evidence-based neonatal medicine (session ii)

Post on 05-Jan-2022






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Evidence-Based Neonatal Medicine (Session II):

Finding the Evidence in Medical Literature

Presented by:

Linda Suk-Ling Murphy, MLIS

UCI Science Library


Learning Objectives:

Introduce the neonatologists to the concept of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and to demonstrate simple methods to find and use the best evidence to answer their clinical questions.

Become competent self-directed, lifelong learners with skills to effectively and efficiently keep up to date

Develop EBP skills to solve problems encountered in daily practice.

Learn to identify problems/questions encountered in practice and seek solutions by rapidly answering clinical questions with best evidence.

Take the skill you learn today and apply it to your medical education, clinical research and practice.

Session II: Agenda Understand the basics of EBM and the essential elements

of the EBM approach. Recognizing and formulating clinical questions; Finding and accessing information (refining questions and

searching the most suitable resource); Interpreting information (appropriately evaluating

information in a quick, reliable format); and Applying information.

Formulating focus clinical questions from a case scenario Search the TRIP database for the evidence

(EBM summaries, PubMed, Systematic reviews, guidelines)

A Case Scenario

Pt: A 24 hr old male infant with bradycardia and oxygen desaturation.

Hx: The pregnancy was uncomplicated until 32 weeks’ gestation when his mother presented in preterm labor. He was born by vaginal delivery 2 days later. He did not need resuscitation and had Apgar scores of 6 at 1 min and 8 at 5 mins. His birth weight was 1600g. He was admitted to the NICU with cardiorespiratorymonitoring.

PE: His temperature, heart rate, and breathing rate were normal and he had no signs of respiratory distress while breathing room air. Formula feeds were given every 2 hours via an orogastrictube.

A Case Scenario (Cont’d)

CC: The first episode of apnea occurred at 12 hrs of age, detected by the cardiorespiratory monitor and confirmed by nursing observation. The apnea was associate with cyanosis and bradycardia to a rate of 80/min, which were quickly reversed by cutaneous stimulation. Three more episodes have occurred over the next 12 hrs.

Between events, he has looked and behaved normally for a preterm infant. But …

Your Questions About this Patient

Before taking care of this patient, what are your questions and concerns?

Where would you search to find answers for your questions?

Asking Focused Questions -- PICO The questions need to be both directly relevant to the

patient’s problems and phrased in ways that direct your search to relevant and precise answers.

Type of Clinical Question leads to Type of Study Design

Question TypeStudy Design likely to lead

least biased answer Comments

Accuracy of a diagnostic test

Independent, blind comparisonto a gold standard

Usually cross-sectional or cohort design

Therapy / Intervention

Randomized, blinded clinical trial

Systematic review of RCTs is ideal if of good quality

Harm / Etiology

RCT, concurrent cohort study, case-control study

Design will be determined by nature of exposure and frequency of outcome

Prognosis Cohort study May be prospective or historical

Presentation Notes
This information can be helpful in focusing the question and determining the most appropriate type of evidence. Clinical Q usually falls into 4 clinical categories: Diagnosis, Therapy, Etiology, and Prognosis These categories are associated with specific study type, For instance, RCT, Cohort study, Case series, etc.

Levels of Evidence

Ref: 1. Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill

Livingstone, 2000.2. EBM Pyramid copyright 2006 Trustees of Dartmouth College and Yale University. Produced by Jan Glover, Dave Izzo, Karen Odato, and Lei


PubMed vs. PubMed Clinical Queries

How would you conduct a PubMed search for a clinical question on diagnosis? (Diagnosis/Narrow[filter]) AND ((preterm infant OR prematurity

OR premature infant) AND apnea AND (monitor OR monitoring) Filters: English; Newborn: birth-1 month


((preterm infant OR prematurity OR premature infant) AND apnea AND (monitor OR monitoring) AND (sensitivity and specificity)) Filters: English; Newborn: birth-1 month

Presentation Notes
Search (Diagnosis/Broad[filter]) AND ((Electronics OR electronic) AND vital sign AND (monitor OR monitoring)) Limits: English, Newborn: birth-1 month

How Do You Apply PICO?

How should one monitor apnea in newborn infants?

How should one treat the condition? Why this particular infant is having

apnea?What is the likely outcome for this


Structuring Well-Built Clinical QuestionsPICO

Patient orProblem

Intervention (a cause, prognostic factor, treatment, etc.

Comparison Intervention(if necessary)


Tips or Building

Starting with your patient, ask "How would I describe a group of patients similar to mine?" Balance precision with brevity.

Ask "Which main intervention am I considering?"

Be specific.

Ask "What is the main alternative to compare with the intervention?"

Again, be specific.

Ask "What can I hope to accomplish?" or "What could this exposure really affect?"

Again, be specific.

Example In preterm infants with recurrent apnea

does treatment with caffeine

compared with placebo

reduce apnea and the long-term effects on neurodevelopment and growth

Presentation Notes
One of the fundamental skills required for practicing EBM is the asking of well-built clinical questions. To benefit patients and clinicians, such questions need to be both directly relevant to patients' problems and phrased in ways that direct your search to relevant and precise answers. In practice, well-built clinical questions usually contain four elements, summarized below. One of the benefits of careful and thoughtful question-forming is that the search for evidence is easier. The well-formed question makes it relatively straightforward to elicit and combine the appropriate terms needed to represent your need for information in the query language of whichever searching service is available to you.��Once you have formed the question using the PICO structure, you can think about what type of question it is you are asking, and therefore what type of research would provide the best answer.

Framing an Answerable PICO in Diagnosis

How should one monitor apnea in newborn infant?

In newborn infants, how does continuously recorded electronic monitoring compare with nursing vital sign monitoring in the detection of apnea and bradycardia

PICO -- Diagnosis

Patient / Problem

Newborn infants

Intervention Electronic monitoring

Comparison Nursing vital sign monitoring

Outcome Detection of apnea and bradycardia

Framing an Answerable PICO in Therapy How should one treat apnea in preterm infants?

In preterm infants with recurrent apnea, does treatment with caffeine compared with placebo reduce apnea and the long-term effects on neurodevelopment and growth?

PICO -- TherapyPatient / Problem

Preterm infants with recurrent apnea

Intervention Caffeine

Comparison Placebo (no treatment)

Outcome Reduce apnea and long-term effects on neurodevelopment and growth

PubMed vs. PubMed Clinical Queries

How would you conduct a PubMed search for a clinical question on Therapy?

(Therapy/narrow[filter]) AND (preterm infant OR prematurity OR premature infant) AND apnea AND Caffeine Filters: English; Newborn: birth-1 month

Presentation Notes
Search (Diagnosis/Broad[filter]) AND ((Electronics OR electronic) AND vital sign AND (monitor OR monitoring)) Limits: English, Newborn: birth-1 month

Framing an Answerable PICO in Etiology / Causation Why this particular infant is having apnea?

In newborn infants, what are the risk factors for recurrent apnea/bradycardia?

PICO – Etiology / Causation

Patient / Problem

Newborn infants

Intervention Recurrent apnea / bradycardia

ComparisonOutcome Increase likelihood of death

Presentation Notes
Search (Etiology/Narrow[filter]) AND ((recurrent apnea OR bradycardia) AND (risk OR risk factor) AND (preterm OR premature)))) AND (death OR mortality) Limits: English

PubMed vs. PubMed Clinical Queries

How would you conduct a PubMed search for a clinical question on Etiology?

(Etiology/narrow[filter]) AND (preterm infant OR prematurity OR premature infant) AND (apnea OR bradycardia) AND (risk OR risk factor) AND (mortality OR death) Filters: English; Newborn: birth-1 month

Presentation Notes
Search (Diagnosis/Broad[filter]) AND ((Electronics OR electronic) AND vital sign AND (monitor OR monitoring)) Limits: English, Newborn: birth-1 month

Framing an Answerable PICO in Prognosis

What is the likely outcome for this patient?

Are Preterm infants with recurrent apnea at increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

PICO -- PrognosisPatient / Problem Preterm infants

Intervention Recurrent apnea

ComparisonOutcome Increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome

PubMed vs. PubMed Clinical Queries

How would you conduct a PubMed search for a clinical question on Prognosis?

(Prognosis/narrow[filter]) AND (preterm infant OR prematurity OR premature infant) AND (apnea OR bradycardia) AND (mortality OR death OR sudden infant death OR SID OR impact* OR risk factor*) Filters: English; Newborn: birth-1 month

Presentation Notes
Search (Diagnosis/Broad[filter]) AND ((Electronics OR electronic) AND vital sign AND (monitor OR monitoring)) Limits: English, Newborn: birth-1 month

PubMed Clinical Queries

The Trip Database A clinical search engine designed to quickly and easily find and use

high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.

It allows clinicians to search across other content types including systematic reviews, guidelines, articles from peer-reviewed journals, patient information leaflets and medical images, videos, educational courses, and news.

Trip is updated using a number of methods. The content from PubMed is typically added every two weeks while content added manually (mostly our secondary evidence) is added once per month (typically around the middle of the month)

It is freely available at www.tripdatabase.com

Apnea of Prematurity Search in TRIP

TRIP Evidence-Based Synopses

TRIP Primary Key Research

When deciding whether to incorporate a new treatment into practice

Several Clinical Questions Must Be Addressed:1. What is the baseline risk for the condition for which a treatment

is needed?2. Is the effect of treatment real treatment real and not due to

chance?3. What is the direction and size of the treatment effect?4. Is the treatment associated with adverse effects, and how

frequently do they occur?5. What are the economic and psychosocial consequence of

treatment?6. Do the proposed benefits outweigh the risks and costs?7. Is the treatment applicable to my practice?

Assignment for the Next EBM Session1. Conduct a search from the clinical question you submitted.

2. Write up the PICO (determine your search terms and the Boolean operators)

3. Conduct the search in the Trip database.

4. Copy and paste your search Strategy.

5. Copy and paste the best available evidence (reference) you find from your search results.

6. Read and evaluate the evidence (the study) you find. Complete the CAT worksheet.

7. When we meet next week, share your search experience and result you find in the study.

Evidence Based Medicine WorksheetsAll EBM worksheets are available at the Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries at: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~library/biomed/guides/research/ebm-resources-materials.html?mswitch-redir=classic

Worksheets for:

Asking the Clinical Question and Example

Appraising the Evidence (Critical Appraisal Worksheets): Therapy, Practice Guideline, Diagnostic Test Study, Prognosis Study, Harm/Etiology, and Qualitative Study.

Applying the Evidence to the Patient:

Putting it all together - Creating and Using CATs:

CAT (Critically Appraised Topic)

Questions and Comments??

Feel free to contact your medical librarians anytime!

Steve Clancy Linda Murphy Bethany Harris949-824-7309 949-824-6419 949-824-6957sclancy@uci.edu lmurphy@uci.edu bethany.harris@uci.eduAOL: ucilibsclancy AOL: uciliblmurphy AOL UCILibharrisbr


Thank you!! 28

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