examplar-based inpainting

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Examplar-based inpainting

    Olivier Le Meurolemeur@irisa.fr

    IRISA - University of Rennes 1

    June 19, 20141 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Inpainting: context and issues (1/3)

    This talk is about inpainting. We will heavily rely upon these papers:

    C. Guillemot & O. Le Meur, Image inpainting: overviewand recent advances, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,Vol. 1, pp. 127-144, 2014.

    O. Le Meur, M. Ebdelli and C. Guillemot, Hierarchicalsuper-resolution-based inpainting, IEEE TIP, vol.22(10), pp. 3779-3790, 2013.

    O. Le Meur & C. Guillemot, Super-resolution-basedinpainting, ECCV 2012.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Inpainting: context and issues (2/3)

    InpaintingInpainting corresponds to filling holes (i.e. missing areas) in im-ages (Bertalmio et al., 2000).

    Let be an image I defined as

    I : Rn 7 Rm

    Let be a degradation operator M

    M : 7 {0, 1}

    M (x) ={

    0, if x U1, otherwise

    Let F the observed image:

    F = M I

    n = 2 for a 2D imagem = 3 for (R,G,B) image

    = S U, S being the known part

    of I U the unknown part of I

    is the Hadamard product

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Inpainting: context and issues (3/3)

    Different configurations according to the definition of M :

    Original image80% of the pixels

    have beenremoved.

    damaged portionsin black, scratches object removal

    Sparsity andlow-rank methods



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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Outline of the presentation

    1 Inpainting: context and issues

    2 Examplar-based inpainting

    3 Variants of Criminisis method

    4 Super-resolution-based inpainting method

    5 Results and comparison with existing methods

    6 Conclusion

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Outline of the presentation

    1 Inpainting: context and issues

    2 Examplar-based inpaintingI PresentationI NotationI Criminisi et al.s method

    3 Variants of Criminisis method

    4 Super-resolution-based inpainting method

    5 Results and comparison with existing methods

    6 Conclusion

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Examplar-based inpainting (1/4)

    Texture synthesisExamplar-based inpainting methods rely on the assumption that theknown part of the image provides a good dictionary which could beused efficiently to restore the unknown part (Efros and Leung, 1999).

    The recovered texture is thereforelearned from similar regions. This can be done simply by

    sampling, copying orcombining patches from theknown part of the image;

    Template Matching Patches are then stitched

    together to fill in the missingarea.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Examplar-based inpainting (2/4)

    Notations: a patch px is a discretized

    N N neighborhoodcentered on the pixel px .This patch can be vectorizedin a raster-scan order as amN 2-dimensional vector;

    ukpx denotes the unknownpixels of the patch;

    kpx denotes its knownpixels;

    px(i) denotes the ithnearest neighbour of px ;

    U is the front line;

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Examplar-based inpainting (3/4)

    Criminisi et al.s algorithmCriminisi et al. (Criminisi et al., 2004) has brought a new momentumto inpainting applications and methods. They proposed a new methodbased on two sequential stages:

    1 Filling order computation;2 Texture synthesis.

    1 Filling order computation: P(px) = C (px)D(px)Confidence term

    C (px) =

    qkpx C (q)|px |

    where |px | is the area of px .

    Data term

    D(px) =|I(px) npx |

    where is a normalizationconstant in order to ensure thatD(px) is in the range 0 to 1.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Examplar-based inpainting (4/4)

    2 Texture synthesis:

    A template matching is performed within a local neighborhood:

    py = arg minqW d(kpq ,

    kpx )

    W S is the window search; kpx are the known pixels of the patch px with the highest

    priority; kpy are the known pixels of the nearest patch neighbor; d(a, b) is the sum of squared differences between patches a and


    The pixels of the patch ukpy are then copied into the unknown pixelsof the patch px .

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Outline of the presentation

    1 Inpainting: context and issues

    2 Examplar-based inpainting

    3 Variants of Criminisis methodI Filling order computationI Texture synthesisI Some examplesI Limitations

    4 Super-resolution-based inpainting method

    5 Results and comparison with existing methods

    6 Conclusion11 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Filling order computation (1/4)

    P(px) = C (px)D(px)

    Two variants are here presented: Tensor-based data term (Le Meur et al., 2011);

    Sparsity-based data term (Xu and Sun, 2010).

    Many others: edge-based data term, transformation of the data termin a nonlinear fashion, entropy-based data term...

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Filling order computation (2/4)

    Tensor-based data termInstead of using the gradient, (Le Meur et al., 2011) used the structuretensor which is more robust:

    D(px) = + (1 )exp( (1 2)2

    )where is a positive value and [0, 1].The structure tensor is a symmetric, positive semi-definitematrix (Weickert, 1999):

    J, [I ] = K ( mi=1(Ii K)(Ii K)T


    where Ka is a Gaussian kernel with a standard deviation a. Theparameters and are called integration scale and noise scale,respectively.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Filling order computation (3/4)

    D(px) = + (1 )exp( (1 2)2


    When 1 ' 2, the data term tends to . It tends to 1 when1 >> 2.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Filling order computation (4/4)

    Sparsity-based data termSparsity-based data term (Xu and Sun, 2010) is based on the sparse-ness of nonzero patch similarities:

    D(px) =

    |Ns(px)||N (px)| pjWs w2px ,pjwhere Ns and N are the numbers of valid and candidate patches inthe search window.Weight wpx ,pj is proportional to the similarity between the two patchescentered on px and pj (

    j wpx ,pj = 1).

    A large value of the structure sparsity term means sparse similaritywith neighboring patches a good confidence that the input patch is on some structure.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Texture synthesis (1/4)

    Texture synthesis with more than one candidateFrom K patches px(i) which are the most similar to the known partkpx of the input patch, the unknown part of the patch to be filled ukpxis then obtained by a linear combination of the sub-patches ukpx(i) .

    ukpx =Ki=1


    How can we compute the weightswi of this linear combination?

    Note: K is locally adjusted by usingan -ball including patches within acertain radius.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Texture synthesis (2/4)

    ukpx =Ki=1


    Different solutions exist (Guillemot et al., 2013): Average template matching: wi = 1K , i; Non-local means approach (Buades et al., 2005):

    wi = exp(d(pkx , pkx(i))



    Least-square method minimizing

    E(w) = kpx Aw22,aw = arg min


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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Texture synthesis (3/4)

    ukpx =Ki=1


    Constrained Least-square optimization with the sum-to-oneconstraint of the weight vector LLE method (Saul andRoweis, 2003)

    E(w) = kpx Aw22,aw = arg min

    wE(w) s.t. wT1K = 1

    Constrained Least-square optimization with positive weights NMF method (Lee and Seung, 2001)

    w = arg minw

    E(w) s.t. wi 0

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Texture synthesis (4/4)

    Similarity metrics: Using a Gaussian weighted Euclidean distance

    dL2(px , py ) = px py22,awhere a controls the decay of the Gaussian functiong(k) = e

    |k|2a2 , a > 0;

    A better distance introduced in (Bugeau et al., 2010, Le Meurand Guillemot, 2012):

    d(px , py ) = dL2(px , py ) (1 + dH (px , py ))where dH (px , py ) is the Hellinger distance

    dH (px , py ) =



    where p1 and p2 represent the histograms of patches px , py ,respectively.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Some Examples (1/2)

    Inpainted pictures with (Criminisi et al., 2004)s method (Courtesy ofP. Perez):

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  • Some Examples (2/2)

    Results from (Le Meur et al., 2011).

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods



    Very sensitive to the parameter settings such as the filling orderand the patch size:

    Examplar-based methods are a one-pass greedy algorithms.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Outline of the presentation

    1 Inpainting: context and issues

    2 Examplar-based inpainting

    3 Variants of Criminisis method

    4 Super-resolution-based inpainting methodI Proposed approachI More than one inpaintingI Loopy Belief PropagationI Super-resolution

    5 Results and comparison with existing methods

    6 Conclusion23 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Proposed approach (1/1)

    Objectives of the proposed methodWe apply an examplar-based inpainting algorithm several times andfuse together the inpainted results.

    less sensitive to the inpainting setting;relax the greedy constraint.

    The inpainting method is applied on a coarse version of the inputpicture:

    less demanding of computational resources;less sensitive to noise;K candidates for the texture synthesis without introducing blur.

    Need to fuse the inpainted images and to retrieve the highestfrequencies

    Loopy Belief Propagation and Super-Resolution algorithms.24 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    More than one inpainting (1/1)

    The baseline algorithm is anexamplar-based method: Filling order

    computation; Texture synthesis.

    Decimation factor n = 3 13 sets of parameters

    Table: Thirteen inpainting configurations.Setting Parameters

    1Patchs size 5 5

    Decimation factor n = 3Search window 80 80Sparsity-based filling order

    2 default + rotation by 180 degrees3 default + patchs size 7 74 default + rotation by 180 degrees+ patchs size 7 75 default + patchs size 11 116 default + rotation by 180 degrees+ patchs size 11 117 default + patchs size 9 98 default + rotation by 180 degrees+ patchs size 9 99 default + patchs size 9 9+ Tensor-based filling order

    10 default + patchs size 7 7+ Tensor-based filling order11 default + patchs size 5 5+ Tensor-based filling order12 default + patchs size 11 11+ Tensor-based filling order

    13default + rotation by 180 degrees

    + patchs size 9 9+ Tensor-based filling order

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Loopy Belief Propagation (1/5)

    . . . . . .Loopy Belief Propagation is used to fuse together the 13 inpainted


    Let be a finite set of labels L composed of M = 13 values.

    E(l) =p

    Vd(lp) +

    (n,m)N4Vs(ln, lm)

    where, lp the label of pixel px , represents the pixel in U and N4 isa neighbourhood system. is a weighting factor.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Loopy Belief Propagation (2/5)

    E(l) =p

    Vd(lp) +

    (n,m)N4Vs(ln, lm)

    Vd(lp) represents the cost of assigning a label lp to a pixel px :

    Vd(lp) =nL


    {I (l)(x + u) I (n)(x + u)

    }2 Vs(ln, lm) is the discontinuity cost:

    Vs(ln, lm) = (ln lm)2

    The minimization is performed iteratively (less than 15iterations) (Boykov and Kolmogorov, 2004, Boykov et al., 2001,Yedidia et al., 2005).

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Loopy Belief Propagation (3/5)

    LBP convergence: 13 inpainted image in

    input; 25 iterations; resolution=80 120.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Loopy Belief Propagation (4/5)

    LBP convergence: 13 inpainted image in

    input; 25 iterations; resolution=120 80.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Loopy Belief Propagation (5/5)

    LBP convergence: 13 inpainted image in

    input; 25 iterations; resolution=200 135.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Super-resolution (1/2)

    For the LR patch correspondingto the HR patch having thehighest priority: We look for its best

    neighbour; Only the best candidate is

    kept; The corresponding HR

    patch is simply deduced. Its pixel values are then

    copied into the unknownparts of the current HRpatch.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Super-resolution (2/2)

    To speed-up the process, we can perform thesearch:

    within a search window;

    within a dictionary (as illustrated on theright) composed of LR patches withtheir corresponding HR patches.

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Outline of the presentation

    1 Inpainting: context and issues

    2 Examplar-based inpainting

    3 Variants of Criminisis method

    4 Super-resolution-based inpainting method

    5 Results and comparison with existing methodsI ResultsI Comparison with existing methods

    6 Conclusion

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  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Results (1/4)

    34 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Results (2/4)

    35 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Results (3/4)

    36 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Results (4/4)

    37 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Comparison with existing methods (1/5)

    Three methods have been tested:

    [Komodakis] N. Komodakis, and G. Tziritas, Image Completionusing Global Optimization. in CVPR 2007 (Komodakis andTziritas, 2007);

    [Pritch] Y. Pritch, E. Kav-Venaki, S. Peleg, Shift-Map ImageEditing. in ICCV 2009 (Pritch et al., 2009);

    [He] K. He and J. Sun, Statistics of Patch Offsets for ImageCompletion. in ECCV 2012 (He and Sun, 2012).

    38 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Comparison with existing methods (2/5)

    From left to right: Komodakis, Pritch, He, Ours.39 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Comparison with existing methods (3/5)

    From left to right: Komodakis, Pritch, He, Ours.40 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Comparison with existing methods (4/5)

    Much more results on the link:http://people.irisa.fr/Olivier.Le_Meur/publi/2013_TIP/


    41 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Comparison with existing methods (5/5)

    Limitations and failure cases:

    From left to right: original, Hes method and proposed one.

    No semantic information are used... No objective quality metric.

    42 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods


    Outline of the presentation

    1 Inpainting: context and issues

    2 Examplar-based inpainting

    3 Variants of Criminisis method

    4 Super-resolution-based inpainting method

    5 Results and comparison with existing methods

    6 Conclusion

    43 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur

    Inpainting:context andissues

    Examplar-basedinpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.smethod

    Variants ofCriminisismethodFilling ordercomputationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpaintingmethodProposed approachMore than oneinpaintingLoopy BeliefPropagationSuper-resolution

    Results andcomparison withexisting methodsResultsComparison withexisting methods



    A new framework to perform inpainting of still color pictures:coarse inpainting + super-resolution.Binary file could be downloaded:http://people.irisa.fr/Olivier.Le_Meur/publi/2013_TIP/index.html

    A natural extension is to deal with video inpainting.A paper dealing with video inpainting under revision in IEEE TIP.

    44 / 44

  • Examplar-basedinpainting

    O. Le Meur


    ReferencesM. Bertalmio, G. Sapiro, V. Caselles, and C. Ballester. Image inpainting. In SIGGRPAH 2000, 2000.Y. Boykov and V. Kolmogorov. An experimental comparison of min-cut/max-flow algorithms for energy minimization in vision.

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    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 51:22822312, 2005.44 / 44

    Inpainting: context and issuesExamplar-based inpaintingPresentationNotationCriminisi et al.'s method

    Variants of Criminisi's methodFilling order computationTexture synthesisSome examplesLimitations

    Super-resolution-based inpainting methodProposed approachMore than one inpaintingLoopy Belief PropagationSuper-resolution

    Results and comparison with existing methodsResultsComparison with existing methods


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