experienced worker new version revised 3.2.2011

Post on 06-Nov-2014






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Experienced Worker Experienced Worker SeminarSeminar

Written and Presented by:Written and Presented by:Heather Coleman. Training FacilitatorHeather Coleman. Training Facilitator

David Straka, Case ManagerDavid Straka, Case ManagerEdited by: Ron Marshall, Assistant Training FacilitatorEdited by: Ron Marshall, Assistant Training Facilitator

Ferndale Career CenterFerndale Career Centerwww.twitter.com/ferndalecareerwww.twitter.com/ferndalecareer

www.facebook.com/ferndalecareercenterwww.facebook.com/ferndalecareercenterwww.linkedin.com/in/ferndalecareercenterLinkedIn Group: Ferndale Career CenterLinkedIn Group: Ferndale Career Center


Last update: 3.2.2011Last update: 3.2.2011Copyright: August 15, 2007Copyright: August 15, 2007

Did you know ...Did you know ...

Today, there are 79 Million “Baby

Boomers” - which is 26% of the


As of January 1st, 2011 every single day more than 10,000 Baby Boomers will reach the age of 65. “The

American Dream” There are currently more grandparents than


And what a wave it is! That’s 8,000 a day for

the next 19 years!

“(As of) 2010, retirements could leave a gap of 10,000,000 in the


‘Baby boom’ retirements, flat population growth and stagnant workforce investment could, by 2010, leave 5.3 million skilled U.S. jobs without a skilled U.S. worker to fill them.”

Data: “The American Dream” “National Council on Aging” “Population Reference Bureau” “The Workforce Alliance”

What Are Some Myths Surrounding What Are Some Myths Surrounding Experienced Workers?Experienced Workers?

Hiring Experienced Workers Improves Hiring Experienced Workers Improves the Bottom Linethe Bottom Line

Reality:Reality: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2008, workers between According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2008, workers between

the ages of 45 – 54 stayed on the job nearly three times as long as the ages of 45 – 54 stayed on the job nearly three times as long as those 25 – 34.those 25 – 34.

Reality:Reality: Attendance records are actually better for older workers than Attendance records are actually better for older workers than

for younger ones.for younger ones.

Reality: Reality: The costs of more vacation time and pensions are often outweighed by The costs of more vacation time and pensions are often outweighed by

low turnover among older workers, which translates into added low turnover among older workers, which translates into added recruiting, hiring and training expenses.recruiting, hiring and training expenses.

“Nearly one million workers age 55 and older have won new jobs over the last 12 months, making it one of the only age groups

that is actually experiencing employment gains.”-John Challenger, www.officepolitics.com

#1 Be Accommodating.Throughout the interview process, do your best to accommodate

the schedule of the interviewer. This could mean weekend or evening interview time slots.

Due to technology and constant access to the Internet, Gen X and Gen Y managers expect to be “on call” for work 24/7. They are

therefore much more flexible with workday hours. Being inflexible with the interview time slots sends the message that you are rigid

and not willing to embrace current management styles.

The Interview - Know Your Product The Interview - Know Your Product and Believe In It!and Believe In It!

#3 Embrace Technology.Accept what is – technology has forever altered the working world and will continue to revolve at a rapid pace. If you do not have at least a rudimentary understanding of computers and the Internet, take a class immediately. We offer multiple levels of computer classes at the Ferndale Career Center!

Computers are used in every field, and it’s your responsibility to become up-to-date. Employers will not invest time teaching new employees how to use computers, particularly in this market.

Get involved with social media and establish yourself within your field of expertise. Be present, add value, share wisdom and elevate your professional, digital reputation. Be where the employers are searching for candidates!

Baby Boomers are known for being one of the most innovative generations in history. You can master new technology – make it a priority during your career transition!

#2 Show your Energy.Enthusiasm, energy and passion for your work are key in an interview. Your appearance should reflect your professionalism – look current and age-appropriate.

Plugged In - Boomers Online from AARP

#4 Emphasize Relevant Experience.Discuss your skill sets and how they relate to the position for which you are applying. Transferable skills are extremely important to an employer – be confident in your abilities and showcase yourself!

Some examples of transferable skills: Core competencies (soft skills), organization, management, leadership, training, interpersonal skills, research, planning and quality control.

#5 Demonstrate Your Flexibility And Creativity.You want to counteract stereotypes that suggest older workers do not have imagination, flexibility and creativity. Discuss ways you solved problems and developed ideas in your most recent jobs to make your former employer more money, meet customer needs or to be more competitive.

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success

you seek." - Mario Andretti

#6 Emphasize Past Examples Of Loyalty.Although employee/employer loyalty has been severely tested over the years due to ongoing layoffs, employers still need to feel that employees are 100 percent committed to the company.

Incorporate this information Incorporate this information into your interview…into your interview…

Q: “Why should we hire you?”Q: “Why should we hire you?”

A: “I am energetic and knowledgeable, and my career is my focus at this point in my A: “I am energetic and knowledgeable, and my career is my focus at this point in my life.” life.”

A: “I am passionate about this field, and have the time to commit myself fully to this A: “I am passionate about this field, and have the time to commit myself fully to this company. Check out my professional sites on LinkedIn, Twitter and FB and my blog to company. Check out my professional sites on LinkedIn, Twitter and FB and my blog to see some of my most current work.”see some of my most current work.”

A: “I enjoy teamwork and mentoring less experienced employees while simultaneously A: “I enjoy teamwork and mentoring less experienced employees while simultaneously gaining insight based on their innovative ideas.”gaining insight based on their innovative ideas.”

Q:Q: “Where do you see yourself in five years?”“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

A: “In five years, I see myself here at ABC Company. I look forward to being a part of A: “In five years, I see myself here at ABC Company. I look forward to being a part of this organization’s growth and development long-term.”this organization’s growth and development long-term.”

List only the past 10 years of work experience on your showcase/functional resume. List only the past 10 years of work experience on your showcase/functional resume. Design a unique resume for each position - use the job posting to determine key Design a unique resume for each position - use the job posting to determine key

words you will use in your resume. words you will use in your resume. Emphasize your skill set as it pertains to the job rather than previous job Emphasize your skill set as it pertains to the job rather than previous job

responsibilities.responsibilities. Address the overqualified issue at the interview : “Yes, I have a great deal of Address the overqualified issue at the interview : “Yes, I have a great deal of

experience - and I have the background to support the management team in experience - and I have the background to support the management team in accomplishing its goals.”accomplishing its goals.”

““Soften” previous job titles – for example, a ‘Manager’ is also a ‘Team Leader’ Soften” previous job titles – for example, a ‘Manager’ is also a ‘Team Leader’ Emphasize results, accomplishments and achievements. Use the PAR method – Emphasize results, accomplishments and achievements. Use the PAR method –

PProblem, roblem, AAction, ction, RResultesult Quantify your bullet points with percentages and numbersQuantify your bullet points with percentages and numbers Focus on the transferable skills that qualify you for the positionFocus on the transferable skills that qualify you for the position

So you’re…OVERQUALIFIED?So you’re…OVERQUALIFIED?How do experienced workers showcase their experience without appearing How do experienced workers showcase their experience without appearing

overqualified for the position?overqualified for the position?

Hint: If an employer expresses concern that you are Hint: If an employer expresses concern that you are overqualified, ask him or her: overqualified, ask him or her:

““What, to you, defines being overqualified?”What, to you, defines being overqualified?”

The Retirement Process Has Changed DramaticallyThe Retirement Process Has Changed DramaticallyTraditionally, a worker moved from full-time

to complete retirement in one final step.

Today, 'phased retirement' occurs far more regularly. Experienced workers go from full-time to

part-time to consulting within their field.

Current data shows that 37% of men and 35% of women aged 55 to 64 receiving income from pensions in 2007 were employed as of March,

2008. - Patrick Purcell, CRS

A Quest for Meaning, FulfillmentFor those age 55-59, who are still fully engaged in the workforce, economic incentives clearly dominate. About 72% of this group cited “need income to live on” as a primary reason for working.

Among 60-65 year-olds, “need income to live on” (60%) was still the most frequently mentioned reason for working, but it was followed by a desire to “stay active and engaged” (45%) and “do meaningful work” (43%).

For the 66-70 year-olds, this shift in priorities is even more dramatic, with 72% choosing “want to stay active and engaged” as a primary reason to work. Their second choice is “want the opportunity to do meaningful work” (47%) and third is “enjoying the social interaction with colleagues (42%).

What are What are your your reasons reasons for planning to work for planning to work

beyond the traditional beyond the traditional retirement age?retirement age?

Successful Career Seekers Successful Career Seekers Utilize Social MediaUtilize Social Media

Social Media for Boomers

Check out our social media strategy workshops at the Ferndale Career Center. We’ll see you there!

The Importance of The Importance of NetworkingNetworking

Make professional career Make professional career search business cards at search business cards at

vistaprint.com or or www.printsmadeeasy.com. www.printsmadeeasy.com.

Networking is the single most Networking is the single most important thing you can do to important thing you can do to find the job you want. Current find the job you want. Current statistics reveal that statistics reveal that 80 to 90 percent of jobs 80 to 90 percent of jobs

are filled this way.are filled this way.

Think about this: Think about this: YouYou may be the may be the

solution to solution to someone’s someone’s problem!problem!

Attitude is everything. Attitude is everything. Talk in a positive Talk in a positive

manner to everyone manner to everyone you come in contact you come in contact

with about your with about your professional goals.professional goals.

Utilize social and professional media to your advantage! Utilize social and professional media to your advantage! Create accounts and actively participate on the following Create accounts and actively participate on the following

sites: sites: linkedin.comfacebook.com twitter.com

To learn how to utilize these sites to find a job, come to our “Social To learn how to utilize these sites to find a job, come to our “Social Media and Career Success” workshops at the Ferndale Career Center.Media and Career Success” workshops at the Ferndale Career Center.

Experienced Workers on Twitter – Experienced Workers on Twitter – Network with them today! Network with them today!

@mikehenrysr22,035 Followers860 ListedFounder, LeadChange Group

@phyllismufson21,520 Followers819 ListedCareer/Business Consultant/Certified Coach

@feistycoach4,024 Followers514 ListedExecutive Leadership Coach

@LeadershipFreak34,654 FollowersListed 1,431Leadership Blogger

@sharoneden1,837 Followers194 ListedPsychotherapist/Speaker/Coach

@LeadToday140,511 FollowersListed 4,723CSE, Executive Sales

What do you need to know about What do you need to know about today’s work culture?today’s work culture?

The New World of Work


What are the benefits of technology in an intergenerational workforce?

How will you bring your positive experiences with multiple

generations into your interview?

For more information on the intergenerational workforce, attend our monthly “The Intergenerational Workforce” seminar at the Ferndale Career Center.

Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurship and the Experienced Worker - A Recipe for Experienced Worker - A Recipe for


YouTube - Life after Retirement

Let’s discuss – is entrepreneurship an option for you?

Small Business WebsitesSmall Business Websites


Age Discrimination…or is it?Age Discrimination…or is it?

Understand you may be taking a pay cut. High salary requirements Understand you may be taking a pay cut. High salary requirements in today’s job market may stop you before you even get the in today’s job market may stop you before you even get the interview.interview.

Arrogance vs. confidence. Do you come across as motivated and Arrogance vs. confidence. Do you come across as motivated and confident or arrogant and pushy? confident or arrogant and pushy?

Are you making it clear that the organization can expect long-term Are you making it clear that the organization can expect long-term employment from you? Are you worth the investment?employment from you? Are you worth the investment?

Are you flexible? Are you able to take on a lesser position and Are you flexible? Are you able to take on a lesser position and accept that you are not “the boss”?accept that you are not “the boss”?

Are you willing to upgrade your skills?Are you willing to upgrade your skills? Do you recognize the last seven words of a dying business: “We Do you recognize the last seven words of a dying business: “We

never did it that way before”? What isnever did it that way before”? What is your your attitude toward attitude toward youngeryounger workers and technological advances?workers and technological advances?

Older, experienced workers Older, experienced workers areare sometimes facing discrimination in the sometimes facing discrimination in the workplace …but not workplace …but not alwaysalways. Ask yourself and reflect: am I creating the issues . Ask yourself and reflect: am I creating the issues myself?myself?

More ResourcesMore Resources

Mature Worker Resume Mature Worker Resume Career Change Tips for Older Career Change Tips for Older

Workers(Very good one!)Workers(Very good one!) Pepsi Interview (Pepsi Interview Video – Pepsi Interview (Pepsi Interview Video –

Networking & Interview)Networking & Interview) Pursuit of Happyness (Networking and Pursuit of Happyness (Networking and

Interview Video)Interview Video)

Job Search Sites for the Job Search Sites for the Experienced WorkerExperienced Worker

workforce50.com retirementjobs.com careersat50.monster.com fortyplus.org quintcareers.com experienceworks.org maturityworks.org seniorjobnet.com imdiversity.com aarp.org xtremerecruiting.com grayhairmanagement.com seniorserviceamerica.org seniorjobbank.orgseniorjobbank.org diversity.comdiversity.com retireecareers.comretireecareers.com theretiredworker.comtheretiredworker.com boomercareer.comboomercareer.com hotjobs.com/diversityhotjobs.com/diversity

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