essential daily nutrition

Post on 20-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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You need to make up the vitamins and minerals your body needs, but are lacking in your food. You need a multivitamin that tastes great and is in liquid form so it's more bioavailable to you bodily systems. This article will show you what you need to use that has all these important qualities.


Essential Daily Nutrition EDN (High5)

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People have been searching a long time for a solution that would cure all disease or prolong life. This article will attempt to address a solution which will provide health and longevity, items that have been searched out for many centuries. For starters, just so you know, this article is not meant to provide medical advice. It is meant to inform you, the reader, of a product which can be very potent for your health. The ideal solution to the supplement dilemma would have:

• Provide a high nutritional value. • Be packed with nutritious ingredients. • Be loaded with antioxidants of many different varieties. • It would have a full complement of vitamins and minerals. • It would strengthen a person’s immune system. • It would increase energy and mental acuity. • It would improve vision. • It would increase physical activity and athletic performance. • It would not contain any added sugar, any preservatives, artificial colors,

or artificial flavors. • It would be safe for people of all ages. • It would taste good. • It would help a person live a longer and healthier life.

Those without the benefits outlined above risk having chronic diseases, looking older than their years, or dying prematurely. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are having a global impact on many people all over the world. Consider these facts:

• Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity are responsible for an estimated 300k to 600k preventable deaths each year.

• The Centers for Disease Control says that good nutrition lowers the risk for many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Poor eating habits often develop during childhood. Greater that 60% of youths are eating too much fat, and less than 20% eat the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The number of over weight children has nearly doubled since 1980, and a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of

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developing diabetes, hypertension, colon cancer, depression, anxiety, obesity, weak muscles and bones. The societal costs of poor nutrition and physical inactivity are difficult to quantify and relate to the most directly attributable consequences such as obesity, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. In the year 2000, the total cost of obesity was estimated to be at 117 billion dollars! Most of these costs were associated with the diagnosis and treatment of Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and hypertension. A study was performed by the Centers for Disease Control which generated some interesting facts about the direct medical costs related to various levels of physical activity.

• If all inactive American adults became physically active, the potential savings in the American healthcare system could amount to 77 billion US dollars.

• Americans, 15 years and older, who engaged in regular physical activity had an average annual direct medical cost of $1000 versus costs of $1300 for those who are physically inactive.

• Physically active people require fewer hospital stays and physician visits, and use less medication than physically inactive people.

With results like this, it is no wonder why your medical insurance premium is so high, and it takes a longer time to see your doctor. Americans did not lose the battle with having good nutrition overnight. Over the past 30 years, fast food has infiltrated nearly every aspect of our society. This downturn in nutrition is described in the book, “Fast Food Nation, the darkside of the all American meal” by Erik Schlosser. He states that in 1970, Americans spent around $6 billion on fast food, while in the year 2000 they spent around $110 billion dollars! Fast food is served at restaurants, drive thrus, stadiums, airports, zoos, museums, universities, high schools, and elementary schools, crew ships, planes, Wal-Mart, hospital cafeterias, etc. When I visited Ben Taub hospital in Houston for an appointment, I saw in the cafeteria area, a line at the McDonald’s in the hospital. You can probably name other places where you have seen fast food served. Americans now spend more money on fast food than they do on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars.

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He continues by saying that the shift in eating habits and the extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been driven by a shift in the American society. For instance, the hourly wage for the average US worker peaked in 1973 and has steadily declined ever since. During this period, women entered the workforce in record numbers to support their families by supplementing what the husband was losing in his wage. This entry of so many women into the workforce led to an increased demand for those services that housewives traditionally performed, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. A generation ago, ¾ of the money spent on food was used to prepare meals at home while today about ½ of the money spent on food is spent at restaurants, mainly fast food restaurants because they are generally less expensive. Fast food is generally high in fat, salt, calories, refined sugars, things that smell good when cooked. Drive down a street that is lined with fast food places and smell the air. The air smells so good, and makes you want to stop in and make a food selection for purchase. Fast food is typically low in fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Is fast food necessarily bad for you? The answer is, “yes”. A 15 year research study was published in the medical research journal, Lancet, over 3000 young adults aged 18 to 30 were monitored regarding their fast food habits, their weight, and insulin resistance. The study participants who frequented fast food restaurants twice a week or more, gained 10 more pounds and increased double the insulin resistance when compared to those participants who ate there less than once per week. Even more concerning is that fast food consumption has risen a startling 5-fold among children since 1970. This is driven in large part by multi-billion dollar advertising campaigns. These children are eating hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, and sugar sweetened sodas. These meals are easily “super-sized” at relatively little extra cost encouraging a purchase of a larger portion. These meals are high in refined starches and added sugars which gives them a high glycemic index. The glycemic index refers to the rise in blood sugar occurring after consumption of a food containing carbohydrates. In a study conducted and detailed in the Journal of Pediatrics 60-100 children and adolescents were followed over a 4 year period. The study showed that children who ate fast food consumed more in saturated fat, more total carbohydrates and added sugars, less dietary fiber, and more calories per gram of solid food than children who did not eat fast food. In addition, they ate an average of 187 more calories per day. They consumed less milk and fiber and fewer fruits and non-starchy vegetables. The extra 187 calories per day could account for an extra 6 pounds of weight gain per year.

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Childhood obesity is a medical concern not a cosmetic issue. The Department of Heath and Human Services has discovered that 80% of overweight children and adolescents continue to be overweight in adulthood or will become obese adults. In addition, 9 million American children are overweight, triple the number in 1980. Childhood weight problems can lead to additional complications such as elevated blood pressure or high cholesterol, joint problems, Type 2 diabetes, gall bladder disease, asthma, depression, and anxiety. Fast food is not the only cause of the emerging nutritional crisis in America. Despite the advice your mother may have given you about the benefits of eating your Brussel Sprouts, data collected by the US government shows that the nutritional content of America’s fruits and vegetables has declined over the past 50 years, and in some cases, dramatically. Don Davis, a biochemist at the University of Texas, said that of the 13 major nutrients in fruits and vegetables tracked by the Agricultural Department from 1950 to 1999, 6 showed noticeable declines. Those nutrients that showed the declines were:

1. Protein 2. Calcium 3. Iron 4. Phosphorous 5. Riboflavin 6. Vitamin C

The declines showed a decline of 6% for protein, to 38% for riboflavin. Researchers at Washington State University analyzed 63 spring wheat varieties grown between 1842 and 2003 and found a decline of:

• 11% in iron content • 16% copper content • 25% zinc • 50% selenium

These less nutrient dense foods, along with poor food choices, largely explain today’s epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Furthermore when we try to make good food choices and eat properly, many of us destroy what nutritional value may be left by over-processing or over-cooking our food. Nutrition is as vital for good health as what it was 2000 years ago when Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said, “let food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food”. Next of consideration in the characteristics of a good nutritional choice are the antioxidants. If we are to live longer, healthier, lives we must find a way to slow or remove the effects of oxidation. Oxidation is the chemical process by which

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an atom or molecule robs another of one or more of its electrons. Chemicals with this tendency of stealing electrons are referred to as “oxidizing agents”. Perhaps the most familiar “oxidizing agent” is oxygen itself. Examples of oxidation include the browning of a sliced apple, or the rusting of a shovel in the garage. When a material is oxidized, its chemical structure is altered, often irreversibly. The human body is no exception and is also prone to oxidation. We are constantly prone to oxidative stress. This stress is brought on partly by environmental parameters such as air pollution, tobacco smoke, exposure to chemicals, and exposure to ultraviolet light. Oxidative stress in humans also arises as a natural result of the body sustaining itself by aerobic metabolism. Normal aerobic metabolism produces as its by-products various highly reactive molecules collectively termed, “oxidants”. The oxidants include a variety of electron stealing molecules known as “free-radicals”. Some of these reactive molecules like super oxide, hydrogen peroxide, and nitric oxide, are physiologically useful and in fact, are necessary for life, but can also be harmful when present in excess. All of these oxidants can react with various components of a living cell, such as proteins, DNA, or lipids. This reaction can cause damage by changing the structure of these components. Such damage has been linked to a variety of pathological conditions, such as aging, coronary artery disease, age related macular degeneration, and certain cancers. For us oxygen is therefore necessary and harmful. Many human diseases and degenerative processes have been linked in some way to the action of free radicals. Free radicals are not necessarily the only cause of these conditions, but may make the human body more susceptible to other disease initiating factors, may enhance the progression of diseases, and may inhibit the body’s own defenses and repair processes. The following conditions have all been linked to free radicals

• Cancer • Aging

o immune deficiency o premature aging disorders

• inflammatory or immune injuries • senile dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease • Parkinson’s disease • Atherosclerosis and stroke • Age related macular degeneration and cataracts.

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It is obvious that human health depends to a large extent on the body’s ability to control free radicals and thus reduce oxidative damage to tissues, cells, and DNA. To that end, antioxidants play an essential role in disease prevention in longevity, and in overall well being. The human body has evolved a large array of its own antioxidant defenses against oxidative stress. Including antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase ( is a great example of this and 3D interactive), catalase (a common ezyme), and various peroxidases, as well as the ability to use small molecules with antioxidant activity such as glutathione. However, these natural antioxidants do not completely protect against the sum of oxidative stresses challenging the body, and thus there is a net oxidative damage that in the long term contributes to aging and various diseases. In addition to the body’s endogenous defenses against oxidative stress, diet derived antioxidants, including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta carotene, may be important in protecting against disease, and age-related changes. Diet derived antioxidants are plentiful in nature and foods in essential nutrients that you should include in your daily diet including blueberries, cherries, selenium, Vitamins A & C, and many more. Many foods have been tested and assigned an ORAC value. ORAC is a value for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, and is a measure of how effective a substance is at fighting free radicals. The higher the ORAC value, the more antioxidant capacity a food has. For example, an orange has an ORAC value of 1000, and blueberries pack a powerful ORAC of 2400. The challenge is to ingest sufficient antioxidants, and frankly it is difficult to do with diet alone. The US Daily Requirement for fruits and vegetables is 5 servings, minimum per day, but the National Research Council notes that the average person eats only 1 serving per day. That is why supplementing the diet with foods or ingredients with tested high ORAC values can be one of the most effective and easiest methods of fighting oxidative stress and slowing biological aging. Remember, antioxidants can boost immunity, fight inflammation and protect vital organs to help you live not only longer, but also much healthier, physically, mentally, and emotionally, a very fundamental requirement in our nutritious, life extending mixture.

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Another necessary component to this life enhancing mixture, are vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are chemical compounds and minerals are chemical elements. They are nutrients for the human body that are contained within food substances. Vitamins control the chemical reactions within the human body which convert food into energy and living tissue. They help the body use the energy nutrients, maintain normal body tissue, act as a regulator, and are only needed in small amounts. Minerals are needed for several body functions including building strong bones, transmitting nerve signals, maintaining a normal heart beat, and are used to produce necessary hormones. There are a total of 13 needed vitamins and there are only 4 that are produced by the body itself, biotin, pantothenic acid, and Vitamin K, are made in the human intestine, and usually in adequate amounts to meet the body’s needs. Sunlight on the skin’s surfaces can produce sufficient amounts of Vitamin D, the remaining vitamins must be supplied by the daily diet. Each vitamin or mineral substance meets specific chemical requirements in the body that cannot be substituted for by other compounds. Moreover, the lack or deficiency of a vitamin or mineral can sometimes interfere with another vitamin or mineral’s function. If a vitamin or mineral deficiency continues, the person can incur a related disease, such as Beriberi (pronounced Berry-berry- a nervous system ailment caused by a

deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the diet), Pellagra (a disease caused by lack of niacin

(vitamin B3)), Rickets (a bone disease generally due to a deficiency of vitamin D), and Scurvy (generally due to a deficiency of vitamin C). Conversely, too much of some vitamins and minerals brings on a toxic condition. The best and recommended way for a healthy person to obtain needed vitamins and minerals is to eat well balanced meals, but as we just discussed, most Americans do not eat a balanced diet, and many have to rely on other sources for their vitamin and mineral requirements. Regarding minerals, 95% of our body’s functions require minerals to help keep illness and disease at bay. Unfortunately only 8 minerals are available at any kind of quantity in most of the food we eat today. Minerals in the body are either major elements or trace elements. Minerals are more important to nutrition that vitamins.

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Vitamins are required for every bio chemical process in the body, however vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present. Minerals are vital for healing and tissue rebuilding, and this occurs more readily when the body has access to the necessary minerals. Minerals, however, are difficult for the body to absorb. Calcium, for example must be taken with vitamins D and C, essential fatty acids, and in the proper ratio to magnesium in order to be digested. Adequate vitamins and minerals are simply an irreplaceable component in any liquid nutritional mixture designed to promote good health. This leads to the all important question…

“Where do I find a juice or supplement that has all the things previously described?”

Good that you asked the question, fortunately there is such an answer to the question that was posed. The company known as Waiora has a product called “Essential Daily Nutrients”. This will meet all of the criteria previously described. It is well formulated, nutritious, complete, and balanced. EDN is a high potency, multi nutrient supplement, combining superior nutrition, liquid convenience, and great taste. Beyond just being a fruit juice or a multiple vitamin, this powerful liquid supplement has more than 150 life essential nutrients in every drop. Every drop of EDN delivers a high potency vitamin/mineral complex that provides 100% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of many critical vitamins and minerals, including naturally derived vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. It also contains the RDA of chromium, manganese, iodine, molybdenum, and selenium, as well as a mineral boost from zinc, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

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EDN provides 22 vitamins and minerals. EDN also delivers a full spectrum of 60 trace minerals found naturally in Pacific sea salt, vital to the health of every cell in the body. It also has natural energy from green tea, red Korean ginseng, and vitamin B complex, which helps increase alertness and concentration, supports memory and promotes stamina and endurance. Better than coffee or soda, this invigorating combination delivers healthful sustained energy for busy lives. EDN also has age-defying antioxidants found in nutrient dense whole foods, vitamins and herbs to fight free radicals that continuously bombard healthy cells both inside and outside the body. EDN also contains exotic, phyto-nutrient rich super fruits from around the world including pure acai and goji, nature’s ultimate berries. In addition EDN has been fortified with an herbal infusion of rare and potent herbs used by ancient civilizations to balance the body. Green tea, red Korean ginseng, Grape-seed extract, and Maitake mushroom. These are a brilliant combination of herbs that work well together to nourish the body’s major systems. Most importantly EDN contains “purple power” from rich and deep colored fruits, loaded with polyphenols such as anthocyanines and bioflavonoids, known as “life span essentials”, polyphenols are supercharged antioxidants that can protect cell membranes and cellular DNA from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. The deeper the color the fruit, the higher the polyphenol content and ORAC value. In addition to acai and goji, EDN also includes cranberry, cherry, and passion fruit. Best of all, there is no added sugar, no artificial flavors, no artificial colors, and no artificial preservatives. Waiora has not skimped on this formulation. They have used the finest, most advanced ingredients available. In fact, EDN is the only liquid supplement that I know of that uses Agave nectar in its formula. Agave nectar is a natural sweetener extracted from the Agave plant. This is a cactus-like plant that has been used by native Americans for thousands of years. It has a very low glycemic index, which helps keep blood sugar levels in balance. EDN takes daily nutrition to the highest level.

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No longer do you need to buy and keep track of the countless, separate bottles of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants, and herbs, that would be required to achieve this same result. EDN provides complete daily nutrition in seconds, and EDN is specially formulated for easy digestion and absorption into the body. As mentioned, the super fruits, acai and goji are genuinely unique and provide many benefits. Acai fruit grows on Acai palms in the Amazon rainforest, and is similar to a grape in size, shape and properties. Here are some pictures of the Acai berry: Acai berries are considered to be one of the most nutritious fruits of the Amazon rainforest. The benefits of Acai have been studied for years, and it is rich in essential fatty acids like Omega 3 and 6, as well as Oleic acid, also called Omega 9. The Omega fatty acids are important building blocks of our cell membranes, signaling pathways, and neurological systems. They play a critical role in many functions of the body, and are essential for good health. It also contains an almost perfect compliment of essential amino acids, which are key to proper muscle development, contraction, regeneration, endurance, strength, and sustained energy. Acai in fact, has more protein than the average egg. It has an abundance of B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It is high in calcium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, and copper. What is really an attention getter is the high concentration of antioxidants called, anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are 8 times more potent than vitamin C in antioxidant power, and acai has 25 times anthocyanin content of red wine.

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Anthocyanins are amazing compounds that have many protective properties in the body. Anthocynanis neutralize enzymes that destroy connective tissue, and their antioxidant power repairs damaged proteins in blood vessel walls. The primary anthocyanin in acai has been found to help in the reversal of age related neurological deficits. Anthocyanins, even in trace amounts, can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and anthocyanins have long been known for their ability to improve eyesight. In fact, World War 2 British fighter pilots ate fruits high in anthocyanins prior to missions because it improved their night vision. Acai is also high in fiber, improves mental focus, and increases energy and stamina. Goji berry is a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb that has been used for thousands of years. Goji berries have been traditionally regarded as a longevity, strength building and sexual potency food of the highest order. Here’s a picture of the goji fruit on the bush, also called wolfberry. Chemically, goji is vitamin and nutrient rich. It contains 19 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, and 13% more protein than whole wheat. It is one of the most concentrated sources of beta carotene, calcium, and vitamin C in the entire plant world. Goji berry is most well known, however for its unique polysaccharide complex. You can think of polysaccharides as long complex chains of single carbohydrate molecules. Research has revealed the following benefits attributable to goji’s unique polysaccharide complex:

• It has been found to be a powerful “secretagogue” for human growth hormone (HGH) from the pituitary gland.

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• Clinical studies have revealed a measurable improvement in immune function in subjects receiving goji.

• Ingestion of goji results in a remarkable 40% increase in the body’s most potent antioxidant, superoxide dismutase. This translates to an improvement in inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and a protection against cardiovascular disease and stroke.

And last, but not least goji has been used for centuries to treat sexual dysfunction. In fact, an old Chinese proverb cautions men who are traveling far from their wives and families, “He who travels 1000 kilometers from home, should not eat goji.” This very unique combination of acai and goji in EDN has been infused with several other beneficial ingredients as well providing even more advantages. Grapeseed extract is a natural plant substance that has a concentrated source of polyphenols which, as mentioned, are strong antioxidants that help protect cells from free radical damage. By helping to reduce and prevent free radical damage, grapeseed extract reduces the rate of aging and wrinkling of the skin, and enhances energy. It enhances immune function and reduces inflammation in the body. Grapeseed extract not only reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, but also helps improve peripheral and central circulation, and varicose veins. Grapeseed extract is one of the few antioxidants that can cross the blood-brain barrier, thereby helping to protect the brain and nervous system. Green tea has a long history of use dating back to China approximately 5000 years ago. It also contains polyphenols in addition to trace elements and minerals. Green tea has been shown to lower total cholesterol, and LDL (Bad) cholesterol while elevating HDL (Good) cholesterol. It has been shown to increase the resting metabolic rate, thereby helping to promote weight loss. Green tea reduces blood pressure and blood sugar levels and it enhances immune function. Maitake mushroom is rich in minerals, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. As well as vitamins B2, C, D, and niacin. It is also loaded with fiber and amino

Essential Daily Nutrition EDN (High5)

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acids. It has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to enhance immune function. Besides enhancing immune function, maitake mushroom, has also been shown effective in regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, and insulin levels. In clinical studies, subjects with recurrent bladder cancer, who received maitake mushroom, had significantly lower recurrences of their cancers than those receiving a placebo. Red Korean Ginseng is also included in the EDN formula because of its ability to increase energy, alertness, memory, stamina, and endurance. It has actually been shown to increase aerobic capacity in athletes, giving them more endurance and strength. When the antioxidant potentials of EDN are compared to other products, EDN, ounce for ounce has the highest ORAC value of the group. Additionally, EDN is the only product with additional vitamins and minerals. The FDA and EPA have guidelines for testing the total dissolved solids in liquid beverages. The total dissolved solids represent the quantity of good ingredients and nutrients in a product after the water is removed. When tested at a 3rd party laboratory, Waiora’s EDN reported the highest amount of dissolved solids per serving when compared to nine other comparable beverages. We are a society of convenience, fast food, and sedentary lifestyles. Many of us would rather get a drive through burger than prepare a meal at home. Even when we do all we can to eat right, we can’t be assured we are getting the nutrients, the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and anti-oxidants that our body’s need to stay healthy. Fresh fruits and vegetables have been grown in nutrient depleted soil, and crops are harvested prematurely to meet supermarket demands. Furthermore the most nutritious parts of the food are stripped away when we cut off the stalks, peel off the skin, or cook them. As we age, our body’s ability to produce the vital compounds that keep us looking and feeling young declines. In addition, years of poor nutrition, sun exposure, and harsh climates result in a decline of cardiovascular, digestive, and immune system function, as well as the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

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Super-nutrient liquid supplements like EDN, will help to replenish key compounds, fight oxidative stress, fill the gaps in your diet, and support your aging systems and organs to help reverse the aging trend. You will find a formulation in EDN of excellence, and stands alone and far above anything comparable. EDN is daily nutrition as it should be. For more information and to get your bottles today, visit:

Get back with me Erik Loebl at or (713) 409-7041 to get your questions answered

Thanks for reading, Erik Loebl (713) 409-7041 References: 1. Dr. John Zenk, “Essential Daily Nutrients CD”, 2007

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