excerpts on ruchira shaktipat & the transmission process in the way of adidam and other notes on...

Post on 21-Feb-2016






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An overview of Ruchira Shaktipat & the transimission process in the way of Adidam and other notes. It is incomplete but can give you an idea what Adi Da Samraj's teaching and transmission/blessing work is about/how it works.Think of it as a form of shaktipat, that you can get 24/7 when you turn to Adi Da.


Excerpts on Ruchira Shaktipat & the

transmission process in the Way of Adidam and

other notes on the practice


By carryingwater

May be updated from time to time


“I Am the Divine Love-Bliss, Coming from Infinitely Above, and Surrounding

the body, and Entering it, Infusing it, Pervading it—Distracting you from self-

attention and Turning your attention to Me. Feeling Me, breathing Me, Living

in Me, Lived by Me. And My Characteristic is Love-Bliss Itself, whatever other

sensations there may be in the body-mind itself. Spiritual Communion with Me

is of this nature.”

–Ruchira Shaktipat Yoga or Ruchira Avatara Hridaya-Siddha Yoga

“Spiritually Realized Adepts (or Transmisson-Masters, or true Gurus and Sat-

Gurus) are the principal Sources, Resources, and Means of the Spiritual Way.

This fact is not (and never has been) a matter of controversy among real

Spiritual practitioners. “

–The Knee of Listening

“The Guru is a Function, a Siddhi, a Process, an Activity available to human

beings. Individuals must make themselves available to that process, not just to

philosophies and "external" matters but to the Guru. The form of that

relationship is love, devotion, attention. “

–My "Bright" Word

Read first (or after)

The Esoteric Anatomy of the Spiritual Process:

“Vertical” and “Horizontal” Dimensions of the Being


Meditating All

The Dawn Horse Testament, Sutra 44 (Transmission process down the frontal line)

The Dawn Horse Testament, Sutra 45 (Transmission process down the frontal line)


Aletheon - Concentration versus True Surrender

The Art of Spiritual Life (Practice of placing your attention below the


Do Not Be Concerned (About turning to Adi Da)

Invocation of Adi Da (Ruchira Avatara Mahamantra: OM MA DA)

Other Links

Meditating All I would spontaneously become aware of great numbers of people (usually in

visions, or in some other intuitive manner), and I would work with them very

directly, in a subtle manner.... Therefore, "problems" (of all kinds)

constantly appeared, and numberless complexities and contradictions arose

in every moment — but the content of the meditation was not "mine".

I found that this "meditating" of others by me usually went on with people

whom I had not yet met. But, soon, some of those very people came into

my physical company....

In this manner, I spontaneously began to "meditate" countless other people,

and also countless non-human beings, and countless places and worlds and

realms, both high and low in the scale of Reality.

I observed and responded to all that was required for the (ultimately) most

perfect Divine Awakening and the true (and the, ultimately, most perfect)

well-being of each and all.

And, each time I did this (and, in fact, the process quickly became the

underlying constant of all my hours and days), I would continue the

"meditating" of any (and each) one until I felt a release take place, such that

his or her suffering and seeking was vanished (or, at least, significantly

relaxed and set aside). Whenever that occurred, I Knew my "meditating" of

that one was, for the moment, done.

By such means, my now and forever Avataric Divine Work (of Teaching,

Blessing, and Awakening all-and-All) was begun.


The Dawn Horse Testament, Sutra 44 …

This Real Process Of Encounter and self-Surrender Inevitably Produces (and

Must Produce) Many Kinds Of phenomenal (or psycho-physical) Signs. Even

Some Signs Related To The Ascending Spiritual Process (or the Yogic

phenomena Associated With The Spinal Line) May Spontaneously Appear,

but The Significant Signs That Are Specific To The First Actually Seeing

Stage Of The Way Of The Heart Are Associated With The Descending Process

(and The Frontal Line Of the body-mind). Thus, The Significant phenomena

Signs At This Developmental Stage Include psycho-physical Openings and,

Releases everywhere In The Frontal Line-Spiritually Relieving egoic mental,

emotional, and physical Patterns, Reactions, and Blocks In The Hierarchical;

Structure (From the head To the bodily base).


The Dawn Horse Testament, Sutra 45

In The True (and Characteristic) Course Of The Frontal Yoga In The Only By-

Me Revealed and Given Way Of Adidam (Which Is The One and Only By-Me-

Revealed and By-Me-Given Way Of The Heart), There Will Be Occasional

"Surges" (or Spontaneous Invasions) Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted

Divine Spiritual Energy In The Frontal Line. And These Frontal Surges Of My

Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Energy Will (In Turn) Also

Pass, Perceptibly or imperceptibly, From The Frontal Line Into The Spinal

Line - Thus Completing The Circle. Such Surges May Be Weak or Strong.

They May Produce yawning and General Relaxation, and They May

(Otherwise) Reveal (or Yield) Feelings Of General Pleasure and Fundamental

Happiness, As Well As Various Degrees Of Ecstatic (or ego-Transcending)

Participation In My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Love-Bliss Itself. As

A Result Of Your Own Accumulated psycho-physical Patterning Of self-

Contraction, These Frontal Surges May Also Be Accompanied (or, Otherwise,

Followed) By temporary symptoms of mental, emotional, and physical

discomfort, pain, fever, and even physical disease. If such symptomatic

phenomena Are Associated With The Real Spiritual Process, they Tend To

Come and Go (In Cycles Of Relative Comfort and Discomfort). As Such, They

Are Gracefully Purifying Episodes, Shown Through The Evidence Of psycho-

physical Release, Rebalance, and Rejuvenation. Occasionally, There May

Even Be an experience that Feels Like A Kind Of electric "Shock" (or "Jolt")

That Briefly Energizes the body Beyond ordinary Tolerance. In and By All Of

This, the human character Is Divinely Urged To Be Responsively and

Positively Changed (psychically, mentally, emotionally, and physically),

Through The Invasion Of the frontal personality (and, indeed, the Total

body-mind) By My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spirit-Current Of


Among All Of These Signs There Must (Primarily) Appear Progressive

Evidence Of What I Have, Since Childhood, Called "The `Thumbs"'.

Beginning In The "Basic" (or, Spiritually, Fully Technically Responsible)

Context - or, Possibly, Even In The "Original" (or Foundation, and Beginning

Spiritual) Context - Of The Fourth Stage Of Life In The Way Of The Heart,

There Should Be At Least Occasional Experience Of An Intense Invasion Of

The Frontal Line By My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spirit-Force Of

Love-Bliss Beginning At The Crown Of the head, and Descending Into The

lower vital Region, To the bodily base. The Pressure (or Invasive Force) Of

This Event May Be Rather (and Even Happily) Overwhelming - and It Must

Be Allowed. At Last, It Is Not Possible (Nor Would You Wish) To Defend Your

psychophysical self Against This Invading Pressure Of My Avataric Divine

Spiritual Descent. It Feels Like A Solid and Yet Fluid Mass Of Force, Like A

Large Hand All Made Of Thumbs - Pressing Down From Infinitely Above the

head and Via The Crown Of the head, Engorging the Total head (and the

throat), and (Thus and Thereby) Penetrating and Vanishing the entire mind,

and Vastly Opening the emotional core, and (Altogether) In-Filling the Total

physical body.

I Am The "Bright"-and I Transmit My Own Divine State and Presence Of

Person From Infinitely Above and Beyond, In Such A Manner That I Am

Combined With The psycho-physical Structure Of My Devotee. This Is How I

"Wash" the "dog" From "head" To "tail"-and Beyond. Nevertheless, In Order

To Fully Receive My Divine Spiritual Blessing, My Devotee Must Fully

Embrace The (ego-Surrendering, ego-Forgetting, and ego-Transcending)

Practice and Process Of Devotional and Spiritual Communion With Me. In

That Context (Of My Devotee's Me-Recognizing and To-Me-Responding

Practice Of The Only By-Me Revealed and Given Way Of The Heart), My

"Thumbs" Of Blessing Is Able To Do Its Spiritual Work.

My Avataric Divine Spiritual Work (Altogether) Is My Crashing-Down

Descent, At First Upon and Into My Own Avatarically-Born Bodily (Human)

Divine Form, and, Thereafter (and Now, and Forever Hereafter), Upon and

Into the body-minds Of My Devotees and all beings-Even (By Means Of My

Divine Embrace Of each, and all, and All) To Infuse and (At Last) To Divinely

Translate each, and all, and All. Therefore, My Avataric Divine Spiritual

Descent Is The Secret Of My Early Life. My Avataric Divine Spiritual Descent

Is The Secret Of My Avataric Divine Self-"Emergence" (As I Am) Within The

Cosmic Domain. My Avataric Divine Spiritual Descent Is The Secret Of All

The Secrets Of The (Avatarically Self-Revealed) Divine and Complete and

Thoroughly Devotional Way Of Practice and Realization In My Company. The

Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Way Of The Heart (or Way Of Adidam) Is

The Divine Yoga Of ego-Surrendering, ego-Forgetting, and ego-Transcending

Devotional Recognition-Response To My (Avatarically Self-Revealed) Divine

and Spiritual Person, and To My (Avatarically Self-Manifested) Divine and

Spiritual Descent. The Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Way Of The Heart (or

Way Of Adidam) Is The Total and Divine Way and Ordeal Of Counter-egoic

Devotional Recognition-Response To My Avataric "Bright" Divine

SelfManifestation, and To The Avataric Crashing Down Of My "Bright" Divine

Imposition. And, In The Case Of My Each and Every Devotee, The Way Must

Continue Until The Way Is Most Perfectly Spiritually "Bright", and The Way

Itself Becomes Divine Translation Into My Own Sphere (and "Midnight Sun")

Of Spiritual Self-"Brightness" (Itself).



Conductivity SRI DA AVABHASA: No, you must give yourself to My Divine Invasion.

Accept It. Accept that that is life, that is the reason for existence, that is the

law of existence, that is the Perfect State you are Given, and allow It

completely, more and more, with all your stress, with murders in your heart,

in your gut, just done.

Take Me down. Breathe Me down. Be at peace in your mind. Be at peace. Do

right now what you think you would do on your deathbed—right now.

Breathe deeply, down to your toes—emotional relaxation.


You, must practice conductivity fiercely. You cannot be gentle with it. You

must breathe. You must give it up. You must relax. You must submit



Aletheon - Concentration versus True Surrender

Practice in My Divine Avataric Company is not about "making an

arrangement" with life, not about "bargaining" with "God". Practice in My

Divine Avataric Company is not about persisting in mediocrity. Rather,

practice in My Divine Avataric Company is about passing tests, such that the

total body-mind constantly goes through ego-transcending changes and

makes an always greater and always new ego-transcending demonstration.

Practice in My Divine Avataric Company is a "hard school", a persistently

ego-transcending life-based upon the Great Purpose of transcending all

limitations, transcending the body-mind-complex itself, and transcending the

cosmic domain itself.

To rightly and truly engage the ego-transcending practice of the Reality-Way

of Adidam is (inevitably) demanding, and even (at times) difficult - but the

practice is, itself, never mere and egoic suffering. Rather, the practice is the

ordeal associated with the transcending of egoity. It is the ordeal of right

and true renunciation, right and true "self"-discipline. That ego-transcending

ordeal of "self"-discipline is necessary. That ordeal is, itself, the substance of

change, the alchemy of change. That ordeal is the "fire on the pot" - into

which you must throw everything.

The only-by-Me Revealed and Given Reality-Way of Adidam is the

transcending of everything, Liberation from everything, in the Utter Freedom

of egoless Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization.


The Art of Spiritual Life (Practice of placing your attention below the navel)

One way of naturally relieving this contraction, in addition to the basic resort

that is your devotional practice, is to place your attention lower down in the

body, below the point where you feel that cramp. If you place your attention

above the point of disturbance, the revulsion will continue. The most

intelligent approach, therefore, is to place your attention below that point,

where there already is no contraction, you see. Place your attention below

the navel in the vital battery region in the genital region or at the perineum.

Do nothing other than that. Simply place your attention there, and then

practice the meditative disposition, the devotional disposition, the breathing

and relaxing that are your daily practice. You will very likely notice that in

those moments when you otherwise would not be able to release such a

contraction, it will naturally relax, and you will enjoy the capacity to breathe

and feel and submit the total bodymind to this Fullness. Indeed, this is how

conductivity must be practiced, by submitting yourself to the native

disposition of the body rather than fastening your attention to some point in

the circuit of the body-mind.

The way, then, to submit whole bodily when the body-mind is in a

contracted state is to place your attention lower down in the line of the

frontal Current, place it in the lower abdomen, in the genital region, in the

perineum. In these regions there is in general a residual sense of pleasure,

because there is a portion of this Current always descending - it does leak

through this knot, you see. Thus if you place attention in this pleasurable

expression of the Current, the knot, which is being reinforced by holding

attention in this anxious place will tend to relax. Then resort to the

devotional disposition, and, the practice of, conductivity will be found to be



Do Not Be Concerned

SRI DA AVABHASA: Part of the discipline of the Way of the Heart is not to be

concerned that the physical, emotional, and mental signs of your old way of

living continue. Allow them to come and go, rise and fall, without concern,

without dramatization. Persist in feeling-Contemplation of Me and live the

discipline of love, physically, vitally, emotionally, mentally, and (in due

course) Spiritually. By living that commitment as a discipline, you will see

the old adaptations fall away and become unnecessary and obsolete.

New adaptations of existence naturally come into being when you change

your act-it is as simple as that. But you must persist in this discipline. Do not

be concerned when subjective stuff arises. It eventually disappears, if only

you persist in feeling-Contemplation of Me.

Turn Your Heart-attention To Me, and Do Not Measure That Turning Relative

To Whether Or Not Your mind Stops and You Feel Better. Love Me, and Do

Not Measure That Loving Against Whether Or Not You Still Feel Negative

emotions and Confusion. Give Your life To Me. Turn bodily To My Bodily

(Human) Form. Feel (and Thereby Contemplate) My Bodily (Human) Form,

My Spiritual (and Always Blessing) Presence, and My Very (and Inherently

Perfect) State At all times. And Do Not Measure That Giving, and That

Turning, and That Feeling-Contemplation Against The Measure Of Whether

Or Not You Feel pains in Your body.

Therefore, Always Maintain The Discipline Of That Giving, and That Turning,

and That Feeling-Contemplation. It Can Be Done, If You Do Not limit or Deny

That Giving, That Turning, and That Feeling-Contemplation By The Reading

Of Problems In Your body-mind. That Giving, That Turning, and That

Feeling-Contemplation Can Always Be Done. Truly, You Can Never Be

Disabled In Terms Of That Giving, That Turning, and That Feeling-



Invocation of Adi Da (With the Ruchira Avatara Mahamantra: OM MA DA)

By Means Of My Divine and Unique Activity Of Ruchira Shaktipat, I Bless and

Baptize and Awaken all conditionally Manifested beings With My Avatarically

Self-Transmitted Divine Self-Radiance, My Inherently Perfect "Bright" Divine

Spiritual Body Itself, Which Stands Un-Moved (Prior To The Cosmic Mandala

of conditionally Manifested beings), but Which Is Also Merely Present (here,

and every "where" In The Cosmic Domain), As My Always Already all-and-

All-Surrounding and all-and-All-Pervading Divine Ruchira Shakti (or Hridaya-

Shakti), The "Bright" Itself, Which Is The Eternally "Husbanded", Only

Divinely En-Light-ening, Perfectly Subjective, and Perfectly Self-En-Light-

ened Spirit-Power Of Real God.

And I Do This Always Blessing, Spirit-Baptizing, and Avataric Divine Self-

Awakening-Work Through Constant (Transcendental, and Inherently

Spiritual, and Universally Effective) "Bright" Heart-Shining, or Divine and

Inherently Perfect Ruchira Shaktipat (or Hridaya-Shaktipat) - The

Spontaneous Avataric Self-Transmission Of The Eternally Self-Existing Divine

Truth, Being, Consciousness, Self-Radiance, Love-Bliss, Mystery, Heart-

Process, and Inherently egoless Self-Domain - To all conditionally Manifested

beings, and To The Total Mandala Of The Cosmic Domain.

The Three (By-Me-Given) Word-Signs-"Om", "Ma", and "Da" Together Form

"Om Ma Da", One Of The Variant Forms Of The Only-By-Me Revealed and

Given Ruchira Avatara Naama Mantra (or Ruchira Avatara Mahamantra). The

Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Mantra "Om Ma Da" Refers To Me and (By

Non-conceptual, or Directly Feeling, Means) Invokes Me (and The Same Is

Also True Of All Of The Other By-Me-Given Variants Of The Ruchira Avatara

Naama Mantra, or Ruchira Avatara Mahamantra).


(You can also try to simply meditate on Adi Da and “Ruchira Shaktipat”, that

worked for me to start)

Other Links

The Dawn Horse Testament - Index http://www.beezone.com/AdiDa/2004DawnHorseTestament/index.html

In-depth about Ruchira Shaktipat/Shakti, the transmission process, blessing

work of Adi Da. Also in relation to the Kundalini Shakti:

The Dawn Horse Testament, Sutra 17 http://www.beezone.com/AdiDa/2004DawnHorseTestament/sutra17.html

Overview of Ruchira Shaktipat http://www.adidam.in/Ruchira-Shaktipat.asp

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