evaluation p7

Post on 16-Feb-2017






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In this the establishing shot of my preliminary task there is lots of background nose that is not overly noticeable although it lowers the quality of the film as it suggests that there has been no editing to the footage. The sound of some type of machine can be herd mixed in with the muffled sound of the door opening. this is where i should have added in sound affects and removed the sound that the camera picked up completely.

The actors that I used for my preliminary task were not very confident in what they had to say or do. This is shown it this shot where the actor is laughing. I realised this was because they had no stage directions and no script to follow

For my preliminary I made manny silly filming mistakes. this was very much dew to the lack of experience. This shot here shows how I cut off the top of my actors head and did not place her in the centre of the shot adding to the fact this is meant to be and over the shoulder shot and I have missed filming the actual shoulder.

The context of the the film is that they are two friends talking about there weekend. this would suggest that they are in school in on Monday morning, this means there would be other school kids around and also defiantly be a background nose of kids. The point that the rest of the room is completely empty and there is no background nose makes the film seem very amateur and unbelievable.

Within these two shots i show the only transition that i was capable of doing where actually its just a cut transition tis i used all the way throughout my pulmonary task. It works well for the opening of the door scene however if the film was to be longer E.G 2 mins then this would become a very boring peace of film.

In this (the establishing) shot of my opening sequence it really completes it purpose unlike in my preliminary task which started with a door opening. I also changed how i filmed and entered sound on to the footage. after filming i completely removed the sound to get rid of the wind sound hitting the microphone on the camera and then implanted the sounds that in this case was music on to iMovies separately. this is something that i improved upon from my preliminary task.

Examples of doing different things better and more affectively in my opening sequence.

When filming my opening sequence i ensured that the actor that was going to be selected had a satisfactory-good acting skill to ensure that they would be able to do what was required of them. after the actor was selected they had a strict and clear set of stage directions so that they were a-where of what they needed to do. we then also decided to film at each shot up-lest three times to make up certain that there would be at least one perfect shot to be used.

As of some shots in the preliminary task went wrong i insured that each and every shot was planned and shot as close to the plan as possible. Therefor eliminating any shot that had an accident or problem in it. We planned all the shots by using a story board and a shot list.

learning from my preliminary task that context is very important we decided to put a close up shot of the tablets that the boy in our film has overdosed on. This is because the audience may want to clarify why the boy is laying on the flour. Although we would hope that they had already have worked it out it is always best to be extremely clear.

Within the opening sequence I insured that I used different transitions other than straight cuts to create the feel of the opening. I used transitions called cross blear and to black to make the shots move in to each other slowly and almost get a sort of blinking affect that links to our story. I found that this was very important from my preliminary task as it did not flow together very well.

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