exhibit 10 additional at&t marketing materials distributed ... · re-asons to choose...

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Additional AT&T Marketing Materials Distributed in Racine

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Geographic and service restrictions apply to AT&T U-verse services. can or go to uverse.att.cotn to see If you quaUfy.

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re-asons to choose Exclusive!> T::::tat Horne o-.or,

J&T .... verse Record up to four shows at once on a single DVW

Record and play back your shows in any room from a single DVR'

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stocks, weather, and traffic-all without leaving the TV show you're watching

View a list of recent calls on your TV or PC, then ctick to catt

Program your DVR on the go from any wireless phone or computer'

. : . . .. ; . ·- .·· ·. .· ' _:· ·• ·:,:'' •· :.

Geograptllc and s~e:rv~c-e· festrlctlOr:tS ~ppti .t<? A!~T u-;,er:s~ ~er:vice.~ CaU -~r go to uver~~.att.com t? ~e ~ypu qtiitUty. "Ace~s to HD progr~tnrntng. requires ~:;o ~-~nthlY.ti~ ~¢n'?t~ Feii.l. ~.--?n ~Q;n-mu'or~t com!'{IJ\y~~d and _"'(l~~~ef.f~.~Ots.·2 Wt-FI ~-~~!~at iJ~~- co'!'panr..:O~ra1e"? ~tarbUcks: \ocatlo·ru. Cqu\ppe:d wlth ;r:tcMpot. WH1.ucess not: lnduo~d w!tn AT&T v;octdNet :seN.!.~.· WJ..~~~~e~ dtWtce requlr~ Oth~r restrictions app~y.cSee <;tttwl~.o>m for ~dd_ltlo[La\ ~~s. detal~. an~ ~~fo_r.s.;'3 qa!~ ~iad on. ~~jor. ca.ble.com~tltor .we~ sites ~s:.ot B/10/09. 4 fo\Jr dwtnel$ an be·recorded to the DVR or viftwe.d simulta.neou~ty; 4J1:1l0·~ C3.n ~e 110,osu~ject to :availa~tnty. 5 Total }:foml!: DVR functl~na~ ls ~o;atlabl_~ on._·up ~ elg~,t TVs ~nd req~~~ ~ ~~r:1P~ ea:~ adtll1;LP1'tol T'{~j7/mo •. ~ ~ premtumT~er avn~le1or.~ .a~_druonal. S!i per mon.m. 1 .AT&T u-ven(> Hlgn 5p.t1¢lnt~.<!:Ccou_rytroqulred •. WI_retessphoru::.wtt.'lln:e:net_at~~srcq~ir~;· :: -~>" .· · :, ·." .-.:. . .. ·.' . . .... ·,:. · .: . ..' · ·:. ·. ., euy'2. G-et~ ff(le fo-r S f:ionth~ OHer·~l,d-s..~j20/lC •. ~qu.;res ~V:l pUfChaSt:! O:f t<t"O ~ ~!!' -~~tlowin.g: U~rS.C "rV U200 or htgher,J lJ;<Je~ Vol~. Unlimited 2r ALU;JtsrA't~E'".:Fl.W9c- with. l)-verse 1n ~arM~ wltho.ut U-v-t'l:rs.e- Voice UnUml!ed, or new or r<?newz! of AT&T Natlon·W!reless 450 or h!g.h~\wi~tess plans wlt11 ~~ye~r~greemerr" .... ~omer~~iv~:i iJ~.~.rse l:!ISI'h.~pf}~ lntemet Pro free a:s a S~?-blD t:r:~ft.fut:_5 mon•~s... ~ere<rl'tei. non~d~ol..m:"ted rates for lntecmet s:erv!ce w!U apply. Customer r.;u~ ron tact ATLr to canCt!l tne se_nltce b~re the v;::olr:a~on. of ~h~ .af1e~ ben~tt or be bltl!fd t_be: cur reo\~~.?- Otte_: n~ ~l?i~ble ~s. ;an upgrade to exl$Ung1J-h~lc.. ~-~lly. Or UlO~ ~~~Cr!;. $SO A"'f&! ~Md t::an:t'for ~nUn~ Or de~ at att...co~ Redemption dat!ll!s provided to cus.tomot wltbln 4 we~ks of activation of qua~t~tng servk::e. t:ardj~t to custo~rs: .4-6 W<!.-eks.·~~ redt~Ptl?n. R~empt!on ~-e-qutres t:ustomer·to reta~n ~ua!Jiy}og serv~Ol"·a·mlnlf!lum of~O uay_s and at IJme prpcezmg of n:ward ts completed. 01fer may not ba camotne-o wlth-othe.- AT&T P.romotlona\-~tf~ ~~~.same ~rylc~ otfur ood.::o:4/20~C.. The' AT&T Raw.ard V!sa~.Pt:eP3Ld.~d l:s not rede-emnhle for 01~ :and m;Jy not b~~_C'd:i~.a:utO:::tated g~so\ine ?uinps or ~or-casn .lt.lthdrit.Wl3l at af)y cash-dispensing loc~dons. Card m.ay not be L'SIMf t:J purchase Arg.T produtts .aru:l/oc se:rv1Ces 1fl·t:to~ln s!lltes. .c~rd e~p!R$. SO deys utter !~a nee. V;s_;,. prepaid car::!s are- lssu~ ?Y Mat;}~~ ... p:J~~ ta a Uc€~$-ectrom ~~~ U.S.A..l~ Se:~ ard.totc:~r ~~rm:rnt and ClJ.rd ez~rrlnr tor oth~r t..erm.£ a.-.ct: a:mdttlon' For more 'Clttb\~ go. to ~l!.rtl~.~i:om/m:yreword/ngrccme:nt.pdf. ~~T U~ Prlcln9 excludes -wus. "tees. an<! ot'"ier dvit:ge$, lcidu.dtng dty vtOe-a co.st-re~ faes an:d Ur:ttt(c'r--at. SC::011ce Fun~ fees, \Where <:~pplk<lbll!. Reside:nl ... ! custom('fS only. F:"lces, programm~. and offers sUbJect w ctrang~ wtt"'lo-ul o~ice. Cre<:llt cr.d ot~~~.r:e~Oetlor.:sapply. 01~~1 count:s·lncitkl(t opt~on~l dtt>:"!MJ.s; aviU>ltlle In.pt<ui1:tn.turiet s~~-·<;.b.lm(s~ T!.!pr~ent r.-~xtmum tlcwns:tream :and for up:rtteilm- ~p~d apabllttl~s. Speeds may vary and are. not g~Bnu1~ed. ,Mt~ny facto~.nn affect actmll zp~~d~ trtQIJding the use o-f -other u~ .. -ers.e S:C'1"\?IC~ Ptlrehasc ~f1.1·V¢~e TV rt-qulr,td to order~W~~\css: N_E<t'l'f<Xi<f':!S may T!Xj1.llrc ad;)jlter purcha-;.ed sepamtc!y. ln~tetU:t.tlon locb .. "de.: w!;h most pacbgcs... Qffilr e-od5 3/20/10. l~l'.<ll~tl~n not.:i).dl.lded with U-baslc p-Zlcl<egl!!. A~~-veruV<lkc UnUmi~.U'd: Ptan:: lnc~des.u...,~mlt(ld caiUog_ wlth;lnthe- u,.s. ~d. to ca~da.an~ U.S: tecrttoflt!'S...IntE~~o~l cat!.s bttled at <rddlti~al per~rnlnut(o n:('s. U--ve:se Voke, lnpudlog 9~! dl<lliog. W111f¥lt fund.fon ~u_rlng po~r out~~ ~tt"lout battt-ryba~up power. ~ervlce b: not porta.qte; wit functiOn only 1rl, your home. May t;>e ln(Ompa:Jbl~wlttl mon.lk>red hornt~. ~\..arms ?nd :ne-dicar'monltcrlng S:fStems. Ftefnrtc l:~~n Mor<: ~39~ for U-w:!'tse Vc!cc- ~t Uverse.att..q\m for IJICre tnforma:tlcn C.'S ?11. battery backup. and h~m~ ;rian_r.s. Yllre~6:t.ftomAT&T"': AT&T .,ls_o lmpo$_CS monthty a Regulatory Cost R~~ry·Charg~ of 0? to 51~25 to he!? d.atray t:osts lncvrred b c.omplytn; .. 'J1!7o Sta!J~ J!.."tcl reder-<:! t~.m:Om regulatlcns. State and federal Un!v~rs~i Service ctwrges, aod surc~rges 1or OJsto~ha~li and rt:vru1Uc-bnsed SUire an~ local. ;)-SS{:SSme-nt:::s·on AT&j. These. are not ~x.Ql. or g~mmenl-rO?qUJr~ charge5. C:re<!!t .approv.it and new 2·yc~r w\r tl<t-".4 -:s.:e:-vi~ <:Ommttment on eligl~e A!&T wlrelt~ c.a~,ln9 plans requlr~d. Coverage. not av.:~.llable In at\ .area~ Se~ ~p ;:~t ~lrele!SS.tttt.co~ fo/ d~!ls... Other condlpo~ ant; ~trlctK:r.!< apply. Sc_-t:~~ct .wd ra'l.e ptan broc~ure tor dtul:•. Sub:">O"!bur rn1.l:f:': ir.:~: ~ltC t'".<!.V<!: .a u:<>i!!C\g address wtthln AT&Ts: ~WP~ wireless. ~.&twcif.: c~qe are~ Up to S36 actiVattoo fee- pet l}n~ appJ\~Sir.a:te.tt-~ cquip~nt Md·~n lm.ag~ for d~monstca:~on ptupos!!Sonty;:<Jc~~t f!t;ulpiPI!nt .u.rllr:nages may vary. Offflet Us;,sg~: !I yo_ttr ~it11..'1<'S·o1t:se \indudlng uO{Imltet:b~~eNkes) oo other arrl~r"s networks roffnet u.s:agc-1 durlng aoy 'two co!Ut'Or.!ve montlts At!~d~ yo~r ctfnet usag~ ~low~~. A't'~T !?at ~t t::s·op?o~.tertt_'lmatc you~ .$4trv;ce, deny your contlm.:IXi use of other a.rr!en;' co .... erugr. or c~~nge ~cu.t p!a.r; to -ooe lm9oslng U$21Qe ch~rg~s for attne:t 1&l.Q(!:. Your offnet u:xtge allowance !5: eq~;: to tM: ~~:er-o.t-750 mlo"Ut6. or 40ti.·.o! the Acytlme- Minutes: lndud¥d with your plan {Cotta offh~t.uSaae aU9w;ano; fs tJre les.s;erof 5H8.cr 20% cf ttw KS lnctud~d w>t::- yc:;r Fi~;-:;. Rc!i-ovt!:r Mlnutes: Unused Ao}'tirm! H_Jnutf!S: axj:ilrc a!tCr UV! butlns pcrtod. Nlgr.t & Week.e~d ill_)d Hobnc. to-Mobtte ~l."!utes do notro~ ove~. Ai&T emph:rtees.1lrr<;>tlt"e-e$ not ~~g\bie for pro~Ou~~~t offers. Of~rs mit'/. be-mod! fled o~ dlscantL'1iJed at 5-0)' timE V<J~r.c~l nott:"e. Othe:r co.'1d!U!!ns m<ly apply to all Otter:;. t/~009 AT&T Intellectual Property. An rights re>~Ne:d. ~T&T, th<!" ATS.T ~o ~nd a:~ ~ther ATM marks cootat."tt:!d .~rein zrQ trade~~ ot Ai&r lnteUectuat ~roperty ~nrl/or AT&T uffili3ted companies.. Subsldhi:trl~ and atfllbt~:"S of AT&T Inc. prvv\de prodUcts.<:utd ~.ervi<:cs Under thi:.> AT&T b~nct

fas-t & F.urloo.s (ro1ed PG-131 ~2009 UNtVeRS.AL STpO!OS.Al\ P.lgl-1~ Reserved. ANlMAT£0 UtUYffiSAL STUQIOS.LOG.O 'O!.SST UN\VffiSALSWDlOS. HBO~., Clnem.t~x• ~nd re~~ed cha::-~nei.s and s-cryl<:e marks are ttl(: prcpert:t ~f Home Bcx-Oft!ce. inc. · ' ' - ·


Exciting new features using fiber optic. technology,*·p. 4'-.7


Get an AT&T u~verse TV. . Over 110 HD channers,' . package with DVR for movies, international TV, .... just$49/mo,p.B-11 sports & more, p. 16-21


All our speeds Include AT&T WI-Fi Basic, p. 22


What are you still doing with hum_£rum TV? Maximize your

entertainment experience with AT&T U-versesH! We include with

most plans an HD-ready receiver with our exclusive Total Home

DVW and wireless home networking.4 Our fiber optic technology

brings you advanced services with amazing features. And you get

integrated TV, Internet, wireless, and home phone-all on one biLL

Ready for more entertainment excitement and

the best value around? It's all here.


Digltalclarity, ad.vanced l · i

.·Calling features, p. 24 1 .• , .. ·- .. -'


" ~ • ' ~· <

Jstfleb .st ~easOFI to. dlt · .. h c bt

-.Ail t(r&ru_.\f,~rse511_DVRs dedver more storqgetpan mostcabte DVRs.*

. -

4f~t0"Cerse TptaLHQ~e DVR serviCe puts yo<i In · ·_ c,qpthJLofyoucremote,with features so amazing,

you'll-wonder how you UVedwithoutthem.1-.

When':hows~ompete for you: ~tt~rition .. ; .. 'you f<;JOJ!,'COrd up to four ofthern at once on a single DVR' .)\ld'ptaytheJ:f1 bac~ CJn·anyJV In your home:

' . >;Wh-~n life gets rn·t~~wayllfyour fa~orite TV show .•. _-•. _ . you can pause your.prograrn and pk":k It Up in another room .

. . AnCl ifyo~ forget to set you~ DVRat, h~me:~.' · you,canprpWam· your• DVR remotelyJrom· any co111puter_or wireless p~one almost anywhere ln the world:...soyovr _klds call still .watch tneirshqws afterthey CIS .their h()r,newor~: .

:_yH£~estp~rt?;you get ali thesefeaturesiridude'd: r~kat~at,>cab(e, . . . '· . . .

· · ·. ·cl~~~~a>edon ~J/OE~aiJ!e c~mpetitorW~b sit~s ~s ;I 9/S/09. 1Total Home,1Jvi; • ·.-. .··.- '- . funcuanaUtyts avaiJabt~on up :to elgn.~Tvs anor~qulr,es a receiver for each additlonar ·

· · . TV at S7/mo. 2 Fourc_hannetscan be recorded io _the DVR or vlel\'ed slmuitaneously; up . . . · totwo carilie rm:oased .on geographic ~nd service .restrictions. 3 New AT&T U-verse, . •. • TV customers ordering U450 .or HD Techno\ogy Fee are. guaranteed the new DVR with .. _larger capacity, Upgra~estor existing cu$tomers tq th.e ne\•1 !arg~r storage capacity . :: o_llfl are subJeCt to availability and actdltiom!Uees: call for d~toll$.

solr''Ci Dlsney'<nter~rls~s; Inc. AI! Rights Re~erv~d.Contes;lons ot.a snopaholic · •. ·<Cl Touchstone Pic.tur<>; a~o Jerry Sruckhelmet.lnc~AII Rights Reserved. St~iz a no .

.. r~_lat~~ channels and S<[":ice ll)arks are the property of Staf"Z Entertainment, LLC.:

Total Home DVR AT&T U-Vi?ISE:

Record up to four shows at once on a single DVR .

Record and play back your shows In any room from a single DVR.

Pause, fast-forward, and rewind recorded shows on any TV from a single DVR.

Pause your recorded show in one room and pick it up in another.

Play one recorded show. on different 1Vs at the same time and.·control them separately.

Store up to 233 hours of so or 65 hours of HD content with our new DVR.'

See a demo online today! You wdn!tbelleve whe~t your TV can do .when yo:u have our Total Home DVR.






.ur - ·- .

You score amazingJnteractive features plus 100% digital picture & sound. ,. '_· . -_ ..

· Ourdigitatnet\1/orldnclu<les state-of-the;art fiber optic technology· that delivers advanced TV and Internet, working .: together in new ways, You'll get brilliant color;. crisp images, sound that will. knock. yout sock.s off, plus cool features like these.

' ,·· ·· .. ·' ·.. ·.

updated infoforany.U:S. city,.\J\fith hourly

anc.ie~tencFed forecasts, m~p~ & cnore. ·

Winning ways to find your favorites:

N~W! !ltuWviecv lets you see aU content ava!!able for one genre trorn cl1annels in your TV packnge. Choose Kids Mult!view, 1\lews ~-1ultiview, or Sports r-'lultiview.

Watch one program in the large view and see what else is on L1y using the scroUbar on tr1e right There's even fylultivlew for ESPN GamePlan subscribers.

browsing lets you see what else is on without leaving your current show-no special TV required!

title or actor's name using your remote contra~ then record to your DVR with a touch!

'Fiber opUcs may apply lo alt or put ot the M:lwork depending on ycur loco lion, t I<T&T U·verse High S(•a•d lnt€1net 11cwunt required.


Advanced TV

the channels you want Max your TV! Add popular premiums to any TV

package. See them all, p. 18-21.

Add access to HD service, p. 18 I. · Over :t:I.O HD channels and growing!

Add The Sports Package, p. 19 Over 25 channels of premium sports. {Included with U450 package.)

Add HBO" & Cinemax"' package, p;21

. 26 premium movie channels. (Included with U450 package.)

Add The Movie Package, p. 21 31.premium movie channets: (Included with U300 & U450 packages.)


Wow! Buy 2, get 1 FREE, p. 12 All services at a glance, p. 14

r Up to 70 of the best family-oriented digital channels; local channels INCLUDED

~ One HD-ready receiver with Total Home DVR capability INCLUDED

Complete channel trneup an p. 26.

~ Up to 130 digital channels; local channels INCLUDED

!' One HD-ready receiver INCLUDED

,_ Add Total Home DVR capability for just $15/mo

JJ·:: ~-



at prices you'll love

Up to 230 digital channels; 48 digital music channels and local channels li'jCLUDED

One HD-ready receiver with Total Home DVR capability INCLUDED


Latim! includes everything in U200, plus Paquete Espanol, for just'"$"'.1.0/mo more (p. 14)

mun2 oxygen

Complete channel lineup on p. 26.

,, . ,.-_

or higher TV pla-ns. 1\eward redemption required. Cmlnot b~ comb <ned w1th other offers. See detalls on p. 20.

Pricing exdiJdus tuxes, Vltl~o Cost Recovery fees. and other ctlnrges. Pf!Ctf!g, ptogramrning, and offers subject to change, See deta:\ls on p, 20.

ZEKE AND LUrHEH ©Disney. Allllights Reserved. DISNEY XD .. -, D"ney. DISNEY XO and the DISNEY XO logo are trademar~$ of Ol$ney Enterprises, Inc. af)d used v.rith permlsslon. HB0;:3, Clnernax~ and retD:led charmets and ::.ervtce marks are lfle propurty of Home Box Off1ce, Inc, Starz and_ related clwnnets and service marks are the property of Starzl'ntertainment. LLC. SHOWTIME. THE MOVIE CHANNEL. · ' ·

1 fLIX and rotated marks are trademarks ol Showtrma Nerworks Inc .• a CBS Company.

" t L. I



Save a Bundle

:! I'

! : ,. Order AT&T U-versesM ;rv, then choose wireless OR digital home phone service, and we'Ll thrpw in high-speed Internet for six months.* Cool!

Learn more at .· att.com/uversebuy2get1free

Plus, receive

via promotion card from AT&T with online bundle orders only.

~ Up to 230 digital TV channels and one HD-ready receiver with nvn indudHd

r Great onscreen features: favorite TV channels guide, Picture-in-Picture channel browsing, and more


450 Anytime Minutes, Rottover' Minutes, and unlimited Mobile to Mobile calling (more plans available)

~ Downstream speeds up to 3M bps

Wireless Internet router and professional installation Included!

~ Access to the nation's largest Wi·Fi network, Including Barnes & Noble'

; Add access to HD service for a huge HD lineup and brilliant picture!

> Buy 2, get 1 free bundle offer also applies to any higher TV package, p. 14

' Unlimited digital calling to the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico with over 20 features, including advanced features that

~ Want a faster speed? With this offer you can get a $30/mo credit on any higher Internet speed--up to 18Mbps downstream available, p. 15


Services at a Glance

get the best value

Up to 70 of the best Up to 130 digital Up to 230 digital Up to 250 digital Up to 300 digital family-oriented channels, including channels, including channels, including channels, including

Up to 3HO digital channels, including music and local channels, and over 105 HD channels

channels, including local channels music and local music and local local channels ··················-···-·---······ channels channels, and 24

One HD-ready Spanish-language One HD-ready receiver One HD-ready channels receiver with receiver with Total Home DVR just $49/mo Total Home DVR One HD-ready capability

just $49/mo

Add Total Home DVR capability to UlOO for just $15/mo more

Add up to seven more receivers to any package for just $7/mo each


just $64/mo

THE NO\fl[, PAC1<i\GE (Included With U300 R \WiO) 31 premium movie channels, including On Demand, $20/mo See p. 21 for details,

HBo·· ,'Jt CINl'Hi\X' Pf,CIZACE (included with U4~i0) 26 premium movie channels, Including On Demand, $24/mo See p. 21 for details.

THE SPORTS P1\Cli/1,GE (ind\Jded with U450) Includes Fox College Sports, GolTV, NHL Network'", outdoor Channel & more, $10/mo See p. 19 for details,

M~CFSS TO \JD SEFVICF Superb lineup of over 110 HD channels-and growing! Packages start as tow as S10/mo. Add our HD Premium Tier for just $5/mo more. See p. 18 for details.

receiver with Total Home DVR capability

just $74/mo

Paq1wtB Espniiot

f'!Uptn,> TV P;,clwgg

South Asian TV Pm:kn00

1-landarln TV Packago

nusdan rv Pw:;k~v9e

Polish TV Package

Satanta SportD

music and local channels

One HD-ready receiver with Total Home DVR capability

The Movie Package

just $79/mo

$15/mo NEW! f'A!YA!J/\

One HD-ready receiver with Total Home DVR capability

The Sports Package

HBO" & Cinemax•

The Movie Package

just $109/mo


$21/mo NEW! Arabk !1ndio 1:&

1'0l<?visfon $13/mo $35/mo

'-,- TV5t"lmmr: (Frenct1) $10/mo $35/mo

SBll~ (Vietnamese) $15/mo $25/mo

TVE!V 1Vi0\nomese) $10/mo $25/mo

i,1HC Ammiw (l<orenn) $13/mo $15/mo

'fiJ JAPAN $25/mo

See p. 21 for package details.

home entertainment!

Up to 3Mbps downstream sper,ds, $30/mo

BARNES/ NOBlE www.hn.com

Up to 6Mbps downstream speeds, $35/mo

INCLUDED with all these speeds! Only AT&T High Speed Internet includes unlimited on-the-go access across the nation's largest Wi-·Fi networl<, including BarrH?S & Noble.'

i\TiiT NI<Y!Of·.f' PU"NS starting at 450 Anytime Minutes, with exclusive Rollover® Minutes, Mobile to Mobile calling & more, as low as $39.99/mo

Xff,f FAI'~ILYTI.\LK'' PL.t>.NS share minutes with two phone lines, as low as $69.99/mo; add more lines for $9.99/mo each

i1C$SAGING UNUNITELl PLM{ lets you send texts, IMs, photos & videos to anyone on any network nationwide, $20/mo

AT&T AppCenter'"-the one-stop shop to quickly and easily purchase apps for your mobile phone. Visit attcom/appcenter.

Up to 12Mbps downstream speeds, !)s~o

Now just $45/mo for six months!

Up to 18M bps downstream speeds, SM,Qno Now just $55/mo for six months!

Switch to next-generation 100% digital calling, p. 24.

~ Unlimited calling to the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico

r Over 20 calling featu;es included, with favorites like Caller iD, Call Waiting, Three-Way Calling, and more

; PLUS advanced features, like Do Not Disturb, Locate Me, AT&T U-verse Messaging"', and more

> Low international per -minute rates with no monthly fee all for just $30/mo

INCLUDED! Our professionals will install your AT&T U-verse service. We'll set up your TV service with Its included HD-ready receiver {plus any additional ones you order) and Internet router, plus show you how to use all your new AT&T U-verse features. Order other AT&T U-verse services at the same time and we'll set them up, too.

leward redemption required.l Based on non-municipal company-owned and -operated hotspots. Prlcmg excludes taxes, Vrdeo Cost Recovery lees. Umversal Service md lees, and other charges. Pricing, programming, and elfers subject to change. See details on p. 20,

so•, Cinemax• and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Ofhce, Inc. Starz and related channels 1d service marks are the property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. SHOWTIME, THE MOVIE CHANNEL, FLIX and related arks are trademarks of Showtlme Networks Inc., a CBS Company.


Entertainment On Demand

just ush pl y With AT&T U-versesM On Demand, the entertainment is ready anytime you are. • Ever-growing Entertainment On Demand selection of hot movies, classics & more

• "Same Day as DVD" and High-Definition' movies available

• Premium On Demand programs included with premium movie subscriptions

• Growing library of Free On Demand from Lifetime, ~1TV, PBS KIDS Sprout & more

• Spanish-language and Spanish-subtitled movies available

• Kids' favorites On Demand--subscribe to Disney Family Movies, just $7/mo

See details on p. 20.

Get a sneak peek: watch mo:vie trailers and more at uconnect.att.com:-:J

Away we Go

c~;-0w a""ilabl~D

Monsters vs. Aliens

C NOW ayalli!blei~]

With Pay Per View/ the hottest seat in town is in your living room.

Pay Per View prices vary per event

Watch live concerts, sporting events, TV specials, and more from great providers like HBO ppv·, SHOWTIME PPV'", TN A. UFC, and WWE''. And now, select events are in HD!

11onny Pocqulao vs. Hlguel Cotto, live November 14 on PPV.

'Thu HD Technology Fe<" Is not r~qulrod to view HO ViMo On Oemvnc!. Once o P t.y P~r View 11 ordc<od.it cannot be cunc<Atle:d by rem cite or oJstomer carv. You will be bi!lt:d ond tha t:v.;;nt ~tiU ok on your lVs.et. Event schedules subject to change. Pricing OKc!udcs taXBS, Video Cost Recover;• fees, nno other charges. Pficing, progfammfng, ~md oHers subject to change. ~.ec deta\!'5 1.m fl. 2.0.

f,way W~ Go (r(lted R) ©2009 focus Fentures Ond B!g Beach LLC.. J\H mghls fiBSl?(VCd. t1¢n:$t;:;r5 vs, Aliens (rated PC) Tl·1 ~~ ©2009 DREANWORKS 1\NIHATIOH llC. All 111GHT$ nESEHVEO. S\11\Srdr.e C!Mnlog (r>ted R) !p20Q8 Olg 8e:ach,LLC. All Hights ~~1tserved. Orphan (rated fl} {:)2009 Worner Bros. En!ertninmer'!t ll1C. AH Rights Hcse<ved. Tyson (rated 0) {;\2009 FyOdor, Lee of\d KIO>sow!l Productions. LLC. All nights Rr.;erved. The Closs {rated PG-~13) ~./2008 HatJt tJt court and France l Cinema. AU Hlghts HeJe:rved. Pacquiso vs. Cotto t>2009 HBO Pay-Pe~.View•, a division of Home Box Oli!ce, Inc, and Top Rank. tnc. All Hight; Reserved. HBO PPV", HE10"' and related chi)nnels Qf~J scrvic~ marks am the prop~rty of Home Box OWce, Inc. SHOWT!f-1E and related mark~ are registered trMJ~mvrks of Show time Hetworks-lnc .. ~CBS Company. TNA:Al! talent nomes, images, hkEncssus, slogans, log-os ~nd trndemarks am· thP. e:xc!usive properly of TNA f:ntertoinmnnt llC. All other tmdemtHks M~ the prc1pe(ty ot thelr respt!ctlve owrHJfS. ©2009 At! Rights He!iNved. Utttmate Fighting Charnpionshlp <1nd UFC are r~giW~red trademarko; owned by Zuffa, LLC. ©2009 Zufla, LLC, All Rights fleserved. Ail WWE programming. tale-nt nam~s. imag~~. tikenesse$, !ltog-ans, wrestling move(l, Uadernarlls, logos and copyrights are th& ~:<elusive property of World Wr~stUng Entettalnment, Jnc. and It':: subsidiaries. Atl othN trtJdam£HkS, logos nnd copyrights afB tho ~i(Of.HJrty of their re!;tpec.tiv;~ owoe($, ©?.009 Wor)(l Wrestling r:ntertalnment.ioc. All Rights Reserved.

Premium Channels

- : ~ ' -' .

bring home the box office! Add one ocboth qtthese premium movie channel packages with premiurri'on, Demand programming included. You can also add. individual premium movie channels for just $14/mo each. · · .

26 premium movie channels from HBO & Cinemax 31 premium movie channels from Starz, Encore , SHOWTIME., THE t-10VIE CHANNEL'" & FLIX.

Paquete Espanol $H/<no (Included witll U200 Lotino, p. 14}

Fltlplno TV Package $21/IWJ

The l'iiipln£) Chanrve:L .............. n2/rno GHA TV........ ..S12/mo

South 1\sion TV Package '$35/m(; T\' /:...s.ta .... K.-... -" ... -...... ,_ . .,, ... , ....... ,. ....... , S 1.5/nl o SET AsiJ." .................................. $15/1110 Zee TV .......................................... , $15/mo STAn India PLUS .... .-. .............. $12/rno

Hzodarin TV Package $:35/rn<)

CC TV- 4 ............................................. $10/rno CTI-ZI\(>119 Tian ............................... $12/mo ET GlobilL ................................... sw;rno ET Nf;WS ...................................... """ .$1 0/f1l0

Pht)dnix 1nfoNGVl$. """ ........ , .... ~ ..... $ 1 0/rfl(l Phoenix North /-\menca Chinese ChanneL. ............................. $10/rno

' . - - -

" '


RTR Piane!d, ...

Polish TV Package ~):15/mo

TV Po!l)r>i<l ............. _. ................. $20/mo IVP Into................. ..Pk9 only


Arable Radio & Television $J.3/mo

IV5HONDE (f'rencl1)

SBTN {Vif:tnames,i) $15/mo

TVBV (Vietn<Ene,.e)

MBC America (l<c·rC'cll)

TV JAPAN My Sweet Family on Phoenix North America

Chinese Channe(


1 !


High-Speed Internet

r Ht w y COnly AT&TRighSpeed Internet includes unlimited on-the-go access across tbe nationJs largest Wi-Fi network, including Barnes & Noble.*


$30/mo $35/mo <:· s .;;

Up to 3Mbps Up to 6Mbps FOR. 'oiX fvJmiTHS FOR 'il:\ t-··10NTW; downstream speeds. downstream speeds.

Up to 12Mbps Up to 18Mbps • Great for Web • Ideal for games downstream speeds. downstream speeds.

surfing, email, and streaming e Perfect for • Awesome for

and sharing video downloads hosting Web sites downloading photos faster and watching multimedia files

online TV like movies and music

INCLUDED! All our Internet speeds come with AT&T Wi-Fi 8asic. BARN

www.bn.cotn You'll never miss a beat with AT&T Wi-Fi Basic, which lets you access the Internet

wirelessly at AT&T Hot Spots nationwide. Some people pay extra for that kind of

-t .. ~ .. '-~o-~-~~c~~vi~~~-~~:~:.:.~:~:~-~.::ti::~~:-~o~:~~s~.:~:-fi~-~--~:.:::~r~:~~-~:~~-:.t~=ifl~:.:~1: ........ ······~--~··· ·····-- ····---~----'"' ~a.ased on 'non,munlclpal compa~y:~wned and ·operated hotspots.

l Wireless

v t c nn t 50% off exclusive Samsung touchscreen phones. These highly social touchscreen phones keep you on the pulse of what's happening.

• One-touch access to Facebook, MySpace, and more • Onscreen QWERTY keyboard • 2MP camera

• Add an AT&T Nation'' plan for as low~ $39.99/mo and get our exclusive Rollover" Minutes

Samsung® Solstice"'

$ 4 9 ~~~$50 mail-In rebate AT&T Promotion Card. Minimum $20/mo. data plan purchase and two-year service a.greement.

Look aU you can do with Wireless from • Program your AT&T U-verse DVR on the go • Get alerts about new AT&T U-verse Movies On

Derrwnd, plus your favorite TV series, sports, and news

• Getapp happy! Go to the AT&T AppCenter'" to easily purchase apps, games, rif1gtones, fuU songs, and more for your mobile phone. Visit att.com/appcenter.

s7•---4·· gg _--·---· _-· ••-•- . · ; after $50 mali-In rebate AT&T - .

- . ; . ; -~ .• . Promotion Card. Mlnlnium SlO/ino. · · data plan purchase and two-year_

· ·service agreement.

AT&T l

Digital Home Phone Service

l ur h n Upgrade your AT&T home phone service to digital AT&T U-verse VoicesM.

Use the home phones you already have.* Keep your number or get a new one.

Experience the clarity of our unlimited digital home phone service.

You get over 20 calling features, from traditional favorites like

Caller ID, Call Waiting, and Three-Way Calling, to exciting new

ones like those listed in the box at right. And with no limits on

calling anyone in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico, it can cost

less than what you're paying now.

PLUS! • Installation included when ordered with AT&T U-verse ·TV

• Enjoy low per-minute international rates with no monthly fee

• 911 service and battery backup are available in case of an

emergency or power outage'

• Add a second phone line for just $15/mo


New offer! Buy, 2, get 1 FREE, p. 12 See all plans and prices on p. 14

n d w~

/WB:Y EXCtJWl\fi1l' AT&T U·verse Messaging'" lets you manage your home phone and Wireless from AT&T voice mail in a single mailbox, accessible from any phone or PC;'

Broadcast Messaging lets you send voice messages simultaneously to a distribution list of other AT&T U-verse Voice subscribers.'

Click to Call lets you select a phone number in the Call History .list on your TV or PC using your remote control or mouse. Pick up your phone to talk.

Call History lets you see a recent incoming and outgoing call list on your PC. You can even view a list of recent incoming calls right on your TV.

Locate Me will ring your home phone number plus up to four more when you receive an incoming call.

Don't forget your AT&T services! Calll-800-MOVE-ATT.

·r .. ;rtn U·vers:e Voict: works with your re9ular touch~ tone phones; how eve(. tn\ttery backup povu:!r Js required for the service. Including 911 d1illmg, to function during a power outage. lin all·fiber neighborhoods. battery backup pow~r for the Optical Network Termlnol is £1\so required fer service to func.tion during a power outage. (ONT-equipmoot box on side of horne or in garage, where AT&T's: tiber nfltwork lt.;;rrninatcs.} 2 Clam\ ba'.H!d on mojortable competitor Web sHes as of 9/8/09.3 Not futly compatible Y.!ith an AT&T wireless voice mml syst('tnS, 4 tltuttiple phone lines t\ot required. Pricing extlud~s taxe-s. VIdeo Cost Recovery fees, Universal service 17und fees, a11d other charges. Pricing, prog(amming, and oflers subject lo change. See details on p. 20.

. er()gram your DVR on tb~ go and get great entertainm~nt features when yotJ aci.dWireless from AT&T toou(TV and Internet-they're integrated!

Forget ~o record ·a. show? .No problem. Use your wireless phone to program yollrDVR: Or, download the .{\T&TLHerse'H TV Mobile Remote Access App for the iPhpneTM. It's free ofcharge on the App Store'H and lets you:

• Easily search program listingsJrom the fulL program guide

• Vir$W descriptions of your favorite shows

· • Schedule, recordings of the shows you want to see .

• bel~te programs you'v~·already watched

• AT&T U-verse Mobile Alerts let you know about new AT&T U-verse Movies On Demand, plus favorite TV series, sports, and news

• Highlights of AT&T-sponsored music tests and more are delivered right to your phone

Bundle wireless, TV & Internet for ultimate interactivity! See plans and prices on p. 14.

(' '~

five Ufe in High [)ef~nition Add HD for a brilliant picture and an exceptional lineup.

Add access to HD service' to any AT&T U-verse package! AT&T U-verse receivers are HD-ready, so all you need

to add is an HDTV and HD service for the ultimate TV experience.

Live Free or Die Hard on Cinemax HDsH Taboo on NGC HD

l}lti(?))JHl!:Jl cine~ JH!Ql. ~mHO ~r,rt.HD l<lDS&FAMILV


~iif@ ~ ~Hill . . HIQIIOEf-I!IITIOII !illiiD.1



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GIANNEl!lEi "J.:.,t ·.3 .. ::;//. llm!


l<ingdom on Animal Planet HD

@J,'oWrill/ltHD. THEI'(,OvtECH.'*INEt: ., .... I HOI

[!;5$?"fiofHJ[[JI li'5iEJi?"iiUJii!!lHJ{D)

~['MNIIDid .i§\1

~ l.rmt::l!ltlllltnllfflotl .. )1UJttfT-

e .,._[??.>, <l.'J'i'J!~S\I'<IL 6}/£;/hHD Gaffh,T\/

'Subscription to an AT&T U-ve programming package and an required; HD channel avallabll by package selected. Prices, d programming subject to chan do not Include taxes, city vide recovery fees, and other char! details on p. 20.

HBO HD1" and Clnemax HD'" marks of Home Box Office, In• and related channels and ser are the property of Starz EntE LLC. SHOWTI~1E. THE MOVIE C and related marks are tradem Showtime Networks Inc., a CB

top related