eternal soul vs mortal corpus

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Eternal Soul Vs. Mortal Corpus

On earth all human beings are vulnerable. The mischievous happenings around him, which mankind has got no control on such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, asteroid & meteorite strikes etc. opens new vitas to all the perils either natural or those created by him. Unless

otherwise dangerous such as an epidemic or catastrophe happens around him, man would never try to comprehend his subtle nature. Seldom does a human being presume about the inevitable part of his wholesome jovial life – death. One could not be blamed at all for the same as it is the vibes, which one is disposed with, making him think otherwise. It is to be noticed that there isn't an elixir for the mysteries of mankind. The intricate nature of human brain has helped him out to

some extent quell his inquisitive and athirst intellect but not to the level, finding a foolproof haven. Man's mortal corpus has its origin when it first takes the shape of a zygote in the womb

of a mother. That is something biological and even accidental, where a million sperms encounters a single ovum and it is the lucky sperm that finally makes it's way to form the zygote. It is from this miniature being that evolves an intricate human body, which again adds on to the perplexity of one's interest in it's functioning. The five sense organs of man play a vital role in

his life, accomplishing desires. Again, it is these sense organs, which sometimes even over power our conscience, making us dance to its tunes ending up a debauchee. Once succumbed to the senses, its too hard to find an Epicurean make his way out of this voluptuous ambience, as

the world around you is hardly going to point a fault in you. It's left unto you to align yourself on the conscience side. I am cocksure that going retrospect, you would ever find yourself in

constant bliss or had ever felt the real tranquillity of life. The love for things on earth is the source of all evils; hence one hardly gets the wee drop of a chance to think about ultimate death of the body, which no one can escape and also about the intangible fraction inside you, which is

going to stay imperishable.

Human endeavour to stay euphoric, has just turned out to be a mere transient and vain effort, though he has tried out several attempts even to conquer the horizon. However strong

technology and science is going to emerge, nix is the chance for man to have a hand on death and turn up a phoenix. Man's endowed materialistic and bellicose nature has entitled him to be

an aristocrat and bravado, which hardly satisfies him in toto. Everyone seems to be too engrossed with one's chores, finding innovative ways to quench his desires. Almost a majority of the populace I have met with is of the opinion that they just want to enjoy as much as they can

on their brief course on earth. Even if that is the case an accord was reached when it was renounced that every day is unique with insatiable desires. Often misguided in the wake of

exploring means to achieve perfect bliss, man gets confined to a brief bout of frenzy, where he finds himself amidst fallacies, religious rituals, charismatic retreats, pulchritude, orgies and the

akin. Being lugged by these new emotional mind-boggling principles, seldom does one get a chance in making a genuine introspection. One may fail to recognize the mere reality that he/

she is turning out to be another debauchee sooner or later. To imposture oneself and be covetous, you hardly have the jot of a chance to correct yourself or subject yourself for correction. All those religions found on earth with a true humane objective, has always

distinguished the subtleties of man's body from that of the supreme soul. For the layman it’s hard to perceive and comprehend fully the transcendental facts. The sermons of a sage and the shower of homily by a puritan could only act as a beacon helping you understand your inner self better. For a religious practitioner there would be a by-pass road, which would get him closer to the supreme reality. On the contrary the layman finds himself lost in the flamboyancy of religion, instead of understanding the essence of it. His customs and rituals would serve him as a convoy

if he truly yearns for the aforementioned realization.

The mortal human body and the eternal intangible soul do have distinct disparities. They are by no means concentric, for it would be ridiculous to believe the devil and God walk hand-in-hand. Those who are less inclined to the pleasures of this world could perceive the eternal soul. You would be found probably ostracized, in case you hold a hard moral stand on your stand in this technologically well off world. Giving up the intellectual faculty meanwhile, to think from one's

conscience would in turn help one draw a clear nexus between the supreme soul from that of the physical self. To analyze one's conscience to a full extent would be a daunting task to be dealt with. Our normal life hardly gives us a modicum amount of time to stretch our legs to have a

cool introspection. All of us seem to have caught up in the mad rat race for fulfilling one's materialistic desires whereupon most would end up taking the wrong route. In this ephemeral bout on earth, one should never be too late to seek and feel the divinity of one's own supreme soul. The earlier you accomplish this transcendental feat, the more will you be freed from the miseries of this world; thereby acquiring the most valuable and inexplicable achievement of

one's life - "eternal bliss."

Copyright reserved by Dr. Anish Mathew John, Chembanal

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