euroavia business plan 2007-2008

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Business plan of EUROAVIA (the European Association of Aerospace Students) presented in the AMEAC congress in Patras, Greece, in October 2007.


Business Plan


International Board October 2007



Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3 1 Goals, position and policy ............................................................................. 4

1.1 Who we are .............................................................................................. 4 1.2 What we do .............................................................................................. 4 1.3 Our position in Europe ............................................................................... 4 1.4 Structure of our organisation ...................................................................... 5 1.5 Continuity as general policy ........................................................................ 6

2 Management of the International Board ....................................................... 7 2.1 Tasks of the International Board ..................................................................... 7 2.2 Members of the board ................................................................................... 7

3 Affiliated Societies ....................................................................................... 8 3.1 Existing AS................................................................................................... 8 3.2 IB support towards PAS ................................................................................. 8 3.3 Enlargement of EUROAVIA with PPAS .............................................................. 8

4 (Permanent) Working Groups ...................................................................... 9 4.1 EUROAVIA News PWG ................................................................................... 9 4.2 EUROAVIA Newsletter PWG ............................................................................ 9 4.3 Information Technology PWG ......................................................................... 9 4.4 Central Archive PWG ....................................................................................10 4.5 EUROAVIA Young Engineers WG ....................................................................10 4.6 Statutes and Bylaws WG ...............................................................................10 4.7 EUROAVIA Alumni Network ...........................................................................10

5 International Events ................................................................................... 11 5.1 Congresses .................................................................................................11 5.2 Formation Workshop ....................................................................................11 5.3 Design Workshop .........................................................................................11 5.4 Air Cargo Challenge ......................................................................................12 5.5 Fly-In .........................................................................................................12 5.6 Symposia ....................................................................................................12 5.7 Cultural Exchanges ......................................................................................13 5.8 Air Shows ...................................................................................................13 5.9 50th Anniversary .........................................................................................13

6 Financial ..................................................................................................... 14 6.1 Current situation .........................................................................................14 6.2 Support programs ........................................................................................14 6.3 Aims to gain ................................................................................................14

7 Appendices ................................................................................................. 15 7.1 IB contact information ..................................................................................15 7.2 List of acronyms ..........................................................................................16 7.3 List of (P)AS ................................................................................................17 7.4 EUROAVIA sponsors .....................................................................................18



Introduction Dear reader, Welcome to the detailed version of the EUROAVIA Bussiness Plan 2007-2008. This is the result of the preparation of the International Board during their term as Designated International Board. On the Electoral Meeting of EUROAVIA Congress in Ankara in March 2007, we were elected and from then on, our main task has been studying on the EUROAVIA structure to get familiar with it and observating the actions of the IB. By small contributions and a lot of questions, the DIB prepared itself for writing a BP. After many DIB meetings, the writing on this BP finally started. It’s mainly a mix of ideas growing out of own experiences with the international level of EUROAVIA, and the issues and problems we discovered while following the work of our predecessors. On the congress in Ankara, only 4 DIB members were elected. Since the DIB preferred to face the coming working year with a larger team, it was decided to have an ExMEAC just before the AMEAC in Patras to have the posibility to elect a second Executive Member. We are delighted that there are different candidates for the empty position and are looking forward to an interesting election and to start working as a completed team. EUROAVIA is an association connecting its permanent aerospace goals to temporal student members. Nevertheless, the internationality of our organisation offers us the possibility to make CONTINUITY a keyword of our actions. Proactively working on keeping alive the build up experience in our association is ensuring the quality of our operations! Whether it is by motivation on our internal level within the organisation of the association, or by promotion on external level in the cooperation with our supporters and partners. The members of the International Board 2007-2008 are grateful for the chances our team gets in leading EUROAVIA through another promising year. We believe that ensuring the continuity in our actions is the best way to prepare our association for its coming 50th anniversary. We hope we can count on the full cooperation of many enthousiastic EUROAVIAns during this Bussiness Year. Finally we would like to thank the members of the association and our supporters for the trust they give us. Patras, 4th October 2007, The International Board of EUROAVIA Finally, strategy must have continuity. It can't be constantly reinvented. The thing is, continuity of strategic direction and continuous improvement in how you do things are absolutely consistent with each other. In fact, they're mutually reinforcing. The ability to change constantly and effectively is made easier by high level continuity.

Michael E. Porter, Professor at Harvard Business School



1. Goals, position and policy

1.1 Who we are The goals of EUROAVIA, the European Association of Aerospace Students, can be summarised as follows:

- We bring together aerospace students throughout Europe. - We act as a powerfull link between these students and the aerospace industry. - We represent the aerospace students on an international level.

EUROAVIA is present at many major European universities that offer education in the aerospace field; the network of Affiliated Societies spans across the entire continent. Our members are students in their first year up to those on the verge of entering the job market. EUROAVIA currently consists of 33 Affiliated Societies and Prospective Affiliated Societies with more than 1200 members and numbers increasing.

1.2 What we do In order to achieve the objectives mentioned above, we organise a lot of activities. The background of each event is different but the basis is shared; to bring together students and the aerospace industry, exchange and communicate knowledge and become aware of the European spirit and its cultures. The students are the foundation for the existence of EUROAVIA. Their involvement in the association is voluntary and shows their willingness and ability to operate in an international environment. Our company partners are the supporters and sponsors of EUROAVIA, who have great interest in our members as they represent the future workforce. The knowledge comes in from all different fields of science, from fundamental physics and mathematics to satellite orbit determination or aircraft safety operations. The fun evolves naturally from everyone’s enthusiasm for the subject and the gathering of different people and cultures. Activities already begin on local level with regular meetings of an Affiliated Society, where social cohesion is created and thoughts are exchanged in an informal environment. They are continued through Fly-Ins, where a group of international students gathers on technical and social level and makes visits to the aerospace industry in the region of the organizing Affiliated Society. Finally they extend to the Design Workshop, a three week event where motivated students from across Europe work together on a technical scheme.

1.3 Our position in Europe Europe and its continuous course to unification are important for the association, as they influence some of our operations directly. Therefore EUROAVIA works a lot on its relationship with the European Union, not only for recognition and support, but as well to gain access to knowledge especially interesting for students.



EUROAVIA is also part of the Informal Forum of International Student Organizations (IFISO), a global network formed by all kinds of student organizations. Participation in IFISO events is a chance for us to establish new contacts, to learn from other organizations and to support them with our experience and knowledge as well. The association is expanding and new Local Groups are applying for memberships to the international association. The vision the association’s position in Europe is to represent the aerospace students of Europe, meaning to be present at all aerospace departments across Europe.

1.4 Structure of our organisation The chart underneath shows the internal structure of the association. The Affiliated Societies, who represent our association on local level at different universities over Europe, are the member organisations of EUROAVIA. Of course the International Board is in close contact with them since they form the basis of the association. The AS organise activities as well on local as on international level. It is also the International Board that oversees the different (Permanent) Working Groups and Coordinators that are active on international level. They can have a supportive task for the international level or have a concrete task organising an international activity. For certain projects various working groups and Coordinators are in direct contact with the Affiliated Societies to facilitate a more efficient flow of information. The International Board and the working groups are constituted of members of the different Affiliated Societies.

In order to maintain good communication between the International Board, the (Permanent) Working Groups and the Affiliated Societies, the link between the International Board, the working group coordination and the Local Boards is of vital importance.In this way, their activities can be supported, their current situation can be supervised and new ideas come up. But of course all EUROAVIA members, whether they



are part of a Local Board or not, should feel free to personally contact the International Board when they have something on their mind. Communication is a major point of interest for the International Board, which appreciates the activities of the Affiliated Societies very much and will always be there to assist.

1.5 Continuity as general policy As stated in the introduction, the International Board wants to put a special focus on continuity as a keyword in our actions during the coming business year. Proactively working on keeping alive the build up experience in our association is ensuring the quality of our operations! EUROAVIA has never ending goals that needs constant attention and work. In fact this association can exist for eterity, constantly striving to fulfil it’s permanent goals. An other aspect of our association is on the contrary not continual at all, and that is the fact that we are a student organisation. Most student members of EUROAVIA are staying only for around five years in the association. We can not change the nature of our organisation where temporal student members are working on permanent goals. The only thing we can do is putting a lot of efforts in connecting our continuous goals in an efficient way to our non continuous public. And on this point of the management, there is still improvement possible. EUROAVIA lives through its AS, and by ensuring more continuity in the AS, we can give stronger opportunities for our (P)WG that are fed with manpower by the AS. Also within these (P)WG, we can create more continuity by offering the attention to it that is needed. Small improvements can make a difference. The International Board wants to work proactively to prevent for example generation gaps. To ensure the quality of our operations, it’s very important that experience doesn’t get lost. Because of that we have to work on strong personal contacts and clear communication. Also the use of manuals, healthy mixes of experienced and new members in WG, trainings and formation and a stronger alumni network can help us in achieving this continuity goal, where there is also place for long term thinking! This as well on internal level within the organisation of the association, as on external level in the cooperation with our supporters and partners.



2 Management of the International Board

2.1 Tasks of the International Board The International Board is responsible for coordinating the association, representing it on international events and preparing it for the future. It consists of at least three elected full time members of EUROAVIA, who spend a whole year administrating the association. They are located all over Europe – an accurate example of the spirit of EUROAVIA. They are responsible for the management and the running of the Association for one Business Year starting from October after the Annual Meeting. In order to adopt a suitable leadership, the International Board meets on a weekly basis either face to face or using the internet or the telephone. Being such a widespread association that is naturally difficult to be coordinated, plenty of challenges arise. Therefore the workload is divided into tasks and the accompanying responsibilities are distributed among the International Board members. The International Board is going to uphold existing company contacts with greatest care and will work on establishing new fruitful cooperation. Its members will be present at major air shows, workshops and international meetings concerning the aerospace industry to represent the European aerospace students.

2.2 Members of the board Four people were chosen on the EMEAC 2007 in Ankara to form the International Board for the bussiness year 2007-2008. The fifth member completed the bard after election at a later stage. The International Board consists of the following members:

Jozef De Moor President

Donald Riedeberger Secretary

Artur Pękalski Treasurer

Andrea Münzing Executive Member

Sebastian Rothammel Executive Member



3 Affiliated Societies

3.1 Existing AS The communication between the Local Boards and the International Board is one of the most important things in establishing a constant flow of information throughout the year. Therefore we would like to encourage the Affiliated Societies once more to contact us with every question or suggestion that occurs. Unfortunately there are some of the AS that are in a critical phase. The duty of the IB consists to force all possible efforts to support the AS with ideas, suggestions and activities to help where applicable. Our major concern is strengthening the existing AS, work on their sustainable future and get the decreasing AS back on the right track.

3.2 IB support towards PAS A PAS has many challenges to face, for example financial plannings, legal issues and obligations, the organization of an international event without having any experience or the year to year motivation of the members, but the most important issue is how an AS is organized. To cope with all these challenges well the IB emphasizes that a constant communication between the PAS and the IB is obligatory. If the International Board sees that a PAS is motivated to take all these challenges we are glad to support the PAS to become AS.

3.3 Enlargement of EUROAVIA with PPAS The more AS you have, the less chance you have for a complete break-down of the association. The more members an AS has, the less chance they have for a complete generation gap. Unfortunately, some AS may lower their activity and vanish from the association, and thus, it is also needed that new PPAS got interested. But this should be a controlled and constant process. Approaching a University to start a PPAS has to be done when the IB feels that the good opportunity has come, and that the situation is good to start a new AS. There are many more Aerospace Departments at universities trough out Europe, and it would be nice if they join our network. The IB wants to sum up a list of university contacts where we are not represented yet (ex: Graz), or not anymore (ex: Berlin). We need a database to see why former AS went down and if they could be re-established one day. Our main focus is to strengthen the association, so we don’t have a major point of action on searching new local groups, PPAS. Nevertheless as we represent the aerospace students, the more societies the network spans the better we can represent the students. So we’ll keep our eyes open and act if we see a reasonable PPAS opportunity.



4 (Permanent) Working Groups

4.1 EUROAVIA News PWG Editor in Chief: Jennifer Go IB Responsible: Artur Pekalski The NEWS as the official, quarterly published magazine of the association has various tasks. It presents the achievements of the association’s working groups, members and international events towards all members of every local group as well as it represents our association towards companies on the level of printed publications. With the change of the cover appearance this year and ongoing layout changes the magazine will establish a both more structured and appealing, long-lasting appearance. Being aware of the fact that the workload of producing the NEWS is extensive, the motivation of new members joining this Working Group is emphasized. While working directly on the layout and printing is a task best done at the head of the Working Group in Delft, editorial tasks can be thought of given to motivated and skilled members joining this international team. Together with this, motivation has to be done within the Affiliated Societies so every Local Board manages to support its members in delivering articles about local and international events as well as about their personal goals in technical achievements. Especially for articles on technical subjects there is a great need to publish them in the NEWS and through this keep the magazine on a high standard of content.

4.2 EUROAVIA Newsletter PWG WG Coordinator: Daniele Pratali IB Responsible: Donald Riedeberger The NEWSLETTER as the official, regularly published electronic magazine of the association is the best way for each member and Affiliated Society to present local activities, participation in international events and the individual work on a technical field. It is not delivered to companies so it is a very useful instrument that helps to improve flow of information between the members of EUROAVIA and it represents a base for a strong network.

4.3 Information Technology PWG WG Coordinator: Geert van de Velde IB Responsible: Sebastian Rothammel Within the Information Technology Working Group some major tasks of the electronic appearance of EUROAVIA are set. Keeping the international website online and accessible, updating link references and watching over the attached servers of the association are the core tasks. As one of the currently ongoing projects the introduction of mail addresses and connected accounts has to be mentioned. This project will continue in this year of business.



4.4 Central Archive PWG WG Coordinator: Benjamin van Reijen IB Responsible: Andrea Münzing Now that the Central Archive server is located in Delft the Central Archive will be able to guarantee higher stability of their services and increased data transfer rates to insure optimum usability of the document exchange function. After a malfunction in the past year the archiving function has been fully restored. With the upcoming 50th anniversary of our association the CA PWG has taken up the task to coordinate the work on the anniversary book. An enthusiastic group of members have taken up the task. The user manuals should be finished at the end of the coming year to provide Working Groups and Affiliated Societies with manuals and advice on how to run their activities.

4.5 EUROAVIA Young Engineers WG WG Coordinator: Ivor van Dartel IB Responsible: Andrea Münzing Last business year the homepage was finished so that there are now already job offers available. Furthermore an own foundation was settled to give the EYE a legal status towards companies. This year’s goal is to complete the EYE homepage and its offers. There are already many interested companies and the cooperation between WG and companies is fine.

4.6 Statutes and Bylaws WG WG Coordinator: Diego Vanelli IB Responsible: Donald Riedeberger Last year the Bylaws were renewed and changed. The main work is done; still there can be minor adjustments and corrections concerning the Bylaws which will be presented at latest at EMEAC 2008. At the moment there are no intentions to change the Statutes.

4.7 EUROAVIA Alumni Network WG Coordinator: Pedro Raposo IB Responsible: Artur Pekalski The International Board believes it is a good idea to establish a real working group around the EAN that provides to our alumni a solid base to organise their working. Gathering contacts of graduated members, offering a website, organising their call for support to proposals,… It asks a lot of work and too many efforts from alumni already in their professional life. Having a WG to organise all those things could mean a big leap forward. A suggestion could be to ask almost graduated members for this WG, and more concrete Former International Board members, since they in the first place feel the need to stay into contact with their EUROAVIA friends.



5 International Events EUROAVIA is an association that is widely spread over the European continent. The international events – whether they are part of the organizational, the educational or the intercultural exchange – are the very heart of the experience every individual member of the association can gain.

5.1 Congresses IB responsible: Donald Riedeberger The congresses of EUROAVIA are the core values of exchange between all members of the association on official level. A high participation through as much Affiliated Societies as possible is therefore an essential base. In the past Business Year major improvements to the minute-taking procedure have been made. The current IB will follow up with the way of preparing concentrated and structured minutes. Together with this the clear procedures of applying for Congress participation will be continued as developed in the years before. Please see also chapter 8 for more information.

5.2 Formation Workshop WG Coordinator: Iva Hrgovan IB Responsible: Jozef De Moor The Formation Workshop 2007 in Zagreb that will take place between December 2nd and 9th of the current Business Year has the aim to ensure the constant goals of this association: keep the European spirit alive and make work within the IB, WG and AS more efficient and professional. Therefore, the reached goals of former workshops will be taken as a base. Like in the congresses a high participation of members that are active on international or local level of the association is essential to make this week of workshops a successful event. The International Board therefore promotes this event actively. It is another goal of the International Board to keep the level of the Formation Workshop high and to deliver a successor for the 2008 version of the workshop early enough.

5.3 Design Workshop WG Coordinator: to be announced IB responsible: Jozef De Moor After the success of the Design Workshop 2007 at the University Sheffield, United Kingdom, from July 14th to August 4th hosted together with Rolls Royce the International Board wants to continue in the line of this outstanding event of the association with a 2008 version.



Therefore, a new Working Group will be set up in the beginning of the Business Year 2007-2008 and an accompanied host will be found. The time plan is set to have the Design Workshop in the fourth quarter of the Business Year.

5.4 Air Cargo Challenge WG Coordinator: Vitor Correia IB responsible: Andrea Münzing The Air Cargo Challenge organised by the Affiliated Society Lisboa has become one of the highly participated events of the association. Bringing together young students from various European universities to compete on the core engineering task of designing an aircraft the Air Cargo Challenge has the potential of becoming a long lasting value within the association. The International Board will assure to support all efforts of AS Lisboa and every other Affiliated Society to bring this event on an international scale in long term. The ways of making use of the potential of the whole association from the very beginning and of creating continuity in the Air Cargo Challenge will be evaluated during the business year and the open forums on the congresses.

5.5 Fly-In IB responsible: Andrea Münzing, Sebastian Rothammel The participation in an international event with members from all over Europe is one of the intense experiences in EUROAVIA. Having the possibility to show their home city, university, company contacts and lifestyle to all interested members of the association it is a unique possibility to present an Affiliated Society. Therefore the International Board will continue to motivate every Affiliated Society to host such an event during the next year. Especially for (P)AS that have to host their first international event, as well as for long lasting Affiliated Societies it is a good way to reassemble the motivated members of a local board in organizing the event and together with this bring back the European spirit.

5.6 Symposia IB responsible: Andrea Münzing, Sebastian Rothammel Focusing on a week of lectures on one certain field of the engineering world a Symposium builds a host for an international group of interested members and friends of the association. The participants can expand their minds, acquire new skills and enjoy the time in an international environment. With the ability to develop an individual schedule of lectures, seminars and leisure activities a Symposium offers an interesting opportunity to welcome European members in the home of an Affiliated Society. In addition to that it not only is a way of renewing the European spirit within the local group but also a possible way to reactivate and strengthen the bond an Affiliated Society has to its university and company contacts.



5.7 Cultural Exchanges IB responsible: Andrea Münzing, Sebastian Rothammel As a newly developed way of international event within the association over the last years a Cultural Exchange is a less formal, less work intense way of bringing the members of two or more Affiliated Societies into an exchange. A collection of the most important things to look after in organising will tried to be assembled with the help of the hosts of former successful CE and made available to all AS willing to arrange an exchange.

5.8 Air Shows WG Coordinator: Bernd Bewer IB responsible: Donald Riedeberger During the Business Year the association will be present at the Berlin Air Show from May 27th to June 1st 2008. After the success of the presence at the Salon du Bourget 2007 the International Board will put its efforts in presenting the association in an appropriate level in Berlin too. Aim of the presence in Berlin will be to get in contact with already established and new company contacts and to make the association more known within companies, universities and students. Concerning the other important Air Shows within Europe (FIA in Farnborough, MAKS in Moskwa) the International Board will continue to motivate members to visit these shows as individuals and to represent their Affiliated Societies as well. To arrange the needful things around an individual stand and presence on the Berlin Air Show the International Board decided to forward the idea of an Air Show Working Group that will take care of building up the stand, occupy it, coordinate all present members and spread helpful news. The group will coordinate the application, the stand and the representatives who will occupy the stand. Furthermore it will look for accommodation and an evening program for all EUROAVIAns present at the Air Show. All this information will be made available on a website that will also be made by this group.

5.9 50th Anniversary IB Responsible: Donald Riedeberger In 2009 EUROAVIA will have its 50th anniversary. Therefore it is planned to produce a “50 Years of EUROAVIA” book to show how our association has developed from the beginning on till today. Furthermore a lustrum for EUROAVIA members and supporting contacts is planned, most probably during the EMEAC 2009. It is very important to start early with the organization of such an event. Thus the current IB knows about its responsibility and will put its efforts in finishing the book and looking for a possible host for the jubilee event. Since the congress hosting, the lustrum organising and the making of the book are different initiatives concerning the same 50th Anniversary, the whole coordination will be done by the IB.



6 Financial To keep EUROAVIA as well-build association it requires a healthy financial situation. Therefore, it will be one of the main goals for the International Board 2007-2008 to assure the financial status. Our association is a non-profit organization so all income will be used for proper functioning. The Financial Plan is made to provide guidelines for the IB within the next business year and it can not be separated from the Business Plan. Moreover, the bookkeeping will be held at least at the same level as it was during the former business year as continuity in this topic is important both for this IB and for our successors.

6.1 Current situation EUROAVIA has got two main sources of income. One of them are the membership fees which every Affiliated Society pays and the second one comes from our sponsors. Presently EUROAVIA has Brunel as Associated Company and Carlo Gavazzi Space SpA, Van Karman Institute, Communauté des Villes Arianes and Rolls-Royce as Supporting Members. At present most of the income is used for support programs, International Board Travel Fund, and for EUROAVIA News Working Group expenses. Other outcomes are office costs, PR-material and meeting expenses.

6.2 Support programs As stated above some of the founds are going to be oriented into financial support towards members of EUROAVIA. EUROAVIA Support Framework is divided into two separate support programs: the Financial Support Programme (FSP) and the Travel Support Programme (TSP). FSP is oriented to those Affiliated Societies which have some financial problems and the support allows them to pay lower fees. TSP is set up to have at least one representative of all AS and Working Groups present at the two General Meetings and the Formation Workshop.

6.3 Aims to gain The International Board will make a big effort to find new sponsorships and to obtain new contacts with new companies and with supporters which our association has lost partnership recently as well. Also this year again, the International Board will apply to obtain EU Grant issued by the European YOUTH Programme. We want to deeply investigate our application and establish some personal contact with European Union.



7 Appendices

7.1 IB contact information Jozef De Moor, President Kasteel Beyaerdstraat 60 1120 Brussel Belgium Phone: +32 478 918035 Email:

Donald Riedeberger, Secretary EUROAVIA Stuttgart Studenteninitiative e.V. Allmandring 5 b 70569 Stuttgart Germany Phone: +49 176 24828365 Email:

Artur Pękalski, Treasurer Jaworznia 6 A 26-065 Piekoszów Poland Phone: +48 694 668770 Email:

Andrea Münzing, Executive Member EUROAVIA Stuttgart Studenteninitiative e.V. Allmandring 5 b 70569 Stuttgart Germany Phone: +49 176 63114838 Email:

Sebastian Rothammel, Executive Member Bismarckstraße 70 27749 Delmenhorst Germany Phone: +49 163 2588290 Email:



7.2 List of acronyms EA EUROAVIA AS Affiliated Society PAS Prospective Affiliated Society PPAS Possible Prospective Affiliated Society IB International Board DIB Designated International Board FIB Former International Board LB Local Board EM Executive Member ICM International Contact Member IEM International Editor Member BM Business Meeting BY Business Year BP Business Plan FP Financial Plan BR Business Report FR Financial Report FSP Financial Support Program TSP Travel Support Program AMEAC Annual Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress EMEAC Electoral Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress ExMEAC Extra Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress FoWo Formation Workshop DeWo Design Workshop ACC Air Cargo Challenge CE Cultural Exchange PWG Permanent Working Group WG Working Group EYE EUROAVIA Young Engineers CA EUROAVIA Central Archive IT EUROAVIA Information Technology EAN EUROAVIA Alumni Network S&B Statutes and Bylaws AC Associated Company SM Supporting Member



7.3 List of (P)AS Acronym Affiliated Society Country IB Responsible AAC Aachen Germany Sebastian Rothammel ANK Ankara Turkey Andrea Münzing ATH NTUA Athens Greece Andrea Münzing BEG Beograd Serbia Sebastian Rothammel BRS Braunschweig Germany Sebastian Rothammel BRE Bremen Germany Sebastian Rothammel BUC Bucuresti Romania Sebastian Rothammel BUD Budapest Hungary Sebastian Rothammel DFT Delft Netherlands Andrea Münzing DRE Dresden Germany Sebastian Rothammel HAM Hamburg Germany Andrea Münzing HEL Helsinki Finland Sebastian Rothammel IST Istanbul Turkey Andrea Münzing KYI Kyiv Ukraine Sebastian Rothammel LEU Leuven Belgium Andrea Münzing LIS Lisboa Portugal Andrea Münzing LON London (PAS) United Kingdom Andrea Münzing MAD Madrid Spain Andrea Münzing MIL Milano Italy Sebastian Rothammel MUN München Germany Andrea Münzing NAP Napoli Italy Sebastian Rothammel PAL Palermo (PAS) Italy Sebastian Rothammel PAR Paris France Andrea Münzing PAT Patras Greece Andrea Münzing PIS Pisa Italy Andrea Münzing RZS Rzeszów Poland Sebastian Rothammel STG Stuttgart Germany Andrea Münzing TER Terrassa Barcelona (PAS) Spain Andrea Münzing TOR Torino Italy Sebastian Rothammel TOU Toulouse France Andrea Münzing WAR Warszawa Poland Sebastian Rothammel ZAG Zagreb Croatia Sebastian Rothammel



7.4 EUROAVIA sponsors EUROAVIA Associated Companies

EUROAVIA Supporting Members

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