
Post on 18-May-2015






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Who would be the audience for your media product?By Amelia Barrett

further on in the film there would have been several killing scenes, which would of involved the convention of blood for the genre of horror. The reason we chose to have strong violence was because our horror film opening is categorized as the sub genre of slasher therefore without the killing it wouldn’t come under this therefore this was vital to have. The main reason we chose the classification of 15 was because as a group we researched and found out that 15-25 year olds are the main audience who find horror films very appealing and always watch or purchase them. This would then allow us to reach as big as an audience as we could. Furthermore this meant that we wouldn’t classify our horror film opening as an 18 the reasons for this are that having it as an 18 would cut most of our audience as young youths under the age of 18 wouldn’t be able to pay

because of the strong language that we have used and would be used if the film was fully constructed. The strong language is swearing and this was used to emphasis the working class of the teenagers, also to emphasis their rebellious behavior. The classification was also chosen because of the strong violence as

W have given our horror film opening ‘Scarlett’ a classification rating of 15 this is

In our horror film opening/ slasher there isn’t particular gender that is fit to watch our film. This is because when I researched the percentage of how many females watch horror and how many males watch horror the sources were very unreliable and said different percentages every time. Therefore because of our secondary research not being accurate we as a group decided to appeal our horror film opening to both genders. We did this by using both both genders in the film as the characters were both male and female who contained different personalities. For example the character ‘Sadie’ was a very romantic and affectionate character that was in a relationship this would relate to a lot of females as in their life they could be in this scenario. Furthermore the character of ‘Sadie’ was wearing a tight dress and tights, which were shown to be a sexual figures this, would attract the male gender. In our horror film opening we didn’t appeal just one race, as our horror film opening was multiracial this was because we had one mixed race Caribbean, two Lithuanians and three British actors/actresses. However the class that we were appealing to be the

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