exercise 1: amplitude modulation - lab-volt 1: amplitude modulation exercise objective ... the...

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Student Manual

84 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

Exercise 1: Amplitude Modulation


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to describe the generation of amplitude-

modulated signals and explain how the message signal affects the shape of the AM signal. You will be

able to calculate the modulation index and percentage of modulation from AM signal parameters. You will

oscilloscope to make AM signal measurements.


There are many ways to produce an AM signal, but all of them must allow the amplitude variations of the

message signal to be impressed onto the carrier signal.

A balanced modulator integrated circuit (IC), which is a nonlinear device, can function as the amplitude


The message and carrier signals are inputs to the amplitude modulator.

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FACET by Lab-Volt 85

Analog Communications AM Transmission

The amplitude modulator mixes the message and carrier signals to frequency translate the message

signal: it shifts the message signal to the carrier signal’s frequency.

The envelope of the AM signal is a copy of the message signal and varies at the same frequency as the

message signal.

If the carrier signal frequency (fc) is 1000 kHz and the message signal frequency (fm) is 2 kHz, how many

frequencies are present in the AM signal?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

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86 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

If the carrier signal frequency (fc) is 1000 kHz and the message signal frequency (fm) is 2 kHz, what is the

lower sideband (LSB) frequency?

a. 1002 kHz

b. 998 kHz

c. 1000 kHz


The following procedure is divided into three sections.

• AM Signals

• Modulation Index and Percentage of Modulation

Each section starts with an explanation of the AM signals that you will observe and the parameters that

you will measure and calculate.

AM Signals

In this PROCEDURE section, you will observe the effect of the message signal on the AM signal.

If you must restart this section at a later time, setup the circuit by completing the steps in the Adjust the

Modulator for a Less-Than 100% AM Signal section in the Resources of this manual. Circuit setup guides

and the switch function guide are also located in the Resources.

Increasing or decreasing the amplitude of the message signal causes higher and lower peaks and valleys

in the envelope of the AM signal.

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Analog Communications AM Transmission

The message signal shown produces which AM signal shown?

a. A

b. B

c. C

shown. Be sure to place a two-post connector in the 1000 kHz position on the VCO-LO

circuit block.

Set switches S1, S2, and S3 to OFF.

Connect the oscilloscope channel 1 probe to the message signal input (M) of the

MODULATOR. While observing the signal on channel 1, adjust the signal generator for a 0.2

Vpk-pk, 2 kHz sine wave signal at M.

NOTE: When making oscilloscope measurements or observations, be sure that you connect the probe’s

ground clip to a ground terminal on the circuit board. Scope probes should be set on X10 to prevent the

AM signal from being loaded down.

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88 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

Connect the channel 2 probe to the carrier signal input (C) of the MODULATOR. While

observing the signal on channel 2, adjust VCO-LO for a 0.2 Vpk-pk, 1000 kHz signal at C.

Adjust the carrier frequency with the NEGATIVE SUPPLY knob on the base unit, and adjust

the carrier amplitude with the knob on the VCO-LO circuit block.

Connect the oscilloscope channel 2 probe to the output of the MODULATOR.

Set the oscilloscope vertical mode to ALT, and trigger on channel 1(the message signal).

NOTE: When making oscilloscope measurements or observations, be sure that you connect the probe’s

ground clip to a ground terminal on the circuit board. Scope probes should be set on X10 to prevent the

AM signal from being loaded down.

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FACET by Lab-Volt 89

Analog Communications AM Transmission

Adjust the MODULATOR potentiometer knob so that the AM waveform on oscilloscope

channel 2 has 2.0 V between the upper and lower peaks, as shown.

Does the AM signal envelope (channel 2) have the same shape and frequency as the

message signal (channel 1)?

a. yes

b. no

You have set the carrier signal frequency (fc) to 1000 kHz and the message signal frequency

(fm) to 2 kHz. What frequencies are present in the frequency spectrum of the AM signal?

a. 2 kHz and 1000 kHz

b. 1000 kHz and 1002 kHz

c. 998 kHz, 1000 kHz, and 1002 kHz

Student Manual

90 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

Change the signal generator function from a sine wave to a square wave. Did the envelope

of the AM output signal change from a sine wave to a square wave?

a. yes

b. no

Return the signal generator function to a sine wave. While observing the AM output signal

on channel 2, vary the signal generator’s AF FREQUENCY control knob to vary the

message signal frequency. Did the frequency of the AM signal envelope change to

correspond to the frequency of the message signal?

a. yes

b. no

Readjust the message signal frequency to 2 kHz. While observing the AM output signal, vary

the signal generator’s AF LEVEL control knob to vary the amplitude of the message signal.

Did the amplitude of the AM signal envelope change to correspond to the amplitude of the

message signal?

a. yes

b. no

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FACET by Lab-Volt 91

Analog Communications AM Transmission

Modulation Index and Percentage of Modulation

In this PROCEDURE section, you will make oscilloscope measurements of AM signals and calculate

modulation index (m) and percentage of modulation (% Mod.).

If you are not proceeding directly from the AM Signals portion of this procedure or if you must restart

this section at a later time, setup the circuit by completing the steps in the Adjust the Modulator for a

Less-Than 100% AM Signal section in the Resources of this manual. Circuit setup guides and the switch

function guide are also located in the Resources.

Modulation index (m) and percentage of modulation (% Mod.) are the parameters that quantify the peaks

and valleys in the AM signal.

The modulation index is the ratio of the message signal peak amplitude to the carrier signal peak


The calculation method for determining the modulation index from the AM signal is shown. Percentage of

modulation is the modulation index expressed as a percentage.

If A equals 4 V and B equals 1 V, what is the modulation index (m)?

m = (Recall Value 1)

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92 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

What is the percentage of modulation (% Mod.) when m is 0.6?

% Mod. = % (Recall Value 2)

When the message signal is constantly changing, as in a voice or music signal, the frequency of the

modulating envelope and the percentage of modulation are constantly changing.

This constant change makes it practically impossible to determine the modulation index from the


To get an oscilloscope display more useful for measuring modulation characteristics, use the trapezoidal

method. This method permits a uniform display when the message signal changes.

To use the trapezoidal method, put the oscilloscope in the X-Y mode to obtain a trapezoidal pattern of the

signals. Then connect the message signal to the X input and the modulated signal to the Y input.

You can calculate the modulation index (m) from the measurements of A and B as shown on the

trapezoidal oscilloscope display.

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FACET by Lab-Volt 93

Analog Communications AM Transmission

If A equals 5 V and B equals 0.5 V, what is the modulation index (m)?

m = (Recall Value 3)

S1, S2, and S3 should be OFF.

On oscilloscope channel 1, adjust the peak-to-peak voltage of the message signal to

0.2 Vpk-pk.

If necessary, adjust the MODULATOR potentiometer knob so that the AM waveform shown on

channel 2 has 2.0 V between the upper and lower peaks, as shown.

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94 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

On oscilloscope channel 2, measure (in volts) the vertical height between the upper and

lower valleys (measurement B) of the modulated waveform.

B = V (Recall Value 4)

Calculate the modulation index (m).

B = V (Step 3, Recall Value 4)

m = (Recall Value 5)

Calculate the percentage of modulation (% Mod.).

m = (Step 4, Recall Value 5)

% Mod. = % (Recall Value 6)

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FACET by Lab-Volt 95

Analog Communications AM Transmission

While observing the AM signal on channel 2, increase the amplitude of the message signal

until the AM signal envelope waveform touches the zero reference line, as shown.

The distance represented by B on the AM signal waveform is now 0 V.

On oscilloscope channel 2, measure (in volts) the vertical distance between the upper and

lower peaks of the modulated waveform (measurement A).

A = V (Recall Value 7)

Calculate the modulation index.

A = V (Step 7, Recall Value 7)

m = (Recall Value 8)

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96 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

Calculate the percentage of modulation (% Mod.).

m = (Step 8, Recall Value 8)

% Mod. = % (Recall Value 9)

Adjust the amplitude of the message signal on channel 1 to 0.20 Vpk-pk.

Adjust the MODULATOR potentiometer knob counterclockwise (CCW) so that the AM waveform

on channel 2 is not 100% modulated and has 2.0 V between the upper and lower peaks, as


Place the oscilloscope in X-Y mode. Adjust the X and Y attenuators to obtain a trapezoidal

pattern as shown. On the oscilloscope screen, measure A (in volts).

A = V (Recall Value 10)

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FACET by Lab-Volt 97

Analog Communications AM Transmission

On the oscilloscope screen, measure B (in volts).

B = V (Recall Value 11)

Calculate the modulation index (m).

A = V (Step 11, Recall Value 10)

B = V (Step 12, Recall Value 11)

m = (Recall Value 12)

Calculate the percentage of modulation (% Mod.).

m = (Step 13, Recall Value 12)

% Mod. = % (Recall Value 13)

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98 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

Are your trapezoidal method measurements of modulation index (m) and percentage of

modulation (% Mod.) similar to the results you obtained using the AM signal?

a. yes

b. no

Trapezoidal method Using AM signal

m (Step 13, Recall Value 12) (Step 4, Recall Value 5)

% Mod. (Step 14, Recall Value 13) (Step 5, Recall Value 6)

In this PROCEDURE section, you will observe 100% modulation, observe overmodulation, and calculate

If you are not proceeding directly from the AM Signals or Modulation Index and Percentage of Modulation

portion of this procedure, or if you must restart this section at a later time, setup the circuit by completing

the steps in the Adjust the Modulator for a Less-Than 100% AM Signal section in the Resources of this

manual. Circuit setup guides and the switch function guide are also located in the Resources.

The AM waveform shown is 100% modulated (modulation index equal to 1.0); the valleys touch the zero

reference line.

modulation is desirable in AM communications for maximum sideband power.

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FACET by Lab-Volt 99

Analog Communications AM Transmission

Which AM waveform illustrates 100% modulation?

a. A

b. B

c. C

When overmodulation occurs (greater than 100%), both sides of the modulation envelope cross over the

zero reference line.

In AM communications, overmodulation causes fake sideband frequencies called sideband splatter. This

splatter causes distortions in the receiver and interference with other radio stations.

As the modulation index is increased, the power level of the sidebands increases while the carrier power

remains constant.

Because useful information contained in the radio frequency (RF) signal is located in the sidebands,

maximizing the sideband power by increasing the modulation index is desirable.

However, in AM, the modulation index must not be greater than 1, or distortion and interference will occur.

The total power in an AM signal (PT) is the sum of the carrier power (PC) and the lower and upper

sideband power (PSB).


If PC is 40 kW and PSB is 10 kW, what is PT?

PT = kW (Recall Value 1)

) is the fraction of total power that is contained in the sidebands.


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100 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications

It is also related to the modulation index.

= m2 2)


= m2 2) = (Recall Value 2)

If the total power (PT (Recall Value 2), what

is the sideband power (PSB)?

PSB = x PT

= kW (Recall Value 3)

S1, S2, and S3 should be OFF.

as shown.

Increase the message signal amplitude on channel 1 by adjusting the AF LEVEL knob on

the signal generator until the AM signal appears as shown. The AM signal is

a. not modulated.

b. overmodulated.

Is the modulation index of the AM signal greater than or less than 1?

a. >1.0

b. <1.0

Student Manual

FACET by Lab-Volt 101

Analog Communications AM Transmission

Is an overmodulated signal desirable in AM communications?

a. yes

b. no

Reduce the message signal so that the AM signal on channel 2 is 100% modulated, as



= m2 2) = (Recall Value 4)

) is

(Step 6, Recall Value 4), calculate the sideband power (PSB).

PSB = x PT = kW (Recall Value 5)

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102 FACET by Lab-Volt

AM Transmission Analog Communications


• The AM signal envelope has the same shape and frequency as the message signal.

• Modulation index (m) and percentage of modulation (% Mod.) are parameters that quantify the peaks

and valleys in the AM signal envelope.

• Using the trapezoidal method on an oscilloscope, you can determine the modulation index from the

message and AM signals.

• An AM signal with over 100% modulation is not desirable because it causes receiver distortion and

interference with other stations.

• ), which is the ratio of sideband

power (PSB) to total signal power (PT).


1. When the message signal frequency and amplitude change, what happens to the envelope of the AM


a. Only the amplitude of the AM signal envelope changes.

b. Only the frequency of the AM signal envelope changes.

c. The frequency and amplitude of the AM signal envelope change.

d. The frequency and amplitude of the carrier signal change.

2. If a 2000 kHz carrier signal (fc) is amplitude modulated by a 3 kHz message signal (fm), what

frequencies are present in the frequency spectrum of the AM signal?

a. 3 kHz, 6 kHz, and 2000 kHz

b. 1997 kHz, 2000 kHz, and 2003 kHz

c. 2000 kHz and 2003 kHz

d. 1997 kHz and 2003 kHz

3. What is the modulation index of the AM signal shown?

a. 1.5

b. 1.0

c. 0.5

d. 0.1

Student Manual

FACET by Lab-Volt 103

Analog Communications AM Transmission

4. What is the percentage of modulation (% Mod.) of an AM signal with a trapezoidal pattern as shown?

a. 100%

b. 150%

c. 20%

d. 33%

5. ) of an AM signal?

a. = m x PT

b. = PT x PSB

c. = PSB T

d. = PT SB

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