evernote intro

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Introduction to Evernote

1. Get an account

Open this app

Use your school e-mail address:13abc01@students.columbia.k12.mo.us

Set a password that you can remember!I recommend it be the same as your school login.

Your first screen should look something like this.

Click the elephant to create a new notebook.

Click on Notebooks

Choose Edit

Click New Notebook

Name your notebook.Title it Class Name + Your Name

This screen should come up.Select your new folder.

When you are in your notebook,the title should be at the top of the page.

Click on the the Sharing button

Choose Invite Individuals

Enter your teacher's e-mail. ATeacher


This message should appear if you have correctly shared your


Click on this + to start a new note for today.

Add an appropriate title for today's notes.

Make sure you are in the correct notebook.

Begin typing the body of your note!

You should be good to go!

Double-check with your teacher that they received your sharing invite. Your notebook will

automatically update from now on for your etcher to see.

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