exclusive worldwide licensing for a fragrance and flavors technology

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Client: Technology Licensing Office of a reputed University from Chicago area Client Need: The University developed an improved process to make Safranal faster, cheaper, and greener. After patenting it they were finding it difficult to out license it even after more than 2 years of trying. Results: Technology licensing partnerships made with 2 companies in India in 6 months For a news release on the results, please see http://loyolastudentdispatch.com/2010/11/05/loyola-flavor-and-fragrance-research-goes-global/




Client Need

Solution Approach


**Data has been sanitized and meant for Illustrative purposes only

The University developed an improved process to make Safranal faster, cheaper, and greener.

After patenting it they were finding it difficult to out license it even after more than 2 years of trying .


Technology Licensing Office of a reputed University from Chicago area

Aagami deployed a senior consultant to understand and capture important details about the asset / technology

Identified relevant companies in India and elsewhere.

Shortlisted 68 companies and sent them customized ‘Elevator Pitch’ (EP)

After several follow ups on phone calls and emails, coordinated CDAs and conference calls with several interested Companies and brought 3 companies on term sheet level discussions

Aagami supported in structuring and negotiating the deal discussions.

Finally established the partnership within 6 months from the start date

Technology licensing partnerships made with 2 companies in India in 6 months

Client said: “It takes a lot of time and people to pull off an agreement like this, ….. we’re very pleased that we were able to align ourselves with these two reputable international companies.”


Lifesciences Catalyst

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