expression of gsk-3² in renal allograft tissue and its

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RESEARCH Open Access

Expression of GSK-3b in renal allograft tissue andits significance in pathogenesis of chronicallograft dysfunctionQiang Yan1, Baoyao Wang2, Weiguo Sui1, Guimian Zou1, Huaizhou Chen1, Shenping Xie1 and Hequn Zou3*


Objective: To explore the expression of Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3b) in renal allograft tissue and itssignificance in the pathogenesis of chronic allograft dysfunction.

Methods: Renal allograft biopsy was performed in all of the renal allograft recipients with proteinuria or increasedserum creatinine level who came into our hospital from January 2007 to December 2009. Among them 28 caseswas diagnosed as chronic allograft dysfunction based on pahtological observation, including 21 males with a meanage of 45 ± 10 years old and 7 females with a mean age of 42 ± 9 years old. The time from kidney transplantationto biopsy were 1-9 (3.5) years. Their serum creatinine level were 206 ± 122 umol/L. Immunohistochemical assayand computer-assisted genuine color image analysis system (imagepro-plus 6.0) were used to detect theexpression of GSK-3b in the renal allografts of 28 cases of recipients with chronic allograft dysfunction. Mean areaand mean integrated optical density of GSK-3b expression were calculated. The relationship between expressionlevel of GSK-3b and either the grade of inflammatory cell infiltration or interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy in renalallograft was analyzed. Five specimens of healthy renal tissue were used as controls.

Results: The expression level of the GSK-3b was significantly increased in the renal allograft tissue of recipientswith chronic allograft dysfunction, compared to normal renal tissues, and GSK-3b expression became strongeralong with the increasing of the grade of either inflammatory cell infiltration or interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophyin renal allograft tissue.

Conclusion: There might be a positive correlation between either inflammatory cell infiltration or interstitialfibrosis/tubular atrophy and high GSK-3b expression in renal allograft tissue.

Virtual slides: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here:

Keywords: kidney transplantation, GSK-3β, inflammatory cell infiltration

IntroductionKidney transplantation is the optimal renal replacementtherapy for the patients with end stage renal disease(ESRD). As the application of more new effective immu-nodepressants and the development of transplant techni-que, the incidence of acute rejection is obviouslydecreasing in the early stage post transplantation, but thelong term survival of renal allografts is still a challenge of

clinical medicine. Recent researches have found thatchronic renal allograft dysfunction is the main factorinfluence on the long term survival of renal allograft. Themain clinical manifestations of chronic renal allograftdysfunction are serum level of creatinine is slowly creep-ing upward company with proteinuria and hypertension,and progression into ESRD need kidney transplantationagain or on maintenance dialysis. The main pathogeniccourse of chronic renal allograft dysfunction is glomeru-losclerosis, vasculopathy, atrophy of tubule and chronicrenal interstitial fibrosis. All the pathogenic changes areassociated with lymphocyte, plasmocyte and mastocyte

* Correspondence: hequnzou@hotmail.com3Institute of Urology and Nephrology, The Third Affiliated Hospital ofSouthern Medical University, Guangzhou 510630, ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Yan et al. Diagnostic Pathology 2012, 7:5

© 2012 Yan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

infiltration in the renal tissue. Researches have provedthat chronic inflammatory was the key pathogenic courseof nephron loss in various of kidney disease, includingchronic renal allograft dysfunction. Recently, researchesdiscovered that GSK-3b mediated chronic inflammatoryrelated to deterioration of renal allograft function, butthe mechanism has not been fully interpreted. In thisstudy, we mainly detected the expression of GSK-3b inthe tissue of renal allograft, and analyzed the relationshipbetween the expression of GSK-3b and inflammatory cellinfiltration in renal interstitium, interstitial fibrosis andtubule atrophy. The role of GSK-3b in chronic allograftdysfunction was discussed.

MethodsClinical dataThe renal biopsy samples were collected from kidneytransplant patients with proteinuria and elevated serumcreatine from January, 2007 to December 2009 in GuilinNo.181 hospital. In the 28 cases consistented with clinicaldiagnosis of chronic allograft dysfunction, 21 cases weremales (age 45 ± 10 years) and 7 cases were females (age 42± 9 years). The durations after kidney transplantation were1~9 years (mean 3.5 years) and the mean levels of serumcreatine were 206 ± 122 μmol/L. The triple immunosup-pressant protocols were cyclosporine + mycophenolatemofetil + prednisone in 18 patients and tacrolimus +mycophenolate mofetil + prednisone in 9 patients and sir-olimus +.mycophenolate mofetil + prednisone in 1 patient.Before renal biopsy, color Doppler supersonic detection inrenal allograft and serum drug levels were performed toexclude acute rejection, nephrotoxicity of immunosup-pressant, obstruction/backstreaming of ureter, thrombosisor embolism in renal arteries or veins and other diseases.The donors and recipients were matching in ABO bloodtype, and two or more matching in HLA, and the resultsof lymphocytotoxicity test were less than 10%, and theresults of panel reaction antibody (PRA) were negative.The renal samples of 5 cases of control were collectedfrom routine donor renal biopsy before transplantation,and the pathologic manifestation of which was normal.Informed consents were obtained from all patients thatparticipated to the study. This study was performed underthe supervision of Institutional Review Board of SouthernMedical University, and abided the Helsinki Declarationon ethical principles for medical research involving humansubjects.

Histological examinationThe paraffin-embedded kidney sections were incisedinto 3-μm-thick tissue sections that were deparafinizedthrough xylene and hydrated through graded ethanol(100%, 96%, 90%, and 70%) and distilled water. The sec-tions were stained by standard histology procedures,

including hematoxylin/feosin stain, periodic-acid schiff(PAS) stain, masson trichrome and periodic schiff-methenamine (PASM) stain. The slices were observedunder microscope in a blind manner, including inflam-matory cell infiltration in renal tissues, increased mesan-gial matrix and extracellular matric, proliferation ofmesangial cells, epithelium and endothelium, adhesionsand sclerosis, thickening of glomerular basement mem-branes and double track sign; thickening of peritubularcapillaries basement membrane, interstitial fibrosis,inflammatory cell infiltration, tubular atrophy and inti-mal thickening of artery.

Pathologic diagnosisDiagnosis criteria of chronic allograft dysfunction:thickening and splitting appearance of glomerular base-ment membrane, thickening of basement membrane ofperitubular capillaries, and/or diffuse monocyte infiltra-tion of mononuclearcell, interstitial fibrosis/diffuse tub-ular atrophy, and/or thickening of artery intima,excluding acute rejection, nephrotoxicity of immuno-suppressant, obstruction/back- streaming of ureter andother diseases.The degree of inflammatory cell infiltration in tubuloin-

terstitial was described as mild, midrange and severe.There were few and scatter inflammatory cell infiltrationin 10-25% of parenchyma was defined as mild; inflamma-tory cell infiltration in 26-50% of parenchyma was definedas midrange; inflammatory cell infiltration in > 50% of par-enchyma was defined as serve [1].Degree of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy: IF/

TA-I, as mild interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy(< 25% of cortical area); IF/TA-II, as moderate interstitialfibrosis and tubular atrophy (26-50% of cortical area);IF/TA-III, as Severe interstitial fibrosis and tubular atro-phy/loss (> 50% of cortical area) [1].

Immunohistochemisty examinationImmunohistochemisty with EnVision was used to detectthe expression of GSK-3b protein in the renal allografttissue. 3-μm-thick tissue sections were hydrated throughgraded ethanol, and endogenous peroxidase was blockedwith 3% peroxide. GSK-3b was repaired with microwavefor 15 minute. We incubated primary antibody (rabbitanti-human GSK polyclonal antibody, 1:100, WuhanBoster Biological Technology, Ltd) to detect GSK-3b atovernight at 4°C. After washing with PBS, we incubatedthe tissue sections with the second antibody (mice anti-rabbit monoclonal antibody, Maixin Biological Technol-ogy Development Co. Fujian) for 30 min at 37°C, andthen washing with PBS, DAB coloration and re-stainedwith hematoxylin.Immunohistochemisty test of IgG, IgA, IgM, Clq, C4c

and C4d were performed in the same way.

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Image analysisImages were acquired using a Leica DMR-X microscopecoupled to a Leica DC500 digital camera (Leica, Wetzlar,Germany), using the image analysis system QuantimetQ550 (Leica Imaging Systems). Ten randomly selecteddiscontinuous fields (400 x) per kidney were evaluated,including tubulointerstitial in renal cortex, medulla andthe conjunction region, (but not including glomulularand vessels). More than 60 tubulars in each biopsy sec-tion. The positive area was yellowly stained and Image-Pro Plus software was used to quantify the integratedoptical density. The ratio of positive area to total tubu-lointerstitial area (not including the area of tubularlumina) presented the relative amount of the substanceexpression in tubuloinstitial.

Statistic analysisResults are expressed as means ± SD. Statistical analysiswas performed using SPSS 13.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL).Measurement data was analyzed with one way ANOVA,and the relationship was analyzed with linear correlation(Pearson). Statistic significance was set at P < 0.05 level.

ResultsHistological manifestationThe main histological manifestation of renal allograft inthe 28 cases of chronic renal allograft dysfunction as:interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy accompany withinfiltration of inflammatory cells including lymphocyteand monocyte, enlarge of some tubular lumens, thicken-ing of glomerular basement membrane as double tracesign and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, thickeningof artery intimae. Discrepancy to the presentation ofacute rejection, nephrotoxicity of immunosuppressantand obstruction uropathy/reflux nephropathy.

The expression of GSK-3b in renal tissueThere was weak expression of GSK-3b in the cytoplasmof tubular epithelia cell in normal renal tissue. However,in the dysfunction renal allograft tissue, there werestrong cytoplasm GSK-3b expression in tubular epitheliacell, and stronger expression in the patients with moreseverity tubulointerstitial damage. (Shown in table 1,table 2 and Figure 1, 2, 3, 4, Figure 5, 6, 7, 8).

The relationship of GSK-3b expression andinflammatory infiltration, interstitial fibrosis andtubularatrophyIn the renal tissue of chronic renal allograft dysfunction,the integrated optical density (IOD) was higher thannormal renal tissue by analysis with Image-Pro software,and the highest of IOD in more severity of inflamma-tory infiltration, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy(Figure 9, 10).

DiscussionRenal allograft chronic dysfunction is the main factorinfluence on the long term survival of renal allograft,and is due to multiple causes. The clinical manifesta-tions are gradually loss of renal allograft function andserum creatinine slowly creeping upward. The risk fac-tors of renal allograft dysfunction include immune fac-tors, such as times of early acute rejection and matchingof HLA and protocol of immunosuppression, and non-immune factors such as ischemia/reperfusion injury,delayed graft function, nephrotoxicity of calcineurininhibitors, hypertension and dyslipidemia, and progres-sively develop into end stage renal disease. Chronicrenal allograft dysfunction morphological appearance asthickening of glomerular basement membrane as doublecontours sign, thickening of the basement membrane ofperitubular capillary, and/or diffuse mononuclear cellinfiltration and fibrosis in interstitium and difusse tubu-lar atrophy, and/or thickening of artery intima.Our study has found that GSK-3b was weakly

expressed in normal renal tissue, and was stronglyexpressed in chronic dysfunction renal allograft tissue,and was stronger in the more severity of pathologicalchanges. The IOD of GSK-3b was higher than that innormal renal tissue, and increasing with the severity ofinflammatory infiltration, interstitial fibrosis and tubularatrophy, which suggest that the correlation of GSK-3bexpression and interstitial inflammatory infiltration,interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy. It was necessary tofurther study the pathogenic mechanism of GSK-3b in

Table 1 The area and integrated optical density ofGSK-3b expression in renal tissue with different degreeof inflammatory infiltration

n Area of GSK expression(%) GSK(IOD)

Control Group 5 17.45 ± 19.63 21757 ± 23765

Mild Group 11 33.15 ± 9.16⋇ 48331 ± 20335⋇

Moderate Group 10 45.77 ± 14.56⋇⋆ 70702 ± 24891⋇⋆

Severe Group 7 60.83 ± 13.53⋇⋆♦ 96300 ± 28169⋇⋆♦

⋇: p < 0.05, vs Control Group; ⋆: p < 0.05, vs Mild Group; ♦: p < 0.05, vsModerate Group.

GSK: glycogen synthase kinase; IOD: integrated optical density.

Table 2 The area and integrated optical density ofGSK-3b expression in renal tissue with different degreeof interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy


Control group 5 17.45 ± 19.63 21757 ± 23765

IF/TA-I group 12 35.48 ± 11.90⋇ 52017 ± 23216⋇

IF/TA-II group 11 48.50 ± 16.51⋇⋆ 741235 ± 26216⋇

IF/TA-III group 5 57.80 ± 14.40⋇⋆ 94615 ± 33855⋇⋆

⋇: p < 0.05, vs Control Group; ⋆: p < 0.05, vs IF/TA-I Group; ♦: p < 0.05, vs IF/TA-II Group.

GSK: glycogen synthase kinase; IOD: integrated optical density.

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the course of interstitial inflammatory infiltration, inter-stitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy.Recent researches have found that the GSK-3b family

of serine/threonine kinases extensively existed in theeucaryon, and mainly express in the lung, kidney andbrain, and influence on construction, growth, activationand apoptosis of the cells by involving the basic cellularprocesses such as signal transduction, regulation of insu-lin, gene transcription and translation. The activation ofGSK-3b mainly through phosphorylation of serine-9 nearthe N-terminus, and is associated to the regulation of sig-nal pathway of Wnt, protein kinase B/Akt and NF-�B.The abnormal activatin of GSK-3b is associated with sev-eral kidney diseases, such as diabetic nephropathy,mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritisand chronic allograft nephropathy. Recently, severalresearches revealed that GSK-3b involved in human

inflammatory diseases by controling the production ofinflammatory factors and involvement into NF-�B signalpathway, and the activation of NF-�B is the center stepof inflammatory reaction. Giannopoulou M. et al. foundin cultured renal tubular epithelium that hepatocytegrowth factor (HGF) has a potent suppressive effect onNFkappaB activation, which was mediated by GSK-3b.HGF can inhibit renal inflammation and proinflamma-tory chemokine expression by disrupting NF-kB signaling[2]. Adminis- tration of a GSK-3 inhibitor potently sup-pressed the proinflammatory response in mice receivinglipopolysaccharide and mediated protection from endo-toxin shock [3]. Study of Gong and colleagues had provedthat GSK-3b was a new marker of chronic renal allograftdysfunction and mediating proinflammatory NF-kB acti-vation and renal inflammation. GSK-3b over expression

Figure 1 GSK-3b expression in renal tissue with differentdegree of inflammatory infiltration: control group.

Figure 2 GSK-3b expression in renal tissue with differentdegree of inflammatory infiltration: mild degree of inflammatoryinfiltration.

Figure 3 GSK-3b expression in renal tissue with differentdegree of inflammatory infiltration: moderate inflammatoryinfiltration.

Figure 4 GSK-3b expression in renal tissue with differentdegree of inflammatory infiltration: severe inflammatoryinfiltration.

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in the damaged tubular epithelial cells and the magnitudeof GSK-3b phosphorylation (p-GSK, inactivation state)was inversely correlated with the degree of injury asassessed by Banff criteria. The higher level of p-GSKexpression, the lower level of tubular atrophy and inter-stitial fibrosis [4].Chronic renal allograft dysfunction is an important

factor influence on the long term survival of transplantkidney, but the pathogenic mechanism is still not fullyinterpreted. Infiltration of mononuclear cell (monocyteand lymphocyte) often presents in the renal tissue ofchronic dysfunction and relate to endarteritis and inter-stitial fibrosis. Impairment of renal tubular epitheliumand interstitial inflammatory infiltration play an impor-tant role in various kidney diseases. Inflammatory fac-tors induce secretion of extracellular matrix byinterstitial fibrocyte and result in interstitial fibrosis. In

vitro and in vivo experiments shown that GSK-3binvolved in inflammatory diseases and inhibition ofGSK-3b retarded the progression of these diseases. Inthe diabetic nephropathy mice experiment model, trogli-tazone a peroxisome proliferator -activated receptorgamma (PPAR gamma) agonists, ameliorate renal fibro-tic lesions through reverse high glucose induced expres-sions of GSK-3b and inhibition epithelial-mesenchymaltransition [5]. In the rats with experimental mesangialproliferative glomerulonephritis, inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)/GSK-3b were the effectiveantagonists of proliferating and immunity renal disease[6]. CDK/GSK-3b inhibitors suppress pathogenic prolif-eration, apoptosis, and inflammation, and promoteregeneration of injured tissue in parenchymal renal dis-eases [7]. Sinha D and his colleague had studied theproximal tubular cells cultured in the absence of growth

Figure 5 GSK-3b expressions in renal tissue with differentdegree of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy: control group.

Figure 6 GSK -3b expressions in renal tissue with differentdegree of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy: IF/TA-I Group.

Figure 7 GSK -3b expressions in renal tissue with differentdegree of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy: IF/TA-II Group.

Figure 8 GSK -3b expressions in renal tissue with differentdegree of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy: IF/TA-III Group.

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factors, found that GSK-3b inhibitor might improve thesurvival of proximal tubular cells. The main mechanismwas by activation of Wnt signaling, which promoted therepair of damaged renal parenchyma [8].Summary, there is intensive expression of GSK-3b in

the renal tissue of the patients with chronic allograftdysfunction, and is associated with inflammatory cellinfiltration of interstitium and interstitial fibrosis/tubularatrophy. Further studies are needed to investigate thepathogenic mechanism of GSK-3b expression in therenal tissue of chronic allograft dysfunction. Inhibitionthe activity of GSK-3b may be a new treatment target ofprevention chronic renal allograft dysfunction.

AcknowledgementsWe would like to express our gratitude to all the subjects who participatedin the study. This study supported by Kidney Tranplantation and DialysisCenter of PLA NO.181 Hospital, Clinical College of Southern MedicalUniversity, Guilin, Guangxi, P.R.China.

Author details1Kidney Tranplantation and Dialysis Center of PLA NO.181 Hospital, ClinicalCollege of Southern Medical University, Guilin 524001, Guangxi, P.R.China.2Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510630, Guangdong, P.R.China.3Institute of Urology and Nephrology, The Third Affiliated Hospital ofSouthern Medical University, Guangzhou 510630, China.

Authors’ contributionsHZ and QY design the study, BW and GZ performed research and wrote thefirst draft of the manuscript, WS, HC and SX participated in the statisticalanalyses. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Received: 11 October 2011 Accepted: 13 January 2012Published: 13 January 2012

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doi:10.1186/1746-1596-7-5Cite this article as: Yan et al.: Expression of GSK-3b in renal allografttissue and its significance in pathogenesis of chronic allograftdysfunction. Diagnostic Pathology 2012 7:5.

Figure 9 The correlation between GSK-3b expression andinflammatory infiltration (r = 0.688, p < 0.001).

Figure 10 The correlation between GSK-3b expression andinterstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (r = 0.584, p < 0.001).

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