experimental study on behavior of soil-waste tire...

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  • Scientia Iranica A (2017) 24(1), 65{71

    Sharif University of TechnologyScientia Iranica

    Transactions A: Civil Engineeringwww.scientiairanica.com

    Experimental study on behavior of soil-waste tiremixtures

    M. Ehsania;�, N. Shariatmadaria and S.M. Mirhosseinib

    a. School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, P.O. Box 163-16765, Iran.b. Department of Civil Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, No. 424, Hafez Ave., Tehran, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Iran.

    Received 2 February 2015; received in revised form 26 October 2015; accepted 28 November 2015

    KEYWORDSSoil-tire mixture;Triaxial experiment;Softening behavior;Elastic properties;Flexible layer.

    Abstract. Waste tires are extensively being used in civil engineering applications toimprove exibility and elastic properties of the base foundation material. Moreover, byusing pure tires or soil-tire mixtures, rubber stockpiles, which cause lots of environmentalcontaminations, are being consumed. The objective of this research is to study the strengthand elastic modulus variations of sands when combined with rubber materials in di�erentsizes and percentages. Triaxial experiments were performed on various sand-rubbermixtures using static triaxial apparatus. Samples were constructed at the maximum drydensity and optimum moisture content to consider engineering applications in dry regions.The results show that rubber content and rubber-sand particle size ratio, D50;r=D50;s,signi�cantly a�ect the mixture behavior in the manner which increase in the formerand decrease in the latter, leading to a more softening behavior. Furthermore, speci�ccombination of sand and rubber, which may improve the elastic properties of the mixture,is proposed as a exible base layer.© 2017 Sharif University of Technology. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Large amounts of waste tires are produced annuallywhich are either stockpiled in empty lots or dumpedin land�lls. Severe geo-environmental problems mayoccur in tire stockpiles, such as collection of rainwater,providing breeding ground for mosquitoes. On theother hand, stockpiled tires can be utilized in manycivil engineering projects to improve mechanical prop-erties of problematic soils.

    Based on tire properties (e.g., unit weight, highhydraulic conductibility, and high elastic deformabil-ity), soil-tire mixtures have been used in civil engi-neering applications such as lightweight material in

    *. Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 77240399;Fax: +98 21 77240398E-mail addresses: mahdi.ehsani@yahoo.com (M. Ehsani);shariatmadari@iust.ac.ir (N. Shariatmadari);smmirhos@aut.ac.ir (S.M. Mirhosseini)

    retaining wall back�lls [1-11], slope stabilizer, drainagesystem, land�ll leachate collection material, highwaycrash barrier, sound barrier �ll, pavement frost barrier,rubber asphalt pavement [8,12], fuel-supplement [10],reinforcement layer [8], and soil improvement mate-rial [13].

    According to studies performed by various re-searchers, major parameters a�ecting soil-rubber mix-tures are tire content and rubber-sand particle sizeratio, D50;r=D50;s. Some ranges of Dr=Ds have been re-ported in previous pieces of research such as Dr=Ds �0:25 [14], Dr=Ds � 0:8 � 1:1 [15,16], Dr=Ds � 4 [17],Dr=Ds � 5 [18], Dr=Ds � 10 [19,20], Dr=Ds � 20[7,10,21], Dr=Ds � 100 [6], Dr=Ds >> 100 [4,8,9].

    Lee et al. [6] and Masad et al. [7] carried outtriaxial tests on tire chips having particle sizes from 2 to51 mm. Yang et al. [21] investigated the shear strengthof soil-rubber mixtures using direct shear and triaxialapparatus. Bergado et al. [22], Zornberg et al. [4],and Youwai and Bergado [20] also examined strength

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    characteristics of mixtures of di�erent shape and sizeand di�erent tire contents by triaxial apparatus andconcluded that maximum shear strength is obtainedin the mixture having about 35% rubber by weight.Gotteland et al. [23] also reported 34% rubber asthe optimum value at the con�ning pressures under100 kPa. Mixtures containing soil and rubber of 10 to20 mm were experimented by triaxial tests by Rao andDutta [24], and it was concluded that up to 20% of tirecould be useful in highway construction. Rahman andErlingsson [25], Pasten et al. [26], Perez et al. [27], andWichtmann et al. [28] carried out various numericalanalyses to evaluate stress-strain relationship of puresoils using �nite element method and mathematicalmodels.

    In this research, authors tried to investigate staticstress-strain behavior of soil-granular tire mixtureshaving various rubber contents and rubber-soil particlesize ratios. The experimental program involves statictriaxial tests on mixtures with tire content rangingfrom 0% (pure sand) to 25% by sand volume. Inaddition to general behavior evaluation, the speci�ccontribution of this research to the �eld of compositematerials is introducing mixture which improves the

    exibility of pavements and machine foundations. Inother words, granular rubber amount and rubber-soil particle size ratio, which can change the mixturebehavior from sand-like to rubber-like behavior andmay cause the mixture to behave as almost linearelastic material, are identi�ed.

    2. Materials and methods

    Two types of sandy soil, S161 and S131, with di�erentgrain size distributions with mean grain sizes of 0.26and 0.79 mm, were used in the laboratory experiments.Moreover, two di�erent sizes of granular rubber havingGs = 1:1 were used, R1 and R2, with the maximumgrain size of 5 mm and 1 mm, respectively. Particlesize distribution diagrams of sands S161 and S131 andgranular rubbers are shown in Figure 1.

    2.1. Soil-rubber mixtureMixture groups S161/R1, S131/R1, and S131/R2 wereconstructed using sand with 0%, 10%, and 15% ofgranular rubber by sand volume. Special focus wasdirected on the mixture group S131/R2 by preparinga mixture having 25% rubber content by sand vol-ume.

    2.2. Testing equipmentTriaxial Digital Tritest machine manufactured by En-gineering Laboratory Equipment (ELE) was employedfor all triaxial experiments on samples with 70 mmdiameter and 140 mm high. To record the load,deformation, and inner and outer specimen pressures,an automatic data logger system was used. Using Lin-

    Figure 1. Particle-size distribution curves of sand andrubber.

    ear Variable Di�erential Transformers (LVDTs) with adisplacement range of about 40 mm and load cell witha capacity of 20 KN, axial strains and axial load weremeasured, respectively. Cell pressure and pore pressurewere also recorded by using two pressure transducersconnected to data logger system.

    2.3. Specimen preparationAfter mixing the appropriate amount of dry sandand rubber ranging from 0% (pure sand) to 25%by sand volume, water was added to the mixtureand the mixed materials were then compacted in�ve layers providing almost maximum dry density atoptimum water content. Table 1 shows compactioncharacteristics of mixtures derived from compactionexperiments. Compaction was performed using a metalrod tamper and wet tamping procedure following theunder-compaction method [17]. All specimens wereprepared in the same manner and at about the samecompaction energy.

    2.4. Testing programNine wet specimens of two pure sands and seven sand-rubber mixtures (rubber content in a range of 10-25%by sand volume) were investigated in static triaxial ap-paratus. After sample preparation, the triaxial cell was�lled with water, and water pressure was then raisedto about 30 kPa. Without conducting the saturationprocess, the cell water was pressurized to designatedcon�ning pressure. In the next step, consolidationwas performed by applying the con�ning pressure tothe sample and waiting for about 15 minutes whiledrainage valve was open. Finally, axial load wasapplied by the rate of approximately 0.5 mm/min withclosed drainage valve. The �nal stage was continueduntil the axial strain reached 20% or failure occurred.Table 2 demonstrates all designated experiments inthree groups of di�erent sand type and rubber material.Rubber percentage and ratio of mean grain size ofsand versus rubber, D50;r=D50;s, are also illustratedas changing parameters of static tests.

  • M. Ehsani et al./Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 24 (2017) 65{71 67

    Table 1. Results of compaction tests.

    No. Mixture group Compaction values Rubber content bysand volume (%)

    0 10 15 25

    1 S161/R1 !opt (%) 14 17.5 18

    max (kN/m3) 16.5 16.1 15.9

    2 S131/R1 !opt (%) 15.5 19 19.5

    max (kN/m3) 15.6 15 14.8

    3 S131/R2 !opt (%) 15.5 19 19.5 20.5

    max (kN/m3) 15.6 14 13.8 13

    Table 2. Scope of triaxial testing program.

    No. Mixture group D50;r=D50;s Rubber percentage

    1 S161/R1 12:1 0%, 10%, 15%

    2 S131/R1 3:1 0%, 10%, 15%

    3 S131/R2 1:1.5 0%, 10%, 15%, 25%

    3. Results and discussions

    3.1. E�ect of rubber inclusion on strengthbehavior of mixtures

    Figure 2(a), (b), and (c) show the inuence of rub-ber percentage on strength properties of mixtures.Pure sand specimens exhibit well-de�ned peak shearstrength as they are dense samples. According todiagrams, adding tire results in softer behavior andless peak deviatoric stress speci�cally as D50;r=D50;sdecreases (Figure 3). This trend was observed inall mixtures except for one mixture, S131/R2-85/15in which peak deviatoric strength depends on strainlevel (Figures 2(c) and 3). Generally, contribution ofgranular rubber can signi�cantly change the mixturebehavior which is more severe as D50;r=D50;s reachesunity. Based on stress-strain curves, all samples exhibitelastoplastic behavior except for mixture S131/R2-85/15 which behaves approximately bilinear elastic.In other words, mixture behavior can be representedby almost two lines with di�erent slopes indicatingtwo distinct values of mixture modulus in which thesecondary modulus is dominant in all axial strainsexcept for those less than about 1%. Special consid-erations, including unloading the sample, are neededto investigate the elastic behavior of the mentionedmixture more precisely.

    Another e�ect of increasing tire content on mix-ture behavior is initial modulus reduction. In otherwords, in the area of low strains, up to 5%, mixtures ofeach group behave almost linearly, and increase in tirecontent results in less initial tangent modulus, as shownin Figure 4. This trend was observed in all samples.

    3.2. E�ect of rubber-sand particle size ratioon strength behavior of mixtures

    Figure 5(a) and (b) demonstrate the e�ect ofD50;r=D50;s on stress-strain behavior of mixtures. Aspreviously stated, strength of the mixtures decreasesby reduction of D50;r=D50;s, when rubber content isconstant. In other words, lower value of D50;r=D50;smeans more rubber to rubber interfaces, and mixturebehavior is then controlled by rubber part of themixture. All specimens experience the same trendexcept for S131/R2-85/15, as previously mentioned.

    3.3. E�ect of rubber content on strengthbehavior of mixture S131/R2-85/15

    Analysis of the presented results of nine static triaxialtests leads to some reasonable trends and one di�erentresult obtained for mixture S131/R2-85/15. Therefore,special focus was considered to investigate the e�ect ofboth D50;r=D50;s and rubber content on stress-strainbehavior of this mixture. It seems the parameter whichplays a key role in the mentioned mixture behavior isD50;r=D50;s which is less than unity. Moreover, 15%of rubber content is also required for the mixture toexhibit di�erent strength characteristics, since mixtureS131/R2-90/10 with D50;r=D50;s < 1 and 10% ofrubber content follows the general strength trend.Therefore, it can be concluded that in the mixtureshaving D50;r=D50;s = 1 : 1:5 or 0.67, 15% of rubbercontent by sand volume is a threshold value beyondwhich sand-rubber mixture behavior transforms fromelastoplastic behavior to approximately linear elasticbehavior.

    To better explore the minimum rubber con-

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    Figure 2. Rubber content inuence on strength behaviorof mixtures with D50;r=D50;s: (a) 12:1, (b) 3:1, and (c)1:1.5.

    tent of mixture which results in approximately lin-ear elastic behavior, another triaxial experiment withD50;r=D50;s = 0:67 and 25% of rubber content bysand volume was considered to investigate the behaviorof sand-rubber mixtures when rubber content exceeds15%, namely S131/R2-75/25. Figure 6 presents allstress-strain diagrams of the mixture group S131/R2.Based on Figure 6, it can be concluded that in mixtureshaving D50;r=D50;s = 0:67 and rubber content less

    Figure 3. E�ect of rubber content and D50;r=D50;s onpeak deviatoric stress of mixtures.

    Figure 4. E�ect of rubber content and D50;r=D50;s oninitial tangent modulus of mixtures.

    than 15% by sand volume, strength behavior followselastoplastic trend as expected; however, as rubberpercentage exceeds 15% by sand volume, mixture be-havior gradually transforms to almost linear elastic. Asdepicted, S131/R2-85/15 and S131/R2-75/25 diagramscan be represented by linear diagram beyond the axialstrain of about 1% and 5%, respectively. This trendwas observed up to about 30% of axial strain.

    4. Conclusions

    In this study, static triaxial experiments were per-formed to explore the strength behavior of mixtureshaving di�erent percentages of rubber and variousrubber-sand particle size ratios. The main conclusionsof this research are the following:

    1. Increase in tire content leads to more softeningbehavior and strength reduction in mixture. AsD50;r=D50;s decreases, strength reduction occursmore severely;

    2. Peak deviatoric stress and initial modulus of sand-tire mixtures decrease as rubber content increases,

  • M. Ehsani et al./Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 24 (2017) 65{71 69

    Figure 5. E�ect of D50;r=D50; s on strength behavior ofmixtures having rubber content of (a) 10% and (b) 15%by sand volume.

    Figure 6. Rubber content inuence on stress-strainbehavior of mixture group S131/R2.

    since rubber particles do not contribute signi�-cantly to the shear sti�ness of the mixture;

    3. Decrease in D50;r=D50;s results in softer behaviorand lower sti�ness. As rubber-sand particle sizeratio reduces, more rubber to rubber interactions

    occur, and rubber-like behavior then becomes moredominant;

    4. All mixture groups exhibited approximately thesame stress-strain trend except for mixtures ofgroup S131/R2 containing rubber content of atleast 15% by sand volume, S131/R2-85/15 andS131/R2-75/25. The two mentioned mixtures hav-ing D50;r=D50;s = 0:67 and rubber percentage of15% and 25% by sand volume, behave di�erently,almost elastically, as results indicate. Mixtures ofthis group containing rubber content less than 15%demonstrate the general elastoplastic trend of othermixture groups; therefore, it can be inferred thatat least 15% of rubber content by sand volume isneeded to transform the behavior of mixture groupS131/R2 from elastoplastic to approximately linearelastic;

    5. Based on static test results, when rubberpercentage of mixture group S131/R2 havingD50;r=D50;s = 0:67 exceeds 15% by sand volume,mixture exibility is signi�cantly improved. Hence,the mentioned combination of sand and tire canbe used as machine foundation layer and exiblepavements;

    6. Results of this study could be enriched by extraexperiments to investigate behavior of mixtureshaving wider ranges of D50;r=D50;s and rubbercontent percentages. Moreover, more laboratoryexperiments can be performed to study the e�ectof coe�cient of uniformity, con�ning pressure, andmoisture content on stress-strain characteristics ofsand-tire mixtures.


    The authors gratefully express their appreciation tothe Geotechnical Research Center at Iran Universityof Science and Technology.


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    Mahdi Ehsani received his BS degree in Civil Engi-neering from University of Tehran in 2005, MS degreein Geotechnical Engineering from Sharif University ofTechnology in 2008, and PhD degree in GeotechnicalEngineering from Iran University of Science and Tech-nology in 2015.

    Nader Shariatmadari obtained his BS and MSdegrees in Civil Engineering from Iran University ofScience and Technology in 1986 and 1989, respec-tively. Dr. Shariatmadari earned his PhD degreein Geotechnical Engineering from University of Ot-tawa, Canada in 1996. He is currently a Professorof Geotechnical Engineering and faculty member atCivil Engineering Department in Iran University of

  • M. Ehsani et al./Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 24 (2017) 65{71 71

    Science and Technology. His main research interests arefocused on Geoenvironmental Engineering includingwaste management, electrokinetics, and land�ll design.

    Seyed Majdedin Mirhosseini earned his BS andMS degrees in Civil Engineering from University ofTehran in 1976 and 1977, respectively. He received hisPhD degree in Geotechnical Engineering from LeedsUniversity, UK, in 1988. He is currently Professor

    of Geotechnical Engineering and faculty member atCivil and Environmental Engineering Department inAmirkabir University of Technology. Dr. Mirhosseini'smain research interests include studying the stress-strain behavior of granular soils under monotonic andcyclic loading conditions along with evaluation of thebehavior of embankment and rock�ll dams accordingto instrumentation records during and after construc-tion.

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