european utility week - export€¦ · company profile year of establishment: 1967 number of...

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European Utility WeekAmsterdam RAI, Pavilion no. 1.B55October 15-17


Companies Index

Eltam ..................................................... 4

Greenlet .................................................. 5

ISG ......................................................... 6

Miltel ..................................................... 7

NRG-Pro ................................................. 8

Powercom Energy ..................................... 9

SangamTech Ltd. ..................................... 10

Satec ...................................................... 11

Tamuz Electronics Ltd ................................12


One goal - Wide partnership

The national program is led by:Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor Foreign Trade Administration - Investment Promotion Center, Ministry of National Infrastructure

Members:The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute | Prime Minister’s Office | Ministry of Finance | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Ministry of National Infrastructure | Ministry of Environ-mental Protection | Ministry of Science Culture & Sport | Ministry of Agriculture | Ministry of Negev and Galilee | Public Utility Author-ity- Electricity | Council for Higher Education

Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor: Office of The Chief Scientist | The Israel Standards Institute | Industrial Cooperation Authority | ASHRA - The Israel Export Insurance Corp. Ltd. | Economic Planning Administration | Knowledge-Intensive Industry Administration | Manpower Training and Development Bureau

The National Energy and Water ProgramIsrael NEWTech was established in 2006 under the leadership of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor and with the participation of ten government ministries and official organisations. Israel NEWTech focuses on water and energy technologies and provides an infrastructure that encourages the development of technologies in this sector.For more information on Israel NEWTech, please visit website:

The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute, founded in 1958, is supported by over 2,600 member firms, private sector bodies, and the Israeli government. The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute promotes business relationships between Israeli exporters and overseas businesses and organisations.Energy & Environmental Technologies DepartmentThe IEICI’s Water & Environmental Technologies Department has an intimate acquaintance with the Israeli Water, Renewable Energy & Environmental industry exporters, which includes more than 400 companies, and about 100 start-ups. It has a proven ability to identify and match suitable potential business partners, organising one-on-one business meetings and is a focal point for contacts with the government as well as with the industry. By providing a wide range of export-oriented services to Israeli companies, and complementary services to the international business community, the institute helps to build successful joint ventures, strategic alliances, and trade partnerships.Contact:Adi Bokobza - Business Development Manager - Energy & Environment Tel: +972 3 514 2876 | Fax: +972 3 514 2881The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute29 Hamered St., Tel Aviv 68125, IsraelEmail: |

The Israeli Economic Mission to the Netherlands The role of the Economic and commercial Department at the Israeli Embassy in the Hague is to promote business and trade relations between Israel and the Netherlands. We support this mission by promoting Business relations, Trade, Investments and cooperation between the two business communities. We aim to encourage meetings between people, and offer our matchmaking service to Israel companies who aim to do business in the Netherlands, and to Dutch companies who are interested in Europe.

Contact:Yaron Schrotter - Director, Economic and Commercial Affairs Embassy of Israel Tel: Tel: +31(0)70 376 0514 | Fax: +31 (0)70 3760 594 Email:


Category: Control systems, Renewable energy, R&D

Objectives / Target companiesTo offer a variety of smart and efficient lighting solutions - a package deal includes the ballasts up to the controlling web-application.

Company profileYear of establishment: 1967Number of employees: 200

Background of the companyEltam is a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced systems for lighting. A designer of energy efficient ballasts and whole solutions for indoor, outdoor and agricultural lighting. Eltam is a one-stop-shop for energy efficient and intelligent street lighting systems. Eltam offers a package of electronic ballasts, integrated with various last-mile communication protocols, cellular controllers (RTU) and a state-of-the-art web based software. The Street-Clout™ concept and the ON-SiTE® (a web based software) allows the end user to monitor and control an individual streetlight or a group of streetlights in the city. With these abilities, Eltam is taking place as a significant player at the future Smart-City and Smart-Grid vision.

Examples of projectsStreet light solution in various location around the world: Residence Areas: Germany, Weeisach; Czech republic, Zlin; Holland, Gelrlend province; France, Chateau Thierry. Road Lighting: Projects Portugal, Highway A28; Holland, N383; Sweden, E257 Vasterhaninge.Public Areas projects: Italy, Casciago; Holland, StadsKanaal; Spain, Burgos; Israel, Holon.Indoor Projects: Holland, de Haag; UK, London; Spain, Seville.And many more…

Technologies & productsGeneral description:The need to control and monitor lighting systems coincides with the global need for energy saving, environmental preservation and sustainability.The EHID ballast offers a wide range of communication interfaces to suit various market requirements. The EHID enables digital control of all the parameters via a number of communication protocols. The ON-SiTE System enable control and monitoring of single lamps or a group of lamps through a variety of smart solutions.Function of the product(s):The EHID ballast serves as the communication platform facilitating real-time malfunction identification, control, dimming and complete system monitoring. Accordingly, energy consumption reaches optimal levels. The EHID series with the ON-SiTE enables digital control of all the parameters via a number of communication protocols and via cellular network and web applications.


Company profileGreenlet is a Smart Grid startup, focused on energy management and ‘Peak Shaving’ (power reduction during Peak Hours). Our system serves as a “Virtual Plant”- it reduces MegaWatts and substitutes power plants. Our unique deployment model (Send => Connect => Control) and technology allow building “Virtual Plants” without any professional installation (no need for smart meter or controllers).Greenlet offers electric utilities and Energy Service companies with a unique B2B solution for power reduction. Using the integrated solution (management system, end-point units and customer portal)- utilities reduce a lot of power during peak hours, avoid power outages, avoid extremely high generation costs and reduce pollution and global warming. Greenlet’s business model allows for sending greenletTM pluggable units to any customer (institutional, industrial, and residential) by mail, for self-deployment. Peak shaving is achieved without installation.Year of establishment: 2008No. of employees: 8

Background of the companyGreenlet Technologies Ltd. Is an Israeli startup focused on Scalable Energy Control. As a Smart Grid startup it combines Hi-tech, Clean Energy and business disciplines. Greenlet’s founders bring a lot of experience in high-tech and business and its employees have served in many successful startups. Greenlet has offices in Tel-Aviv (headquarters and R&D) and in NY (focused on marketing).

Examples of projectsPower reduction at institutional (municipalities, government) buildings.A residential project for power control and monitoring during peak hours.

Technologies & products1. A centralized management application (GEMS) through which Utilities

& service companies control & monitor power, deploy ‘peak shaving’ programs, validate true power reduction and calculate reward for customers.

2. Pluggable GREENLETs (=Green Outlets) which are sent to customers by mail for self-deployment, controlling and monitoring loads.

3. Web Portal for customers, for power monitoring and control.

Objectives / Target companiesElectric companies (utilities) and Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), smart grid vendors.

Category: Smart Grid, Energy Management, Energy Efficiency, power monitoring & controlSub Category: Demand Response, Demand Side Management


Company profileIsraeli Smart Grid (ISG) is an Israeli consortium of 8 industrial companies and 5 academic institutes.ISG was established in 2011 and its mission is to develop new technologies and solutions for the Smart Grid with an emphasis on Communication, Control Systems and Demand Response technologies. The ISG consortium is comprised of the following companies: CEVA, Yitran, ECI Telecom, Motorola Solutions, PowerCom, Mobix, Satec and Control Applications. ISG also includes 5 academic Institutions including Tel Aviv University, Ben Gurion University, The Hebrew University, Ariel University and Holon Technology Institute.Our mission is to ‘Develop a technological infrastructure for the integration of communication and control networks that will enable optimal use of energy for a cleaner world’. ISG creates a synergy between small companies that have new/advanced technology and large companies with an established presence in the market.Year of establishment: 2011

Background of the companyThe consortium was founded by Shay Adar, Business Development Manager at CEVA and Aner Shoham, Program Manager at Wavion. The consortium R&D activities are funded by the MAGNET Program, in the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor, which sponsors innovative generic industry-oriented technologies to strengthen Israel’s technological expertise and enhance competitiveness.

Technologies & productsISG is focusing on the following topics:

• Accurate demand forecasting for smaller groups of users using advanced data mining, graphical models and consumer “signatures” methods.

• Real-time early detection and prevention of failures in the grid.

• Isolation of failures to prevent the “domino effect” by automatic isolation of the faulty area.

•Management of a large distributed control network.

• Unified network architecture to support multiple types of networks as one homogeneous network.

• Protocols to support network immunity reliability and survivability in face of faults and attacks.

• Support for high rate and low delays in noisy communication channels.

• Accurate and reliable time synchronization in large networks.

• Advance communication algorithms for Enhanced PLC and Wireless communication (use of polar codes and OFDM/MIMO technologies to improve up to 10 times the rate and capacity of a PLC network).

Objectives / Target companiesWe would like to meet US-based companies that share some commonality with our consortium’s Member companies and are interested in the technologies ISG focuses on; we would also like to build a Relationship with similar US-based consortiums like the NY State Smart Grid Consortium and exchange information with them. We would like to hear about market trends and smart grid new technologies from leading companies, and learn the needs and challenges of the local utilities with whom we will meet.

Category: Smart GridSub Category: Communications & Control, Analyzers and control systems


Category: Water Resources Management, Water Security, Analysis and Control SystemsSub Category: Intelligent Water Management, AMR/AMI, Analytics, Sewer Level Monitoring, Fire Hydrant Locking-Monitoring-Management, Pressure Monitoring

Contact: David Passentin |

Objectives / Target companies1. Establish contact with appropriate person(s) dealing with telemetry solutions for various applications in

municipal or investor-owned utilities.2. Establish contact with integrators providing IT and infrastructure solutions to municipalities and utilities.3. Establish contact with meter manufacturers serving international and local markets.

Company profileMiltel Communications is a leading company in the field of wireless telemetry systems with significant experience in advanced water management, automatic meter reading and other smarter city solutions. Miltel Communications’ Data Acquisition and Transport system is a wireless enabling technology for collecting data from sensors. With more than 1,500 installations around the world Miltel has a proven, robust solution for utility, municipal, agricultural and many other applications.Year of establishment: 1991No. of employees: 40

Background of the companyMiltel Communications Ltd. is a privately held, Israel-based company that develops, manufactures, and sells Telemetry RF Solutions. The proprietary technology that Miltel has developed has been adapted to meet the regulations of many countries around the world, and, for certain applications, such as Automatic Meter Reading, Miltel possesses one of the few solutions that can provide a common solution for a global market. To date, Miltel’s primary business area has been wireless Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems for the remote reading of water, gas, heat energy and electric meters.

Examples of projects • City-wide installation of a Heat Energy Management system in Riga, Latvia.

•More than 1,200 sub-metering sites in the U.S. connected to 500,000 utility meters.

• City-wide Intelligent Water Management system in Ra’anana and several other towns in Israel.

Technologies & productsGeneral description:Miltel’s system is based on a wireless fixed network architecture that collects data from a wide variety of sensors and transports the data to control center systems. Digital and analog interfaces are supported with multiple channels of data accessible per endpoint. Miltel’s infrastructure is general purpose and multiple end-to-end solutions can be implemented over the same Miltel network. Miltel’s extensive experience is based on a large number of sites in the United States, Europe, the Far East and the Middle East.Function of the product(s):Miltel’s core technology is a fixed radio network (one-way and two-way) that comprises transmitting end-points (that interface to meters, sensors, and other devices), repeaters, gateways, and control center software. Miltel’s radio technology operates in the 150 - 470 MHz. range, is easily adaptable to many different local standards, and has been installed in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East. Miltel system gateways act as interface points to a number of different public networks such as WiFi/WiMax, GPRS, LAN/WAN, etc.


Company profileNRG-Pro provides state of the art Smart Grid Predictive Analytics solutions for the rising challenges in the Energy & Utilities Industry. Our solutions enable all parties participating in the Energy supply chain to analyse the massive amount of sub-hourly data collected from millions of smart meters, in order to maximize the efficiency of Energy operations and control.Year of establishment: 2012

Background on the companyNRG-Pro’s technology is a result of extensive research and development done by Machine-Learning PhDs and top experts. The accuracy of its predictions was benchmarked against world’s leading platforms, and NRG-Pro outperformed in almost every measure.

Examples of projectsNRG-Pro has successfully implemented pilots in Israeli privately owned power stations.

Technologies & productsThe NRG-Pro solutions are based on cutting edge Machine-Learning Big-Data algorithms, guaranteeing real time accurate and reliable energy forecasting, in a fully automated, plug-and-play manner. The NRG-Pro engine monitors each meter separately, learns its underlying correlations, then uses unique information-theory based algorithms in order to decompose each meter’s behaviour into sub-series, which are then automatically modelled.The data and predictions are presented with advanced visual tools, enabling the end user to self-explore, gain insights and comprehend the data, run simulations and impact analysis, view correlations, create ‘what if’ scenarios and more, without requiring any technical or statistical background. The NRG-Pro solutions also include a monitoring module, which monitors each meter separately, and uses distinctive anomaly detection algorithms in order to detect early warnings of irregularities, and identify the irregularities’ signature.The NRG-Pro portfolio consists of products for load research and forecasting, electricity price forecasting, revenue protection, meter operational monitoring, consumption behavior analysis for pricing and energy efficiency programs, as well as visual big-data exploration, impact analysis and simulation tools.

Objectives / Target companiesNRG-Pro solutions are aimed at all parties which participate in the energy supply chain: utilities, traders, distributers, grid operators, retailers, renewable energy power stations and energy consumers.

Category: Smart GridSub Category: Smart Grid Data Analytics


Category: Energy, Cleatech, Smart Grid, AMR/AMI systems, Water, GasSub Category: Smart Grid, Smart Metering, Energy Efficancy, Load Management, EV Charging, Prepayment systems, AMI systems

Contact: Yackov Dar |

Company profileSmart Meter/Smart Grid Solution provider offering AMR/AMI.Year of establishment: 2006No. of employees: 52

Background of the companyFormally “Flextronics Design” team.Owners: Yaniv Oren, Yackov Dar, Israeli Electric Company.

Examples of projects Installations in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.Smart Metering installations with the IECo (Israeli Electric Company), EDP (Energie De Portugal), JEDCO (Jerusalem District Electric Company), AngloGold, Scaw Metal, Municipalities, ESCo companies, Hotels, Schools, Industrial and Commercial customer, and Energy Distribution providers.

Technologies & productsGeneral description:Powercom is a “Smart Metering/Smart Grid” company. The company offers (AMI) Advanced Meter Infrastructure for Electricity, Water, and Gas. PowerCom develops and produces “Smart meters”, Concentrators and powerful web server software to support its customers. The system’s intellectual property is based on a Dynamic PLC (Power Line Carrier) technology. Over the last two years, PowerCom has been successful in implementing the world’s first most advanced, reliable and secured PLC communication. The breakthrough is achieved by developing Dynamic PL communication algorithms (based on software and hardware) which allows data transmission at any grid line infrastructure. PowerCom solution is based on real time monitoring of the power line behavior and adopting its data transmission to the existing conditions.Function of the product(s): wires (Aluminum/Copper), at any world location in seconds. The system speed has been tested in different environments and Locations, and the results are excellent. The system is fully working and already deployed in more than 100 sites. Powercom is in final stages of developing the “Smart Meters” for the US market based on multiple communication platforms.

Objectives / Target companiesUtilities, Energy Distribution companies and project integrators around the globe.


Category: Smart Grid Analysing software solutions.Sub Category: Data Analytics.

Company profileSangamTech Ltd. is a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for the energy market. With its end-to-end, multi-layered Smart Grid solution, the company will enable power utilities, energy providers, grid operators, consultants, and governmental agencies to compile and leverage real-time big data sources to report, predict and balance energy production and consumption.Year of establishment: 2012No. of employees: 5

Background of the companySangamTech Ltd. is a leading provider of SaaS solutions to the energy industry for analyzing big data.Its solutions and platform, developed by a talented team of professionals, are based on its patent pending technology.Benefits:

• Unique SaaS solutions utilizing proprietary platform

• Cloud-based offerings enable low TCO and rapid ROI

•Multi-layered smart grid solution for power utilities, energy providers, grid operators, consultants and governmental agencies

• Utilizes SangamTech’s unique algorithm that enables predicting energy production and consumption

• Universal interface guarantees seamless integration with any smart metering system

Technologies & productsGeneral description:Utilizing sophisticated algorithms, SangamTech has developed its range of SaaS solutions based on its proprietary platform.Current offerings consist of:

• Energy Saving Monitoring solution, especially designed for energy saving consultancies and governmental agencies such as municipalities.

• Production Monitoring solution, enabling energy providers such as solar energy companies to calculate future production and revenues

The company will launch three more solutions during Q4 of 2013:

• Planning Storage Systems solution

• Emergency Situations Simulators solution

• Consumption Control solution

Objectives / Target companiesAs a fast-growing company, SangamTech is looking for strategic partners and distributors involved in energy and smart grid services, smart metering hardware providers and alternative energy producers.


Objectives / Target companiesLooking for end users, agents and OEM partners throughout the world

Company profileYear of establishment: 1987No. of employees: 100 - 200

Background of the companySolutions-oriented global leader in the research, development and manufacturing of energy management, billing and Power Quality systems for utilities, industrial and commercial users.

Examples of projectsElectric Utility: Public Service Electric & Gas, San Diego Gas & Electric, Power South South Carolina Gas & Electric, Santee Cooper, Ameren, Detroit Energy, Allegheny Power, First Energy, Puget Sound Energy, Baltimore Gas & Electric, City of Azusa, Con Edison NY, Israel Electric Corporation, Southern Company.Industrial: Iscar, De Beers, Anglo Coal, General Electric, Adif, Areva T&D, Intel, Exxon Mobile, Carlsberg brewery, Plastiv, Siemens, Haifa Chemicals, Plasson, ABB, Delek group, Unitronics, Gaash lighting, Polysac, Tower semi-conductor, Kimberly-Clark, Woodbridge, Dead-Sea works.Commercial: Israel airport Authority, Madison Square Garden, Empire State Building, Wal-Mart Mexico, Supersal supermarkets, Sun-City hotels, Dan hotels, HP, Cinema City, Shopping Centers, Med1 Datacenter, Soroka hospital, Nokia arena, Tel-Aviv university, Monash university, Gold Coast university hospital.

Technologies & productsGeneral description: SATEC has been a proven solutions-oriented global leader in the research, development and manufacturing of energy management and Power Quality systems since 1987. With two decades of rich experience in the energy management arena, SATEC provides optimal Powerful Solutions for utility, industrial and commercial applications, worldwide. Our greatest strength lies in our extensive field experience and our ability to be flexible in order to find the optimal solution to each problem.Our products include: digital energy and power meters; power quality measurement instruments in compliance with international standards such as EN50160 and IEEE1159; and advanced energy management systems.Function of the product(s): Utilities - empowering the smart grid from generation, substation automation, transmission and revenue metering, as well as demand side management.Industrial - energy management and power quality analysis, including hardware (meters and analyzers) and comprehensive control software.Commercial - energy management and billing for sub-tenants allows our customers to profit from effective management and markup of between medium and low voltage service.

Category: Analyzers and control systemsSub Category: Power meters and energy management solutions


Company profileTamuz Electronics Ltd. develops, manufactures and providing of a custom made smart BBU (Battery Backup Units) to power electronics devices of Public Utilities, Railway signalling, Street Traffic control, ATMS (advanced traffic management systems), AMR (gas, electric, water), CCTV video surveillance security systems, Renewable energy controllers, UPS, Communication and Security (alarm, control, detectors). The company design BBU which includes advance battery technologies, such as Li-FePO4, Li-Ion and special chemistries, controlled by smart electronics and embedded software to best fit the Extreme Outdoor Applications.The company products reduces the total operation and Ownership cost, by providing a long life products with thousands of charge/discharge cycles.The company has the ability to provide the perfect solution to meet the customer backup power demands throughout the project phases, starting with development phase through the prototype phase and finally to manufacturing phase, all under a tight schedule.Year of establishment: 1998 No. of employees: 20

Background of the companyLocation:

• R&D: Israel

• Assembly: Israel and ChinaFounded and Ownership:Tamuz Electronics Ltd was founded in 1998 by Mr. David Danino & it’s a privately-held company.Customers & Markets:Over the last decade, Tamuz Electronics Ltd acquired vast knowledge relating to mobile and portable energy systems, reliable power supply products and complete energy solutions for outdoors and indoors electronic systems.. The company dedicated in finding the right and efficient solution to its customers. Tamuz clients consisting of leading companies in sectors of Defense and Security, Industrial, Medical, Telecom and Government agencies. The company supports the Israeli customers as well as customers from Europe, India, Canada & USA.Certification/Quality standard:Tamuz Electronics Ltd has an ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System certificate issued by IQC and by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) (Mgmt. Sys. RvA # C560).

Category: Smart Energy storage Solutions & UPSSub Category: Design and manufacturer of in BBU, UPS and Mini Solar Systems with special batteries for Extreme Outdoor Applications.

Objectives / Target companiesSmart Metering developers and manufacturers, Integrators of utility systems, Renewable systems Integrators, Smart Cities Solution providers, customers and producers of Meter Data Management systems, Water Metering, AMI and AMR designers.

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