evaluation 3

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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How did you use media technologies in the construction, research and planning and evaluation stages?


While using my three products, I used many technologies to make them. This ranges from Google to Final Cut to Photoshop and more.

PlanningI used Blogger to record all of the planning I made. I could lay out my work in a way that I wanted too, and could also include videos from YouTube and images which can help illustrate the planning. Blogger was a good way to also write down all my ideas and could be used on mobiles which was helpful to me.

I used Youtube to help my research for my music video as I found similar genres to my artist and tried to find conventions in the videos that I could include. I gained many ideas from watching videos as it would help have a professional feel. There are so many videos that are available which made the search easy.

I used internet on the computer and used the Google search engine. I used the internet to help with research about the theorists to help with the explanations of conventions of music videos. I also used the internet to help find artists that were similar to mine and find digipaks and adverts that were similar as well. I also was able to gain pictures from the internet to put on my blog.

I used a camera to record ‘Hit me baby one more time’ which was a task we completed as a class to get an idea about how many different shots that were going to be used for a small task. We filmed and edited the video and I realised how many shots were in one small scene.

These technologies helped me with the planning as I was enabled to gain knowledge for certain aspects that I needed to create which helped me. I also got experience of using the equipment before which gives me more insight of how to use it to save me time later on with any problems that I could encounter.

Construction Final Cut Express

Final cut is an editing programme which is designed for Mac’s by Apple, it enables you to edit clips of a video and add effects to them. I used final cut express to make my music video, I used this before for my film making in AS which gave me some experience and help with the task as I knew the basics of the programme before I started. I used many of the effects as I got to spend a lot of time testing them out, I used the effects that manipulated the colour of the shots to black and white and effects the manipulate the look of the image for example using tiled image and mirroring. I learnt how to also use slow and fast motion to add more interest to the video. I learnt how to lip-sync on final cut express which was more straight forward then I thought it would have been, I simply added in markers to the correct place where I chose to lip-sync and then moved the sound/image to the same place. As a music video had many cut shots and the speed had to be fast having AS as experience really helped me with being able to do this at a face pace.


Photoshop is a programme made by Adobe to help change the way images look, I used Photoshop to create my Digipak and advert. We had a template with the correct look of the digipak and made sure the dimensions of the document was the correct size. I have used Photoshop previously which gave me an advantage to knowing the ways around the programme. I tried different ways to style my digipack for example change the background and experimented with different ways. I used a skill that I learnt of how to change the colour over the image which I then kept as a theme for my digipak and added to the other documents.


Prezi is a website which allows you to create a presentation by using different themes. Prezi is an extremely straight forward and easy way to create, I used this for my evaluation for AS which gave me some experience so I didn’t have to waste time figuring out ways to use the programme. Prezi allowed me to create an interesting way to show my evaluations rather than a boring document.


iMovie is a programme made by Apple for Mac’s for editing clips and being able to add effects. I used this in my evaluation for my directors commentary as I was able to voice record over my music video that I made. This was very easy to use, all I had to do was press record and stop and it automatically saved which was good incase something went wrong.

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