evaluation question 6 part 2

Post on 19-May-2015






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Evaluation Question 6 (Part 2): What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We used “i-movie” to edit our film. I believe that i-movie is quite easy to software to use and I believe we have shown this with the way we have edited our film.

We used “Cinema 4D” to create the “Imperial Productions” logo for our film. We found this software easy to understand and it did not take us a long time to make our logo even though it looks quite authentic and professional.

We used “Garage Band” to create and edit the music for our film and learning how to use it was quite simple.

We used “Sony Vegas” for the animatic and some of the music for the research of our thriller.

We used “Paint” to help crop some of the pictures we scanned and this made our work a lot more neat and easy to understand.

We used “Microsoft Excel” to make our timeline and we used this program because you are able to make your work very organized.

We used “Microsoft Word” to type the research we

We use “Youtube” to upload our videos onto.

We used “Powerpoint” for our research and evaluation of our film.

We used “flickr” to put our powerpoints on the blog.

We have used “Blogger” to post everything that we have done for our

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