expressions august to november

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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August to November

to make a scene(fazer cena)

To be on maternity leave

(estar de licença a maternidade)

to make faces(fazer caretas)

I will just have to make do with two eggs.(Eu vou ter que me virar com dois ovos.)

Looks can be deceiving(As aparências


Don´t bite the hand that feeds you.(Não morda a mão que te alimenta.)

It's on me.I will pay this bill. (Usually a bill for a meal or drinks. Compare this with This one's on me.) As the waiter set down the glasses, Fred said, "It's on me," and grabbed the check. John: Check, please. Bill: No, it's on me this time.

È facil / moleza

Get off my back = larga do meu pé

Nag = to criticize or complain often in an annoying way.

Get off the bus

Get on the bus!

Get in the car!

Get out of the car!


Don´t jump to conclusions = não tire conclusões precipitadas.

Boca de siri, ou seja, mantenha segredo


To die


Não dizer algo no calor das emoções

Querer é poder!

Does it ring a bell? O nome ´Pavlov´ faz você lembrar de algo?

Isso serve! or Isso dá!


I´m on my way. (Estou a caminho.)


Milky Way = Via Láctea


That´s the last straw!

(Essa é a gota d´água.)


drinking straw


Don´t screw it all up!(não estrague tudo)


To screw = to tighten the muscles of your face or part of your face into a particular expression, especially one of disapproval or pain “He screwed his eyes tight shut against the bright light. ““The woman at the breakfast table screwed her mouth into a grimace. “

To screw = slang to cheat or deceive someone “It was only after we'd had the car for a few days that we realised we'd been screwed by the dealer.”

I will just have to make do with two eggs.(Eu vou ter que me virar com dois ovos.)

Se você não pode com eles, junte-se a eles.

No amor e na guerra tudo vale.

Depois da tempestade, vem a calmaria.

A pressa é inimiga da perfeição.

Boca fechada não entra mosquito.

Não adianta chorar sobre o leite derramado.

Não chore sobre o leite derramado.

Faça o que eu digo, não faça o que eu faço

the outskirts = periferia


Quem ri por último, ri melhor

Mente vazia , oficina do diabo

I´m gonna make him an offer he can´t refuse.

carry (sth) on phrasal verb [ M ] to continue doing something, or to cause something to continue

1. If an event runs on, it continues for longer than expected The game/speech/discussion ran on for hours.

2. If time runs on, it seems to pass quickly Time 's running on - let's get this job finished soon!

They can take our lives, but they can never take out freedom!

Slang One that is no longer worth consideration: Why should we worry

about him? He's history!He´s history = Ele é passado

I drink to forgetIf I would like to remember, I

would write down

Spend your days full of emptnessSpend your days full of loneliness

henchman = braço direito

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