expo milano 2015 - confindustria · create awareness and world platform for best practices and...

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Expo Milano 2015

Opportunities for Corporate Engagement

November 2011



• Expo 2015 overview

• Engagement opportunities


What is Expo Milano 2015?

Expo Milano 2015, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is a global

cultural, educational and scientific event which aims to explore the

challenges and solutions linked to the global food challenge and

sustainable development.

It will be the largest worldwide event ever organized to unite countries,

institutions and citizens around the world to discuss and discover issues

related to food production, availability and safety, nutrition and the

culture of food.


Objectives of Expo Milano 2015

Stimulate and lead a global discussion on the

challenges linked to food production, safety,

availability and nutrition

Create awareness and world platform for best

practices and innovations in the fields of food,

health, well-being, sustainability and technology

Facilitate cooperation and networking among

stakeholders and policymakers


Key facts and Expo Milan 2015 targets

Six month event spanning from May 1st to October 31st 2015

20 million visitors (30% foreigners) expected at the exposition site in 2015

1 billion citizens to be reached around the globe from 2012-2015 through Cyber Expo and the Expo Global Communications program

130 countries expected to participate with exhibitions and delegations

1.1 million square meter exposition site: 80 exhibition spaces for participating countries and international organizations; 6 theme pavilions; theatre and performing arts center

Over 2,000 events - world debates, conventions & policy meetings, cultural & gastronomic events - forecasted during six months on-site and in surrounding territory


Worldwide consensus and response

Expo Milano 2015, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” has received an

overwhelming response from around the world - 62 countries and the United Nations

have already committed to official participation four years prior to the event.


1. Switzerland 23. Colombia 45. Belgium

2. Montenegro 24. Israel 46. Belarus

3. Azerbaijan 25. Uzbekistan 47. Argentina

4. Turkey 26. Albania 48. Congo

5. Romania 27. Syria 49. Kazakhstan

6. San Marino 28. Mali 50. Algeria

7. Egypt 29. United Nations 51. Palau

8. Iran 30. Gabon 52. Mozambique

9. India 31. Armenia 53. Ecuador

10. Peru 32. Mongolia 54. Micronesia

11. Russia 33. Seychelles 55. Chile

12. Uruguay 34. Senegal 56. United Arab Emirates

13. Togo 35. Sierra Leone 57. China

14. Germany 36. Georgia 58. Bangladesh

15. Guatemala 37. Santa Lucia 59. Dominican Republic

16. Cambodia 38. Sri Lanka 60. Republic of Moldova

17. Honduras 39. Bolivia 61. Nepal

18. Spain 40. Latvia 62. Qatar

19. Kuwait 41. Dominica 63. Thailand

20. Mauritania 42. Tunisia

21. Slovenia 43. Lithuania

22. Monaco 44. Ukraine

The Expo Milan 2015 Theme

Food safety,

security and






in the agro-

food supply


New production and

trade measures to

ensure quantitative

and qualitative food

security for all

Balance between agro-

forestry, livestock

farming, fishing and

natural resources

Science, technology,

traditional knowledge

and future consumer

needs for products and

production processes



Food for



Food and


Dissemination and

access to knowledge

about proper nutrition

to orient informed


Relationship between

food and health;

personal & collective

consumption choices

and lifestyles

Encounters and dialogue

among different cultural

& social identities

regarding food traditions

Cooperation and

development on food

Science and


Culture and



The Expo site: «Smart City of the Future»

The Expo Milano 2015 will be built and operated on state of the art technology in order

to create a model for Smart Cities of the Future. The construction and management of

the future Smart Expo 2015 City will require numerous sustainable and best-in-

class products and services from integrated energy management, mobility systems,

building materials and logistics to advanced visitor services and next generation

telecommunications and connectivity.

Next Generation


Network, Devices


Integrated & Smart

Energy Management

E mobility – electric

people mover and

logistics systems E Health services


identification and

security systems


The Expo Milan 2015 experience:

bringing together the theme,

participants and the exposition site

The entire exhibition site will embody the theme through a common and

continuous interpretation of the “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” sub themes

by participant pavilions, theme pavilions and events. Innovative theme itineraries –

conceptual paths connecting all areas relative to specific themes - will be proposed to

the visitor to facilitate the exploration of themes and interests, including visit paths

dedicated to exploring Expo 2015 Sustainability and the Smart City model.


Expo 2015 aspires to be a new model

for universal Expos

Social Legacy and Involvement

Expo’s are world renowned for leaving significant architectural

legacies; Expo Milano 2015 is committed to going beyond and

leaving a legacy of ideas and social initiatives on which to build

long term solutions.



Multi-year Global Program

Expo Milano 2015 is putting into practice new standards for world

events, integrating sustainability principles in not only the

construction of the site but also in the operations of the event.

Expo Milano 2015 intends to employ tomorrow’s technologies to

be one of the most innovative universal Expos ever, from the

model for the “Smart City of the Future” to state of the art exhibition

technologies and the exploration of innovative solutions to the global

food crisis.

Expo Milano 2015 is not just a six month event; it is a multiyear

journey to 2015 supported by a program of national and

international initiatives and events to start the debate and engage

the global community.


Social legacy: 2015 Charter

The 2015 Charter will identify recommendations for the future and diffuse solutions

for a truly sustainable approach to feeding the planet. The 2015 Charter represents:

a multi year program involving an international and multidisciplinary

committee composed of thought leaders in the fields of science,

research, economy and culture

an action document to share with the Expo Milano 2015 participating


a commitment to endorse together with Expo Milano 2015 visitors and

citizens in the global community




Multi-year Global


Social Legacy and


Technology as enabler of visitor


The Expo Milano 2015 site will employ tomorrow’s technologies to enhance the visitors’

discovery of the theme of sustainable feeding and facilitate their journeys to and

through the exposition site.

Access and E Ticketing services

Visitor automatic identification using the smart electronic ticket;

online queue management services, travel logistics support, etc..


Virtual reality in exhibitions (immersive/augmented/6-D) and

electronic multi touch and holographic walls

On site information and services

Advanced and efficient services as e-health, teleshopping,

e-banking and proximity enabled kiosks


Very high speed and broadband services provided by a

4th Generation Network and Wireless connections

Social Legacy and




Multi-year Global



Site and event sustainability


Green building and Leed standards

Energy efficiency materials and design for reuse

and recycling

Smart integrated energy management with

renewable energy sources and efficient lighting

Green internal mobility - hybrid and electrical buses

and logistics transport

Water systems designed for minimum water

consumption and waste

Environmentally friendly standards in food &

beverage purchasing, preparation and distribution

Short supply chains at local level and green


Use of tap water/water fountains

Separate collection and valorization of recycling

materials (es. organics)

Social Legacy and




Multi-year Global


• Expo 2015 overview

• Engagement opportunities


Why become an Expo Milan 2015 Partner

Expo Milano 2015 is looking to collaborate closely with best in class, innovation

driven companies around the world who can propose revolutionary and inspiring

ideas for the future of our planet

To be an Expo Milano 2015 Partner means to be a protagonist in the most

important worldwide event ever organized to explore the challenges and

solutions related to food production, safety and security and sustainable


Partnering with Expo Milano 2015 will allow a company to drive business

leadership and strengthen competitive positioning by leveraging on Expo 2015’s

multi-year international platform and the world spotlight on the event in 2015 to

attract the attention of institutions, governments and consumers around the world

Expo Milano 2015 offers a model of Partnership aimed at facilitating innovation

through active collaboration among Partners, allowing Partnering companies to

not only to take the leading role in their respective sectors, but to also build future

strategic alliances and business opportunities with complimentary business sectors


Expo 2015 offers compelling business


Roll out innovation and new technologies onto the world stage

Enlighten and influence future trends

Unify diverse brand building and consumer awareness initiatives onto a

common multiyear platform

Build strategic relationships and alliances with institutions, policymakers,

influencers and key industry players

Create dialogue and build understanding with stakeholders

Develop and showcase products and services

Enhance corporate reputation and brand image through association with

positive Expo 2015 values and with best in class Partnering companies

Expo Milano 2015 is an opportunity for companies to develop and demonstrate their

competitive edge. Partnering companies can leverage on Expo 2015 to push forward

their strategic business agendas by aligning growth and development efforts to:


Companies may engage on different








Signature Product

& Service














Expo Theme

& Content

Expo Site &



Expo Milano 2015 is a strategic business opportunity for companies in a broad range of

sectors, from the creation of the exposition site and services to the development of the

theme and content. Expo Milano 2015 partnerships are organized in two macro

categories: Theme & Content and Site & Operations.






Product &

Service Partners











Partnership categories

Scope and example Business Sectors





Theme & Content

Site & Operations

Theme & Content

Site & Operations


• Lead Partner Agriculture & Food Production

• Lead Partner Food Products and Nutrition

• Lead Partner Sustainable Food Packaging

• Lead Partner Innovative Food Distribution Systems

• Lead Partner Integrated Energy Management

• Lead Partner Banking

• Lead Partner E-mobility/ Automotive

• Lead Partner Integrated Connectivity and Services

• Lead Partner IP & Wireless Network

• Lead Partner System Integrator/E Ticketing

• Lead Partner IT Systems

Companies who provide key products, services and

expertise to support the construction and operations of

Expo 2015: Lighting , Air Conditioning, Building

Materials, Supervision & Security Systems, Logistics,

Waste Management, Travel Services, Communication &

Advertising, Human Resource Management

Licensing &

Merchandising Theme & Content

Companies who develop promotional and commemorative

products for Expo Milan 2015 in a wide variety of related

sectors: clothing, food, kitichen products, design, etc.

Companies and organizations who partner on specific

projects such as adoption of signature Expo site areas,

theme pavilions and development of special content:

Edutainment, Health & Wellness, Tourism/Hospitality, Etc.


Partner Benefits Program: Global


Expo 2015 Partnership offers an international multi-year platform and program of benefits

to enhance corporate reputation & brand identity, solidify competitive positioning, engage

employees & customers and strengthen business development opportunities.

Each Partnership program will be defined and personalized together with the Partner in

order to create strong synergies with company business strategies, thereby maximizing the

return on investment.

Global Theme and Service Partnerships offer over a span of four years (2012-2015):

Worldwide exclusivity in industry/business sector and naming as “Official Partner for...”

Rights to use of the Expo Milan 2015 logo and official images in Corporate


Visibility in Expo Milan 2015 global Marketing Communications & Promotions plan and

Expo Milan 2015 web site

Role of lead Partner for business sector in annual “Expo shaping Partner workshops”

Dedicated Partner support team for development of initiatives, management of visibility

and ground support

In addition Global Partners will receive specific benefits outlined on the following pages

regarding Presence & Visibility in exposition site and on Cyber Expo; Client & Employee

Hospitality packages; Business Development & Marketing Campaigns opportunities.


Benefits: Business Development

&Hospitality Packages Global Partners



and Marketing



Packages for

Clients &


Rights to develop co-marketing and advertising campaigns with Expo 2015

Inclusion in Expo 2015 “Preferred Partners” direct marketing catalog to promote Partner services and products to participating countries and organizations (300 catalogs sent directly to countries and organizations)

Possibility to organize workshops and symposiums on Expo 2015 related activities

Possibility to sponsor special events during Expo 2015 and “Expo By Night”

Courtesy VIP Expo Milan 2015 tickets to distribute to customers, employees and prospects and special discounts on additional tickets

Courtesy Expo merchandising items and special discounts on additional quantities for company promotions

Exclusive itineraries and special entrances to surrounding attractions for Partner guests while visiting Expo

Expo 2015 entrance tickets, special invitations to local attractions and

discounts on merchandising to strengthen business relationships,

engage employees and recognize top customers

Support for Expo 2015 related marketing and business development to

maximize showcasing and strengthen association with Expo Milan 2015


Benefits: Presence and Visibility

Global Partners

Partner Presence

and Visibility in

exposition site in

2015 Company logo at Expo entrances (2), service areas (11), information points

and kiosks (20)

Company logo in all Expo guides, maps and programs

Company advertising spots on digital signage

Space for self built pavilion/exhibition or naming of signature site areas

Inclusion and showcasing in theme itineraries relative to Partner contributions (ex. Sustainability, Smart City, etc.)

Facilities for business activities: VIP offices, press conferences and company events and meetings

Partner Presence

and Visibility in

Cyber Expo from

2014-2015 Company logo in virtual Expo 2015 Welcome Center

Area for self designed virtual pavilion or company “office and visiting center”

Company advertising spots on selected virtual paths/pavilions

Six months:

- 20 million visitors

- 130 countries

Two years:

- 1 billion world


On site opportunities to display brand identity and showcase corporate

capabilities and contributions to Expo Milan 2015

Expanded visibility of brand identity and corporate contributions to Expo

Milan 2015 in a virtual environment to extend reach and communications

to broader global audience and be part of Cyber memory of Expo 2015


Expo 2015 Global Marketing

Communications & Promotions plan

Expo Milan 2015 Partnership has the power to enhance a corporation’s brand image by

creating a powerful association between the individual brand and the values of Expo 2015

through its multi-year, international marketing platform.

Expo Milano 2015 will begin to engage the global community from 2012 to 2015 through

annual multimillion euro investments in a program of national and international

initiatives, events and advertising aimed at developing high awareness of Expo Milan 2015

around the world. Expo Milan 2015 opens this platform to its Global corporate Partners to

provide to support corporate global visibility by including Partners in the global Marketing

Communications and Promotions activities over coming four years:.

Expo Milan

2015 Global

Marketing &



Expo Milan 2015 participation in world events related to food &

nutrition themes and sustainable cities (minimum 3 per year)

Dedicated Expo media channels (TV, radio, Youtube, etc.)

Expo Milan 2015 organized conferences and symposiums

Social initiatives/campaigns and school programs

Showrooms and stores for merchandising and promotions

Advertising campaigns (min 2/year) and international media relations

Digital and social marketing

Annual institutional PR events (Expo Day, International Participants

Meetings, Countdown celebrations, etc.)


Onboarding of major Global Partners


Launch Public Call for company interest in Expo

Milano 2015 Partnerships

Launch of sector specific Requests for Proposals for

Global Service Partners and Signature Product &

Service Partners

Sept Oct Nov Dec

2011 2012

Launch of sector specific Requests for Proposals for

Global Theme Partners and Project Partners

Expo 2015 launched an international

Partner recruitment campaign in

September of 2011 and intends to

select major Partners within year 2012

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