evesham township school district 2014

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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Evesham Township School District

Community Meetings Notice

2013-2014 Budget

Goals 2017—Experience Evesham Education

The Evesham Township School District is holding preliminary 2013-2014

budget meetings to provide information about the budget to the public.

Also at these meetings, information will be provided regarding the strategic

planning initiative, Goals 2017—Experience Evesham Education. You are

encouraged to attend either of the meetings scheduled.

The meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. on the dates listed below. These are

not board meetings. Information will be presented to you about the

upcoming budget and the strategic planning initiative.

Monday, February 11, DeMasi School Cafeteria

Wednesday, February 13, Marlton Middle School All-Purpose Room


Dear Evans Families,

We at the PTA are pleased to once again be sponsoring the Have a

Heart program. This program provides, with your help, much needed supplies

to Virtua Health Hospital Pediatrics in Voorhees and the Ronald McDonald

House in Camden. The facilities use your donations in comfort bags and prize

boxes. These items are intended to entertain the children and divert their at-

tention from their illness.

We are again asking that families donate new, unwrapped items; the

children range in age from infant to teenager. A list of suggested items is

following this letter. These items cannot be used since they are going to sick

children; the only exceptions are DVDs, Xbox 360 games and Frames.

(Please keep in mind that we cannot accept any food items due to dietary re-


Please send in any items that your children wish to donate to their class


This program has been a tremendous success over the past thirteen

years; the hospital and house staffs, families and patients have been over-

whelmed by your generosity.

Thank you in advance for helping us to continue this very worthwhile

program in our community. If you have any questions please contact Margie

Abate (985-3789).


Margie Abate, Gina Roesch and the Evans PTA

Have a Heart Suggested Items

Coloring/Puzzle/Activity Books

Construction Paper

Plain Paper



Simple Craft Kits

Friendship Bracelet Kits—YARN Only

Small games (Travel size)

Playing Cards


Action Figures

Small Cars


Age Appropriate Games/Toys

Lotions/Nail Polish

New or Used DVDs and Xbox 360 games

Infant/Toddler—Board/Cloth Books, Rattles, ETC.

*** Gift cards to iTunes, Wal-Mart, Target, Five-Below, ETC.

HOUSEHOLD ITEMS For The Ronald McDonald House

Paper towels, Napkins, Tissues, Aluminum Foil, Plastic Wrap, Food

Storage Bags/Containers, Laundry Products, Lotions, Soaps, Sham-

poo/Conditioner, ETC.

Would like to invite YOU to help raise money for FV Evans PTA for

Have a Heart!

Bring this invitation with you to Five Below in

Marlton, NJ and 10% of your purchase will aid to

FV Evans PTA for Have a Heart!

Our event will be held on: Date: January 25th-27th and February 8th-10th

Time: Any time! Open Friday and Saturday 10am-9pm and Sunday 11am-6pm

Where: Five Below Marlton, NJ (856-596-7268). Please contact us for any questions you may have.

(Pre tax) Purchase Amount $________________

To be completed by Five Below Associate

Register: 1 2 3 4 (circle one) Associate: _____________

There’s no doubt about it… times are tough! A new food bank is opening up in Marlton and they need our help. The Evans School community has decided to get involved and start a food drive to

benefit our friends and neighbors. Below is a list of non-perishable food items that are needed. Our collection will run from Tuesday, January 22 through Friday, February 1st. We will also have a sign-

up for any families interested in helping us organize and deliver all the food we collect on the morn-ing of Saturday, February 2nd. Items will be collected in the Evans School Atrium. Students can

bring items to school or parents can drop off during the school day. Make it fun. Have a neighbor-hood food drive first and then deliver the food to us on Saturday, February 2nd. No matter what you

decide please decide to help! Our neighbors need our help.

Please drop off food donations in the bins located inside the main entrance of Evans


We will be collecting donations from January 22nd through February 1st.

Non-Perishable Food Items Needed

Canned vegetables & fruits

Canned and boxed meals (i.e., soup, chili, stew, macaroni & cheese)

Canned or dried beans and peas (i.e., black, pinto, lentils)

Pasta, rice or any non-perishable dinner sides

Peanut butter

Granola bars, snack bars, breakfast bars

Goldfish crackers, chips, Poptarts

Canned meats (tuna, chicken, salmon) that do not require refrigeration

100% fruit juice (canned, plastic or boxed)

Low sugar cereals

Evans Elementary School

Hi! My name is ______________ and I am a student at Evans

Elementary School. A new food pantry is opening in

Marlton and they need our help. Our school community

has decided to get involved by holding a food drive to

benefit our friends and neighbors in Marlton who will

be served by the new food pantry.

If you would like to help too, please put non-perishable food items

from the list below in the attached bag and leave it on your porch by

10:00am on Saturday 01/26/13 with this flyer attached to it. I will

come back and collect it then.

Thank you in advance for supporting the food pantry and for

helping make a difference for hungry people in our community!

Non-perishable Food Items Needed

Canned Vegetables & Fruits

Canned & Boxed Meals – Soup, Chili, Stew, Mac & Cheese

Canned or Dried Beans & Peas

Pasta, Rice or Any Non-Perishable Sides

Granola Bars, Snack Bars & Breakfast Bars

Canned Meats & Fish That Do Not Require Refrigeration

100% Fruit Juice – Canned, Plastic, or Boxed

Low Sugar Cereals

Evans Recess Runners

We are headed into our 8th week of Recess Runners and the children’s enthusi-asm is still going strong even with the cold weather we have had! The thumbs up token they earned during Health and Fitness week was a hit! We will have

more special tokens coming in the near future. Thank you for encouraging your children to participate and please continue to do so!

Please make sure that your child is dressed properly for recess runners on Tues-days and Thursdays. They need to wear sneakers and although they are running,

the weather has been extremely cold and windy so they still need to wear a coat, hat and gloves.

The February Recess Runners Sign up is Live.

If you can come to school to help out on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 11:00AM – 1:30PM please sign up Here. Please remember that everyone must sign in at the

office and get a visitor’s pass before coming down to the playground.

If you can’t stay the whole time but want to come cheer your children on during their lunch, email me at bcribben@verizon.net to let me know when you are

coming and then sign in at the office, get a visitor’s pass and come down to the playground to see what all the excitement is about!

Thank You!

Next PTA Meeting Our February PTA Meeting will be held on

Monday, February 4th at 7pm

in the Evans Library!!

Please join us!

This is a change in date—originally scheduled for February 6th

Our next Box Top collection is coming up!!!

Please send in all Box Tops by Tuesday, February 12th.

They should be sent in an envelope with your teacher’s name on them.

The class with the most Box Tops collected will win a pretzel and juice party!!!

Thank you!

Girl Scout Cookies for our Troops in


Please help support our brave men and women in Afghanistan by sending them Girl Scout Cookies!

It is easy and fun. Here is how it works: Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey is partnering with the Marlton Girl Scouts to send lots of tasty treats and loving remind-ers from home to those deployed in harm’s way in Afghanistan and those supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

Simply visit www.operationyellowribbonsouthjersey.org and hit the Paypal button found on the home page. Enter your generous donation and add “COOKIES” to the subject line before submitting your donation. For every $4 donated, OYR will acquire 1 box of Girl Scout cookies and ship them directly to US Service Members in Afghanistan.

Don’t have Paypal? Simply mail your generous donation to Operation Yellow Ribbon of SJ at PO Box 43 in Marlton, NJ 08053. Simply put “COOKIES” in the memo section of your check and OYR will know to use it 100% to buy cookies from The Marlton Girl Scouts to ship to Afghanistan.

Or contact OYR of SJ at operationyellowribbonsj@gmail.com to coordinate a pick up or a drop off of any Girl Scout Cookies you choose to donate in person.

Send the Troops a personal note too!!

Feel free to write a short message with your Paypal Payment (please add to the payment details before submitting donation) or send along when mailing your check and we will write your personal message on the front of each box of cookies with a magic marker and make sure the recipients get your personal message.

All shipping expenses will covered by Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey as OYR ships care packages to U.S. Troops in Af-ghanistan weekly. On behalf of OYR members and those serving our country and deployed in Afghanistan, thank you so very much for your generosity and support.

Money will be collected for this promotion through February 17th, 2013. Thank you!


Not a school-sponsored event

Not a school-sponsored event

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