
Post on 09-Jul-2016






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task 2 ielts


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In some countries, marriages are arranged by the parents but in other cases, people choose their own marriage partner. Discuss both systems. In some countries, marriages are arranged by the parents, but in other countries, people itself select their life partner. Different people have different opinion on the marriage but in my view, if the parent arranged marriage for their son/daughter is very successful, however some time the outcome is not very effective. Parents have better understanding than their children and can choose the best possible partners for them. Based on life experience they know what is right and wrong and they don't want their children to repeat the same mistake as they did in this age. Although parents have better knowledge to whom their children marry, but sometimes the parents make mistakes while choosing the partner. the parents choose the life partner without consulting their children. People at teenage are very emotional, and they simply don't understand what they are doing and are not under control, it is the parents that help them to differentiate between right and wrong, but parents in other place, might be wrong because they will not be able to understand the situation, it is the life of the children and how the parents decide for them? The situation is not the same as it was before, now the world is changed it is now necessary that before marriage there should be understanding between the couples. Based on all of the above mentioned points, it is better to consult the children while preferring the partner and moreover it is the children not the parents that will live with person to whom the parents choose for them. In addition, understanding of children desire and the world in which we are living should be kept in mind. A good essay, well set out and argued. Well done.

Comment: Rephrase the question never copy it exactly.

Comment: Opinions on marriage

Comment: if the parent arranged marriage for their son/daughter is very successful, that is good, however sometimes the outcome is not successful.

Comment: Although parents may better knowledge about to whom their

Comment: children marry, sometimes the parents make mistakes

Comment: The

Comment: Teenagers are very emotional, and they simply don't understand what they are doing

Comment: . On the other hand, parents may be wrong because they may not understand the actual situation. It’s their children’s life not their’s so why should the parents choose for them?

Comment: world has changed

Comment: choosing

Comment: of the children’s desire

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