f ck blogbook 2011-2012-2013

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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F CK Flavio Campagna KAMPAH Is an internationally acclaimed Designer, Director, Painter, Illustrator, Photographer and Stencil Artist who’s been living and working all his life in scattered places around the world, starting from his hometown Parma in Italy to London, Rome, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Bali and Sydney. While in Los Angeles in the 90s he was one of the pioneers of TV motion graphics, his style and works for television have been vastly influential for many modern designers and video directors around the world. He now works full time as a Stencil Artist going around the world between Art Shows,Exhibits, Private Commisions and Artist Residencies. This book is the publishing of all his posts from his website www.kampah.com to date.


A Blogbook 2011-2012-2013

Another good day at work in Rome

March 9th 2011Another good day of sol id Work in Rome, today I wanted to’ celebrate One of Italy’s most famous contemporary l iberal writers: Roberto Saviano, One of my heroes.

LONG LIVE THE BEST!March 9th 2011

Today my tr ibute goes to the greatest l iv ing Ital ian journal ist of today, in my modest opi-nion…Founder member of the Ital ian newspaper I l Fatto Quotidiano. His sharp analysis of Ital ian polit ical situation is always accurate, sarcastic and straight to the core!


This t ime I went rel igious… My inspiration was the l i tt le white piece of embroideryI saw in a rel igious paraphernal ia Shop in the streets of Rome…how perfect as a stenci l I thought!…(nerd!)…then I had to think of a portrait to go with…so who’s better than the antichrist himself, the Nazi pope, the man taking the Christ ian church clock back a thousand years … Mr. Herr RatzingHerr himself???….the rest was easy!!

AMA OBAMA! God bless America

A tr ibute to my second but actual ly f irst homecountry…and to a hero everybody loved so much…how can you forget…and not give him a chance to keep pushing forward the toughest job in the world…Ama Obama it’s an Ital ian play on words that l i teral ly means Love Obama…now more than ever we need to show if i t was real love!

March 15th 2011

F CK GOOD NIGHT! (3:27 AM)March 22nd 2011

Got nothing to say this t ime anymore…seems l ike I am talking to the wall in here… So F CK U ALL..and good night! I’ l l st i l l keep posting my work in progress here, for my own pleasure…and who else???….

THE NUKE YORK TIMESMarch 24th 2011

My first landscape painting had to be nuclear! In a world where monetary earnings are more important than human safety on a global level, the world is gett ing ready for the f inal melt down. Good l ck! F CK!

YOU SO LAME!March 28th 2011

Our prime minister is stuck mind and soul in the late seventies in Italy…Naked ladies and bunga bunga is something to be ashamed of at 75 years of age and in such an important pol it ical place…something I wil l never get used to….

March 31st 2011 The evi l master is sti l l in power but the forces of the revolution wil l beat the beast! Free Libya! But before start ing work while I was at the copy shop in Rome, I bumped into a Jedy smurf …

ALMOST BLUE, ALMOST RED...April 12th 2011

Working on l ight and shade effects, different colors and fabrics, this Saturday after-noon in sunny Rome, while on TV, Sten and Lex, two great local street art ists, go on camera as almost blue people!

April 15th 2011

LAST DAY for HANGING SILVIO in Parma, ItalyMay 7th 2011

Today is the last chance of seeing l ive the HANGING SILVIO collection. We wil l have a farewell drink at 5 pm at the Gallery with the Artist in person. Don t miss this last chance, and check out our Gallery here, now. Due to large demand and huge success from this f irst exhibit, prices may increase from next week. New shows dates coming up soon in here.


September 28th 2011 You can now find me on QUAZ ART also.

February 3rd 2012


July 24th 2012

July 30th 2013


My new stenci l i l lustration for the cover of the Ital ian newspaper “I l Fatto Quotidiano” is about the (remote) possibl ity that our ex premier Si lvio Berlusconi could face jai l soon, as told in the bri l l iant art icle by the always great Marco Travaglio. Special thanks to “U’ Guaglione” Alex Sorbino for the color palette in the back.

August 5th 2013


So… this t ime we couldn’t resist putt ing our ex premier behind bars again..at the Toga Bar in Parmatraz. It was such fun adding the jai l bars to my existing stenci l of him with Mickey Mouse ears, I made last year there. Dancing and moving in t ime with a great soundtrack: Depeche Mode HEAVEN/Robert Thicke BLURRED BARS/Icona Pop I LOVE IT/Lucki ly there’s Si lvio (Gospel Version) we had a lot of fun and everything happened together and magical ly.We even got a mention in the local news onl ineThanks to Just and Gaia at Toga Bar and Alessandro Loberti for the great pictures


These are al l my stenci ls for “I l Fatto Quotidiano” so far. I l ike having the abi l i ty of giving other people’s words an image, especial ly for a magazine or newspaper I l ike.

September 11th 2013


Our ex-Prime Minister pet name is Dudu... I thought of making a tr ibute to the Dada Mouvement and hoping for his..freedom!...Dudu’s freedom, of course...!

October 23rd 2013

F CK Flavio Campagna KampahU are the missing part of F CKA B l o g b o o k 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3

Special thanks to my beloved brother Gino for his precious help in those golden “Kampah Visons” years, to Alex Sorbino for his advice and support in the making of this book,to my dearest fr iend and muse Sinead Harnwell for the always welcome encouragements and compliments, to Katja Kulemkampff for the pictures of the cover and the intro pages and I laria Bertinel l i for check proofing my english.

Also thanks to Stefano Disegni for his generous patience always, to the great Marco Travaglio for lett ing me being part of such a courageous newspaper, to Nicola Marzol la and al l the folks over at CODE PARTICLE in Venice, CA for helping me in making my website, to Simone Riccardi for helping me putting together the very f irst version of the website and his help and support with my f irst shows, to Stefanp (Beppe) Gri l l i for alway being ready for me and his precious old newspapers, to my daughter Irene, my sister Barbara and my mom for their love, and to al l of those great fr iends and cl ients that sti l l l ike my work and support my Art.

Thank U al l .


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