-t (ragran.f tbetr llvea la dae mans a

n-.i'.on- ¦" t <<( .hiiiliv. and maliy B h.irsh woi't h..-

beeu left iii.-ald. Sl.l.l -'.'h noni-n l.e rldlculedAi, nol i-t n- ralher ba *e acbotara ol thelr teactiInga, adapUng Ihe bwaona Ihey ran aBen iglve u*.lo our om-ii llvea. Vo, and I may beli-.e thal II laf.r Ibe greateal Bapplniwa ..f ..ll women that th.-vshouM marrj >"" thal la no reaaon whj ae houldiM.t reane. 1 fhiaae wbo by thelr llvna abow that th.-vhave decided ntlieralae. Bnme of tbe nobleal aromeiiof the paal, «h..-e very nwaea rerall the greatealtrlim.phs iu tbe worl.C- hl-t.-rv. never inarri.'-l andlt needa no atretrb of Ibe Imaginatlon to helleve thal.. -..«i i.iii greal women ar, Uylna rlitht aniong u-

today aa have ever Bgnred i" ataaury. Th-.- ancoiiiitle--. famHI. to'la. who wlll l.r. thelr bliglltealan.l in..-. eomfortlni membera wbea Ihe breath of herwbo never utlered fhe marrtoge vow, retama t.» iirM iki'i Ingela of romforl are Ibeae "..l.l malda.,f Mneri.-iii home-. ev.-rv ilnv of their Mve- leaclllngu- nnew aome noble trall of aeU_irrlgelagj and ort*

glorfoua womanhood.

Jobn Mllt.in BOa olilv t\s\ on th- )n-lalm-iit plan.for hi- .. iMmdise Loat"; bm Bba itui.rt wrlttoq It. 1.1-antographa w,.uUl nol have been wortli a- mu. h. AIItiitTiK- "*u>e >o aomebody elae If wo ouly wait toogei.oiik'h.-il'uck.






The troop- whieh ii iii aeenpf the etata Oaaap alFea-U-kill gartag Ihe Hrst week will stiirt from iM-

rlty to morroM. The 8th F.eplment, und.-r rommnndof Volon.'l .-.ivard. and ¦ detnll of Captaln ITlhMn'lliatt.-ry. under .ominatid of a serpeant, will po hytraiu and Troop A will rlde b> IV.-k-lull, Roinp a- fur

M Tamto-vn fn-morrow BUeiBOOB and the n-at of Uiedtatanoe on ganday monilnp. Ilmsttatore tho infantrynnd iirtilleiy troop- have pone to ramp from thi- gttgby boal np tha llBdaon, and tha hrlg waa aa neaaaVIngty enjoyabta one. The <'<>o! bftmaa and the retaaUVll.n whi,h th" men expcrieii.-cd durlnp the rlde up the

rlver In pttavlaaa yeara, after belng haraeaaBd ap with

Innnnierablo beavy 84 ,'oiitreiiienta ;md mnrelilnpithrouph hot sfria-'ts, will bo rcpliirort thla season. as

far a- the !Hh Hepimciit Is roiirerijed, at l.'ikat. withla tu-o ho'.:r-'«rl«l" iu < ars. The ItMMOa piven for Ihe

ehaaga ln ihe nMde <>f BanapuilaMon is that a ateeaaboal ,aiii,ot be x-iiired nll of them belnp enpapod forthut da.y- Tho replmetit will assomble. at 10 o'lioi k

la. m. nt the nimory ln We<t Twmitv -Ixth -t.

Troop A will aascmble at IJIekeFs Aeiidemy, In Weat

Flfty alxth -t, nt 1 o'elock p. m., and will irtart fromthero nt 'J o'.lo, I* ABBODg the oflicors nnd men who

will go wlU be <;iptaln (harlea F. RflB, flial LlentenantO. B. Ilridpinan, se< ond Ueiit.-nont. 11. II. ltal.h, A.1-

tantStitpeon Thnmin, II. Alle.n, Quarterma-tcr r-erpeautL. V. o'Donohuo, Flrst rw-rKeant F. llol'pln. "aeeond

ffajajnnj M. ii. Badflety, Hfth ^-<.rpennt John I. Holly.Mifll .v.rpeamt E. 1'-. lOton, lorponils H. W. Wllllams,tj. M. Wynkoop, Crllfonl llurr-y and G. B. Troop,TnitnTi't.n w. ii. Orag and J. Hayea, treorpe. s. Byer,Edwurd Oonht, Fr-d.-rlr U. Cnudert. Jr., W. tj. F.rkopt,A. P. F.rkert, Henrj A- <illdi:rsli'.'ve, Jr.. W. II. MeVlear. BaaaBtl Marmiaini. K. I.. Iiittersnn. II. W.Saekett. F. M. Vermilye, <f. N. Xlehols. 8T. W. Judaoii.c. F. Jud*on and A. B. I>ufhe. aahet. one of the-evounc BBBB m ill groota Ma own horse, doing all tho

work Which Is to bo dono about tlie stn-blo, beetdeapoll-hliig Jil- firioutrvmenta. and d7>inp lll- ahare of

tiw worh of Ineptng the <*amp rlean. Tba men win

remaln at the, two hob-ls ln Tiirrvtowii >aturdayiilpht, and tho expeetjitlon Is that tho stnrt will be

ni.ide fP.ui th-re af -t o'-lork on Sunday mornlnp. so

tluit they will axrlvo ln eamp before Uie day l.aai

Bdvaneed far anoagb to becoaaa boi Ptrt/t .Jael.pllno wlli \re. malntiUried durlng the entlre waeh.Bverythlng wtll be dooe aeeorglng to Army repuUv-Uooa, and tlie work whleh the men will perform will

bo ns nearlv i.s posslblo like that done in a.t.u.l.-.-ni,.'. TaMnp eare ef tho horses, haeplBg aMcontre"menta brlgM and in ordej and "poiliinp" the eampavtll b" BMttjty llMtdkntal tO the. re:i| work of tho

trooper*. At 4 :.v, a. m. tho bugler will bn.-nk ln upon

thelr BtamberB with.. I ran't p-t -.'iii np, I BBBt get 'em up. I ran't

get 'em up in the mornlng."I eaat get 'em np. i eanl pet 'cm np, l can't

pet '.in np nt ull.'"Then they mll hiiv* aome of I.onls BTlndhoU a

roT.a,. -eii-.d it) ii nn onp, after aiateh they win go oul

f.r driii untll t o'cloek, when they will ba recaUed f >r

bimkfaat Af'".' that ahoy wttl drttl for Bnotber boar,maklng two .!,.l a half bonra in the -a-bii" rogularty.¦rh da\ l;-l'!"- !>ll Ihl- a iiuml-'l' "f lf»ng rldDa .il-

V. ,;.. i ,.ve .he t.mtaln* and throngh the waoda.aohe tln- will nol hang iMavUy on *elr .ooda.th.* bngl.und*. ";..<" »¦-;.¦.{¦"''V,,^-J *

niL.i.i L-o t., l«ai '' al lapa, the men wiii proDanij an ua

pa.'iv t'. VI.,''n'. b. twieu tha two ann> bUt.H't- ipraad

mThta\km1be the Wooopn' Brel eaperleaMa lu eamp

,i,.l f. t "lU be tVe llral time tha. in^:,!. i.,i 11 b - cver i.ii otcnpMd by eavalry f-,ree-.i.-k-i, u in- i. >

. ftwahaned amonKiJ&L Aot^th« Bathmal <^»rd "

ti.ls clty ln con

^r,^;l^,l^a.l';;-^:",.'m'.l;..'l,^'.:,ofthep.n- which «ill nl- ;' (;' g» ,..V0I. ]iiA before

aerviee will *-" ^';'\V,'., \, .rv will be th.- Bral one to

)" "iT .'," it t i."Vn and that onraolfatlon wtllLE 'b-'ive a clan "f MMal the .ew guna whkh wera

f-v«^ar«heK^h^''" '', .,.rel'v" from iniiip dutyIhlf year. and n« l ' > |; ,n ,,..,., \\ \, » muchn^Ktt^raBaa«U.W^aTbllliy. ^''-k!-^',7u',.',',.; i',,-'e when UMauea-^nro^oTitowto^lS r^rneui to oeenpy the BBBtgLTeahln two aue.dlng *4Maona.


T.(.;T., ,?.:r::r:-^:,:::;\,;;r;,.:,''r1;'^*'-v.s.nthevardS.,.:isrraaSvTvartoa. rtorea of whleh ah. ^"J*,-..,. next a.k -he .s to atarl for Betwport, ****

- to',,.o.,i'l,a'a,,,a ,-,...'' e---^^--tr,,i- of apeed, turnlng, reA-eralng, ete.. atv w oa,r

,,.. ,: ronaldered the Bneal rBaaal ol b8f

:v:: !,,.,at. :,... u* * - - .» -* ¦» Mur-,f

^toWlowlng order. I««ed by Be* Admhwl D. U

,-,,.-,..,.,u,a.,la,itotth,.NaiyV.rd.iiar,'U.he"i .,; .,ni ln the Lyceura Itolldlng at the vard

,, ,r> ., onr BBttonal InderMratoara. I **«* that

¦',;. ,r oftha. day all i"-a-"l-"f th'* Navy I...",,,

,,',,'n ,., thla atatlon wtll drea. ablp. la ralnbow

f,..f appmprlate llaga. from anariaB to snnaet. ..

'::;;,...i.-aM.'f,....m.i,'.i-i..,.""ftwe.ty."". *"tZ vewrta^ara ol llged ln dlacharga laetr pa<aalai

h,.,,ri. ,he. ,, lollMBBV, Var.l. .,one of thoae at the

Y-l.«u!lir,rv..-ilut.'. .,.t.h,'-.."t4Miill.-Iiredfn.,ntl...,l,,..!n:.at..,io!'.h"...l,l.o,'k. Af',rt.,wo-ra.'

fla, !- ,,, ie ttOWI. fr.,. the BBggOle IMBr lha I'onin.aiid

"Mf.'i hfMieer*' con^prUlng Um Uoard of In-,v,tlon al.

' v,; vTr',1 i; "« ' tbat there 1- dlssatlahvctlon"'.'.' m,i, int- have i.n made bt*aaac they;l,., OmI c. mi l'i*-|"',| ,,,,, s,,,t to the Yard lnh,vl. r, ,,t. 1 aoi, i i

.^ wtAth haaarcordancc mtn .»'"'... _M ,., f,,r barnlng,


Th,* a.non,.r,'Mie"t made reaterdag thal Charlea I-

r.ilbv and a paKj "i railroad Meod. had I. to

AU*ka for the porpo.f ronaMorlag the qaeetton ol, ti,,- troerlea and Aala by raU and badhtlng a

railroad bridge Bcroaa IMhrlng Strall revlved Intoreal,. rhe propoaed iviboad arroaa Slbertav In the inleraal4 o-hlch t. i- nnderatoog, Oijneral liuinrtleld wenl ...

m Prtcrabnrg rea-eotty. The Oei.al daoltoea lo latt

about hla conferci.ee with ihe Buealan Qoverninanl oa

tba ¦Bblecl boi II i- hlaled thal hl« propoaltlon

^r1,1;,'re, i.>, id I* belng fivonUib; coj.^Idcred* M*. ..dt'i-- partJ l* «" ... be lalaiuated tatho wholo uridetijUin,'.

the TBOVBLB IS TllE TWBBT7-BBC0BD.Mliu-e the Dfl Bota roi.H martial tOOk plBN ,',"'>

,, (|.-.',i K.pim.-iit bava beea aasaaalng a decMcdlj

npleaaani a«pect Tho atorm eloaat thal bow hoven

JL ,|.. ,....,- of UM reglmenl la ready to band with

,,.,!,..,,,,! fnry. if the roorl ahould glve a coatrury

ludiniMiil ll haa beaa aonouneed by Captaln l>n Uohi -

lupporten thal Oaptaln John f. l-eo'- ehargea BgalaalLleutenant-Col.I Klag. aewmtng Wai -f a ratoa

muater, wlU be broagbl forward al an earty data, rim

friend* ,>f coionei Klng are. happy over the bv t that

Uie charge* arada b] CoptBln Jobo P. I. againatloncl Klng ure al taal drawtag to a ckaw. The

..uui.i,. between captain Leo and taOtond Klng datra

bark to the annnal laapertlon af 1888, Al the Umelhal the ehargea were brougbt agatnal Cotonel Klng,his friend- aay, ba «-'- BUtda the aabjerl of an ln-

lUgaUoB by general toBdqaartera whlrh ni un

.ui and he aatlafled the Adjutant-aeneral a

mll explanatloo, aaylng thal all.igh a member af

Company B waa Bhaenl at the annnal InsperUon ,<f

ihp and a peraoa aot betag a member <,f Companyg waa muatered la m ptoea ol iba abaeatoa, he aai i-

theleo* waa wllhUtj gallty of bo brearh of dtaelpUna..\t tba Adjatant Oeoerara ofgee ll «aa raaaored yeaterdaj thal tha rhargea broughl againat folonei Klngbi Captaln Leo woaM bo dropped.

\ peraonal IWend of Cohmel Klng aaM lo a Trtbunereporter yeaterday th.it u thr ebarge* lhal bava .apendlng «i Inveatlantlon for the taal two yeara wera

ta i.- broughl un and the eoarl BiarUal or.ier.aifolonei Klng would i,e readj to refnta the raargaa

"'ueutenan1! Cohmel i.w A. Mlltor, forBMrty <>ftb,-'""d and now f tlM I'Jth lleu'lili-'nt. WB* meitlvmioted ¦- -.um' Uial if I--"'- charna were pre.Iihe Mlller-Camp rotitroveray would be reopened andui iinnli-ation woaM 1»' made to general hea<l,|iiai;er-for a I'onrt martial ta) try (olonel t'anip on the old

cliargea arblng trom tho fjfcSBaai ot Uus tagt-od uul-

forma of the reglment and that Colonel Camp'a ae-euaer would be Colonel Mlll« himaelf. Colonel Miller*ald to a Tribune reporter that Uie atatement waafalse and that he baa not said a word to auy 00%about the affalr.

ARRF.STED FOR DIRTTIXG TBE STBEETR.Sergeant Plcltett and his patrolmen of the Sta-eot

CloaninK Departmeut put in ,tn acttve, day yeaterdayenfaretag the BBreet ordinanceas. Aaron Keen, of No.1.11 ritilTolk st-., was arrested for sweeplng refnae frontBo. BM llroadway Into the -treet, aud waa flrted *8S..1.ph Laptnati swept dlrt fr.Mii No. 700 Un.adwayand was ttiie.1 »"2. Mangero Camtlto threw dea.iyndfrult in Kleve.nth st. at Seeund ave. and paid a ttl flne.Alfnd Senior waa. ruticht aweepiiig dlrt ln front of No.-- l.ei.uard -t. and was llned iri. Franeoaro Manllascattered aaihes and garbatfc from a barrel in Leon_rd<Bt, ;wid wa* flned ir>J. The pollcomen WBB, lnatrrictodnot b> arreat eartaen for aeaseetlng to ciean the arceetaunder tbetr -Uanrilng vehlcles untll the ordTSaace onthe .siibject has been aiiflirteiitly proniulgated.

THK WBBAt WABTBBT IS EAXSAB.Kansa-a (Ity. July 3..Tbe new wlte.il crop of K»n«

sas |a rapidly roniing Into the leeal market. The de.l-ers proiii.tiiic- He pra.111 as llr-t < lass and enpeclaJljthot recctved from Baaaaara Kansas. The weatber haanei er lieen more favorable. for liarvcstlug aadthre-hlni? the crop.

A FIUffOftRA-PBT*- KTTE.Fr*>m The Plill:wlelplii:i I're-s.Fmm a reeenl aeaiber <>f ¦¦ La Bad.aa." eeataaawB mp.

Voadbary, 1 bave eopled a -ket.h of . photograp.alhtte, recetitly InVBQta, by M. A. lUlut. <>f Knlanre.A*« has already been at.ted, B lilte |- far more at«utythan a bnllooii when sitspended |n mld alr. For thlaraaaon M. Ralal aaea a fcawnga abaped kite pmvidedwith a lontf till. To the kite 1- nini.li.-d a amaOphotogranhjc iniera l.v mi-an. ..f n lilangalai anpport;tived I.. (be berkbone. The ramcra la pnivided wtta anInatantaneoaa -hutter. aatiiiit.-d by neana ot a simwmatch. llefore flylne tlx* kite thi- inatah la llchtedjand when rombaatton ba- aroeeeded *o far ne ia -»iflre to a N.all thr-ead it reJeaaea ttie sprlng of th,ahutt-r. and the expoaaf, '*. BBa-de. \not her verynovel fiMture of thi- Lngenloua apperata, ls the ua,of a ivgi-t-rlnir aiieroki baroaneter attached t> the klto,-;. thRt th.> operetor ran flnd onl the attitnde whieh th,kite lia- a*cende«l above the ground. Tbta baromet.-ela enmt.lned with a pbotoKraphic reglatertag appariitus.whteh ..perates at (be aame tlme a- the ratnere. IIls Inetoaed ln a li-'it. tlsrht bex, and the in-tant th»tIbe slnttter of the phot.waphlc eameea i- reteaaea* andtlie expoaar, made an ajiertnre rlnaed by the ajiutteels iincrivered throntrh tbe bamlng >.f tbe matea. Atthe iiii.ment tlie niiertuiv I- nncovered the lumlBOMravs sirllte the illal and print the ibadoWB of fhe twotieedle- imechaqban and lnd.*\ needleal apon a pleeaof aensltlied paper with whieh t.Ilal l- eravMaa.To the tbra.1 attached to the ihatfer, and whieh Klveathe ezpoani, wh-n l.nrnt. is tix-d a pi-c- of paper,whieh at the -ume Ume detachea it-"lf unn falla tdthe (irotind. Indlratlng to the operatcr thal Iha exp.TMir,im- beea mada. Tbe u.ta; 1* tti.-n batafcaf ¦ and th,phtc d'-veloped._


PBATCBBS OV BKW-YOBB DEAl.l.vr.s.The fradirif; yesfenla.v in Wheal OfdfcMM was malnty

of a sralplng iiatnre. and only aboat l.r<*<>.«>0') busliclswero traded tn. ivice- were atrong ou a di-piasiti,»oon the part of the ibaeta t.» rover thelr eoritraeta be-fois; tlie Independ-nco Dav liolnUi-- Weahn.888 wu,

aavetoped at _aa.raaa, bat th- tecMaaey ef vaiuoawas upwanl. Cablea repii.t.-d wet weatber fronaabroad and raln In tlw Boetbweat, . id liberal Cieal*.

¦neea add.-d elenMtrta af atreogth to tlie markeu.iniy opttona opet-.ed at f»l 1 -. yielded B-d, and thenis.-o to t.-i 1 1 eeata, Aagnat opened at u3 and n.aoTn cent. Bepteaiber atarted at '.).'.'/M 7-8, andra.ill-.l ti, 0.1 .14 centa, December weed fn.m U4* 1 i./..il ls ti. B3 14 cents. Th- rarb Bgnrea were aBth.- beat "f tlie day. and the g-nal oflb ial iiuotationaof the aay -cored net irain- of .'! ¦> for .luly at 1)4 1-e,I 'i for Angval at B3 :i«, ;, a f.,r rieptember at. 01 12,md lc^,b-r at 1)4 and :> s c.-ni for Dccomber at 08,oeuta.

Oaah wheal w-a* 1 4^f1 2 cent better. but export<*reheM i.tr becauae of tho advance. Only 10,000 bu-heMwere taken bv mlllera, bat reealvera t»»k 4->,.xtobuabels nf wlnter wheal to arrlva ..<.. 1. f.n

Corn uas itronget on llgtH recelpta, fnQ elearanco,and reaerved offerlBga l.y boldera ..f cv-h ^..«is. Bpoalota were 1 4e.'.4 cent hlgher, and expoateaa bouiriit130.000 bnabeta bere and 40,000 baabeai at the aaa*port.-. There aere aome i.iui rrop n>pi>rte from tlioWe-t, whieh, with tbe other bnUbh Influeuee*,offected a nei ris- .,f n b& 1 4 reni, aa foilows: .luly,II 3-4; Aagaat, 48 i»; Dept.abta, 4- 7 8; OaBoaMaj41 5 8 cent.,.

<'iifs 011 fhe spot were lirm. with -JO.OOO buabelaI-ilti-ji tor -ht|.un:it. The nptioi - were '|ulet butliri ai :t4 f..r July. nn :j-« f.,r Aagaat, and 31 3-*Jca-iifs for Beptember,

After the rloae ..f baalaeaa o, tbe floor there wer,-.I-- of B,000 ttercea ,.f ateeai and renned lard toahippera. ltn. opttona were atoady with pi.-tlcailly.00 cliaiifre as fejUowa: Julv, $'1. Auiniat, fO09fleepteinia-r. a.i'j'.'; October, *<i 31; Boveenbar, BO 31 ;December, 9<\ 20.

Tae ps-.-ints i.f prain and fl.nir r-ported veaterd.vyat New Vork. riiil.idelphla and UnlHix.n* were aa foi.k.ws: Wh.Mt. 101,1483 bushflls eom, 108.130 bnahej^;oa.-. B4.46M l.ii-liels; t,,tal graln, 834,471 bnahela;Hour, 23.34A packice-. Al Chieago, Mllwankee andht. I.ouis tbe arrlvala wer-: \viwat, 31.5TT buaheia;c.rn, Il-IT.T'J.. biishela; .Bit*, jr,.-,,074 husnela; totaagraln, 5.-4,:i7l) biusli. 1,; flour, ll,.',e- barivU.

. ..«. .

TIIK TRAHF. IB CIIICAOO.Cblcairn, July | (S|^-lal -i abl-a in ts-sard to th«

we;ith.-r .-il.r.i.id were ag_, auch, altlionch they d)d n .1au-r**. as |a a.Ivani-e the prlce of wh-at one cent owrHaa <>iH>iilnit and *a cent <>v-r W<dn.~sday*s !.i-t flijuref andtn iiMlntaln the irreuter part «.f the advanre rltfht up f>th- etoaa. Jaly a-baad apaaad at 80, »oid aa btgh aa 87.a.,.l .-Ins.-d at BM|, A'lu'uat oi^-n.-d at n7. s.ld aa bteha« 80. ar.d cloaed at th«- t,.p. si^pta-mber opeiuvt at «7*«anld between B7*a _id .*>¦'«, an.l eUaed at !?8\»r«».'Dfeember ej.ened at BBV, tauched *.KV<. and cloaed at'Mxt'.H)',. With three In.lidaya intervftn|ni7, the tranaa.-.tions aere aafrally lb_lard and largely in the dii-rtionef eloalng ap apea den!-. "Th- l'rloe Ovrreat'a'1 ifei'kiyaiinuiiary of the crop sltuattoti dMared that " ahe »int-rahe.it ueld eatlmat.i na.s apparcntlv tomowhat .^nlarglii,and tint th» sprliin whent «as wett malntaitiiid. ultho'iittinot ninre proiiilsluc tlian prevlow.lv ludl.-atrd." Theiawaa raln In th.- i»liit-r "nd apHtog K.n*t ar-a* and normalti'Uiperat.ir.... bt. Lo.iis «ir.il th-it th- cprliiK repiirtafrom tllaaourl were dl-ap|..,intlna' and ac ..ttipanbd thaBnaouncement witb buytng ardara Cara «aa ateady allday. araeetally f.ir tha nearby opt|..n». At tbe cloaaprlcea »h.(«.-d an advance m.r W-dn-adav of a^ff1} r©ntJ!ui- m:..- .. g,...<t i-iuh d-n.and and ilao , ,-harp d-mandf..r Jaly from tbe ahlt.plnir frafernltv Oata w-«re rmri'lyateady, in -j.it.; of th- fa.-t that it wa.a the only cropronrerolnc -.ihich " Th- i'rlce i.jrr.nt'' made a ratherl.uiU-ii referenee. Jaly opened at :'7\, touched 27i«. andrloaed at 2;'-j. rr.uiil.in- «.-re acaln dull Kiha andlaul -hi'i.il an luii.rovetnent of UHi cent--. On the cuiabeptember wh.-at .-li..d at s;.1..

I.IVI. ST'H K MAIIKI.T-IIY TFI.Ei.BAPH.Baffalo, jniy 3. ( attio Beeelnta t.-t -ji boara, 3.100

head total for weefe thus far. Is.MO; for aame t_ie :.i-tartrek, ln.l-iO; raoalgned througa, 8.000 h.-a.!. all to X-t*.1 ..rk 40 1..U.1 ..n aale; mark.-t. qolet. a,h,v[1 and lanihs.K.'.-lpt- la-t l'i h..'ir», 5,000 bead; t-tal for week tlmafar. SU.200; for san.e tlme ia-t aeek, 20,000; eoaBlgae,th'.»i«U. 8.400 h.ad. HoO t,. Bea-York, S.SOO on aa;,);inarket dnll. Iini.-, -R.IpN i.i-' 21 h'.'ir-, 1,030 head;total f"i «rce_ thus aw*, :i^.^uo f'.r ame tlme ia*t treab,80.000; i-on-l-iii'd thruiiifh, L'.K^ head l"0 h.ad to.\...v v-rk i '.".) mi aale; --l- t-u m-dlum wela/bta.

! beav) -ii'I-a. poe«l to .-ii..:¦-.¦ >.. a-\ ai.d aeleete,Y..rk weighta. *.'t :.J mix-d )ili-'- and light l..;k.i-, t.i 1)0;lUht pU-. *3 ;;>.i«3 MO.

st. Loula, .luiv B..Cattta ateady bi d<vlMe. Beedpta,2.'.'o.i h.ad: s.H.d t.. fulr natu- -f.-.-r-. 4.1 30*M4 00 f.irt- l'....1 du, 14 80084 80; atorkcra and f.'"d.-r.n,83 20489 10; Tcvana and Itiall.*n-«. 03 234783 50jIfotf- lleeelpta, A,""" head n.rket -ha.!.. hiith. r. f.«:i torbolre heavy, if.'i<;*.i.lo H.'i'ti.g gradea, |3AOd0i0ojHiiht. fair to b'si, 88 680,8 00. Bheep.Bateelpaa, l.'.kji)h.ad: marK-t atrong; fai- t.. eholee. Itffc.

i.lil.'aa... J'ilv A Cattie Ree Ipls. IIOiV) h.yid ahtgi.menta 8.000; m.irket »t. ...li !....-. f ,0^*1 ^5 -' .-,,a.'i .',...f ;I0 stnek-r* i.n.l f--..'..:-. ~2 .1' .i'-A V. .',.«a,Imli- and 1....V.11. 81 '*;. 10 T. x.-<- rattl*. tl70tt«S 12%Hoga Rereipta 10.000 head: .hlpm.*nta, 1800; markat,tr..iiL- t.. ?Ind. Ii.irher; nl.-'I r.'l OAJ*3 73; BaaVT.t:t i'.-,,:*:t ::*» llabl *.l .'.-.>./ 80 akipa 4l<fas 40.Sl.-.|i Rereipta, ...O.ai h-ad; -hipm-nt*. 1..100; n.araatateadr: natli-i-. «;.'«'.*.'.. W -: rn, ti.i-ITJ. T«u_a,+J :¦'... :l Uiiit.a, * I '.'.'i/ril.

COTTOB MABBETfl BY TRLEOBA1*.',falverpaoL Julv ;i 4 a. m. Cotton Tba «lea nt tbe day

lncl.nl- 10,100 balea .\in.-n- 11. I'lrnr- 1-loa.d qiU't,i.iit, ateadr. antcricaa MMdlla,, toa njiddiinn cIbukm,July dcllv'-rv. il ..:-til.l buyera Julj an.l a ,;nt dMIwrr.,1'.'7(l4d i.nj.r-. Aagaat dellverr, .1 2h.«4*« 29-fiidsAiii-.i-t and Septepiber .)-:i\t. 1120-044 t.uvtira beu'4'n.-'I itUV«rT, li -I'1.11 t.'ii-i-. >. |. nl. r and Ortoherdnllvery, 0 i-04d BBttera; Qetobt^ aai ^nvfinber dWtverv,*>.">"..V4 (/.". 5...Ild N..\.inl.-T and I».-i-»inber dellverr.J Sg-044M M-Old r.'.'.ii.l-r an.l .1 unniry di-llvofy, 6 52 OadU r..l-rtld

lialveatnn. J'ilv 3.- Tetton BOUlBBl; mlddjlnu. llsjrjlo« inlddlinn, Ile; (foxl nrdUiary li>'i,c net and aro«areeadpta, fl .«l"a; e>i».rt- eoaatwlae, 010 balea; m!-s, 9balea; -t*.k, 134 balea

N..r'nik. Julv 9. -C'.tton nomlaa1; mid.ljlne. ll'^c;bi t and k-r. recelpta, I lale.; aalea, 11 balea; ato>-k,:t..)17 Ir.'.-s

s.ninnah. Jaly S ri.tti.li nomlnal: iniddllni?. I17lrtc«Ioh nlddllng, ll i-1'V; g*>A oidlnarr, I0 7-ia>; n-t amtr,.*« recelpta. 3 balea; »\|K.it- eoaatwlaa, 5 bal-a; aa! a,o halae: BtOCk, 1.4*4:1 baba.N,.w-Orleana, .luli- 3 ('o'ten n.ea.tv n.ldd'lnji, 11 7-trt*4

lon iiild.lllna. II 3-lrt.-; ifo.al nrdinarv. I0|A.|Ae: n.-t an4groaa recelpta, 180 taii-a; aalea, 100 balea; stork, -j,J24bab-a.

-..- ¦

r.ONDON- \V').)f, lALaaB.taaaaa, Jaly :. ti.Beriaga at t'.-dav'a wo.ii aataa

ani.iuntel to '...si balea. Tl.- ati-ndaii..- aaa ni.Hl.rat-.\ falr - l'c'l.n wi.a orf. r <l There .v-i- a falrly ai.iu-t.d.Mtion for k-'M'-t Au-tnllan merlt.oa. ).ut a few !. ta

l.l at a d». Iln- of a aalfp-nnv For M .*' wbl'e CtptUi.-r- w». l.rl-k blddlnf! bul . v. ral lota wer* -ltawew_tli" ir.H ("'tne above buyera' vlewa. Thua far tO.ajola1-- ll..' Ix.'ii <iit>irtn.mi. Tli- d tolls of todaija ofT-r-ln - unl the t.ric^a obtalned are ae followa: VI.-toiTa taObalea «r.rtir.d T1-.!.. I- l.l do I" k- and pleeea. ?Vl_i- .1 iiro-v 71 d.ila; do lo.ks and pleera. :l\ddla 144.\. ,. -.-iti. Walrw 1,300 il*a: aeoared Bdala I'jd deIm-ks and nfi-c- sd.il- 3.1 grwuy i',(li/l» Id do loekaaud i.lecea. :l',.|ii'.al. Qn.v-nalaad f" ba.¦.; »-onivd,J» 3!-.d d.. lo.-ka and p!-. -il Jltrt. k-raaay. M dol.H-ka and Dlecea, ".'1.. Tn S...ith Au»tral|a-2.X) Imlei.;

..nr.l DdBla '."-d; irrea«v. 74,tthA. BawJMaaa.0-«i 0i> hjl'- -.".nr.-ii '."-..'l.fU SSd; do lo-ka and pie.-ea,ctits I .1 BTeaav, 6s»d*1a lHid do lo-ka and pt'eea.I'rt ..-.I Ta-iiimila.I 800 bal-a: ?.our.'d. lo^iala ¦: area ) 7dflla pd; d" loeka and i-i-.'-«. M8M__n. ol .-.>d 11..).- an.l .Natal- 700 t-al^h ».-onr-.| .d*

ifl ,'.'-.-d; -;r.a»v. 4Vl.;T\'l .1" .Cfca aud pl-ca, Tsjd.-»

CLOSIX.l PRK'KS OV ( AI.IK'.r.M A STOCKB.,au I-rni'l-co. Juli 3. IWaV-,

Y.'-t'-M... T..-d-.'. V.....'rdavT0-d»y.Navajo .JM AW>ii..,.r . 4.35 4.80I.,,-,,-! . soo 7.8:*|

**» .m ».!Iiuiwcr.JO .-'.)II -t \ lt. I. li-r 8.80 3.43liodl" Conai.l 1-.1". 100Chollai :'.',", :'"

.... C:,l v Va 4^0 4.-0rro-n roiiit 2..0 tae.....il.l ,4 Curry 2.-.*ft IMBala ,t Bere.. MI I HM.xirai. . i_| »..*..Mono .B8 -;0Meuat Dlablo.2.V0 2.10

iph.r"'.'.'.'.'. 3 80 4-1..s?.V.5 Baaada f_| »»

inion Qaaaal »_| BlV.Vlow ti-at 2 8-) Rl o i.iro-iwealth ¦..8--iJ .¦«

Nevada Queen... .**0 bNorth BeUe lale.. *¦*BeUa aV»M .*.*... ¦.,

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