
Post on 11-Jul-2015






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M y W o r k P l a c e m e n t

E x p e r i e n c e

Angus Smith Teacher: Mr. Jeffreys

Mobile 0417250209

Fax 0417254307

Email simon@thenorthernnetwork.com.au

Adress: P.O. Box 324

Maclean NSW 2463

Netwo rk Co nsulting ServicesPro vide technical kno wledge to design and build these services into yo ur ne two rk:

oReso urce sharing (file , print & interne t co nnectio n),

oInternal & Internet Email,

oNetwo rk fax services,

oWo rkstatio n standard co nfiguratio n design and implementatio n,

oRemo te ne two rk co nnectio n,

oackup o f all data,

opgrade o r replacement o f current systems,

oisaster Reco very and Business Co ntinuatio n Planning.

P rinc ipa l C ons ulta ntTh e princ ipa l c ons u lta nt for Th e North e rn Ne twork is S imon Worb oys , h is qua lific a tions a re :

• Mic ros o ft C e rtifie d S ys te m s E ng ine e r,          • B S c , Dip. E d. from Ma c q ua rie Unive rs ity,• I.T. e xpe rie nc e s inc e 1993,• Cons ulting s inc e 1996

Tasks I completed:

Networked a business with 10 computers to receive adsl on each pc.

Setup printers for a business as well as upgrading software and installing windows xp s.p 2 on the 4 computers

Flashed thin clients to update their firmware and configured them to function in order with a server.

Configured servers for multiple users based on different security levels.


Gained extensive knowledge in the area of networking and server interfaces.

Extended my computer vocabulary in terms of hardware and software.

Gained confidence in working in a professional atmosphere.

Drank lots of coffee.


• Owner/Manager/Consultant: Simon Worboys

• Secretary: Anne Worboys

• Work Placement boy: Angus

Business Hours

• I completed 35 hours of work placement working 9am to 5pm for 5 days Monday-Friday

• Although these are the working hours Simon is often working there from 7 till 10 weekdays and sometimes on weekends due to his heavy workload.

Other skills I gained:

• Learnt to perform mail merges

• Send Faxes

• Laminate Documents

• Shred Documents

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