executive committee agenda | may 2012

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 Altoon a Ankeny Bondur ant Carli sle Clive Dallas County Des Moines DART Grim es Johnston Mitchel lvi lle Norw alkPleasant Hill Polk City Polk County Urbandale Warren County Waukee West Des Moines Windsor Heights

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Des Moines Area Metropoli tan Planning Organization (MPO)Executive Committee***************************

11:30 a.m., Friday, May 18, 2012Des Moines Area MPO - Mead Conference Room

***************************TENTATIVE AGENDA 

The established protocol for minutes of this meeting will be to list all attendees, and with each item on which

a vote is conducted in the ordinary course in order to take formal action, those voting nay or abstaining will

be identified by name. Any member who is absent from the meeting for any period of time during which a vote

of the body is taken, is expected to notify the recording secretary at the conclusion of the meeting so that the

absence can be duly noted in the minutes. Roll Call votes will be taken as required by law or upon the request 

of any member that is approved by the chair, and the vote of each member for or against the proposition, or 

abstention, will be incorporated in the minutes or recorded on a separate sheet attached to the minutes.

1. Call To Order 

2. VOTE: Approval of Agenda

3. VOTE: Approval of Meeting Minutes ............................................................................................. Page 3   Approve the April 11, 2012, meeting minutes;

  Approve the May 3, 2012, special Executive Committee meeting minutes; and,

  Approve the May 3, 2012, Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee/MPO Executive Committeemeeting minutes.

4. REPORT and VOTE: MPO Fiscal Year 2011 Audi t ..................................................................... Page 11   Report on the completed Fiscal Year 2011 Audit ; consider approval.

5. REPORT and VOTE: MPO Executive Director Annual Review  ................................................. Page 12   Report on the Fiscal Year 2012 MPO Executive Director Annual Review; consider approval of a

compensation rate adjustment.

6. REPORT and VOTE: Fiscal Year 2013 Unified Planning Work Program and Budget .......... Page 13   Review of the final Fiscal Year 2013 Unified Planning Work Program and Budget; consider 


7. REPORT and OPTIONAL VOTE: Fiscal Year 2012 Unified Planning Work Program Budget

 Amendment........................................................................................................................ Page 14   Report on a proposed amendment to the Fiscal Year 2012 Unified Planning Work Program budget;

consider approval. 

8. REPORT and VOTE: 2011 Travel Time Survey Report Draft and 2011 Vehicle Occupancy SurveyReport Draft ....................................................................................................................... Page 16 

  Report on the results of the 2011 Travel Time Survey and Vehicle Occupancy Survey; consider 


9. REPORT and VOTE: Federal Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Surface Transportation Program and Surface

Transportation Program Transportation Enhancement Funding Reallocation.....................Page 17   Report on the recommendation regarding funding target increases for Federal Fiscal Years

2012-2015; consider approval.

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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for us

10. REPORT and VOTE: Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Surface Transportation Program and Surface

Transportation Program Transportation Enhancement Funding Recommendation .............Page 18   Report on a funding recommendation for Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Surface Transportation Program

and Surface Transportation Program Transportation Enhancement projects; consider approval.

11. REPORT and VOTE: Calendar Year 2013 Meeting Dates .....................................................Page 23   Report on meeting Calendar Year 2013 meeting dates for the MPO; consider approval.

12. REPORT and OPTIONAL VOTE: Federal Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Transportation ImprovementProgram Administ rat ive Modif ication Requests ..................................................................Page 25 

  Report on requests by the Cities of Ankeny and Des Moines to move Surface Transportation

Program funding to earlier years within the Federal Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Transportation

 Improvement Program; consider approval.

13. REPORT: Federal Fiscal Year 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program Draft .......Page 28   Report on the development of the Federal Fiscal Year 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement 


14. REPORT: Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Amendment Request .......Page 29   Report on the Iowa Department of Transportation’s request to amend the  Horizon Year 2035

Transportation Plan to add an auxiliary lane to Interstate 235 between 63rd and 73rd Streets.

15. REPORT: The Tomorrow Plan Update ...............................................................................Page 31   Update on activities related to The Tomorrow Plan.

16. REPORT: Transpor tation Planning Memorandum of Understanding ..................................Page 34   Report on an updated Memorandum of Understanding between the Des Moines Area Regional

Transit Authority and the MPO for transportation planning activities.

17. INFORMATIONAL: Apri l Subcommittee Meeting Summaries ..............................................Page 35   Summary of the MPO’s subcommittee, working group, and roundtable meetings held in April 2012.

18. Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Commit tee

19. VOTE: Approval of the May 24, 2012, MPO Agenda

20. Next Meeting Date  Wednesday, June 13, 2012, 11:30 a.m., MPO Office – Mead Conference Room.

21. Adjournment


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

May 2012Item No. 3

ISSUE: Approval of Meeting Minutes

VOTE: Consider approval of the April 11, 2012, MPO Executive Committee meeting minutes, theMay 3, 2012, Special Executive Committee meeting minutes, and the May 3, 2012, TomorrowPlan Steering Committee/MPO Executive Committee meeting minutes.


 The minutes of the April 11, 2012, MPO Executive Committee meeting, the May 3, 2012, SpecialExecutive Committee meeting, and the May 3, 2012, Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee/MPOExecutive Committee meeting are enclosed on the following pages.


Approve the minutes of the April 11, 2012, MPO Executive Committee meeting, the May 3, 2012,Special Executive Committee meeting, and the May 3, 2012, Tomorrow Plan SteeringCommittee/MPO Executive Committee meeting.


 J ennifer Zelle, jzelle@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075.


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12. March Subcommit tee Meeting Summaries

MPO staff presented; discussion only on item 11.

13. Approval of the Apri l 19, 2012, MPO Agenda

MOTION: A motion was made to recommend that the Des Moines Area

Metropolitan Planning Organization approve the April 19, MPOAgenda, with added subcommittee meeting summary



14. Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Commit tee

15. Next Meeting Date

11:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 16, 2012, in the MPO Mead Conference Room.

16. Adjournment

Vice-Chair Hockensmith adjourned the meeting at 12:14 p.m.


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The Tomor row Plan Steering Committee Working Groupand MPO Executi ve Commit tee Meeting

2:45 p.m., Thursday, May 3, 2012Des Moines Area MPO Office

Des Moines, Iowa

The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee Working Group and MPO Executive Committee held a meetingat 2:45 p.m. on May 3, 2012, at the Des Moines Area MPO office. Before the meeting, the MPO staff sent

agenda packets to The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee Working Group and MPO Executive

Committee and posted the agenda at the MPO office at 2:49 p.m. on April 26, 2012. In addition to these

published tentative minutes, there may be additional meeting notes on file with the MPO staff that

are public records and available upon request as provided by law. These tentative minutes reflect

all action taken at the meeting. 

Members Present:

Chris Coleman, City of Des Moines*Frank Cownie, City of Des MoinesBob Mahaffey, City of Des Moines*

Ted Ohmart, City of West Des Moines*

Angela Connolly, Polk County*

Tom Hockensmith, Polk County*

Tom Armstrong, City of Grimes*

Members Absent:

Paula Dierenfeld, City of Johnston*

Others Present:

Pat Boddy, RDG Planning and DesignGary Lozano, RDG Planning and Design

Staff Present:

Todd Ashby, Executive Director 

Stephanie Muller, Executive Administrator 

Dylan Mullenix, Principal Transportation Planner 

Luke Parris, Associate Transportation Planner Bethany Wilcoxon, Associate Transportation Planner 

Zach Young, Associate Transportation Planner 

* MPO Executive Committee Member 


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1. Call to Order 

MPO Chair Chris Coleman called the May 3, 2012, meeting to order at 2:59 p.m.

2. Approval of the Agenda

MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to approve the May 3, 2012,Steering Committee Working Group meeting agenda. 


3. Steering Commit tee Development

The consultant team presented; discussion only on item 3.

4. Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Commit tee

 No other items were discussed.

5. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


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The Tomor row Plan Steering Commit teeand MPO Executi ve Commit tee Meeting

4:00 p.m., Thursday, May 3, 2012Des Moines Area MPO Office

Des Moines, Iowa

The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee and MPO Executive Committee held a meeting at 4:00 p.m. onMay 3, 2012, at the Des Moines Area MPO office. Before the meeting, the MPO staff sent agenda packets

to The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee and MPO Executive Committee and posted the agenda at the

MPO office at 2:42 p.m. on April 26, 2012. An addendum was to the agenda was distributed and posted at

3:00 p.m. on April 30, 2012. In addition to these published tentative minutes, there may be

additional meeting notes on file with the MPO staff that are public records and available upon

request as provided by law. These tentative minutes reflect all action taken at the meeting. 

Members Present:

John Peterson, City of AnkenyFrank Strong, Central Iowa Center for IndependentLiving

Brad Golightly, Dallas County

Gunnar Olson, DART

Rick Clark, City of Des Moines

Chris Coleman, City of Des Moines*Frank Cownie, City of Des Moines

Bob Mahaffey, City of Des Moines*

Ted Ohmart, City of West Des Moines*

Doug Johnston, Iowa State UniversityAngela Connolly, Polk County*

Tom Hockensmith, Polk County*

Sally Ortgies, City of West Des Moines

Jason Wells, Young Professionals Connection

Members Absent:

Ruth Randleman, City of CarlisleAaron Todd, Center on Sustainable CommunitiesBarry Griswell, Community Foundation of Greater 

Des Moines

Jay Byers, Greater Des Moines PartnershipTammie Krausman, Iowa Department of Natural


Paula Dierenfeld, City of Johnston*

Eric Burmeister, Polk County Housing Trust Fund 

Bob Andeweg, City of UrbandaleRuss Trimble, City of West Des Moines

Elisabeth Buck, United Way of Central Iowa

Others Present:

Steve Eggleston, HUD

Laura Ippen, Iowa Health

Pat Boddy, RDG Planning and DesignLorin Ditzler, RDG Planning and Design

Gary Lozano, RDG Planning and Design

Erin Olson-Douglas, City of Des Moines

Staff Present:

Todd Ashby, Executive Director 

Stephanie Muller, Executive Administrator Dylan Mullenix, Principal Transportation Planner 

Luke Parris, Associate Transportation Planner Bethany Wilcoxon, Associate Transportation Planner 

Zach Young, Associate Transportation Planner 

* MPO Executive Committee Member 


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1. Call to Order 

The Tomorrow Plan Co-Chair Angela Connolly called the May 3, 2012, meeting to order 

at 4:03 p.m.

2. Approval of the Agenda

MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to approve the May 3, 2012,

Steering Committee meeting agenda. 


3. Approval of Meeting Minutes

MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to approve the March 30,

2012, Steering Committee meeting minutes. 


4. Environmentally Sensi tive Area Assessment Study

A Steering Committee member presented; discussion only on item 4.

5. Project Statue Update

The consultant team presented; discussion only on item 5.

6. Young Professionals Advisory Committee Updates

A Steering Committee member presented; discussion only on item 6.

7. Update on Complementary Endeavors

A DART representative presented; discussion only on item 7.

8. Other Non-Action Items of Interest to the Commit tee

 No other items were discussed.

9. Next Meeting Date

The next meeting date is tentatively Thursday, June 7, 2012.

10. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for us

May 2012Item No. 4

ISSUE: MPO Fiscal Year 2011 Audit

  REPORT and VOTE: Consider a vote to receive and file theFiscal Year 2011 Audit .


On J anuary 6, 2012, Shull & Company, P.C. completed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Audit of theMPO’s finances. The MPO staff reviewed the report and met with the Budget ReviewSubcommittee to discuss it on February 23, 2012. During that meeting, the Budget ReviewSubcommittee noted that the report found no instances of noncompliance with federalrequirements and that the financial position and outlook of the MPO at the end of FY 2011 wasmuch better than anticipated.

A copy of the full report was provided at the April 11, 2012, MPO Executive Committee meeting.

 The MPO staff will bring this item forward as a Consent Item at the May 24, 2012, MPO meeting.Following acceptance by the MPO, the MPO staff will submit theFY 2011 Audit Report to the Iowa

Department of Transportation.


Recommend that the MPO vote to receive and file theFiscal Year 2011 Audit Report and forwardthe document to the Iowa Department of Transportation.


 Todd Ashby, tashby@dmampo.org; and,Stephanie Muller, smuller@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075. 


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

May 2012Item No. 5

ISSUE: MPO Executive Director Annual Review 

  REPORT and VOTE: Report on the Fiscal Year 2012 MPO Executive Director AnnualReview and consideration of a compensation rate adjustment.


 The MPO Chair annually appoints an Executive Director Review Committee (Review Committee)to complete an evaluation of the Executive Director’s performance over the past year. OnFebruary 16, 2012, the MPO Chair appointed the following individuals to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012Review Committee:

Ted Ohmart, Ex-Officio;

Tom Hockensmith, MPO Vice-Chair;

Tom Armstrong, MPO Secretary/Treasurer;

Angela Connolly, The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee Co-Chair;

Frank Cownie, The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee Co-Chair; and, Brian Laurenzo, STP Funding Subcommittee Chair.

 The MPO staff provided all MPO and Transportation Technical Committee representatives with acopy of the FY 2012 MPO Executive Director’s Annual Review Survey. Surveys were alsoprovided to the Chairs of the MPO’s multiple subcommittees, the primary representatives of theMPO’s advisory and associate member organizations, the MPO staff, and key personnel of thefollowing partner organizations that the MPO works closely with: the Iowa DOT, the Greater DesMoines Partnership, the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority, and the TransportationManagement Association. MPO staff requested that all responses be submitted by March 30,2012, and, on April 2, 2012, MPO staff hand delivered all responses received to the ReviewCommittee.

 The Review Committee has met to discuss the responses and will report their findings to theExecutive Committee and make a recommendation for a compensation rate adjustment at theMay 18, 2012, meeting.


Recommend approval of the Executive Director Review Committee’s recommendedcompensation rate adjustment.


Stephanie Muller, smuller@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075. 


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

May 2012Item No. 7

ISSUE: Fiscal Year 2012 Unified Planning Work Program and Budget Amendment

REPORT and OPTIONAL VOTE: Consider approval of an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2012Unified Planning Work Program budget.


 The MPO periodically amends the current Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) budget toensure funds necessary to cover activities that have taken place to date, or that are anticipated totake place prior to the end of the fiscal year, are at levels necessary to cover these completed andanticipated activities. These amendments transfer federal funds among the approved workelements within the budget, but do not change the total budget.

MPO staff has identified that future costs within the following work activities may exceed budgetedcosts:

1.0 – Long-Range Transportation Planning;

2.0 – Transportation Systems Planning; 5.0 – Transportation Improvement Program; and,

10.0 – Administration.

MPO staff proposes transferring funds into these four work elements from the following activitiesthat are not anticipated to exceed budgeted costs:

3.0 – Public Involvement;

4.0 – Interagency Participation; and,

7.0 – Unified Planning Work Program.

Immediately following is a copy of the Fiscal Year 2012 budget amendment worksheet thatillustrates proposed transfers in funding necessary to cover anticipated costs.


Recommend approval of the proposed FY 2012 UPWP budget amendment.


Dylan Mullenix, dmullenix@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075. 


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for us

May 2012Item No. 8

ISSUE: 2011 Travel Time Survey Report Draft and 2011 Vehic le Occupancy Survey Report Draft

REPORT and VOTE: Consider receiving and filling the 2011 Travel Time Survey Report and the2011 Vehicle Occupancy Survey Report. 


MPO staff annually surveys travel times and vehicle occupancies along several primary arterialcorridors in the metro area. The data gathered assists the MPO in maintaining the Travel DemandModel. Data also provides member jurisdictions with data on traffic patterns in their specific areas,and where congestion is becoming an issue that may need to be addressed.

In addition, theHorizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan includes goals and objectivesrelated to congestion management that are linked back to the data gathered in these surveys.

 The draft 2011 Travel Time Survey Report and the draft 2011 Vehicle Occupancy Report areincluded as supplemental items to this agenda packet.


Recommend the MPO receive and file the 2011 Travel Time Survey Report and the 2011 VehicleOccupancy Survey Report.


Nathan Goldberg, ngoldberg@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075.


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

May 2012Item No. 9

ISSUE: Federal Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Surface Transportation Program and SurfaceTransportation Program Transportation Enhancement Funding Reallocation

REPORT and VOTE: Consider approval of funding target increases for the Federal Fiscal Year2012-2015 Surface Transportation Program and Surface Transportation Program TransportationEnhancement.


On March 29, 2012, the MPO Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funding Subcommittee metto discuss increases to funding targets for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2012-2015 STP and STP

 Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding. Upon reviewing material prepared by the MPO staff,the STP Funding Subcommittee approved a recommendation to restore 100 percent of funding toSTP and STP TE projects that experienced funding reductions in May 2011. Additionally, the STPFunding Subcommittee recognized that the increased STP and STP TE targets resulted in apositive balance available for each program. The subcommittee recommended revisiting theadditional funding at a future meeting.

 The FFY 2012-2015 award adjustments recommended by the STP Funding Subcommittee areincluded as a supplemental item to this agenda packet.

On February 23, 2012, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) released funding targets forthe FFY 2013-2016 STP and STP TE. The Iowa DOT announcement set the MPO STP fundingtarget at $10,048,044 for FFY 2013 and an estimated $10,048,000 for FFY 2014-2016. TheMPO’s STP TE funding target was set at $767,496 for FFY 2013 and an estimated $767,000 forFFY 2014-2016.

In spring 2011, the Iowa DOT identified a potential shortfall in funding and reduced the MPO’s STPand STP TE funding targets for FFY 2013-2015. The MPO’s STP funding target was reduced to$7,865,000, and the STP TE target was reduced to $542,000. The reduction was enacted due to

concerns over the potential funding levels proposed in draft federal transportation legislation.Since the reduction, changes to the various draft federal transportation legislations have alleviatedthe concern over funding reductions. This allowed the Iowa DOT to identify STP and STP TEfunding targets at a higher level consistent with previous years.


Recommend the MPO approve award adjustments for FFY 2012-2015 STP funding.


Luke Parris, lparris@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075.


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for us

May 2012Item No. 10

ISSUE: Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Surface Transportation Program and SurfaceTransportation Program Transportation Enhancement Funding Recommendation

REPORT and VOTE: Consider approval of the Surface Transportation Program FundingSubcommittee’s funding recommendation for Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Surface TransportationProgram and Surface Transportation Program Transportation Enhancement projects.


 The MPO Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funding Subcommittee annually recommends afunding allocation for STP and STP Transportation Enhancement (TE) project applicationsutilizing a previously recommended fund programming option. The STP Funding Subcommitteeheard presentations from eligible STP and STP TE project sponsors on March 8, 2012.

 The MPO staff notes that the FFY 2016 STP funding target is $10,048,000, and the FFY 2016 STP TE funding target is $767,000.

 The STP Funding Subcommittee’s funding allocation recommendation is included on the followingpages.


Recommend approval of the STP Funding Subcommittee’s recommendation for FFY 2016 STPand STP TE funding awards.


Luke Parris, lparris@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.


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    S   p   o   n   s   o   r

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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

May 2012Item No. 11

ISSUE: Calendar Year 2013 Meeting Dates

REPORT and VOTE: Consider approval of proposed meeting dates in Calendar Year 2013 for

the MPO’s Technical, Executive, and Policy Committees.


 The MPO staff annually issues a proposed MPO meeting schedule for the upcoming calendaryear. The MPO is required to issue its upcoming meeting dates to comply with the State of Iowa’sOpen Meetings Law. MPO staff asks for feedback on any known conflicts with the proposedschedule.

Included, immediately following, is the proposed Calendar Year 2013 MPO meeting schedule.


Recommend approval of the proposed schedule of Calendar Year 2013 meeting dates.


Stephanie Muller, smuller@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.


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  Calendar Year 2013 Meeting Dates

Technical Committee Executive Committee Policy Committee

 Thursday, J anuary 03, 2013 Wednesday, J anuary 09, 2013 Thursday, J anuary 17, 2013

 Thursday, February 07, 2013 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Thursday, February 21, 2013

 Thursday, March 7, 2013 Wednesday, March 13, 2013 * Thursday, March 21, 2013*

 Thursday, April 04, 2013 Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Thursday, April 18, 2013

 Thursday, May 02, 2013 Wednesday, May 8, 2013** Thursday, May 16, 2013**

 Thursday, J une 06, 2013 Wednesday, J une 12, 2013 Thursday, J une 20, 2013

 Thursday, J uly 11, 2013*** Wednesday, J uly 17, 2013*** Thursday, J uly 25, 2013***

 Thursday, August 01, 2013 Wednesday, August 14, 2013 Thursday, August 15, 2013

 Thursday, September 05, 2013 Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Thursday, September 19, 2013

 Thursday, October 03, 2013 Wednesday, October 09, 2013 Thursday, October 17, 2013

 Thursday, November 07, 2013 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Thursday, November 21, 2013

 Thursday, December 05, 2013 Wednesday, December 11, 2013 Thursday, December 19, 2013

* May need to change March date for Spring Break

**May need to change May date for Washington DC Trip

***Moved a week due to Independence Day


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

May 2012Item No. 13

ISSUE: Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Transportation Improvement Program Draft Development

REPORT: Report on the development of the Federal Fiscal Year 2013-2016 Transportation

Improvement Program.


 The MPO staff is required to annually develop a four-year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) by updating the current TIP for the MPO. The purpose of the TIP is to list all projects in theMPO Planning Area for which Federal funding is proposed to be used and that are scheduled tobegin within a designated time frame of the four federal fiscal years.

 The MPO staff requested that MPO member governments and participating agencies review andreport any project changes, new projects, or “roll-over” projects programmed in Federal Fiscal

 Year (FFY) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and/or 2016. Responses from each member governmentwere used to generate the project listing in the FFY 2013-2016 TIP. Staff notes that STP awardsfor FFY 2016 will be included once the MPO has approved the awards.

 The draft FFY 2013-2016 TIP is included a supplemental item to this agenda packet.

 The FFY 2013-2016 TIP draft is due to the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and FederalHighway Administration for review and comment by June 15, 2012. The final FFY 2013-2016 TIPis due to the Iowa DOT by J uly 15, 2012. 


None. Report and discussion only.


Luke Parris, lparris@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for us

May 2012Item No. 14

ISSUE: Horizon Year 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Amendment Request

REPORT: Report on the Iowa Department of Transportation’s request to amend theHorizon Year 

2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan to add an auxiliary lane to Interstate 2035 westbound

between 63


and 73




 The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has requested an amendment to theHorizonYear 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (HY 2035 MTP) to add an auxiliary lane to Interstate235 westbound between 63

rdand 73

rdStreets with a project cost of $5,736,000. The Iowa DOT is

preparing to advance the project into the upcoming 2013-2017 Five-Year Program. The projectmust first be in the MPO’s MTP to move forward with construction.

 The intent of the project is to alleviate operational problems that result from the merging anddiverging of westbound traffic through this segment of Interstate 235, particularly during theafternoon peak travel period, as well as to reduce the number of crashes in the area.

A map illustrating the project location is included on the following page.


None. Report and discussion only.


Nathan Goldberg, ngoldberg@dmampo.org; (515) 334-0075.


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for use

May 2012Item No. 15

ISSUE: The Tomorrow Plan Update

REPORT: Update on activities related to The Tomorrow Plan.


Based on comments received at the Special Executive Committee meeting on May 3, 2012, MPOstaff has developed The Tomorrow Plan Update document to distribute to local governments on aregular basis. This document summarizes activities of The Tomorrow Plan’s Steering Committee,important issues, and upcoming meetings and events

Included, immediately following, is The Tomorrow Plan Update’s May edition.


None. Report and discussion only.


Bethany Wilcoxon, bwilcoxon@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075. 


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As part of The Tomorrow Plan, we currently are working to develop alternativescenarios for the future development of the Greater Des Moines region. These scenarios are meant to sparkdiscussion about important decisions regarding the region’s future. Three scenarios already have beendeveloped – two based upon existing zoning and extrapolating historic development trends into the future,and one upon the aspirations of local comprehensive plans. Two more scenarios are under development – onebased upon public input and one based upon best planning practices from around the country.

FINAL PRODUCT. Following the latest round of public and Steering Committee meetings, The Tomorrow

Plan’s final product is starting to take shape. The Tomorrow Plan will not be a land use map for the Greater DesMoines region. Rather, the plan is intended to provide a set of regional policies and guidelines for localgovernments, non-profit organizations, and businesses to consider when conducting their own planningefforts. By providing this toolkit, The Tomorrow Plan will simultaneously allow a regional vision to be met andensure decisions are made locally.

DESIGN MY DSM.  As with all planning efforts, public involvement is critical to a

successful outcome. The Tomorrow Plan recently launched Design My DSM, a web-based tool that allows residents to provide input on their priorities, learn about howdifferent planning practices and policies may affect their priorities, and weigh in on how limited financialresources should be spent. A more detailed overview of the tool is provided on the following page.


Committee have advocated that one outcome of The Tomorrow Plan be a recommendation to conduct anenvironmentally sensitive areas inventory for the Greater Des Moines region. This inventory would include an

assessment of environmentally sensitive sites for vegetation and plant life, wildlife, and invasive species.Outcomes of the assessment include allowing for the prioritization of conservation spending by localorganizations, avoiding conflicts with development, and identifying recreational areas.


In developing the aforementioned scenario based on local comprehensive plans, it was found that, collectively,communities are planning for a population of approximately 2.5 million by the year2050. This population is over 3 times the population forecast in The Tomorrow Planscenarios of 745,000 (it should be noted typical comprehensive plans plan for 2 timesthe anticipated growth for contingency purposes). Using regional forecasts may lead

to more efficient planning and capital investments.


May 12 Downtown Farmers Market Booth – 7:00 am to Noon, Court Avenue, Des Moines

May 13 Sherman Hill Neighborhood Association– 6:00 pm, 1620 Pleasant Street, Des Moines

May 15 Woodland Heights Neighborhood Association – 7:00 pm, 3010 Center Street, Des Moines

May 16 Young Professionals Advisory Committee – 8:00 am, Des Moines Area MPO Office  May 16 Sierra Club, Central Iowa Group – 7:00 pm, 5110 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines

May 20 Waterbury Neighborhood Association – 1:00 pm, 680 56th Street, Des Moines

June 7 The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee – 4:00 pm, Des Moines Area MPO Office







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des ignmydsm. thetomorrowplan .com


Introducing Design My DSM

Check out The Tomorrow Plan’s interactive, online toolor envisioning the uture o Greater Des Moines: Design My DSM.

It’s easy , it’s un, and it’s designed for the whole family.

Design My DSM is a way or all residents in the Greater Des Moines area—kids, parents, amilies—to explore how planning can aect your region.

Design My DSM gives you a chance to learn about planning opportunitiesand tradeos, and provides a un, responsive way or metro residents to learnabout priorities and spending.

How does it work?

Identify priorities

What do you most want to see in the uture? A park near your house?A unique identity or your community? Play around with the star ratingsystem ( ) to give the most stars to the priorities you value most.Watch the icons change size in real time to reect your choices

Understand impacts

How do dierent planning projects and policies impact the priorities youselected? This is your chance to learn about how different planning moves ,like redeveloping vacant properties or expanding the trail network, mightaect Greater Des Moines in 2050. Icons change color, depending whetherthe policy has a positive, neutral, or negative impact, and you can click on an

icon to read an explanation o what is happening to your priority.

Plan a scenario

It’s decision time: you have 12 coins to spendon unding projects, and can also choose which policies to enact.Tell us what projects and policies you want to see!

Then, share it with your friends online: ater you submityour spending decisions, you can post an image o the fnal resultsto Facebook or email it to your amily.

Why should I play?Your input matters. The results rom Design My DSM willdirectly inorm the citizen-designed scenario that will be shownat the next round o public meetings or The Tomorrow Plan.

Color shows the amount of positive or negative impact on your priorities

-2 -1 0 1


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

©FY 2012 Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Please call (515) 334-0075 to obtain permission for us

May 2012Item No. 16

ISSUE: Transportation Planning Memorandum of Understanding

REPORT: Report on an updated Memorandum of Understanding between the Des Moines AreaRegional Transit Authority and the MPO for transportation planning activities.


Both metropolitan planning organizations and public transportation operators receive federalfunds for the purpose of transportation planning in metropolitan areas. Federal planningregulations require that these organizations cooperatively determine their mutual responsibilitiesin carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process.

 The MPO and the Des Moines Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) last entered into a planningagreement on December 21, 2000. Since that time, the MTA has transitioned to the Des MoinesArea Regional Transit Authority (DART), and federal and state planning requirements havechanged, necessitating an updated agreement between the MPO and DART. An updatedagreement also was a recommendation of the Federal Transit Administration and the Federal

Highway Administration in the MPO’s latest certification review in 2009.

DART voted to approve the updated Memorandum of Understanding at its April 24, 2012,commission meeting.

 The updated Memorandum of Understanding is included as a supplemental item to this agendapacket.


None. Report and discussion only.


Zach Young, zyoung@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075. 


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Agenda ReportMPO Executive Committee

May 2012Item No. 17

ISSUE: Apri l Subcommittee Meeting Summaries

INFORMATIONAL: Summary of subcommittee, working group, and roundtable meetings held inApril 2012.


 The Executive Committee has asked to be updated regularly on discussion and activities of theMPO’s various subcommittees, working groups, and roundtables. A summary of meetings held inApril 2012 are included as a supplemental item to this agenda packet.


None. Informational only.


Dylan Mullenix, dmullenix@dmampo.org;(515) 334-0075. 

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