evaluation 6

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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Evaluation 6 – What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product

Victoria Rooney


Video Camera- We used a video camera to film our film opening and our preliminary task, because it is a professional piece of equipment giving us a good quality recording. This also allowed us to import it onto iMovie to edit it. By using this piece of equipment I have gained many new skills such as; learning new shots and how to move the camera in a smooth manner professionally, also knowing which shot fits which situation.

Video Camera

iMac - I used an iMac when editing our movie, because I had a Mac at home and so it was easier and quicker to edit it at home than waiting till lessons at school. Using an iMac I now know more about iMovie, before I didn't’t know as much and just used it for basic things, but spending more time and wanting to adapt our movie to better our work, this taught me how to use specific things and learn where every tool was and how to use it.


USB cable - We used a USB cable when transferring our recordings onto the mac, I normallyUse the USB to add music and photos onto my IPhone, however using the USB taught me how to export files properly.

USB Cable


Photoshop – We used Photoshop to create our production company logo, we used this piece of software because it is a professional piece of photo equipment also it is the best way to create a good quality image. From using this I learnt many things such as what different tools mean and how to use them correctly.


iMovie – We used iMovie for editing our preliminary text and our film opening. We used It because It was easy to use, effective and we could do it within our homes making it quicker ad easier to finish, secondly we found iMovie more detailed. As I have an iMac at home we decided it would be better to use iMovie because we can use it at home and within school.


Power Point

We used PowerPoint for many presentations, it was easy to use as I knew what to do and where everything was also I could use it at home and at school. I learnt from PowerPoint that there were many more icons to use as well as the other stuff I knew.

Online Tools

We used Google a lot when researching blog information, this was a very effective tool and told me all I needed to know. When ever we go confused or didn’t know how to something on iMovie for example, we Goggled it and it told us what to do. I used how use Google effectively.



We used Blogger to upload our work online to the teachers, this was very effective as ourselves, group members and teachers could see our work online also we could access things to finish where ever we are. This piece of online tools is effective because you can choose a layout, the background and so on it is easy to view everything and use and it makes your work look professional. Before I used this I didn’t fully know what Blogger was however now I do and I know how to use it.


I used Prezi to give a change to my work, using PowerPoint all the time and other documents would make my work look boring because it was all the same, with Prezi it gave my work a twist each time as you can choose different ways to lay it out it made my work exciting and interesting. I hadn't heard of Prezi before I did my work, however now I know what it is and how to use it.

Art Of The Titles

Art Of The Titles is an online tool that I used for viewing film openings to help me wit my film opening and my work, I used it for ideas and for the collage needed for one of my tasks. Before I started my film opening I didn’t know what this was, I hadn't heard of it however I now know what it is and it has helped with my work.

Slide Share

Slide Share is a good online tool, it helped me attach my PowerPoint's onto my Blog I didn’t know how I was going to attach them until I was told about Slide Share. Slide Share is quick, easy and effective.

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