evaluation question 6

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Evaluation Question 6

Who would be the audience for my media product?

The audience for my Pop music magazine, is young, teenage girls between the ages of 15-17 but some of the content can be aimed at 14-17 as my magazine is aimed for a wider audience bracket.

These girls will have a disposable income either from a part time job or pocket money from their parents, nevertheless it is important that ‘Chart Poppers!’ remains affordable. Their parents and themselves will fall into the C1/C2 socioeconomic grouping and will most likely be mainstreamers therefore will want to keep up with all the latest trends and songs. As a result they won’t want any challenging media and will look towards celebrities as role models and be interested in pop music, fashion, boy bands and will look to my magazine for advice creating a “big-sister” relationship with my audience, therefore my magazine shall reflect this in order to cater to their needs.

When deciding who my audience would be for my media product I carefully considered my target

audience before making my media product:

Target Readership:

Chart Poppers! Is a new music magazine with the target audience of female teens aged who enjoy listening to pop music and this is their favourite genre of music. The target age for a Chart Poppers reader is 15-17 year olds but the magazine may also be read by younger sisters or friends. However it is mainly aimed toward the 14-17 year olds because at this age they are most influenced by pop music and this genre appeals to them mostly. A lot of the readers are at the age where they may have a part time job so by releasing the magazine monthly they can pay for it with their wages at the end of the month. Nevertheless, many of the parents will buy their daughters the magazine and will be in the C1/C2 Socioeconomic grouping so it is important that the magazine is affordable by all and this way the lower economic groups are able to enjoy reading it also.

The front cover works as a hook, it is what will help sell my magazine as it will be what people first see. Therefore, when creating my magazine I spent a lot of time focusing on how to make my cover as appealing as possible. I

paid close attention to the picture and made sure the cover lines were bold and bright but still readable to the audience, I also made sure that I

included everything my target audience looked for i.e. celebrity model. Fashion articles, exclusive interviews and competitions therefore making my

magazine more successful with my audience. .

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