explanation text

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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1. Ana Viana2. Evo Elvaro Readyson3. Khotimatul BarkiXII IPA 1

ummm ... I don’t know, spongebob.

What is that?

ummm ... I don’t know, spongebob.

What is that?Hi, Patrick. Do you know what is the explanation text ?

Hi, Patrick. Do you know what is the explanation text ?

I know what it is. Let me show you ..

I know what it is. Let me show you ..

Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to

forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural

phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’

about the forming of the phenomena.

Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to

forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural

phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’

about the forming of the phenomena.

SOCIAL FUNCTION/ PURPOSE :1. To explain why things are as they are and how they are formed or made2. To explain the stages of he process of how certain phenomenon or event happens3. To explain the processes involved in the evolution of natural and social phenomenon or how something works

Generic structures of explanation text :1. General Statement it is general statement about the phenomenon issue which is to be explained2. A Sequenced explanation it consists of sequenced explanation of why/ how something occurs3. Closing

Generic structures of explanation text :1. General Statement it is general statement about the phenomenon issue which is to be explained2. A Sequenced explanation it consists of sequenced explanation of why/ how something occurs3. Closing

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features1.Focus on generic, non-human Participants Example : Butterfly2. Use mainly of Material Processes and Relational ProcessesExample : how about going to library and finding more information3. Use mainly of Temporal and causal Circumstances and ConjunctionsExample: First of all, the butterflies will lay eggs

After awhile, it will exit from the cocoon of a butterfly is still young.

Spongebob, What is that?

Hmm.. This is called butterfly, Patrick.

Do you know about the metamorphosis of a

butterfly, Spongebob?Well, let me explain...

Metamorphosis of Butterfly What you know about the metamorphosis of an insect called a butterfly? What makes a butterfly makes it so beautiful? Well, we explanation the process. First of all, the butterflies will lay eggs. The eggs will hatch into larvae (caterpillars), the caterpillar will turn into a long shape. The caterpillars will be attached to trees and foliage to become pupae. After awhile, it will exit from the cocoon of a butterfly is still young. Then do not how long into adult butterflies. Hmm how about going to library and finding more information about metamorphosis of butterfly? See you and good luck.

General Statement

A Sequenced explanation

A Sequenced explanation


Answer the following questions!

1. The first stage of metamorphosis of Butterfly is...2.The purpose of the text is....3.Are there any conjunction used in the text? Write them!4. The word “it” in ph 2 refers to...5.Write general statement of this text !

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