exercise on phrasal verbs

Post on 24-May-2015






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English UPSR


Fill in the suitable words:

1. weight _________ to 200 kg

2. tripped _________ a stone

3. pitch _________ the tent

4. call _________ the game

5. thanked them _________ their help

6. turn _________ butterfly

7. throw _________ the rubbish

8. hatched _________ chicken

9. feeds _________ grains/ blood

10. _________ the tree

11. _________the branch

12. _________ the sky

13. jump _________ the fence

14. fall _________ the well

15. pour _________ the cup

16. _________ July/ August 2010

17. _________ the 3rd of January

18. _________the weekend

19. _________ Sunday / Monday …

20. _________ recess / the holiday

21. _________ the morning /afternoon

22. _________ 9:00a.m _________ 9:00 p.m.

23. _________ 3 years ago

24. goes to school _________ foot

25. The thief broke _________the house.

26. play _________ the park/ field/ playground.

27. The van crashed _________ the lamp post.

28. She was knocked _________ by a car.

29. He dived _________ the deep water.

30. The fireman puts _________ the fire.

31. Please stay _________ from drugs.

32. I take _________my shoes.

33. She is weak _________ English.

34. He is good _________ singing.

35. She blows _________ the candles.

36. He lights _________ the candles.

37. She walks / runs _________ the road.

38. He leans _________ the wall

39. She is interested _________ reading.

40. The fire burnt _________ the house.

41. He was absent _________ school.

42. The car broke _________ on the road.

43. Christmas falls _________ December.

44. They are famous _________ their handicrafts.

45. They go _________ a picnic at the beach.

46. He was admitted _________ the hospital.

47. He was discharged _________ the hospital.

48. They queue _________ to buy food.

49. The car turns right _________ Jalan Tasek.

50. He is looking _________ his dog.

51. He works _________ a police.

52. _________the Chinese New Year

Animals and their young 4. Eagle:________________

(tadpole, calf, fawn, cub, kitten, foal) 5. Horse:________________

1. cat--______________ 6. Pigeon:_______________

2.lion/ tiger --_____________ 7. Deer:__________________


4.elephant/ cow--___________ Animals and their sounds

5.horse-- _____________ ( crows, clucks, roars, chirps, howls

6. deer--______________ bleats, hisses, trumpets, neighs, purr,

Animals and their homes brays, hums , moos)

(coop, barn, burrow, den, kennel, 1. Snake:____________________

pen, stable, sty) 2. Bird:_____________________

1.horse :______________ 3. Hen:______________________

2.lion/tiger: ___________ 4. Horse:____________________

3.rabbit :______________ 5. Cow:_____________________

4.dog:________________ 6. Goat/ sheep/lamb:_______________

5.chicken:_____________ 7. Elephant:________________

6.sheep:______________ 8. Lion:________________________

7. cow:_______________ 9. Cat:___________________

8.pig:________________ 10. Donkey:________________

11. wolf:_________________

Animals` Movements 12. Bee:__________________

( glides, gallops, hops, prowls, bounds 13. Cock:___________________

soars, flutters)

1. frog:_______________

2. snake:_______________

3. lion/tiger :___________

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