excellent foods presentation

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Excellent Foods Presentation For MBA



Name: ????I.D: ?????Class: ????confiture Jam made by finest fruits of nature.An product byExcellent Foods.

Executive Summary---------------------------------------------------------------3

Company Profile-------------------------------------------------------------------4

Vision & Mission------------------------------------------------------------------6

Market Analysis------------------------------------------------------------------10

Marketing Strategies (4Ps)----------------------------------------------------13


Executive Summary????????????Company ProfileExcellent Foods began its journey in early 2014 as a Spice company, with a revolutionary product (confiture Jam made by finest fruits of nature) that popularized the concept of having clean, healthy food. Excellent Foods initiatives were, to make manufacture the confiture Jam that is hygienic, reduce time spent in the kitchen by women, foster health and contribute towards personal attractiveness, so that people who use our product confiture Jam would be able to experience a more rewarding life-style.

This was long before the phrase Corporate Mission had even been invented. However, our founders philosophy remains unchanged over time. Even if their language and the notion of only women doing the housework have become outdated, in this age of rapidly changing lifestyles, fuelled by the rampant development of technology; consumers are compelled to alter their eating habits. Excellent Foods responds to this challenge of developing innovative food products based on convenience and quick preparation in line with modern lifestyles and yet retains traditional values through its diverse collection of food products.In a history that now crosses three decades, Excellent Foods success has been influenced by the major events of the day economic boom, depression, wars, changing consumer lifestyles and technological advancements. Even after three decades the companys focal point still remains on customers needs through product development in line with the changing market trends.Mission & VisionVisionTo be competitive in the growing market as the quality managed company

MissionWith commencing worth Rs.10 billion, to be a Rs. 50 billion food company by the year 2020 in the convenience food segment by launching another products and services in the domestic and international markets that enhance lifestyle and create value for our customers through management excellence at all levels.

Company ValuesGrowth & Development To be the Best growing and processing facilities in one location

Have vast and modern machinery

The first food company of Pakistan to win ISO 1400 award from its beginning.

Growth & Development

Expected Growth of Excellent FoodsSWOT Analysis StrengthThe first food company of Pakistan to win ISO 1400 award from its beginning.International recognition from the beginning.Own reputation in market. Own growing and processing facilities at one location.Have more fruit content.Weakness Less support of Promotions.Low advertising on the Media.Contended with their brand name. Very less packaging variants.Decreasing growth rate and eventually losing market shares.Opportunities Have an opportunity to target untapped market segments.Creating new horizons for the food processing companies.Increase the depths of its existing products categories.The company may invest in new product categories.Threats Increased competition Aggressive Advertisement of CompetitorsIncreasing Market Share of Competitors

Threat of new entrants

Capital requirement.Technology.Cost advantageAggressive marketing of competitorsWith the new companies in market the market share is also dropped.many national companies are joining hands with multi-national corporations.Industry Rivalry

low switching costs.Industry is growing.Exit barriers are high and rivals stay and compete.Product differentiation.Fixed cost are high .Bargaining power of suppliers

Switching cost. Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching costs. Degree of differentiation of inputs. Impact of inputs on cost or differentiation. Presence of substitute inputs. Strength of distribution channel.Bargaining power of Buyers

Degree of dependency upon existing channels of distribution.Buyer price sensitivity.Differential advantage (uniqueness) of industry products.Buyer volume.Bargaining leverage, particularly in industries with high fixed cost.Buyer information availabilityMarketing Mix of Excellent FoodsProductPricePlacePromotion

Productconfiture Jam is a pure fruit Jam , made by the finest fruits of nature.

PriceRs.80 per 250ml jarPlaceAvailable in all large / small store & shops.PromotionElectronic Media, Paper media, along with Social MediaSTRATEGIESExcellent Foods have different strategies for their profitNo artificial color and no artificial flavor are in their motto!

STRATEGIESProduct Strategy.Marketing Strategy.Pricing Strategy.Distribution Strategy.Advertising and Promotion Strategy.Business level strategy.Operation level strategy.

Product StrategyNo artificial colour and no artificial flavour is our motto!This is our USP!

22Product StrategyBlack Currant Jam Apple JamGolden Apple Jam Golden Mist Marmalade Mango Jam Mixed Fruit Jam Pineapple Jam Pineapple Jelly Raspberry Jelly Strawberry Jam

Product StrategyExcellent Foods has launched its classic preserves in smaller packaging, i.e., 200g Jars, so that we can enjoy more flavors in lower price.Jams are the core product of the Excellent Foods. Marketing Strategy

Newspapers.Posters.Radio channels. But they mainly invested their resources in building their corporate image.

Pricing Strategy

Excellent Foods pricing goal is to increase sales volume and maintain or increase the market share. In order to seek higher sales volume they often apply discounting techniques or other aggressive pricing strategiesPacking Strategy

#ProductWeightPacking per1Apricot Jam450 g12 Jars2Black Currant Jam450 g12 Jars3Chocolate Spread375 g12 Jars4Golden Apple Jam450 g12 Jars5Golden Apple Jam Junior200g12 JarsExcellent Foods has launched its classic preserves in smaller packaging, i.e., 200g Jars, so that you can enjoy more flavours in lower price. 6Mango Jam450 g12 Jars7Mango Jam Junior200g12 JarsExcellent Foods has launched its classic preserves in smaller packaging, i.e., 200g Jars, so that you can enjoy more flavours in lower price. 8Mixed Fruit Jam450 g12 Jars9Mixed Fruit Jam Junior200g12 JarsExcellent Foods has launched its classic preserves in smaller packaging, i.e., 200g Jars, so that you can enjoy more flavours in lower price. Distribution Strategy

We also distribute directly to some retailers for example they supply directly to the Airlines and Hotels like PIA and Pearl Continental.

Producer----- Wholesaler ---- Retailer ---- Consumer


Advertising and Promotion Strategy

IncentivesPublic relationsExportsImportsSalesResearch and developmentQuality policy


CustomerCompetitionCorporation Excellent Foods is very much conscious and careful about its sales and about the customer level satisfaction . THE END

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