essay 3

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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An About About Sahil Malkani

Entrepreneur, marketer, techie and digital media junkie. This is my story.

I am from India

My extended family

We inspire Bollywood movies that you all have heard of

Growing up was fun

Till I had to decide what I wanted to do

Everyone wanted me to be an Engineer


Chemical Engineering looked cool

Till I realized it really wasn’t

Repairing computers seemed more fun back then

Of course, it paid well too

Career Dilemma 1

Where I was.

What I thought I would do!

Where I was headed really..

I realized my PC and me were a match made in HEAVEN

Dropped Out. Chose BSc IT. Topped my Class

Celebrated. Cheers!

Career Dilemma 2: In the midst of the celebration I realized that I didn’t want

to spend my life coding

So, I chose a Marketing job instead

I was always an Early Adopter

No! Early Tech Adopter

Got into Social MediaStarted my own Digital Marketing Company

Career Dilemma 3Wanted to make the Jump

Solution: MBA

The Grand Idea = Global Exposure + Web + Business

So while I am at itSome Other Things that you should know

I love Simpsons (though I’d have liked Apu to have a better accent)

You might see me with a Guitar

But I can only play the Happy Birthday me if you can teach me more

I like forming clubs

Hit me up if you want to start or spread one at Stern

I love travelling

Always open for this!

I find solving computer or Internet Problems entertaining. Let me know if you ever need a hand.


Sahil Malkani

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