evaluation planning & tools workshop€¦ · 2. a theory of change for your project 3. an...

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Evaluation Planning & Tools Workshop

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Evaluation Planning

Text and content copyright © 2014 Project Oracle. All rights reserved.

The correct design will depend

on what questions you

want to answer through your



Evaluation design

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Potential Questions…

Questions Evaluation Type

How well was the programme done? How could we improve it?

Process Evaluation

What difference did the programme make to those taking part?

Outcome/Impact Evaluation

How did the change happen?Why did the change happen?

Realistic Evaluation

Would this have happened anyway?Did our project cause these changes?

Comparisons in Evaluation

Is the programme worth the money? Economic Evaluation

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Design your evaluation


Standards of Evidence & Evaluation Design

Standard Types of Evaluation

Standard 2 Outcome evaluation

Standard 3 Outcome evaluation with comparison

Standard 4 Outcome evaluation focussing on if the project works in other settingsHow and why changes happenProcess evaluationEconomic evaluation

Standard 5 As Standard 4

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Outcome evaluation plan

When planning consider is it: appropriate? feasible? necessary? ethical?

Be realistic and integrate existing practice!


Outcome Indicator Data

source &

how you

will collect


When will it



Who will

collect this?

What proportion of

people will you

gather this from, and

how will they be


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Methods for collecting data

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Your methods should be

Valid: measure what it intends to measure

Reliable: the same result is obtained from using the method on repeated occasions

Both of these lead to confidence in the robustness of the evidence

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Types of data collection

• based on numbers • Closed questions: How many? How long?

• descriptive & in-depth• Open questions: Why? How?



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Mixed Methods

Mixed methods are exactly that – using different techniques to answer the same question

For example for a school based project:

• Test scores are compared with a comparison group and the start and end of the project

• Interviews with children, parents and teachers to gain a more in-depth view as to how and why changes happened

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Validated tools are designed to measure specified changes. They have been tested and are widely used, meaning that they are reliable.

Examples:• NPC Well-being Measure • Strengths and difficulties • Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale• Outcomes Star


Validated tools

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1. Basic information on your project

2. A Theory of Change for your project

3. An evaluation plan for your project

Register and validate your project at: www.project-oracle.com

Deadlines: 1st March, 1st June, 1st

September and 1st December


Standard 1 Validation: What’s required

Text and content copyright © 2014 Project Oracle. All rights reserved.

1. Further Training on Evaluation Planning & Tools…

2. Cohort Participation…

3. Events

Contact us: Haile Warner

Provider Lead

020 7148 6726


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