establishing an audit framework

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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If you're an Internet marketer and have to do any kind of site audits, you may benefit from this presentation. It culminates in a Google Doc with 300+ audit checkpoints.


establishing an audit framework

annie cushingseer interactive @anniecushing

do you approach audits this way?

@anniecushingseer interactive

most expensive mistakes we see regularly

1. subdomain reporting errors in GA



pro tips to minimize chaos


add an annotation to analytics

change in beginning of month

concatenate in excel

seer interactive

2. index bloat

@anniecushingseer interactive

causes of bloat


ecommerce parameters

faceted navigation

seer interactive

borked internal linking

search results pages


5.8 million pages indexed!




That’s a reduction of 10k+ visits! GA Report:

let’s do some math

37k pages received organic traffic

645 drove revenue for Feb

.6% of pages indexed received traffic

.01% of pages indexed generated revenue

5.8 million pages indexed in Google

@anniecushingseer interactive

3. ppc traffic reporting in organic

@anniecushingseer interactive

totally random aside


I wasn’t the only one fooled







or use this advanced segment

4. dirty sitemaps

“Your sitemaps need to be clean. We have a 1% allowance for dirt in a sitemap. Examples of dirt are if we click on a URL and we see a redirect, a 404 or a 500 code. If we see more than a 1% level of dirt, we begin losing trust in the sitemap”.— Duane Forrester

@anniecushingseer interactive

5. sitemap hasn’t been submitted



Sitemaps are so easy to submit, surely everyone does it.

seer interactive


since caffeine in june 2010, google has an easier time finding sites’ pages

seer interactive


but bing has a harder time and is more dependent on sitemaps to find sites’ pages

seer interactive

6. loss of valuable links


homepage that 302s

pages with links that 404

pages that 500

seer interactive

a potential solution


a checklist of 300+ checkpoints

google doc for ease of updating

seer interactive

organization of google doc

find tabs quickly

include screenshot urls in observations


seer interactive @anniecushing

seer interactive @anniecushing

seer interactive @anniecushing

seer interactive @anniecushing

seer interactive @anniecushing

seer interactive @anniecushing

tools google doc


links to these google docs


seer interactive

extras in the post


tips on how to structure and format audit in wordlink to both google docs

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