f} .. jlorfolk jj~lanb c!culture...authors this publication was prepared by david t. fullaway,...

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Jlorfolk JJ~lanb ~int C!Culture Collecting and Storing Seed · Propagating · Growing · Harvesting · Marketing


Circular 453

AUTHORS This publication was prepared by David T. Fullaway , former State Service Forester,

Hawaii Department of Land ai1d Natural Resources , with the assistance of the following: Tom K. Tagawa, State Forester, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources. Dr. Eduardo Trujillo , Plant Pathologist, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station and

Albert Martinez, Extension Plant Pathologist, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Hawaii contributed the section on diseases .

C. J . Davis , Branch Chief, Entomology Branch, Plant Industry Division, Hawaii Department of Agriculture and Dr. A. A. LaPlante , Extension Entomologist , University of Hawaii contributed the section on insects.

Ernest Pung, Service Forester , Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources , contributed the section on harvesting and marketing.

To strengthen the Norfolk Island pine Christmas tree industry in Hawaii, today's growers and future producers of this specialized forest crop must be kept up to date on new or better methods of growing and marketing their commodity .

The various steps from cone collecting to packaging and shipping good quality trees require many skills and techniques that were identified, tested, and improved by foresters , entomologists, and pathologists of the State of Hawaii Departments of Land and Natural Resources, Agriculture, and the College of Tropical Agriculture, University of Hawaii.

Clarence Lyman Specialist in Pasture Management

Cooperative Ex tension Service University of Hawaii


Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Germination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Potting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Nursery Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Field Planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Selection of the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Planting and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Insect Problems, Symptoms, and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Disease Problems, Symptoms, and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Harvesting and Marketing Norfolk Island Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


Collecting and Storing Seed · Propagating · Growing· Harvesting· Marketing

Norfolk Island Pine, or "Hawaii star pine," Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco, synonym A. excelsa (Lamb.) R. Br., is a native of the South Pacific and was discovered by Captain Cook: Plants were introduced into the Hawaiian Is­lands during the nineteenth century. There is some confusion about these plants because A. columnaris (Forst.) Hook, synonym A. cookii, was intro­duced about the same time, and all spe-

Female cones are primarily found in the top 25 percent of the tree.

cies are nearly identical in appearance, especially in the early growth stages.

SEED Norfolk Island pine is a dioecious

tree that produces seed cones at l O to 15 years of age. The seed cones take a full year to mature. The viability or quality of the seed crop depends on the presence of the catkin-like male flowers in sufficient quantities to pollinate the female flowers and the proper weather to allow sufficient quantities of the pollen to disperse to the female flowers at the right time.


Male catkins suspended from the tips of the upper branches.

The mature cone is made up of a central stalk and many seed scales. It resembles a pine cone , but the scales have onJy one seed each while the scales of the true pines bear two seeds.

Seed can be collected by raking them from the ground or by climbing the tree and picking the mature cones. Seed gathered from the ground under the trees have high viability and can be planted immediately ; collecting from the ground is safer than climbing, and the seed is relatively dry. Seed collected by climbing requires a great deal of skill in selection to obtain viable seed. Seed obtained is relatively moist and requires drying before storing but it is less expensive to collect. Seed in Hawaii mature from late June through Septem­ber. The cones are ready for picking from the tree if the cones shatter when they are struck.


The seed should be properly dried for storage by spreading it thinly on a canvas tarp under shelter in a dry, warm section of the island, or in a room in which the temperature and moisture can be controlled. After 1 to 3 weeks of drying, the seed is ready to store in burlap bags at a temperature from 34 to 38 F. To avoid a reduction in seed viability , do not place the seed in a bag or in any bulk container until the seed has been properly dried for storage. The seed should not be frozen, moistened , or heated.

The initial viability of properly col­lected, handled, dried, and stored seed should be between 70 and 90 percent. Under the best handling and storing conditions the seed will lose about one-half its initial viability every 3 months.


Seed cone





Maximum germination of the seed can be obtained in a greenhouse with the temperature between 70 and 80 F and with constant moisture. Germina­tion should start in 7 to IO days and be completed within 21 days. Place the seed in vermiculite in a flat at a 45-degree diagonal position with the upper surface and outside portion of the seed up. If soil or any other medium is used, it should be moistened, fumigated with methyl bromide gas, and aired properly (for 48 hours) prior to use, or it may be heat-sterilized.

Germinating Norfolk Island pine seed.

Flat filled with vermiculite or other germinat­ing medium.

POTTING The seedlings will be ready to trans­

plant approximately IO weeks after the seed germination has ended.

The size and type of pot used in transplanting will vary with the purpose of the operation, the length of time before field planting, the condition of the planting area, the nursery setup and the budget. Some of the available and


A Norfolk Island pine seedling of good size to be potted. (Actual size)

usable types of pots are cans, milk cartons, peat pots, drinking cups, plastic tubing, and polyethylene bags. One­gallon containers are adequate to keep trees 1 year or longer in the nursery. A I-quart container is the minimum size recommended to permit good root de­velopment.

The taller and healthier the tree the less planting stock and field mainten­ance are required in establishing a Christmas tree farm. Therefore, we rec­ommend that the plants be kept in the nursery for 1 year or more. Use fertiliz­ers to push the growth of the potted seedlings. The seedling for field planting should be 12 to 24 inches tall and should have at least three whorls of secondary branches.

The authors believe that nursery costs are lower than field maintenance costs. Vermiculite has been found to be an excellent potting medium when properly fertilized. Other mediums should be fumigated or heat-sterilized prior to use.

I ~

Norfolk Island pine seedling ready for field planting.


NURSERY CARE The seedlings should be grown under

greenhouse or shaded conditions. Opti­mum growing conditions include a tem­perature of 70 to 80 F ; moisture con­trolled by overhead sprinkler irrigation; overhead shade ; raised beds in a nursery designed for easy access and mechaniza­tion ; a fertilizer, fungicide , and insecti­cide injection system built into the irrigation system; and frequent light doses of chemicals throughout the nurs­ery phase .

Cull and sort the plants at an early date . If the pl ants show signs of bronz­ing (purpling of the primary leaves) or browning and yellowing of the second­ary branchlets , sort them and place all the seedlings of each type together by size, shape, or apparent vigor or color. This will give a more uniform nursery and field growth , thus permitting better standardization and mechanization of subsequent maintenance and harvesting.

TABLE 1. Some Chemicals That Can be Used in the Greenhouse in Norfolk Island Pine Culture


Foliar 63 plus





Volek Oil







NOTE: Be sure the chemicals used are compatible, and use them according to labels and recommendations.

Some Features To Consider in a Potting Operation

1. Water source. 2. Labor source and quality 3. Transportation - easy access into the

nursery with supplies and egress to the field with plants .

4 . Growing conditions - controlling the environment.


A. Sunlight - use Saran cloth of 50 to 80 percent shade.

B. Temperature - use fans and a water screen on the ends of the greenhouse to maintain 70 to 80 F.

C. Chemical control - apply fertiliz­ers, fungicides , and insecticides on a regular basis.



I Mattock

Fertilizer tablet

Field planting a Norfolk Island pine seedling.


D. Moisture control - use overhead irrigation with a chemical injec­tion system.

E. Growing medium - use vermicu­lite or steam-sterilized or methyl­bromide-fumiga ted soil.

5. Mechanization of operations. A. Potting. B. Handling - use forklifts , trucks,

and nursery design to facilitate movement of plants.

C. Shipping - use enclosed trucks. 6 . Raised beds and cinder ground cover

for easy weed and moisture control. Use shipping skips and cinder blocks to facilitate mechanization.


Selection of the Site Norfolk Island pine does not grow

well under high intensity or long dura­tion of sunlight; in areas that are too cold (freezing) , too wet (more than 160 inches of rain per year) , or too dry (less than 20 inches of rain per year). Soils should be well drained.

With the above in mind, the other major factor to consider is the indivi­dual site's suitability for mechanized planting, maintenance , and harvest. Sites with level ground and good soil characteristics can generally be mech­anized without difficulty.

Planting and Maintenance Plant spacing should be selected,

keeping in mind mechanization of oper­

ations. The planting design should allow

access to all plants with a tractor and


attachments such as boom spray units,

cultivation tools , fertilization attach­

ments, and harvesting units .

Field planting should be done to take

advantage of the natural rainy season.

Plant quickly and efficiently. Transport

seedlings in enclosed trucks, and plant

them within an hour after removal from

the enclosed truck . Take care to avoid

any drying of the plant roots during


The planting hole should be 50 per­

cent larger than the root structure.

Commercial fertilizer tablets now avail­

able can be placed in the planting hole

to stimulate growth of the plant during

the first year. Use of these fertilizer

tablets or equivalent fertilization prac­

tices is recommended.

Application of the proper fertilizers

induces tree greening and thus creates a

more marketable product.


I. Araucaria aphid , Neophyllaphis arau­cariae Takahashi, is a sap-sucking insect causing devitalization of parts fed upon such as tips of young shoots. These tiny soft-bodied gre­garious insects are sometimes called plant lice. Colonies usually are pres­ent in young shoots . The araucaria aphid is found on Norfolk Island pine· on Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii . Control of this pest is necessary for plant export. Dimetho­ate (Cygon, De Feud) at the rate of 2


TABLE 2. One of Many Possible Field Planting Designs To Facilitate Field Mechaniza-tion

X5' X 10' X X X X X X X X R X X X X X X

0 A

10' R O A D W A V w



X X X X X X X X 5' 10' X X X X X X R X X

0 A

10' R O A D W A V w



1. Spacing is 5 x 5 feet in 16-tree blocks . 2. Roadways are 10 feet wide, providing access from two directions. 3. With this design, the number of seedlings required is 1,120 per acre. 4. Mechanization for tractor use is allowed for with other cultivation tools , booms, and fertilizer


teaspoons of 23 .4% emulsifiable con­centrate in each gallon of water (I quart per l 00 gallons) used as a dip gives good and effective control. Another systemic, Disulfoton (Di­Syston) , has reportedly been effec­tive in controlling the araucar ia aphid but should be used with cau­tion . Read the labels carefully for all pesticides .

2. Armo red scale , Carulaspis giffardi (Adachi and Fullaway), is a sap-

sucki ng insect causing the leaves to turn yellow and die. The mature insect is completely cove red by a hard shell-like scale. Immature in­sects are ca ll ed crawlers. The scales are commonly found in the angles formed by the leaves and stem and are often not visib le from the exte­rior . The armored scale is presently found on all islands. Three other

armored scales: Lindingaspis rossi (Maskell), Octaspidiotus araucariae


Adachi and Fullaway, and Lepido­saphes araucariae Beardsley have been found infesting Norfolk Island pine in Hawaii. The armored scale can be controlled with dimethoate at the rate of 2 teaspoons of 23.4% emulsifiable concentrate in each gal­lon of water (1 quart per 100 gal­lons), or diazinon at the rate of 2 level teaspoons of 50% wettable powder or 1 teaspoon of 50% emulsi­fiable concentrate in each gallon of water.

3. Pacific beetle cockroach, Diploptera punctata (Eschscholtz), gnaws the bark of branches , often completely girdling them, resulting in yellow or dead foliage. The cockroach some­times is called a beetle roach or Pacific beetle roach due to its resem­blance to a beetle. It is present on all islands throughout Hawaii. The cock­roach can be controlled with a spray of 1 to 2 teaspoons diazinon emulsi­fiable concentrate per gallon of wa­ter.

4. Araucaria mealybug, Eriococcus


araucariae Maskell, is a tiny, soft­bodied insect that forms a little oval sac at the base of the needles; the sac of the male is smaller than that of the female . They are found in masses on the terminal part of the twigs. They produce large quantities of honeydew that encourages the growth of sooty mold which , in turn , blackens the infested foliage. This insect is particularly partial to young potted plants. It is present on all the islands. The insect can be controlled with dimethoate at the rate of 2 teaspoons of 23 .4% emulsifiable con-

centra te in each gallon of water (I quart per I 00 gallons). Diazinon may also be effective. Caution: dimetho­ate is a systemic and should be reapplied only when sus tained rein­festations occur. Treatment may be effective 1 to 2 months. For potted plants, use l pint per l 00 gallons ( l teaspoon per gallon).

5. Black twig borer, Xylosandrus com­pactus Eichhoff, is a tiny, brownish black beetle about 1/16 inch long and cylindrical in shape. The head is deflexed downward and bears a pair of short, club-shaped antennae. The tiny beetle larvae are legless and whitish in color. The adult beetles bore tiny holes into the branches and excavate broad chambers where they lay eggs and deposit ambrosia fun­gus. Infested branches may die as a result of the fungus and beetle activ­ity. The insect is found on Kauai , Oahu , Maui, and Hawaii. Effective control can be obtained with Car­bary! (Sevin) 50% wettable powder at a rate of 4 pounds per 100 gallons of water (I % tablespoons per gallon of water) applied eve ry 3 or 4 weeks, or malathion 57% emulsifiable con­centrate at a rate of I quart per 100 gallons of water (2 teaspoons per gallon of water) applied every 3 or 4 weeks.


1. Root rot, Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands , can be of economic impor­tance in the seedling stage. Seedlings affected with this fungus may never

I ~

attain marketable size because the pathogen destroys the root system. It is recommended that Christmas tree farms be planted with disease­free stock. Dexon 70% wettable powder used as a dip for plants to be planted in the field at a rate of % pound per 10 gallons of water should effectively prevent infection.

2. Needle cast, Pestalotia spp. de Not., is a weak parasite that affects the needles when the trees are injured by drought, herbicide, heat, or mechan­ical means. During shipping, trees stored at high temperatures and hu­midity can become totally defoli­ated by the fungus. This problem can be eliminated by proper handling and accurate control of the shipping temperature and humidity.

3. Sooty mold, Capnodium spp. Mont., is a fungus induced by honeydew­producing insects. To remove the mold, spray with Volek oil at the rate of I gallon in I 00 gallons of water (6 tablespoons per gallon). Control of the insect by the use of the proper insecticide will prevent recurrence of the conditions needed for the mold to exist.

CAUTIONS 1. You are dealing with plants, and

anything and everything that you do, even slightly wrong at any stage, will result in loss. Do things right.

2. Establish your market first and con­tinue to build your market at all times.

3. Remember that different states re­quire various treatments for entry of plant material.

4. Regulations concerning insecticides are being modified. Some of those mentioned here may be found sub­ject to new limitations on sale or use.

for clarity, trade names have been used in some cases. This is not an endorsement of a particular brand or product nor is it intended to discriminate against similar products not mentioned by name.


Norfolk Island pine Christmas trees are harvested manually with either a hand or light-weight power saw. The trees are harvested by selective-cut method, taking special care to cut only the good quality trees. Selected trees should be firm, yet green and lush. As a prerequisite to market development, growers should avoid placing yellowish and poorly formed trees onto the mar­ket.

Small growers usually market their trees on a "you-cut basis"; large growers are required to harvest, package, and ship their trees, usually to wholesale centers where the trees are distributed to retail dealers. One large grower se­lects and marks his trees a month before the harvesting season. This method gives him an accurate inventory of his mar­ketable trees by size and class and also helps to hasten the harvest during the short, hectic cutting period. The trees are hand-carried out of the field and grouped beside the road.

Trees are packed by a crew of two. One picks up the tree, inserts it, butt end first, through a homemade funnel that bends and compresses the branches upward and toward the central stem,


making it possible for the tree to fit into a rolled-up perforated plastic sleeve at­tached to the small end of the funnel. The other worker pushes his arm through the sleeve, grasps the base of the tree and pulls it through. Jt takes about 10 seconds to package a tree. Rolls of sleeve materials are available in various diameters or sizes. Take care to prevent excessive squeezing which is apt to damage the basal branches. Damage can be lessened also by adjusting the size of the funnel or using funnels of different sizes.

During transit, the packed trees should not be piled more than six deep, usually with the larger trees on the bottom of the stack. Store trees in an upright position. Upright storage lends itself to easier handling and also reduces terminal breakage and tree deformation.

Mainland air freight rates are regres­sive . The rate for up to 1,000 pounds is $.71 per pound, and $ .19 per pound for 1 ,000 or more pounds. It takes an assortment of 75 to 80 trees of heights between 5 and 8 feet to make a ship­ment of 1,000 pounds. An average

6-foot tree weighs between 12 and I 5 pounds. A healthy 8-footer weighs up to 25 pounds. Inter-island barge rates to Honolulu from the neighbor islands are less expensive than air, and the barges are able to handle bulk shipments.

In the Hawaii island production areas, Norfolk Island pine Christmas trees wholesale at $.50 to $.60 per foot and retail from $ .90 to $1.00 per foot. Large trees, more than 8 feet tall, retail at $2.00 to $2.50 per foot. In Seattle, Washington , a 4-foot Norfolk Island pine Christmas tree from Hawaii retails


for $9.95. Trees 6-feet tall retail at $15.45, and 8-foot trees at $23.95 each.

In 1969 , approximately 9 ,000 trees were shipped to the West Coast, and 25,000 were marketed locally. The 1969 shipping strike was the primary reason for the large local consumption.

In early 1971, approximately 250 acres were planted to Norfolk Island pines for Christmas tree management in the State of Hawaii.

Current problems faced by the Nor­folk Island pine Christmas tree industry include: I) lack of adequate seedling supplies for planting and replanting; 2) a need for simple methods to harden-off marketable trees to minimize or prevent the terminal and branch drooping that often takes place within a day after harvest ; 3) excessive breakage during

packing, shipment, and storage; 4) high shipping costs; and 5) inadequate ship­ping and storage facilities and the need for excessive handling.

Good common sense in harvesting, packing, shipping, storing and marketing can overcome most of the problems listed above.


I. Bailey, L. H. 1963. The standard cyclopedia of horticulture. The Mac­millan Company, N.Y. pp. 345-347

2. Crawford, H. E. Norfolk Island pine. Unpublished Paper , Hilo, Hawaii , 6pp.

3. Dow, Peter B. 1969. Personal com­munication, Seedsman, New Zealand.

4. Neal , Marie C. 1965 . In gardens of Hawaii. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 50. pp. 35-39

' '-

Hawaii residents may order single copies of the publication free of charge from county offices. Out-of­State inquiries or bulk orders, should be sent to the Agricultural Publications and Information Office, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii, 2500 Dole Street, Krauss Hall Room 6, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. Price per copy to bulk users, $0.45 plus postage .

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in coopera­tion with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Noel P. Kefford, Director of the Institute and Dean of the College, Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity Employer providing programs and services to the citizens of Hawaii without regard to race, color, national origin or sex.

CIRCULAR 453-03/72 Reprinted 01/83 (2.5M)

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