evaluation question 6

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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What have you learnt about technologiesfrom the process of constructing the product?ROBERT GODDARD – DIGITAL RED PRODUCTIONS

What I have learnt from using Technology.

Using technology is a serious responsibility in terms of using it to create a film. I learned while making our film. I had many difficulties with the Camera as I did not know until later on that the Camera’s battery still lowers while turned off, either due to a faulty battery or energy release I do not know. So we had to take many precautions and have our recording sessions planned out PERFECTLY before the recording had taken place

Other technical difficulties involved losing data should the camera have ran out of battery despite having saved videos before it had lost its power, We had to re-record scenes many times and it became extremely tedious. Though through these recording sessions we have learned to double check everything to make sure it is prepared for the recording session otherwise something can and WILL mess up

What Hardware did we use? I handled mainly the hardware side of the recording. Red made use of Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier CC to edit the film once we were done recording each and every part of it. I on the other hand managed the Cameras, the camera type was a handheld camera with a grip and a screen that flipped from the side, making it easy to see what exactly it was recording while we recorded. The other pieces of hardware we used when lacking that camera was our phones. We both used Android Cameras to record. Thankfully they came out with equal quality as with the camera so there was no continuity errors in quality. That was all the Hardware and Software we used for our Recordings

Did you realise so much work went into creating similarmedia products?

I had no clue that so much effort was required to make a single two minutes of film. It had taken us 4 weeks to produce only two minutes of edited film. It was difficult for us to manage that due to the amount of technical difficulties, I did not think it would be easy in the slightest however I did not expect it to be THIS hard.

Assess your technical skills: are there any shots or editsyou are really proud of?

There are quite a few shots I am particularly proud of, Specifically 2 of them

The First: The shot where Drauk details that if Daeris forces him into a position where he must kill her, he will carry that action out. I particularly liked this shot and how I had it positioned because that way it was centred on my eyes, showing the determination in Drauk’s face.

The Second: The shot where Drauk attempts to get up off the ground after being knocked out by Doroneth’s Green lightning bolt. The way the Camera was moved up from Daeris’ face to her turning around to see Drauk getting up on his feet stubbornly.

What would you do differently to improve or alter yourproduct?

I would have made a lengthier fight scene with a better and smoother transition from each position to another, making the whole fight scene look a bit better without all the hesitant and jagged areas once Daeris Stabs Drauk. This would have over all improved on it a lot without the unneeded pauses between each move

Another thing I would have changed is that I would have allowed Doroneth to appear a little bit before hand so her appearance is not so completely random, during the editing, Doroneth seemed to just, disappear on and off the Screen. I wanted to make sure there were no continuity errors in the filming

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