error analysis stain salatiga

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillments

of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)



NIM. 113 08 015






بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم "In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful"

Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer

herself, and it is not containing materials written and has been published by other

people and other people‟s ideas except the information from the references.

The writer is capable to account to her graduating paper if in the future, it

can be proved of containing others‟ idea or in fact, the writer imitates the others‟

graduating paper.

Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and she hopes that this

declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, August 10th

, 2012

The Writer,

Risti Yani Rahmawati

NIM: 113 08 015



Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721

Website : E-mail :

Salatiga, August 8th

, 2012

Dr. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag.

The Lecturer of Educational Faculty

State Institute of Islamic Studies Salatiga


Case : Ristiyani Rahmawati’s Graduating Paper


The Rector of State Institute

of Islamic Studies


Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Fina Farichah‟s graduating paper entitled ERROR




SALATIGA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2011/2012 I have decided and

would like to propose that if it could be accepted by Educational Faculty, I hope

this graduating paper can be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.


Dr. H. Sa’adi

NIP. 19730815 19993 1 003



Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721

Website : E-mail :











Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Department of Educational

Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga, in August 30th

2012 and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department.

Boards of examiners,

Head : Prof. Dr. H. Muh. Zuhri, M.A

Secretary : Setia Rini, M.Pd.

1st Examiner : Norwanto, M. Hum.


Examiner : Faizal Risdiyanto, M.Hum.


Examiner : Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag.

Salatiga, August 30th


Head of STAIN Salatiga

Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag

NIP. 195808 27 198303 1 002



Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721

Website : E-mail :


Blessing of my parents is one step to be successful person.

(Risti Yani Rahmawati)

I have done my best and Allah will do the rest because Allah

knows the best.



I hereby dedicate this graduating paper for:

1. STAIN Salatiga

2. All of the lecturers of STAIN Salatiga

3. My father (Iskandar), my mother (Hartini), my siblings, and all of my


4. All of the students of STAIN Salatiga

5. All of my friends in English Education Study Program

6. All of my friends in TBI A 2008

7. All of my closest friends


Assalamu‟alaikum Wr.Wb.

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord

of Universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one

of the requirement for the Degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) at

English Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies

(STAIN) Salatiga in 2012.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

However, this paper would not be finished without those supports, advices,

guidance, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow

realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag as the rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies of


2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the chief of Educational Faculty.

3. Mashlikhatul Umami, M.A as the chief of English Department.

4. Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag, as the writer‟s counselor who has educated, supported,

directed, and given the writer countless advices, suggestions, and

recommendation for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end.

5. Hammam, M.Pd and Win Listyaningrum, M.A that have given me an idea and

motivation to finish this graduating paper.

6. All of the lecturers at English Department of STAIN Salatiga.

7. All of the staffs that have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper


8. My beloved parents, my father (Iskandar) and my mother (Hartini), who

always give me sincere prayers for success in my life. Beloved aunt (Budhe

Ngatini) who gives me helpful effort to finish this graduating paper. Beloved

brothers (Vian and Adi) who always give their support to me. Beloved little

nephew (Reisha) who always cheers me up with his cries.

9. My beloved friends at KOPMA (Sari, Fina, Erna, Hery, Fian, Agus, etc) and

all of my friends at STAIN Salatiga especially A class (Eka, Ari, Mar‟atus,

Yunita, Ayik, Mazi, etc) who helped me finishing this graduating paper.

10. My best friends ( Mbak Dyah, and Mbak Dewi) thanks for your kindness.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and

contribution from the reader for the improvement of the graduating paper.

Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr.Wb.

Salatiga, August 10th

, 2012

The Writer,

Risti Yani Rahmawati

NIM: 113 08 015


Rahmawati, Yani Risti, 2012, Error Analysis on the Use of Simple Present Tense

in Paper Assignment of Writing Subject Made by the Fourth Semester

Students of English Department at STAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year

of 2011/2012. A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty. English

Department. Counselor: Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag.

Key Words: Error Analysis, Simple Present Tense, Paper Assignment

This study was carried out to describe the kinds of grammatical errors on

the use of simple present tense in paper assignment of writing subject made by the

fourth semester students of English Department at STAIN Salatiga. This study

was also intended to give some contributions concerning the factors that influence

the grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense in students‟ paper

assignment. This study is descriptive qualitative research. The writer had chosen

the fourth semester students of English Department at STAIN Salatiga in the

academic year of 2011/2012 and the subject were 47 students. The data were

analyzed by using error analysis method. The error types were classified based on

linguistic category, especially surface strategy taxonomy. The factors that

influenced the errors were found out from the result of the interview. The result of

this study showed that there were kinds of errors based on surface strategy

taxonomy such as omission of subject, omission of to be in the simple present

tense, omission of –s/-es in the verb form, omission of prepositions, omission of –

s/-es in the plural form, addition of s/-es in the singular form, addition of

possessive marker (‟s), addition of to be in the simple present tense, addition of

preposition, misformation, and misordering. According to the result of the study,

many errors in the students‟ paper assignments were due to several factors.

Meanwhile, the dominant factor was the students‟ lack understanding of English


From the result above, the writer concludes that the students were still

making a lot of grammatical errors that were mainly influenced by the students‟

lack understanding of English grammar.


TITLE ............................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION .......................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .......................................................... iii

CERTIFICATION PAGE ............................................................................. iv

MOTTO ....................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION .............................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ xii


A. Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1

B. Limitation of the Study ............................................................................. 4

C. Statement of the Problem ......................................................................... 4

D. The Objectives of the Study ..................................................................... 5

E. Benefit of the Study ................................................................................. 5

F. Definition of Key Terms ......................................................................... 6

G. Review of Previous Study ....................................................................... 7

H. Method of the Research

1. Type of the Research ............................................................................ 8

2. Setting of the Research ......................................................................... 9

3. Data Source .......................................................................................... 9

4. Method of Collecting Data ................................................................... 10

6. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................. 12

I. Outline of the Graduating Paper ............................................................... 14


A. The Meaning of Paper Assignment ......................................................... 15

B. The Notion of Error Analysis ................................................................... 17

C. The Differences Between Errors and Mistakes ........................................ 23

D. The Source of Errors ............................................................................... 25

E. The Definition of Tense .......................................................................... 27

F. The Definition of Simple Present Tense .................................................. 28



A. The Profile of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga ........ 35

B. The Profile of English Department of STAIN Salatiga ........................... 41

C. The Profile of the Fourth Semester Students of English Department of

STAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 ............................. 47

D. Grammar in Writing I Subject ................................................................. 49


A. The Kinds of Grammatical Errors on the Use of Simple Present Tense

Made by the Fourth Semester Students of Writing I Class ..................... 51

B. The Factors that Influence the Grammatical Errors on the Use of

Simple Present Tense Made by the Fourth Semester Students of

Writing I Class ........................................................................................ 74

C. The Discussion of the Findings ................................................................ 82


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 84

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 86





Table 2.1 : The Form of Simple Present Tense .......................................... 31

Table 2.2 : Spelling of Third Person Singular Forms ................................. 32

Table 2.3 : The Form and The Use of “to be” in the Simple Present

Tense .......................................................................................... 33

Table 2.4 : Guidelines for Placement of Adverbs of Frequency and

Time Expressions ..................................................................... 34

Table 3.1 : Chief, Academic and Administration Staffs of STAIN

Salatiga ....................................................................................... 39

Table 3.2 : List of the English Department Lecturers ............................... 42

Table 3.3 : Competency of English Department of STAIN Salatiga

in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 ....................................... 43

Table 3.4 : Curriculum of English Faculty of STAIN Salatiga

in the Academic Year of 2010/2011 ........................................ 45

Table 3.5 : The Number of the Fourth Semester Students of Writing I

Class .......................................................................................... 47

Table 3.6 : The Participants of the Research The Fourth Semester

Students of Writing I Class (A Class and B Class) .................... 48

Table 4.1 : Error Sentences and Types of Errors........................................ 51

Table 4.2 : The Form of Omission Errors (Type 1) ................................... 63

Table 4.3 : The Form of Addition Errors (Type 2) .................................... 66

Table 4.4 : The Form of Misformation Errors (Type 3) ............................. 67

Table 4.5 : The Form of Misordering Errors (Type 4) ............................... 68

Table 4.6 : The Factors that Influence the Errors ....................................... 74


Name : Risti Yani Rahmawati

Place and Date of Birth : Salatiga, April 12, 1989

Address : Isep – Isep RT 03/RW 03 Cebongan, Argomulyo,

Salatiga 50731

Email/Phone Number :

Educational Background :

1. TK Sejahtera Loka, Salatiga, graduated in 1995

2. SD Kutowinangun 04, Salatiga, graduated in 2001

3. SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga, graduated in 2004

4. SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga, graduated in 2007


The Interview Guidance and The Interview Questions

The Result of the Interview

The Sample of the Students’ Paper Assignments

Surat Keterangan Telah Melakukan Penelitian di STAIN Salatiga

Surat Ijin Penelitian

Surat Tugas Pembimbing dan Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi

Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

Daftar SKK (Satuan Kredit Kegiatan)



A. Background of the Study

Paper assignment becomes the significant task that should be

completed frequently by the students of English Department at STAIN

Salatiga specifically in writing subject. Commonly, this kind of assignment is

given to students by their lecturer to be finished out of the class time. Also, it

has to be submitted in written form discussing a certain topic.

In order to get a good construction and well arrangement in a written

form, the students have to produce good and right sentences. Hence, they

should know a set of rules that must be followed which is called grammar.

According to Radford (1988: 2), grammar is the description of the ways in

which words can change their forms and can combine into sentences in that

language. It can be sure that grammar is the essential part as a writing

guidance for students to make the sentences correctly and to convey the

meaning properly in particular written form.

Indeed, it is undeniable that writing in English is difficult enough for

some students because there are so many sorts of grammar which are actually

very complicated to apply in. However, it would be impossible to write the

language effectively without knowing the grammar, because it helps students

in delivering their ideas, messages and feelings in written form to the readers.

Also, students will be helpful to identify grammatical forms, which are useful

to enhance and to sharpen the expression of meaning.

Moreover, writing is one of the productive skills that have to be

mastered by students especially in English Department. It requires some

aspects such as wide perception, involving thinking process and need good

understanding on grammar. In this case, the strong foundation in grammar is

one important aspect that should be comprehended in order to make a well

structured writing. Particularly, written language without grammar would be

disorganized and causes such problems, like grammatical errors in writing.

Thus, students should have grammatical knowledge otherwise they will make

errors when they commit activity dealing with grammar as well as in writing


As matter of fact, these errors so commonly occur to students in

college, for example when they complete paper assignment given in the very

beginning lecture of writing class. It happens since they use different rules in

the writing systems so they need considerable amount of time to be able to

master the rules of the target language well. This problem needs to be

considered seriously, because it will be bad habit for students when making

paper assignment later on if there is no more attention early. Sanal (2007:

597) clarifies that the more time they repeat their habitual errors, the more

difficult it becomes for them to eliminate those errors and to replace them

with normal English patterns.

Facing the condition above, writing in English is not easy for some

students. They may have difficulties when they use the language in writing.

Because of these, there will be errors that can be found in their written

product. While actually, making errors, students will build their new

knowledge to use the target language as Selinker (Mei Lin Ho, 2003: 1)

states, making errors during learning the second language can be considered

as a mean of building students‟ abilities because they can learn something

from making errors.

Nevertheless, these errors will influence their communication.

Therefore, it is important to analyze the errors because by learning the errors

there are many advantages. According to Corder as cited by Richards (1974:

25), errors could be significant in three ways: they provided the teacher with

information about how much the learner had learnt, they provided the

researcher with evidence of how language was learnt, they served as devices

by which the learner discovered the rules of the TL.

According to the statement above, the writer will find out the factors

and the dominant factors that influence grammatical errors in writing English.

The writer chooses the students at the fourth semester of English Department

as the subject of the research as they get a writing subject for the first time.

So, there are many grammatical errors will be produced by students in

making their paper assignment.

Therefore, the writer tries to do study dealing with the problem and

the study entitles ” Error Analysis on the Use of Simple Present Tense in

Paper Assignment of Writing Subject Made by the Fourth Semester

Students of English Department at STAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year

of 2011/2012.”

B. Limitation of the Study

This study is concerned on analyzing errors in paper assignment of

writing subject made by the fourth semester students of English Department

at STAIN Salatiga. The grammatical errors that are analyzed are on the use of

simple present tense as a basic pattern which is usually used in writing for

academic purpose such as paper. The writer uses the limitation in order to

give a clear description of discussion in this study. The writer hopes that the

results of this graduating paper can be some help not only for students to be

aware of the importance of writing in English so that they can improve their

writing skill but also for the lecturers of English to develop effective

measures for teaching the English writing skill.

C. Statement of the Problem

In this study, the writer wants to solve the following problems:

1. What kinds of grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense made

by students of writing I class?

2. What are the factors that influence grammatical errors on the use of simple

present tense made by students of writing I class?

D. The Objectives of The Study

In accordance with the problem above, the objective or the aims of the

study are:

1. To find the kinds of grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense

made by students of writing I class.

2. To find the factors that influence the grammatical errors on the use of

simple present tense made by students of writing I class.

E. Benefit of the Study

This study will give some benefits as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefit

The result of the study is expected to be input in teaching learning

process especially for teaching writing subject.

2. Practical Benefit

a. The study is intended to be one consideration for English lecturers

applying any strategy or increasing any technique of teaching English.

b. The study can help students, by giving valuable input about errors

they encounter and how to overcome them.

c. Knowing the grammatical errors in the very beginning, it is useful to

reduce the errors made by students in the next semester.

F. Definition of Key Terms

There are some key terms in this paper. The writer wants to clarify the

meaning briefly:

1. Errors and Mistakes

According to Corder (1973: 257), errors are breaking the rule,

due to a lack of competence such as knowledge of the language,

which may or may not be conscious. As they are due to a lack of

competence they tend to be not self correctable. Errors in this study

refer to the errors on students‟ paper assignment.

On the other hand, according to Dictionary of Language

Teaching and Applied Linguistics (Erdogan, 2005: 263), ), a learner

makes a mistake when writing or speaking because of lack of

attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other aspects of

performance. Mistakes can be self-corrected when attention is


2. Error Analysis

According to Sanal (2007: 597), error analysis is a study to

identify, to describe and systematically to explain the learners‟

errors by using any of the principles and techniques provided by


3. Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is the tense for description,

definition and statements of general truth. Aitken (1992: 18)

explains, the simple present tense is helpful to express actions

which are always, repeatedly, or generally true, or actions occur at

the moment of speaking (with no reference to past or future).

4. Paper Assignment

Based on the Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary (1974:

608), the word paper means a written form, or written work,

whereas the word assignment based on Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary (1974: 33) means a task assigned to someone.

Regarding the definition above, it may be concluded that paper

assignment is a written work as a task which is assigned to


G. Review of Previous Study

In this study, the writer takes three previous studies. The first is study

that had been done by Faridatul Aliyah (2004), entitled “An Error Analysis of

Using Auxiliary Verb in Simple Present Tense Made by the Second Year

Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Ampel in the Academic Year of

2003/2004.” In her study, she described the kind of grammatical errors, the

dominant sources of errors made by the students in using auxiliary verb in

simple present tense and the efforts made by the English teacher to overcome

the errors.

The second previous study was done by Husnu Nur Minna (2004)

entitled “The Error Analysis on the Profile of the Students‟ Mastery in

Auxiliary “to be” in the Present Tense Made by the Students of MTs NU

Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2003/2004.” The result of her study showed

that most of the students in mastering auxiliary “to be” in the present tense

have good mastery and the sources of difficulties of the mastery of auxiliary

“to be” in the present tense belong to intralingual errors was caused by

ignorance of hypothesized and incomplete application of rule.

The third study was carried out by Alfim Mucholimi (2011), entitled

“Error Analysis of Grammar Usage in English Composition Made by the

Second Year Students of MTs N 1 Tanon, Sragen.” Her study was focused on

grammatical errors in the use of simple past tense and simple perfect tense in

English Composition. The result of her study revealed the students were still

making a lot of errors in making English composition.

The present study is dealing with error analysis on the use of simple

present tense in paper assignment of writing subject made by the fourth

semester students of English Department. So, it can be said that the present

study is quite different from the previous studies above.

H. Method of the Research

1. Type of the Research

The type of the research was descriptive qualitative. Regarding Issac

(1984: 46), descriptive research is the kind of research to describe

systematically the situations and facts of a given population factually and

accurately. Moreover, Arikunto (1996: 244) states, the final conclusion of

descriptive study should be in word or sentences, not in a number.

Meanwhile, the strategy of this study was qualitative method as the

basic research. Based on Patton (1980: 40), the qualitative method is

attempts to understand organizing patterns that exist in the empirical world

under study. In addition, the qualitative data consists of entire passages

from documents that are collected.

2. Setting of the Research

The research was conducted in STAIN Salatiga that is located on

Tentara Pelajar street number 2 Salatiga. The research was conducted from

June 07th

2012 to July 2nd

2012 at the fourth semester students of English

Department of STAIN Salatiga in the academic year of 2011/2012 who

has taken Writing I subject.

3. Data Source

a. Primary Data Source

Sugiyono (2009: 308) states, primary data source is the direct data

source that is given for researcher. In this study, there were two kinds of

primary data source such as paper assignment and interview. The first

one is paper assignments that were taken by the writer of two classes as

that consist of the fourth semester students who took Writing I class at

English Department in the academic year 2011 / 2012. The total

numbers of the students were about 47 students.

The writer chose A class and B class for this study. The reason

was all of the students of these classes had done the paper assignment in

the form of paragraphs construction that used simple present tense to

produce a kind of text whereas the other classes such as C class, D class

and E class just made sentences construction for their assignments in

writing I class.

The second one is the result of interview that was used by the

writer in order to know the factors that influence the grammatical errors

on the use of simple present tense made by students of writing I class.

b. Secondary Data Source

Sugiyono (2009: 308) states, secondary data source is data source

indirectly given for example by document. In this study, it could be

taken from other books such as Error Analysis by Jacks Richards,

Understanding Second Language Acquisition by Rode Ellis,

Introduction Applied Linguistics by Corder, and Practical English

Language Teaching by David Nunan and Buku Pedoman

Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN Salatiga.

4. The Method of Collecting Data

a. Documentation

In this study, the writer used documentation as a method of

collecting data. According to Arikunto (2006: 231), documentation is a

number of data that presents the verbal data such as correspondence,

journal, memory, report and others‟ which can be mutually responsible.

In this study, the writer uses paper assignment.

This was used to know the students‟ errors on the use of simple

present tense in their writing product. In this case, the writer had to

make an appointment with the lecturer of Writing I class and asked the

lecturer for her permission to borrow the students‟ paper assignment to

make the copies later on.

The writer copied all of the paper assignments which did not only

include one type of text but also some text types specifically those were

used simple present tense like descriptive, procedure, and exposition.

Additionally, this method was also used to obtain the data such as the

profile of the institution (STAIN Salatiga) that is used as the object of

the research.

b. Interview

Esterberg (Sugiyono, 2009: 317) points out, “Interview is a

meeting of two persons to exchange information and idea through

question and responses, resulting in communication and joint

construction of meaning about particular topic.”

In addition, Susan Stainback (Sugiyono, 2009: 318) mentions as

follow: “Interviewing provides the researcher a mean to gain a deeper

understanding of how the participants interpret a situation or


The technique of interview in this study was unstructured

interview. According to Sugiyono (2009: 320), unstructured interview

is free interviewing wherein technically does not use the complete and

systematically interview guidance for collecting the data. To support the

credibility of the interview, taking notes are paramount. Thus, the

interviewer needs to listen and to make a note accurately of what

respondents talk about.

In this case, interview was used by the writer in order to obtain

the more accurate data dealing with the factors that influence the

grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense made by students

of writing I class. Here, the deep interview was only for those students

who made errors.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer focused on error analysis on the use of simple present

tense that was applied in paper assignment. Therefore, in analyzing the

data, the writer used error analysis method. Corder as cited by Ellis (1996:

51) suggests the following steps to conduct an error analysis research:

a. Collection of samples of learner language

It refers to deciding what samples of learner language to use

for the analysis and how to collect these samples.

b. Identification of errors

In this step, the writer studied the acquired data and tried to

find out errors on the use of simple present tense in students‟

paper assignments by underlying the errors.

c. Classification of errors

Grouping the errors that had been found and stating the

classes of the errors. The errors were classified based on surfaced

strategy taxonomy those include four types of errors according to

Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim (2011: 29). Those are:

1) Omission Error

2) Addition Error

3) Misformation Errors

4) Misordering Errors

d. Explanation of errors

In this step, the writer tried to explain how and why a

sentence called to be erroneous.

e. Evaluation of errors

Here, the writer used the evaluation of errors as a step that

involved drawing conclusion.

f. Identification of factors and dominant factor that influence the

grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense.

Actually, this part was not included of error analysis steps.

However, it was conducted as useful step for knowing the factors

that influenced the grammatical errors. The writer tried to identify

the factors based on the result of interview in the form of written

transcription with the students who made the errors.

I. Outline of the Graduating Paper

The graduating paper is divided into five chapters as follows:

Chapter I contains introduction which covers the background of

the study, the limitation of the problem, the statement of the problem, the

objectives of the study, the benefits of the study, definition of key terms,

review of previous researches, method of the research and outline of the

graduating paper.

Chapter II presents the review of related literature of the such as

theoretical foundation which includes the meaning of paper assignment,

the notion of error analysis, the differences between error and mistake, the

source of errors, the definition of tense, the definition of simple present


Chapter III provides research report and data presentation,

whereas chapter IV explains the data analysis that discusses the data

description that includes the kinds of grammatical errors, the factors

influence the error, and the discussion of the findings.

Chapter V is closure as the end of the graduating paper by giving

conclusions and suggestions.

For the attachment there are bibliography and appendices.



In this chapter, the writer is going to explain briefly the theoretical foundation

which includes the meaning of paper assignment, the notion of error analysis, the

differences between error and mistake, the source of errors, the definition of tense,

and the definition of simple present tense.

A. The Meaning of Paper Assignment

In the writing subject, there is a term like paper assignment which is

absolutely familiar in university students since the English lecturers

frequently give this kind of task to their students. Based on the Oxford

Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary (1974: 608), the word paper means a written

form, or written work, whereas the word assignment based on the Oxford

Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary (1974: 33) means a task assigned to someone.

Regarding the definition above, it may be concluded that paper assignment is

a written work as a task which is assigned to someone.

Actually, paper assignment is really beneficial to know the

development of students‟ writing skill and to be a device for giving feedback

and correction to the students from the lecturers. It means that kind of task

enables the English lecturers to measure and to know the students‟ capability

in writing. After revising, the students‟ mistakes and errors which have been

produced can be known by the students. Afterward, they can understand it in

order not to repeat later on.

In addition, paper assignment plays the important role as a written

product that is possible for the lecturers to know a lot about the learning

problems of individual students. For instance, grammatical errors that might

be committed by the students can be known by giving correction. Knowing

the students‟ errors in writing will equip the lecturers much better to devise

remedial measurement to make the teaching and learning process much more

rapid and effective.

In this study, the writer concerns on all of those paper assignments

which do not only include one type of text but also some text types

specifically that use simple present tense like descriptive, procedure, and

exposition. Anderson (1998: 26) explains that a description is the kind of text

which tells about a particular person, place or thing by describing its features.

Description text includes the descriptions of a specific subject rather than

general group.

Moreover, Anderson (1998: 28) conveys a procedure is a piece of text

that tells the reader how to do something. Its purpose is to provide

instructions for making something, doing something or getting somewhere.

On the other hand, Anderson (1998: 22) says an exposition is a piece of text

that presents one side of an issue. Its purpose is to persuade the reader by

presenting one side of argument, that is, the case for or the case against.

B. The Notion of Error Analysis

It is undeniable that students make mistakes and commit errors in their

writing products. However, all of those can be inhibited through realizing the

errors and operating on them according to the feedbacks given. The steps that

students follow get the writer realizes that if the mistakes and errors of

language in constructing new language system are analyzed carefully, the

process of writing shall be understood.

Erdogan (2005: 262) states in terms of error correction, the analyses of

errors are supposed as a strategy to inhibit the errors that have been made in

writing product such as paper assignment. Erdogan (2005: 262) also explains

error analysis enables lecturers to find out the sources of errors and take

pedagogical precautions towards them. As indicated above, the analysis of

students‟ errors has become an essential need to organize remedial courses, to

compose appropriate material and teaching strategies based on the findings of

error analysis.

According to Sanal (2007: 597), error analysis is a study to identify, to

describe and systematically to explain the learners‟ errors by using any of the

principles and techniques provided by linguistics. It can be said that error

analysis as a process based on analysis of the students‟ errors. Whereas

Brown as cited in Sanal (2007: 598) asserts that error analysis is the activity

to observe, to analyze and to classify the students‟ errors for conveying

something of the system operating.

The other notion is from Nunan (2005: 31) who defines that error

analysis involves studying samples of students‟ written language to identify

grammatical errors they make. This analysis is absolutely needed to be the

basis for providing feedback to the students, or for tabulating the errors.

Although, these analyses are extremely time consuming and also probably not

feasible in large classes, it is helpful for being basis to decide on the focus of

review lessons.

Practically, error analysis can be a very useful device of a foreign

language teaching program. Errors provide feedback, they tell the lecturers

something about the effectiveness of their teaching materials and their

teaching techniques. There are several steps of analyzing the errors based on

Corder as cited by Ellis (1996: 51). Those include:

1. Collection of samples of learner language

It refers to deciding what samples of learner language to use for the

analysis and how to collect these samples.

2. Identification of errors

In this step, we have to compare the error sentences (the writer

mentions it as „original sentence‟) with what seem to be the normal or

„correct‟ sentences in the target language. It can be done by underlying

the errors sentences. Corder as cited by Ellis (1996: 52) points out the

importance to differentiate mistakes sentences that are result of processing

limitations rather than error sentences that are result of lack of


3. Classification of errors

This next step is the step where the errors are described and

classified into kinds. This step can be done by several ways. There are two

ways to classify errors as mentioned by Corder in Ellis (1994: 56), they


a. The first way is classifying the errors through grammatical categories. It

means classifying the errors through their tenses. As an example:

Original sentence : The girl sing beautifully.

Reconstruction : The girl sings beautifully.

b. The second way of classifying the errors is trying to identify general

ways in which the students‟ written form differs from the reconstructed

target language. It means the errors are classified into several types:

1) Omission

Omission is the error of leaving out an item that is required for

an utterance to be considered grammatical, for example: There is

picture on the wall. This sentence leaves out an article “a” that must

be added before the word picture.

2) Addition

Addition is the error of adding some unnecessary or incorrect

element in an utterance. For instance: The books is here. There is

suffix “–s” added after the word “book”. Hence, this indicates

addition error.

3) Misformation

Misformation is the error of using one grammatical form in

place of another grammatical form, for example: “I see her

yesterday.” This sentence contains misformation in using irregular

verb which marked by the using the wrong form “see” to replace


4) Misordering

Misordering is the error of putting the words in utterance in the

wrong order. For example: “She will come evening tomorrow.” This

sentence has the wrong order of adverb of time “evening tomorrow”.

It must be changed becomes: “She will come tomorrow evening.”

4. Explanation of errors

In this stage of the procedure an effort is made to identify the cause

of errors. In other words, in this step the researcher tries to explain how

and why a sentence called to be erroneous.

5. Evaluation of errors

Evaluating serrious errors is designed to reduce, revised and devise

remedial lessons in teaching learning. However, in this study, the

researcher uses evaluating the errors as a step that involves drawing


Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim (2011: 27) say people cannot learn

language without first systematically committing errors. There are four

descriptive taxonomies to analyze errors, namely linguistic category

taxonomy, surface strategy taxonomy, comparative taxonomy, and

communicative effect taxonomy.

1. Linguistic Category Taxonomy

Dulay et al. in Alfim (2011: 27) explain linguistic category

taxonomies classify errors according to either or both the language

component and the particular linguistic constituent the error effects.

Language components include phonology (pronunciation), syntax and

morphology (grammar), semantics and lexicon (meaning and vocabulary),

and discourse (style). Constituents include the elements that comprise each

language component.

2. Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim (2011: 28) state surface strategy

taxonomy highlights the way surface structures are altered. The surface

strategy elements of a language are altered in specific and systematic

ways. Among the common errors are:

a. Omission Errors

Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim (2011: 29) argue that omission

errors are characterized by the absence of an item that must appear in a

well-formed utterance. Language learners omit grammatical

morphemes much more frequently than content words. For example:

“He comes my house.” It must be “He comes to my house.”

b. Addition Errors

Addition errors based on Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim

(2011: 29) are characterized by the presence of an item which must not

appear in a well-formed utterance. There are two categories of addition

according to Dulay as cited by Alfim (2011: 30). Those are:

1) Double marking

Double marking happens when the learners failed to delete

some unnecesary item that identified as error. For example, as in

“She does not reads the book.” In the example, there are two tenses

marker: “does” and “reads”. The used of auxiliary and verb seem as

such phenomena that be common errors in constructing sentences.

2) Regulation

Regulation occurs when learners confuse to decide the use of

regular and irregular form. For instance: “eated” and “childs”.

These kind of errors happened when learners use the tense marker

–ed in irregular verb or when putting the suffix –s in the noun that

do not have the addition –s form.

c. Misformation Errors

Dulay et al. in Alfim (2011: 31) define misformation errors are

characterized by the use of the wrong form of the morphemes or

structure. For example: “I am believing in you.” In this case the learners

were supplied a present continuous tense marker, even though it was

just not the right.

d. Misordering Errors

Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim (2011: 31) state misordering

errors are characterized by the incorrect placement of a morpheme or

group of morphemes in an utterance. For instance: “I don‟t know what

is that.” The word “is” in this sentence is misordering.

3. Comparative Taxonomy

Regarding Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim (2011: 32),

comparative taxonomies classify errors based on comparison between the

structure of language learner errors and certain other types of construction.

The errors are classified into developmental errors (intralingual errors) and

interlingual errors.

4. Communicative Effect Taxonomy

Dulay et al. in Alfim (2011: 32) explains communicative effect

taxonomy deals with errors from the perspective of their effect on the

listener or reader. This taxonomy classifies errors into global errors and

local errors.

C. The Differences Between Errors and Mistakes

An error is different from mistake, so we have to be careful to

differentiate both of them. Based on Corder (1973: 257), errors are breaking

the rule, due to a lack of competence such as knowledge of the language,

which may or may not be conscious. As they are due to a lack of competence

they tend to be not self correctable.

According to Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

(Erdogan, 2005: 263), a learner makes a mistake when writing or speaking

because of lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other aspects of

performance. Mistakes can be self-corrected when attention is called.

In other words, a mistake is a slip that a learner can self-correct

whereas an error is what a learner can not self-correct. From those definitions

above, the writer can also conclude that a mistake is just a slip that the learner

forgets the right form. While, an error is a deviation made by the learner

because he/she does not know the rule and he /she will make it repetitively.

To distinguish between an error and mistake, Ellis as mentioned by

Erdogan (2005: 263) also suggests two ways. The first one is to check the

consistency of learner‟s writing. If he sometimes uses the correct form and

sometimes the wrong one, it is a mistake. However, if he always uses it

incorrectly, it is then an error. The second way is to ask learner to try to

correct his own deviant utterance. Where he is unable to, the deviations are

errors; where he is successful, they are mistakes.

Indeed, learners often make mistakes in the process of foreign language

learning. Thus, it is still not a big deal when the learners commit the mistake

either in speaking or writing since they are capable to correct the mistake.

However, learning other language becomes difficult since the target language

has different system from the native language. This difference sometimes

makes the learners make errors especially in applying the grammar. This is

why analyzing learner‟s errors in learning other language would be

interesting instead of mistake analysis.

D. The Source of Errors

In order to be able to decide whether it is error or not, it is needed to

understand fully the source of errors. The source of an error could be

interlanguage or intralanguage.

1. Interlanguage Errors

This source of errors can be called errors by negative transfer.

Richards (1974: 173) states if the learners of a foreign language make

mistakes in the target language by effect of his mother tongue that is

called as interlanguage. For example, any Indonesian writer learning

English may write “Ahmad dan Fatma menikah” in his mother tongue,

and he may transfer his old habit to the target language. The result would

be Ahmad married with Fatma, which is not acceptable in English.

Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

(Erdogan, 2005: 265) defines interlanguage errors as being the result of

language transfer, which is caused by the learners‟ first language.

2. Intralanguage and Developmental Errors

Interferences from the students‟ own language is not the only

reason for committing errors. Students may make mistakes in the target

language, since they do not know the target language very well, they have

difficulties in using it.

Based on Ellis as cited by Erdogan (2005: 266), intralanguage

errors result from faulty learning of the target language. For example, the

students attempt to use two tense markers at the same time in one

sentence since they have not mastered the language yet. When they write

He is comes here, it is because the singularity of the third person requires

“is” in present continuous, and “-s” at the end of a verb in simple present

tense. In short, intralanguage errors occur as a result of learners‟ attempt

to build up concepts and hypotheses about the target language from their

limited experience with it.

Whereas Richards (1974: 175 – 179) distinguishes four types of

intralanguage errors.

a. Over-generalization

Richards (1974: 175) says that over-generalization occurs when

the learner creates a deviant structure on the basis of other structures

in the target language. It generally involves the creation of one deviant

structure in place of two target language structures (for example, “He

can sings” where English allows “He can sing” and “He sings”).

b. Ignorance of rule restrictions

Richards (1974: 175) defines ignorance of rule restrictions

involves the application of rules to contexts where they do not apply.

An example is “He made me to rest” through extension of the pattern

found with the majority of verbs that take infinitival complements (for

example, “He asked /wanted/invited me to go”).

c. Incomplete application of rules

According to Richards (1974: 177) this category is typically

related to analogy. It involves a failure to fully develop a structure.

Thus learners of L2 English have been observed to use declarative

word order in questions (for example, “You like to sing?”) in place

of interrogative word order (for example, “Do you like to sing?”).

d. False concept hypothesized

The last category of intralanguage error, that is sometimes called

semantic error based on Richards (1974: 179). He says it may be

derived from faulty comprehension in the target language. These are

sometimes due to poor gradation of teaching items.

E. The Definition of Tense

Here, the writer will talk about the concept of the tenses that the

English language has. According to The New Grolier Webster International

Dictionary of the English Language (1972:1013) tense means the form of a

verb that shows the time of its action or state of being or set of such forms

indicating a particular time. In other words, tense is the inflected form in the

declension of verb that indicates the time such as past, present, or future

It does not matter whatever the tense means. If someone wants to talk

about tense he or she may not escape from grammar because tense is part of

structure. Grammar may be roughly defined as the way a language

manipulates and combines words in order to form longer units of meaning.

For example, in English the present form of the verb be in the third person

has two distinct forms, one “is” being used with a singular subject, and the

other “are” with a plural; and if the plural “are” is combined with a singular

subject, the result usually unacceptable or ungrammatical. This, a sentence

like “this is a pencil” is grammatical, whereas “this a pencil” is not. There is a

set of rules which governs how units of meaning may be constructed in any

language. We may say that a learner who knows grammar is one who has

mastered and can apply these rules to express himself or herself in what

would be considered acceptable language form either in verbal

communication or in written form.

Dealing with tenses, English language has sixteen different tenses.

These sixteen tenses are different to one another. The differences happened in

the forms of the used verbs and the time of verbs action takes places. In other

words we may say that an English verb will be very to its usages. However,

this study is focusing on the simple present tense as one of the forms of

sixteen tenses.

F. The Definition of Simple Present Tense

In a particular time, the Simple Present Tense shows clearly that in

English tense is not the same is time. The Simple Present Tense is not usually

used to describe activities and states which are generally and universally true.

The Simple Present Tense is the tense for the description, definition and

statements of general truth. Azzar (1999: 2) says The Simple Present Tense

expresses events, perceptions, feelings, or states that occur or exist always,

usually, habitually; they exist now, have existed in the past, and probably will

exist in the future.

Based on Aitken (1992: 18), the simple present tense is helpful to

express actions which are always, repeatedly, or generally true, or actions

occur at the moment of speaking (with no reference to past or future). It will

be explained more in detail about the usages of the simple present tense

according to Aitken (1992: 19).

1. The simple present tense is used to denote truths;

a. Habitual truths: He smokes 40 cigarettes a day.

b. Eternal and unvarying truths: Jesus lives.

c. Recurrent truths: The sun rises in the east.

d. Permanent human truths: I like sweet. I live here.

e. General truths: English people drink a lot of tea.

f. Mathematical and scientific truths: Two and two make four. Water

boils at 1000 C.

g. Internal truths: verbs of thinking, knowing, wishing, etc; expressing a

mental state: I think he is very nice. I know it is here.

2. It is used for giving instructions, directions or demonstrations, often with

the impersonal you: You beat the eggs, and then you add the flour. In

many situations the “you” is dropped, giving the imperative, which gives

direct instructions: Beat the eggs and then add the flour.

3. The present simple is often used as a narrative device, for dramatic effect

in certain situations.

For instances, it is used in commentaries, especially those about activities

where the actions are swift: He passes the ball to Clark, he swerves, aims,

and scores.

4. It can be used to describe feelings and senses, especially sudden ones, over

which the speaker has no control: I feel sick (suddenly, but certainly). I

hear bells.

5. With a future time marker the tense gives a timetable future: My bus

leaves at three. It is usually used for schedules, especially transport.

6. After when, to form a time clause. This usually occurs with:

a. The main verb in the present: I catch a bus when it rains. When you

heat ice, it melts.

This creates the general condition expressing habitual, general or

eternal rules. “When” is in such sentences can be replaced by either

“if” or ”whenever” without changing the meaning.

b. The main verb in the future. Most commonly the verb is in the “will”

future: When I get home, I will make tea.

The other usages of the simple present tense based on Thomson and

Martinet (1995: 159) are as follow:

1. The simple present tense is used in conditional sentences type I, for

example: If I see Ann, I will ask her.

2. It must be used instead of the present continuous with verbs which cannot

be used in the continuous form. For instance: love, see, believe, etc, so that

we can say I love you but not I am loving you.

3. It is often used with adverbs or adverb phrases such as: always, never,

occasionally, often, sometimes, usually, every week, on Monday, twice a

year etc. For example: I go to school every day.

It needs to be noted, in the affirmative the simple present tense has the

same form as the infinitive but adds an “s” for the third person singular, based

on Thomson and Martinet (1995: 159).

Table 2.1 The Form of Simple Present Tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative


I work I do not work Do I work? Do I not work?

You work You do not work Do you work? Do you not work?

He/She/It works He/She/It does

not work.

Does He/She/It


Does He/She/It not


We work We do not work Do we work? Do we not work?

They work They do not work Do they work? Do they not work?

*Note: Contractions: the verb “do” is normally contracted in the negative and

negative interrogative: I don‟t work, he doesn‟t work, don‟t I work?, doesn‟t

he work?, etc.

In the simple present tense, there is the spelling of third person singular

forms as mentioned by Swan (2005: 449) in his book entitle Practical English


Table 2.2 Spelling of Third Person Singular Forms

Most verbs:

Add –s to infinitive

Work → works

Sit → sits

Stay → stays

Verbs ending in consonant + y.

Change y to i and add -es

But (vowel + y)

Cry → cries

Hurry → hurries

Reply → replies

Enjoy → enjoys

Verbs ending in –s, -z, -ch, -sh, or –x,

Add -es to infinitive

Miss → misses

Buzz → buzzes

Watch → watches

Push → pushes

Fix → fixes

Exceptions Have → has

Go → goes

Do → does

Furthermore, there are the form and the use of “to be” as an auxiliary

verb in the formation of simple present tense, according to Thomson and

Martinet (1995: 116).

Table 2.3 The Form and The Use of “to be” in the Simple Present Tense

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Negative


I am I am not Am I? Am not I?

You are You are not Are you? Are not you?

He/she/it is He/she/it is not Is she/he/it? Is not she/he/it?

We are We are not Are we? Are not we?

They are They are not Are they? Are not they?

*Note: Contractions: to be (is, am, and are) are normally contracted in the

negative and negative interrogative: You aren‟t, he isn‟t, aren‟t you?, isn‟t

he?, etc.

Additionally, there are also a common adverbs and time expressions

which are often used with the simple present tense to indicate frequency in

accordance with Werner (2002: 7).

Adverbs Time Expressions

100 % Always 100 % all the time

Usually most of the time

Often in generally, generally

Frequently once (twice, etc.) a week

Normally (month, etc.)

Sometimes from time to time

Occasionally (every) now and then

Seldom, rarely off and on

Hardly ever once in a while

Almost never

0 % Never 0 %

Table 2.4 Guidelines for Placement of Adverbs of Frequency

and Time Expressions

Uses Examples Notes

With the verb be I am usually on time.

She is rarely late.

One – or two-word

adverbs of frequency

come after be.

With all other

verbs and verb


I seldom go to class late.

She rarely goes to class.

He has never been late.

One – or two – word

adverbs of frequency

normally come before the

main verb or between the

auxiliary and main verbs

in a statement.

Longer time

expressions with all


They are late once in a


Once in a while they come


Longer time expressions

usually come at the

beginning or end of a


Ever with

questions and


Is he ever late?

Do you ever come late?

I do not ever skip classes.

Ever means “any time.”

Ever and other adverbs of

frequency come after the

subject in a question.



In this chapter, the writer would like to present several data dealing with the

research such as, the profile of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN Salatiga)

that explains history of STAIN Salatiga, transformation of STAIN Salatiga, the

faculty and study program of STAIN Salatiga and academic administration system

that presents chief, academic and administration staffs of STAIN Salatiga.

Meanwhile, the profile of English Department of STAIN Salatiga describes

the situation of facilities and the students, the situation of lecturers, competence of

English faculty, and curriculum of English faculty of STAIN Salatiga. There are

also description about the profile of the fourth semester students of English

Department of STAIN Salatiga in the academic year of 2011/2012, and the

position of grammar in writing subject.

A. The Profile of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN Salatiga)

1. History of STAIN Salatiga

As explained in Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN

Salatiga (2011: 2), since established until now, STAIN Salatiga has passed

long history and experienced some institutional movements. In the

beginning, STAIN Salatiga was established because of the desire of

Islamic society in Salatiga to establish Islamic Institute. Therefore, it was

established Education Faculty, Teaching and Educational Institute

Nahdatul Ulama in Salatiga. This department was stated in the Institute of

Pesantren Luhur on Diponegoro Street, number 64 Salatiga. It was

established due to support from several oppositions especially scholars of

Islam and the functionaries of Central Java Nahdatul Ulama.

As mentioned in Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN

Salatiga (2011: 3), not more than one year, this department was changed

became Education Faculty. This movement means this department could

be state with preparation of IAIN Walisongo established in Semarang of

Central Java. To fulfill formal requirements, it was made the committee

who was included with K.H. Zubair as the chief and his dean.

Furthermore, as noted in Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan

STAIN Salatiga (2011: 3), in the same time of establishing process of

IAIN Walisongo of Central Java in Semarang, Education Faculty in

Salatiga was proposed as state of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta branch.

After being observed by observer team of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga,

controlling and founding of Education Faculty Salatiga were given to

them. This decision based on Minister of Religious Affair letter c.q.

Founding Directorate of Islamic Studies Institute Number

Dd/PTA/3/1364/69, November 31, 1969.

When IAIN Walisongo of Central Java in Semarang was established,

Education Faculty Salatiga was accepted state status, and as branch of

IAIN Walisongo. This status based on recommendation letter of Minister

of Religious Affair number 30, April 16, 1970.

2. Transformation of STAIN Salatiga

As explained in Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN

Salatiga (2011: 10), the hope of Islamic society in Salatiga has been

answered. In 1997, STAIN Salatiga was established with notarical

document of Indonesia president number 11/97, exactly on March 21.

With this decision, STAIN Salatiga becomes an independence institution

under supervisor of Indonesia Religious Department. Therefore, STAIN

Salatiga has the similar position and function with other institution and

university. The location of STAIN Salatiga is on Tentara Pelajar street

number 2 Salatiga.

3. The Faculty and the Study Program of STAIN Salatiga

Constitutionally, movement from faculty of IAIN Walisongo in

Salatiga as STAIN Salatiga gives opportunity to develop itself as tall as

and as wide as based on the arrangement, as mentioned in Buku Pedoman

Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN Salatiga (2011: 15). Even, it is not

only Under Graduate Program (S1) that could be developed but also it

opens for Post Graduate (S2) and S3 program. If the requirements are

fulfilled, STAIN can be UIN. There are faculties, study programs and

education supporting programs which in accordance with Islamic

knowledge principal that are developed by STAIN Salatiga in the

academic year of 2011/2012 as mentioned in Buku Pedoman

Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN Salatiga (2011: 15). Those are:

a. Education Faculty (Tarbiyah)

This faculty has an aim that is to carry on an academic and

professional education. Besides, it is functioned to educate the

graduated students that have Islamic educational teaching skill.

Moreover, the students should have skills in Islamic, Arabic, English

and Primary teaching. Furthermore, Education Faculty has 4 study

programs, namely:

1) Islamic Department

2) Arabic Department

3) English Department

4) Islamic Primary School Teaching Department

b. Law Faculty (Syari‟ah)

As noted in Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN

Salatiga (2011: 16), law faculty has a function to educate the graduated

students that have both Islamic and judicature court (Ahwal al-

Syakhshiyyah) skills. The study programs of this faculty are:

1) Judicature Court Department

2) Islamic Banking Department

3) Islamic Accounting Management Department

c. International Class Program

International Class Program was established in the academic year

2010/2011. This program consists of the students either from

Educational or Law Faculty that have passed the selection study. The

International Class Curriculum is based on each study programs as

mentioned in Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN

Salatiga (2011: 17). It means the college degree that will be given is

according to the students‟ own study program.

d. Postgraduate Program

Postgraduate program is the newest program of STAIN Salatiga.

The first teaching and learning process was held in the year of 2011.

The major program that is carried is on Islamic has a meaning that the

graduated students will accept M.Pd.I (Master of Islamic Education)

degree as explained in Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan

STAIN Salatiga (2011: 17).

4. Academic Administration System

To manage the educational activities, every institution needs the

academic administration system that consists of chief, academic and

administration staffs. It is expected that every activity is performed

effectively and efficiently, so the goal of teaching achieved. The chief,

academic and administration staffs of STAIN Salatiga are as follow:

Table 3.1

Chief, Academic and Administration Staffs of STAIN Salatiga

No. Position Name

1. The Rector of STAIN Salatiga Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag.

2. The Chief of Academic Affair Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd.

3. The Chief of Administration Affair Drs. Miftahuddin, M.Ag.

4. The Chief of Students Affair Drs. Agus Waluyo, M.Ag.

5. The Director of Postgraduate Program Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag.

6. The Chief of Administration Tarmizi Agus, S.Ag.

7. The Chief of Academic and Students Affair


Muzayin, S.Ag.

8. The Chief of Official and Accounting Affair Diyah Rochati, S.E

9. The Chief of General Affair Unit Drs. Jumadi

10. The Chief of Library Unit Sudiyanto, S.H

11. The Chief of Computer Unit M. Muqtafin, A.Md.

12. The Chief of Educational Faculty (Tarbiyah) Suwardi, M.Pd.

13. The Chief of Islamic Department Dra. Siti Asdiqoh, M.Pd.

14. The Chief of Arabic Department M. Hafidz, M.Ag.

15. The Chief of English Department Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A

16. The Chief of Islamic Primary School

Teaching Department

Drs. Sumarno Widjadipa, M.Pd.

17. The Chief of Extension Program Drs. Djoko Sutopo

18. The Chief of Law Faculty (Syari‟ah) Drs. Mubasirun, M.Ag.

19. The Chief of Judicature Court Department Ilya Muhsin, S.H.I, M.Ag.

20. The Chief of Islamic Banking and

Accounting Department

Dr. Faqih Nabhan, S.E, M.M

21. The Chief of Research and Society Service


Dr. Adang Kuswaya, M.Ag.

22. The Chief of Scientific and Publication


Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.Si.

23. The Chief of Language Development Unit Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum, M.Ed

24. The Chief of Teaching Source Development


Drs. Ahmad Sultoni, M.Pd.

25. The Chief of Academic Quality Guarantee


Drs. Bahroni, M.Pd.

26. The Chief of Practicum Development Center Ahmad Maemun, M.Ag.

27. The Chief of Informational Management


Hikmah Endraswati, M.Si.

28. The Chief of Students‟ Activities Mukti Ali, M.Ag.

*Source : Translated from Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN Salatiga

(2011: 18-22)

B. The Profile of English Department of STAIN Salatiga

1. Situations of Facilities and Students

In this part the writer has gotten the data from the academic and

administration document of STAIN Salatiga. English Department of

STAIN Salatiga has 4 grades per academic year and each academic year

has 5 groups. Besides the total numbers of fourth semester students of

English Department are 151 students. Moreover, there are 20 regular

lecturers that conduct teaching and learning process. It is supported by 32

study courses and more than 30 supporting courses. It also has many

facilities such as classrooms, offices, English Department library, and

language laboratory.

2. Situations of Lecturers

In teaching learning process, lecturers have important roles. His or her

existence is always needed in every educational institution. They will give

material or subject. The following table points out the English lecturers in

English Department of STAIN Salatiga.

Table 3.2 List of the English Department Lecturers

No. Name Academic


Study Courses

1. Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag. Chief Lector Theories of Learning

2. Dra. Hj. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd. Chief Lector Vocabulary II

3. Ruwandi, M.A Lector Design Of Language


Curriculum and



Listening 2

4. Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A Lector Micro Teaching

5. Hammam, M.Pd Lector Cross Cultural

Understanding and

English for Spesific


6. Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum, M.Ed Lector Medium of

Language Teaching,

Writing III

7. Norwanto, M.Hum Lector Introduction to

Linguistic, Writing


8. Noor Malihah, M.Hum Lector _

9. Setia Rini, M.Pd Lector Design of language

Teaching, Speaking

II, Reading IV,



10. Faizal Risdiyanto, M.Hum Lector Reading IV, Reading


11. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, M.Hum Lector Cross Cultural


Listening II and

English for Spesific


12. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd. Lector Structure IV and

Writing I

13. Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I, M.A Lector Translation II and

Vocabulary III

14. Win Listyaningrum, M.A. Lector Vocabulary I,

Writing I

15. Dra. Widyastuti Lector Listening II

16. Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, M.M Lector Classroom


Design of Language

Teaching *Source : The English Department Monograph and the administration document of STAIN


3. Competency of English Department

Purpose: to create Muslim scholars who are able to be an English

teacher in basic and higher education.

Table 3.3

Competency of English Department of STAIN Salatiga

in the Academic Year of 2011/2012

Graduate Competency Competence Indicator

I. Understanding the education

concept comprehensively

a. Explaining the concept of

general education and Islamic,

history, philosophy, theory,

figure and concept, methodology

and intuition.

b. Having capability to explain the

application of linguistic

psychology technology and

curriculum in the English


II. Mastery the English science,

teaching science, and teaching


a. Having capability to explain

English science, linguistic theory

and applied structure,

vocabulary, listening, speaking,

writing and reading at the

elementary, intermediate and


b. Having capability to explain the

concept of teaching English

methodology, approach, method,

technique, media and evaluation.

III. Having job professionalism a. Love his profession

b. Increase and develop the


c. Do his duty effectively and


IV. Responsive, Innovative and


a. Perceptive with development of

English teaching education

b. Repair and increase the quality of

English teaching education

c. Create new concept at English

teaching education

V. Applying the theory of

education in English learning

a. Planed English learning

b. Evaluate English learning

c. Continued the result of evaluate

English teaching

VI. Having democratic attitude a. Giving freedom in opinion

b. Respect with others opinion

c. Do not lay down the law

VII. Like of science a. Increase and develop science

and academic ability

b. Respect with other concept

VIII. Having English skill a. Students are able to access

English text

b. Students are able to speak

English oral and written

IX. Having capability in conducting

research and dedication

a. Capable in designing and

carrying out research activity

b. Capable in conducting society


*Source : Translated from Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN Salatiga

(2011: 26-27)

4. Curriculum of English Faculty of STAIN Salatiga

Table 3.4

Curriculum of English Faculty of STAIN Salatiga

in the Academic Year of 2010/2011

Subject SKS

1. Al-Qur‟an

2. Ilmu alamiah dasar

3. Bahasa Indonesia

4. Fiqh

5. Bahasa Arab I

6. Structure I (SIBA)

7. Reading I

8. Ilmu Pendidikan

9. Civic Education

10. Sejarah Peradaban Islam

11. Tafsir












12. Hadis

13. Bahasa Arab II

14. Structure II (SIBA)

15. Reading II

16. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam

17. Filsafat Ilmu

18. Akhlak Tasawuf

19. Metodologi Studi Islam

20. Statistika

21. Ushul Fiqh

22. Structure III

23. Reading III

24. Speaking I

25. Bimbingan dan Konseling

26. Administrasi Pendidikan

27. Praktikum Ibadah

28. Ilmu Kalam

29. Ulumul Hadis

30. Cross Cultural Understanding

31. Vocabulary I

32. Writing I

33. Speaking II

34. Reading IV

35. Structure IV

36. Medium of Language Teaching

37. Theories of Learning

38. Ulumul Qur‟an

39. Translation I

40. Listening I

41. Vocabulary II

42. Writing II
































43. Speaking III

44. Evaluation of Language Teaching

45. Curriculum and Material Development

46. Methods of Language Teaching

47. Filsafat Pendidikan

48. Teknologi Informatika

49. Metodologi Penelitian

50. Introduction to Linguistic

51. English for Spesific Purpose

52. Translation II

53. Vocabulary III

54. Writing III

55. Design of Language Teaching

56. Classroom Management

57. Micro Teaching

58. Literature Appreciation

59. Translation III

60. Listening III

61. Writing IV

62. Psycholinguistics

63. Sociolinguistics

64. Semantics

65. Pragmatics

66. Research in English Language Teaching

67. Praktikum Pengembangan Profesi


68. Praktikum Pengabdian Masyarakat

69. Skripsi




























*Source : Buku Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan STAIN Salatiga (2010: 44-47)

C. The Profile of the Fourth Semester Students of English Department of

STAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2011/2012

This study was conducted from June 07th

2012 to July 2nd

2012 at the

fourth semester students of English Department of STAIN Salatiga in the

academic year of 2011/2012 who has taken Writing I subject. This class is

divided into 5 groups. The detail data is as follow:

Table 3.5

The Number of the Fourth Semester Students of Writing I Class

No. Group Male Female Total

1. TBI A 4 18 22

2. TBI B 4 21 25

3. TBI C 10 17 27

4. TBI D 7 21 28

5. TBI E 7 19 26

*Source : The students‟ presence from administration document of STAIN Salatiga

However, the writer takes two classes especially A class and B class

that consists of the fourth semester students who take Writing I class at

English Department in the academic year 2011 / 2012. The total numbers of

the students are about 47 students. The lecturer of the writing I subject in both

classes is Mrs. Win Listyaningrum, M.A. The writer also provides the list of

students as the object of this research through the table below.

Table 3.6

The Participants of the Research

The Fourth Semester Students of Writing I Class (A Class and B Class)

A Class B Class

Number Name Number Name

11310001 Neneng Khasanah 11310004 Mim Kholifah

11310003 Ahmad Dwi Bayu


11310020 Palupiningsih

11310012 Tuktil Hikmah 11310031 Siti Ani Nur Fauziyah

11310014 Indisa Dwi Ciptaputri 11310034 Siti Umairoh

11310023 Nur Rofiah 11310036 Ima Yunita

11310039 Sri Darsini 11310041 Ismiati

11310061 Mala Alfiana 11310045 Rois Kahfiani

11310062 Siska Hapsari 11310046 Anik Hidayati

11310067 Wiwit Aryani 11310047 Aris Zulfa

11310069 Umi Arifatul Latifah 11310048 Muslimatin

11310073 Risalatul Mufidah 11310051 Fatihah Fajar Sari

11310074 Irma Nur Faizah 11310052 Dyah Saraswati

11310075 Nur Aniati 11310054 Puji Riyanti

11310076 Agus Fahrizal Azuan 11310055 Evin Masruroh

11310077 Nur Anita 11310056 Rizqy Savitri

11310080 Puji Lestari 11310057 Innani Mut Mainnatul


11310084 Winda Rahayu 11310059 Uzin Mufaidah

11310086 Catur Pujiyanto 11310072 Yahya Setia Wahyudi

11310087 Imam Arifin 11310090 Henny Listiani

11310104 Wilda Luthfiana 11310122 Muhammad Rizqi

11310150 Al Haitami Ahkam 11310125 Athok Ibnu Salam

11310151 Dewanti Mulki Rahma 11310133 Siti Aisah

11310134 Ika Setiawati

11310135 Tisa Janu Trisnani

11310149 Endang Mulyani

*Source : The students‟ presence from administration document of STAIN Salatiga

D. Grammar in Writing I Subject

Writing I is one of the courses that is offered to the second year students

in the fourth semester at English Department of STAIN Salatiga. Moreover,

writing skill is part of the English syllabus at the English Department.

Writing an English paragraph is a main activity as a result of the writing

courses in the several text types. Hence, it is important for students to

construct English written text grammatically as one of their assignment in

writing subject or writing course.

Absolutely, to be able to construct the English written text correctly, the

students should know the knowledge about grammar. As stated by Richards cited in Nunan (2005:2), grammar is the way in which units such as

words and phrases are combined to produces sentences in the language.

Having known the definition of grammar, it is not hard for us to understand

why grammar is useful and important. It can be concluded that grammar is

really needed as a writing rule that has to be mastered and applied by the

students in the writing process.

To sump up, indeed, grammar becomes the essential component in

academic atmosphere, actually likewise writing subject. This subject requires

the students in order to have good comprehension dealing with grammar.

However, grammatical knowledge is not enough, but the most important

thing is the real abilities in using of grammar in practicing of English

language, such as in written form.



After conducting the research, the result and its analysis will be presented in

this chapter.

A. The Kinds of Grammatical Errors on the Use Of Simple Present Tense

Made By Students Of Writing 1 Class

As previously stated in chapter I, this study aimed at finding the

grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense in paper assignment of

writing subject made by the fourth semester students of English Department

at STAIN Salatiga. After collecting and analyzing the data to know the error

sentences, the writer found that there were a lot of grammatical errors.

One hundred and six (106) grammatical error sentences especially those

uses the simple present tense were found. The writer provides all of those

sentences in the table below completed with the error types of each sentences.

The errors are classified based on surfaced strategy taxonomy those include

four types of errors according to Dulay, Burt, and Krashen in Alfim (2011:


Table 4.1 Error Sentences and Types of Errors

No. Error Sentences Correct Sentences Types of Errors

1. She likes playing her‟s

hand and then she flatter

her‟s hand.

She likes playing her

hand and then she flatters

her hand.

Addition of possessive

marker „s and omission

–s in the verb form.

2. She looks beautiful when

wears it.

She looks beautiful when

she wears it.

Omission of subject

3. She always looking for

someone who call her


She always looks for

someone who calls her


Misformation and

omission –s in the verb


4. She always lying her face


She always lies her face



5. She also likes watching

television and smile

when watch it.

She also likes watching

television and smile

when she watches it.

Omission of subject

6. You different with


You are different with


Omission of to be in the

present tense

7. You like angel come

down from heaven.

You are like angel who

comes down from


Omission of to be in the

present tense and

omission –s in the verb


8. You always there. You are always there. Omission of to be in the

present tense

9. I hope you always beside

me when open my eyes.

I hope you are always

beside me when I open

my eyes.

Omission of to be in the

present tense and

omission of subject

10. I want be your shoulder

when you cry.

I want to be your

shoulder when you cry.

Omission of preposition

11. You really makes me in


You really make me in


Addition of –s in the

singular form

12. I want accompany you to

your house.

I want to accompany you

to your house.

Omission of preposition

13. You have something that

disturb my mind.

You have something that

disturbs my mind.

Omission –s in the verb


14. Now, you became my


Now, you become my



15. Hopefully, have

handphone your number.

Hopefully, I have your

phone number.

Omission of subject and


16. Your smile in the disturb

my every time.

Your smile disturbs me

every time.

Misformation and

omission –s in the verb


17. Your hand have soft. Your hand is soft. Misformation

18. Your long hair black and


Your long hair is black

and soft.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

19. Pink lipstick make you


Pink lipstick makes you


Omission –s in the verb


20. It make you look


It makes you look


Omission –s in the verb


21. Your eyes to give light in

the life.

Your eyes give light in

the life.

Addition of preposition

22. Your light always shine. Your light always shines. Omission –s in the verb


23. Your eye has lens

beautiful color brown.

Your eye has beautiful

brown lens.


24. You have nail very neat. You have a very neat



25. Eyebrow color black

make you clear.

Black eyebrow make you



26. You very interesting. You are very interesting. Omission of to be in the

present tense

27. I very interesting to you. I am very interested to Omission of to be in the

you. present tense

28. I think it just my dream. I think it is just my


Omission of to be in the

present tense

29. I want to know where are

you live.

I want to know where

you live.

Addition of to be in the

present tense

30. Unlike you, I just

ordinary people.

Unlike you, I am just

ordinary people.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

31. There are many function

use handphone.

There are many functions

on the use of handphone.

Omission of –s in the

plural form and

omission of preposition

32. If it leave, make me


If it is left, it makes me


Omission of subject and

omission of to be in the

present tense

33. In the morning the air so


In the morning the air is

so fresh.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

34. Usually, I doing it with

my mother and my sister.

I usually do it with my

mother and my sister.

Misformation and


35. We cycled all morning. We cycle all morning. Misformation

36. We traveled around my


We travel around my



37. Sometimes, we changed

the place in the rice field.

We sometimes change

the place in the rice field.

Misformation and


38. So make me comfortable

and didn‟t make bored.

So it makes me

comfortable and does not

make bored.

Omission of subject and


39. She was kind heart and

always talking fresh


She is kind and always

talks about fresh news.

Misformation and

omission of preposition

40. The colour of my bicycle

are red and black.

The colours of my

bicycle are red and black.

Omission of –s in the

plural form

41. I like used my cycle

when I have spare time.

I like using my cycle

when I have spare time.


42. Doll gift from


Doll gift is from


Omission of to be in the

present tense and

addition of possessive

marker „s

43. It is can able from bears


It is bears type. Misformation

44. Wash it every month to

make the doll‟s fragrant.

I wash it every month, in

order to make the doll


Omission of subject,

and addition of

possessive marker „s

45. If I‟m not hugged this

doll when sleep, I felt not

comfortable and difficult

to sleep.

If I do not hug this doll

when I sleep, I do not

feel comfortable and

difficult to sleep.

Misformation and

omission of subject

46. Actually, the problem not


Actually, the problem is

not happened.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

47. The funny body have


The funny body has



48. It‟s make comfortable. It makes comfortable. Addition of to be in the

present tense

49. She never bored to tell

me about grammar.

She is never bored to tell

me about grammar.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

50. I more interested to learn

about science.

I am more interested in

learning about science.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

51. She always helps me if I

got some problems in


She always helps me if I

get some problems in



52. She teachs me clearly. She teaches me clearly. Omission –es in the

verb form.

53. Although, I very difficult

to understand it, she

always give me support

to learn English.

Although, I am very

difficult to understand it,

she always gives me

support to learn English.

Omission of to be in the

present tense and

omission –s in the verb


54. She is my sister that very


She is my sister that is

very kind.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

55. She teach me many


She teaches me many


Omission –es in the

verb form.

56. It is help me to increase

my spirit.

It helps me to increase

my spirit.

Addition of to be in the

present tense

57. I thanks a lot of her. I thank a lot of her. Addition of –s in the

singular form

58. My sister teach me


My sister teaches me


Omission –es in the

verb form.

59. If I bored, I can sms with

all my friends

If I am bored, I can send

message to all my friends

Omission of to be in the

present tense

60. Many types of

handphone and the price

is different.

Many types of

handphone and the price

are different.


61. Handphone is make me

happy and not make me

feel alone.

Handphone makes me

happy and does not make

me feel alone.

Addition of to be in the

present tense and

omission of to be in the

present tense

62. It very expensive. It is very expensive. Omission of to be in the

present tense

63. It give many benefit for


It gives many benefits for


Omission –s in the verb

form and omission of

–s in the plural form.

64. Listening music in my

net book make me enjoy

when I bored with my


Listening music on my

net book makes me enjoy

when I am bored with my


Misformation, omission

–s in the verb form, and

omission of to be in the

present tense,

65. I feel be sad. I feel sad. Addition of to be in the

present tense

66. So, it can be used by

your brother when he

continue his study.

So, it can be used by

your brother when he

continues his study.

Omission –s in the verb


67. Without grammar, our

English skill not perfect.

Without grammar, our

English skill is not


Omission of to be in the

present tense

68. We always practiced it. We always practice it. Misformation

69. If we could English, we

could communicate with

other people from other


If we have capability in

English, we can

communicate with other

people from other places.


70. When I feel sad, they

always with me.

When I feel sad, they are

always with me.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

71. They are always support

and suggestion me in


They always support and

suggest me in everything.

Addition of to be in the

present tense and


72. Although, I made many

mistakes, they give me


Although, I make many

mistakes, they give me



73. Family is a person who

live around me.

Family is a person who

lives around me.

Omission –s in the verb


74. They are love me so


They love me so much. Addition of to be in the

present tense

75. She clever about that. She is clever about that. Omission of to be in the

present tense

76. Problem in my lesson is

speaking, because

speaking use grammar.

Problem in my lesson is

speaking, because

speaking uses grammar.

Omission –s in the verb


77. She always have free

time to me.

She always has free time

to me.


78. She also teaching about

morals to be a good


She also teaches about

morals to be a good



79. I often study with my

friends when the lecturer

didn‟t come in class.

I often study with my

friends when the lecturer

does not come into class.

Misformation and

omission of preposition

80. This thing very


This thing is very


Omission of to be in the

present tense

81. I really do not know

what is like if I am losing


I really do not know

what is like if I lose it.


82. I am felt happy. I feel happy. Misformation

83. This ring only a million


This ring is only a

million rupiah.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

84. Why I called this ring my

precious thing?

Why do I call this ring

my precious thing?


85. He really love me and he

want to marry me.

He really loves me and

he wants to marry me.

Omission –s in the verb


86. When I wearing this ring,

it remind me with my

beloved husband.

When I wear this ring, it

reminds me with my

beloved husband.

Misformation and

omission –s in the verb


87. But I think it is

glamorous thing that I

had in this world.

But I think it is

glamorous thing that I

have in this world.


88. My father like diamond

that very important and

precious for me.

My father is like

diamond that is very

important and precious

for me.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

89. I expect to them in order

to always happy.

I expect to them in order

to always be happy.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

90. I really in my study. I am really in my study. Omission of to be in the

present tense

91. My family proud with

my work result.

My family is proud with

my work result.

Omission of to be in the

present tense

92. He is a someone who

give me support and

suggestion in my study.

He is someone who gives

me support and

suggestion in my study.

Omission –s in the verb


93. My father very loving


My father very loves me. Misformation

94. He show me his love. He shows me his love. Omission –s in the verb


95. He always obey my will. He always obeys my


Omission –s in the verb


96. Everyday he work in the

field, but usually he get

job to build a house.

He works in the field

every day, but he usually

gets job to build a house.

Omission –s in the verb

form and misordering

97. I‟m very thanks to Allah. I thank to Allah. Addition of to be in the

present tense

98. Everyday in my pray, I

didn‟t forget to pray for


I do not forget to pray for

them every day in my


Misformation and


99. It challenging for me

because I doesn‟t know

English well.

It is challenging for me,

because I do not know

English well.

Omission of to be in the

present tense and

addition of –es in the

singular form

100. My sister can help me

when I doesn‟t


My sister can help me

when I doesn‟t


Addition of –es in the

singular form

101. Sometimes I have

doesn‟t understand on

part of grammar.

I sometimes do not

understand on part of


Misformation and


102. This is make me spirit to

study hard

This makes me spirit to

study hard.

Addition of to be in the

present tense

103. I doesn‟t want to miss on


I do not want to miss on


Addition of –es in the

singular form

104. My sister help full. My sister is help full. Omission of to be in the

present tense

105. This handphone is usual

type because is not

memory card, but can to

take photo.

This handphone is usual

type because it is not

memory card, but it can

take photo.

Omission of subject and

addition of preposition

106. A. Graham Bell is

discovery handphone.

A. Graham Bell

discovers handphone.


The explanation of classifying the grammatical errors sentences

above will be presented in the following table completed with the

explanation how the writer can decide that one hundred and six (106)

sentences include grammatical errors sentences. The following table will

inform us the evidences to strengthen that those sentences are errors which

are accepted from the deep interview to the 20 students. The table below

also informs us the types of errors that have been classified by the writer.

Table 4.2 The Form of Omission Errors (Type 1)



Error Sentences The Similar Error


Omission of


She looks beautiful when wears it.


The Result of Interview :

Some of the students did not know

that the sentence above is wrong.

The students admitted that they had

problems in forming the complex

sentence. So, there were missing

subject in their sentences.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (5),

(9), (15), (32), (38),

(44), (45), and (105).

Omission of

to be in

present tense

Without grammar, our English skill

no perfect. (67)

The Result of Interview :

The students were not able to correct

the error sentence above. The

students said that they actually knew

the pattern but they were still

confused and got difficulties in

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (6),

(7), (8), (18), (26),

(27), (30), (42), etc.

applying “to be” in the sentence.

Omission of

–s/-es in the

verb form

1. So, it can be used by your brother

when he continue his study. (66)

The Result of Interview :

The students admitted that they were

still confused in understanding the

agreement between subject and verb.

2. Listening music on my net book

make me enjoy.(64)

The Result of Interview :

The students explained that they

committed the error above because

of the longer of singular subject in

context that was difficult for them in

deciding the verb form.

3. She teachs me clearly (52)

The Result of Interview :

The students said that they did not

know the rule that when the infinitive

ended –ch, we must add –es in the

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (3),

(13), (20), (55),

(58), etc.

end of verb. So that, they just added

the -s without considering the rule.

Omission of


I often study with my friends when

the lecturer does not come in class.


The Result of Interview :

The students did not understand well

that there are words like “come”,

which have to be followed by


The error is almost

similar with the

items number (10),

(12) and (39).

Omission of

–s/-es in the

plural form

It gives many benefit for me.(63)

The Result of Interview :

Some of the students had already

hypothesized that English noun have

plural and singular forms. However,

they were not sure when they should

apply the plural form.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (31)

and (40).

Table 4.3 The Form of Addition Errors (Type 2)



Error Sentences The Similar Error


Addition of –

s/-es in the

singular form

I thanks a lot of her. (57)

The Result of Interview :

The students admitted that they were

still confused in understanding the

agreement between subject and verb.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (11),

(57), (99), (100), and


Addition of


marker „s

She likes playing her‟s hand.(1)

The Result of Interview :

The student stated that he/she was

still confused in differentiating

whether to use the possessive

pronoun or possessive marker.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (42),

and (44).

Addition of

to be in


present tense

They are always support and suggest

me in everything.(71)

The Result of Interview :

The students assumed that the verb

has “to be” in all the sentences.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (29),

(48), (56), (61), (65),

(74), (97), and (102).

Addition of


Your eye to give light in the life. (21)

The Result of Interview :

The directly translation process from

Indonesia language into English had

been done by the students without

considering the rule.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (105).

Table 4.4 The Form of Misformation Errors (Type 3)

No. Error Sentences The Similar Error


1. Usually, I doing it with my mother and my

sister. (34)

The Result of Interview :

Some of the students knew the “ing” form but

they were not sure of the application in the

English sentence.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (4),

(39), (78), (81) and


2. Everyday in my pray, I didn‟t forget to pray

for them. (98)

The Result of Interview :

The students were still confused to apply the

tenses in correct form.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (14),

(35), (36), (79), and


3. Graham Bell is discovery handphone.(106)

The Result of Interview :

The students admitted that they got

difficulties in grammar arrangement.

4. Listening music in my net book makes me


The Result of Interview :

The students were still confused in deciding

preposition, which preposition should be used

whether to use in, on, or at.

Table 4.5 The Form of Misordering Errors (Type 4)

No. Error Sentences The Similar Error


1. Everyday he work in the field, but usually he

get job to build a house. (96)

The Result of Interview :

The students did not understand how to

construct the sentence in the right form

because they were still confused in the

placement of adverb.

The error is almost

similar with the

items number (34),

(98) and (101).

2. Your eye has lens beautiful color brown. (23)

The Result of Interview :

The directly translation process from

Indonesia language into English had been

done by the students without considering the


The error is almost

similar with the

items number (24)

and (25).

The table above indicates the errors in students‟ paper assignments

specifically in several text types such as description, procedure and

exposition. Here, the writer tries to explain why a sentence called to be

erroneous in each type of errors.

a. Omission

As mentioned, omission is considered to be the absence of an

item that should appear in a well-formed utterance. The following

sentences are the examples that indicate this type of errors.

1) Omission of Subject

“She looks beautiful when wears it.” From this sentence, it

demonstrates that the student had committed the omission error since

the student omitted the subject pronoun "she" before the verb. While

actually, the sentence should be “She looks beautiful when she wears


2) Omission of to be in the present tense

“Without grammar, our English skill not perfect.” From this

sentence, it can be seen that the student left out to be “is” that must

be added before the word “not perfect”, whereas it should be

“Without grammar, our English skill is not perfect.” Therefore, the

student had committed the omission error.

3) Omission of –s/ -es in the verb form

“So, it can be used by your brother when he continue his

study.” Dealing with this sentence, the student omitted –s/ -es in the

verb, whereas it should be “So, it can be used by your brother when

he continues his study.” As a result, the student had committed the

omission error.

4) Omission of prepositions

“I often study with my friends when the lecturer does not come

in class.” This sentence points out us the omission error. The student

omitted the prepositions “to”, that has to be added after the word

“in”. The right once is “I often study with my friends when the

lecturer does not come into class.”

5) Omission of –s/-es in the plural form

“It gives many benefit for me.” Regarding this sentence, the

student omitted –s/-es in the plural form, whereas it should be “It

gives many benefits for me.” In this case, the student had made the

omission error.

b. Addition

As outlined earlier, addition is considered to be the presence of

an item that should not appear in a well-formed utterance. Dealing with

this type of errors, the writer provides the example of sentences which

are called addition errors. They are:

1) Addition of –s/-es in the singular form

“I thanks a lot of her.” This sentence demonstrates the addition

error since the student added –s/-es in the singular form, whereas it

should be “I thank a lot of her.”

2) Addition of possessive marker „s

“She likes playing her‟s hand.” This sentence indicates the

addition errors since the student added possessive marker “s”,

whereas it should be “She likes playing her hand.”

3) Addition of to be in the simple present tense

“They are always support and suggest me in everything.” This

sentence indicates addition error because the student added “to be”

to the present simple sentence. The correct sentence should be “They

always support and suggest me in everything.”

4) Addition of preposition

“Your eyes to give light in the life.” This sentence points out

us the addition error. It is caused the student added the prepositions

“to”. It must be changed become “Your eyes give light in the life.”

c. Misformation

We should remember that misformation is considered to be the

use of the wrong form of the morpheme or structure. This error could

effect the different interpretation and confusing meaning, like the

sentences below that has been founded by the writer in her research.

1) “Usually, I doing it with my mother and my sister.”

The above sentence contains misformation error. The student

used an incorrect form, because he/she used word “doing” instead of

“do”. The suffix “ing” applied is not relevant to the context because

the context required verb “do” to be written in the present tense

form. It is signed with the word “usually” that is time signal of

present tense form.

2) “Everyday in my pray, I didn‟t forget to pray for them.”

Misformation is presented in the sentence above. This is

evidenced in the use of “didn‟t forget” instead of “don‟t forget”.

While actually, there is “every day” in the beginning of the sentence

as a time signal of simple present tense. As a result, the student had

committed the misformation error.

3) “A. Graham Bell is discovery handphone.”

Misformation also occurs in the sentence above. Indeed, the

sentence is correct grammatically. There is to be “is” followed by

noun. However, the structure actually changes the sentence meaning

that can cause misformation error. Possibly, the student means to

write is A. Graham Bell discovers a handphone.

4) “She always have free time for me.”

The above sentence contains misformation errors. The student

failed to make the agreement between subject and verb. Instead of

using “has” for third person singular subject, he/she used “have” and

vice versa.

d. Misordering

We should bear in mind that misordering is considered to be the

incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an

utterance. There are some students‟ sentences that are indicated as

misordering error. Those include:

1) “Everyday he works in the field, but usually he gets job to build a


Misordering is presented in the sentence above. This sentence

has the wrong order of adverb of time “every day” and “usually”. It

must be changed becomes “He works in the field everyday, but he

usually gets job to build a house.”

2) Your eye has lens beautiful color brown.

From the above sentence, it can be known the student

incorrectly ordered the words. The correct syntactical order is “Your

eye has beautiful brown lens.”

B. The Factors that Influence Grammatical Errors on the Use Of Simple

Present Tense Made By Students Of Writing 1 Class

As stated in the previous chapter, the factors that influence the

grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense in the paper assignment

can be known by interview. Hence, those factors will be described and

presented by the following table. All of those factors are result of the deep

interview to the 20 students that includes 5 students from A class and 15

students from B class who had made the errors.

Table 4.6 The Factors that Influence the Errors

NIM of


Factor that Influence

the Errors

The Result of Interview

Students Questions: Apa yang menyebabkan

Anda kesulitan sehingga bisa salah

dalam membuat kalimat?

(In your opinion, what factors have made

you commit the error sentences?)

11310039 Directly translation

without considering the

rule of grammar.

Kalau membuat karangan biasanya saya

buat bahasa Indonesianya dulu, trus

satu per satu kata saya terjemahkan ke

Bahasa Inggris, dan jarang

memperhatikan rumusnya, jadi kalimat

saya sering salah – salah.)

(I usually make a paragraph in

Indonesian language for the first, and

then I translate it into English word by

word. I seldom pay more attention to the

pattern, so I often make the error


11310062 The students‟ lack

understanding of

English grammar. (The

student did not know the

rule of writing English


Mungkin saya kurang menguasai

grammar dan sehingga pengetahuan

saya tentang grammar masih kurang,

dan saya masih belum paham tentang

cara membuat kalimat yang benar, jadi

kalau buat kalimat masih sering salah.)

(In my opinion, I do not understand

grammar well, so my knowledge about

grammar is less, moreover I do not know

well, how to construct the right

sentences, so I often make the error


11310080 The students‟ lack

understanding of

Mungkin saya belum paham tentang

penggunaan tense jadi masih sering

membuat kalimat yang salah.

English grammar. (I have not understood yet about the use

of tenses so I often make the error


11310104 Directly translation

without considering the

rule of grammar.

Kalau membuat karangan, saya biasa

buat bahasa Indonesianya dulu, lalu

kata per kata saya Inggriskan, karena

bingung bagaimana menerapkan rumus

dalam kalimat jadi saya sering salah

membuat kalimat.

(While actually, I usually make the

Indonesia language when making the

sentence for the first. Then, I translate it

into English word by word, and I get

confused in applying the pattern, so I

often make the errors.)

11310150 Irregularly practice

becomes the factor of

making the errors.

Mungkin karena saya kurang latihan

menulis, jadi sering salah dalam

membuat kalimat.

(Maybe, I do not practice writing

regularly, so I often make the error


11310004 The students‟ opinion

that grammar was

difficult, so they were

not interested in

comprehending English


Mungkin karena saya jarang belajar

grammar, karena menurut saya

grammar itu sulit, jadi saya kurang

mengerti tentang grammar, jadi saya

sering tidak bisa menerapkan rumus

yang benar dalam kalimat. Jadi saya

sering membuat kalimat yang salah.)

(Perhaps, it is caused I seldom learn

about grammar because of my perception

about grammar. I suppose that grammar

is very difficult. So, my capability in

grammar is low, and I can not apply the

right pattern in the sentence. So, I often

make the errors.)

11310020 The students‟ lack

understanding of

English grammar.

Sampai sekarang saya belum mengerti

tentang grammar terutama tenses mbak.

Jadi saya sering membuat kalimat yang


(I have not understood about grammar

especially tenses, so I often make the


11310031 Inappropriate grammar

teaching method made

the students did not have

motivation to know

more about English.

Karena saya belum paham tentang

grammar dan jarang belajar tentang

grammar karena biasanya cara

pembelajaran grammar di kelas itu

membosankan. Jadi mungkin karena itu

saya masih sering salah dalam membuat


(I think, I do not comprehend well about

grammar and I seldom learn grammar,

because the teaching method of grammar

is boring me. Because of the reason, I

often make the errors.)

11310034 The students‟ opinion

that he/she did not have

interest in English.

Sebenarnya saya sulit sekali memahami

tenses karena saya merasa tidak punya

bakat di bahasa inggris mbak, saya lebih

suka matematika, seperti yang sudah

saya ceritakan di karangan saya.

Mungkin karena itu saya sering

membuat kalimat yang salah.

(Indeed, it is difficult for me to

comprehend tenses, because I think that I

do not have interest in English. I am

more interested in Math, and I have told

it in my paper, so I often make the


11310036 The students‟ lack

understanding of

English grammar.

Karena belum begitu paham rumus dan

penerapannya dalam kalimat mbak. Saya

masih sangat kesullitan untuk menyusun

kalimat yang benar menurut rumus. Jadi

saya sering membuat kalimat yang salah.

(I think, it is caused I have not

understood yet about grammar. I am still

confused in applying the pattern in the

sentences and it is very difficult for me

to make the correct sentences that are

appropriate with the pattern. So, I aften

make the errors.)

11310041 Directly translation

without considering the

rule of grammar


the students‟ lack

understanding of


Saya sering tidak memperhatikan

pemakaian to be, karena kalimat itu saya

terjemahkan kata per kata dari bahasa

Indonesia. Saya juga kesulitan

menggunakan kosakata yang tepat dan

penempatannya. Jadi saya membuat

kalimat yang salah seperti itu.

(I often translate the sentence from

Indonesia into English without

considering the pattern. I get difficulties

to choose the appropriate vocabulary

and to place it. So, I often make the

errors like that.)

11310046 The lack of students on

understanding English


Ya mungkin pengetahuan saya tentang

grammar atau tenses masih kurang mbak,

jadi masih sering salah dalam membuat


(Perhaps, my capability in English

grammar is still low, so I often make the


11310047 The confusions between

different use of similar

forms or grammatical

forms that do not have

an equivalent in

Indonesian language.

Kalau menulis itu kan banyak perubahan

tenses, mungkin dari present ke past

tense, na saya bingung menggunakan

tenses yang tepat ketika saya menulis.

Mungkin, karena itu saya sering salah

kalau membuat kalimat.

(There are a lot of pattern that has to be

applied in the sentences, which make me

confused to use it in writing. So, maybe it

becomes the factor that influences me to

make the errors.)

11310054 The student‟s awareness

of learning English

grammar was less, so

he/she did not finished

the assignment


Saya kurang serius membuat karangan

mbak, sehingga saya tidak begitu

memperhatikan tenses nya. Mungkin,

karena itu saya sering salah kalau

membuat kalimat.

(I admit that I am not serious in making

the paper assignment so I do not

consider about the tenses. So, maybe it

becomes the factor that influences me to

make the errors.)

11310055 The student‟s

motivation was low, so

he/she was not

interested in learning


Karena saya kurang suka dengan

grammar, makanya saya jarang belajar

grammar, jadi merasa lebih sulit untuk

memahami grammar. Mungkin, karena

itu saya sering salah kalau membuat


(I am not interested in grammar, so I am

lazy to learn ebout grammar, so I get

difficulties in understanding grammar.

Maybe it becomes the factor that

influences me to make the errors.)

11310056 The students‟ lack

understanding of

English grammar.

Masih belum begitu paham tentang

konsep penggunaan tenses, dan

pengunaan simple present tense.

Mungkin, karena itu saya sering salah

kalau membuat kalimat.

(I have not understood yet about the

concept of tenses especially on the use of

simple present tense .So, maybe it

becomes the factor that influences me to

make the errors.)

11310057 The student‟s

motivation was low, so

he/she was not

interested in learning


Saya kurang menyukai grammar karena

belajar grammar itu susah untuk

menghafalnya. Jadi masih belum bisa

memahami tentang grammar. Mungkin,

karena itu saya sering salah kalau

membuat kalimat.

(I admit that I am not interested in

grammar, because grammar is difficult I

think. I have not understood yet about

grammar. So, maybe it becomes the

factor that influences me to make the


11310059 The students‟ lack

understanding of

English grammar.

Mungkin saya belum paham tentang

penggunaan tense .Mungkin, karena itu

saya sering salah kalau membuat


(I have not understood yet about

grammar. So, maybe it becomes the

factor that influences me to make the


11310072 The students‟ opinion

that grammar was

difficult, so they were

not interested in

comprehending English


Saya benar – benar belum paham tentang

grammar, karena menurut saya grammar

itu susah. Mungkin, karena itu saya

sering salah kalau membuat kalimat.

(I have not understood yet about

grammar, because grammar is difficult.

So, maybe it becomes the factor that

influences me to make the errors.)

11310133 The students‟ lack

understanding of


Saya kurang perbendaharaan kata dalam

Bahasa Inggris dan saya sulit memilih

kata yang tepat dan penggunaannya.

Mungkin, karena itu saya sering salah

kalau membuat kalimat.

(I admit that I am lack of vocabularies in

English, and I am difficult to choose the

appropriate word in making the

sentences. So, maybe it becomes the

factor that influences me to make the


In accordance with the result above, it can be known that there are

various factors that influence the grammatical errors. While actually, there are

some students who have the similar factors. For example the student number

11310104 and 11310039. Also, it can be seen at glance that the dominant

factor that influences the grammatical errors on the use of simple present

tense in paper assignment of writing subject made by the fourth semester

students of English Department at STAIN Salatiga in the academic year of

2011/2012 is the students‟ lack understanding of English grammar. It can be

seen from the table 4.6 that the failure to use the grammatical system

correctly made by the seven students which is influenced by the students‟

lack understanding of English grammar.

C. Discussion of the Findings

The result of the study mentioned above has collected some important

information from the student‟s writings. The study reveals errors that the

students made in their paper assignments. Also, the grammatical errors that

occurred in this study belong to four types: omission, addition, misformation

and misordering. Additionally, it can be known the factors that influence the

grammatical errors made by the students.

According to the findings, it can be seen that there are 20 students

from 47 students as the subject of the research had made the four types of

errors, with the total number of grammatical errors sentences is 106. This

mark indicates that nearly 50% students of all subjects had made a lot of

errors on the use of simple present tense. Meanwhile, the omission error that

indeed becomes the most frequent error had been produced by 20 students.

Furthermore, it is also necessary to know that the students‟ reasons

how they could commit the errors when making paper assignment by using

simple present tense are actually almost similar each other. For instance:

some students admitted that they got difficulties in applying “to be” in the

sentence. All of those reasons can be seen in table 4.2, table 4.3, table 4.4,

and 4.5. From those reasons, it can be concluded that the students do not fully

understand on the use of simple present tense. Although they had been taught

about it before, they were still confused which one to use when making a

grammatical sentence.

While actually, many errors in the students‟ paper assignments were

due to several factors. In fact, those are not only internal factor as well as the

students‟ lack understanding of vocabularies but also external factor such as

inappropriate grammar teaching method. However, the dominant factor is the

students‟ lack understanding of English grammar. It means that it becomes

the factor which influences many students in committing the grammatical

errors. Thereby, it is expected for the lecturers to give attention more about

the dominant factors that influence students in making errors. So, it is

possible for the lecturers in order to be able to find the appropriate solution to

overcome the problem.



After conducting the research, doing the analysis, and presenting the results,

the conclusion and suggestion of this study will be presented in this last chapter.

A. Conclusion

The analysis of the data presented in the chapter IV gives an

illustrations of some conclusions concerning with the grammatical errors on

the use of simple present tense in the paper assignment of writing subject

made by the fourth semester students of English Department at STAIN


The result of the study shows that there are some types of errors and

factors that influence grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense in

the paper assignment. Due to the students‟ errors above, it can be concluded

that types of errors and factors that influence grammatical errors on the use of

simple present tense are as the following:

1. Kinds of grammatical errors on the use of simple present tense which are

classified based on surfaced strategy taxonomy are as follow:

a. Omission Errors

1) Omission of subject

2) Omission of to be in the simple present tense

3) Omission of –s/-es in the verb form

4) Omission of prepositions

5) Omission of –s/-es in the plural form

b. Addition Errors

1) Addition of –s/-es in the singular form

2) Addition of possessive marker (‟s)

3) Addition of to be in the simple present tense

4) Addition of preposition

c. Misformation Errors

d. Misordering Errors

According to the result of the analysis, the writer may conclude that

omission becomes the errors that often made by the students in writing I


2. The factors that influence grammatical errors on the use of simple present

tense made by students of writing I class are as follow:

a. Directly translation without considering the rule of grammar.

b. The students‟ lack understanding of English grammar.

c. Irregularly practice.

d. The students‟ opinion that grammar was difficult, so they were not

interested in comprehending English grammar.

e. The lack of students on understanding English vocabulary.

f. Inappropriate grammar teaching method made the students did not have

motivation to know more about English.

g. The students‟ opinion that he/she was not interested in English.

h. The confusions between different use of similar forms or grammatical

forms that do not have an equivalent in Indonesian language.

i. The student‟s awareness of learning English grammar was less, so

he/she did not finish the assignment seriously.

j. The student‟s motivation was low, so he/she was not interested in

learning grammar.

B. Suggestion

Regarding the problem of the study, some suggestions are ordered for

the students and the lecturers of writing class.

1. For the students

a. The students should improve their understanding on English grammar

in order to reduce the errors in their written products.

b. The students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning

and become aware of their own strategies.

c. The students should increase their awareness of the importance of

English grammar, so they have motivation to master English grammar.

d. The students are needed to improve their capability in writing skill, by

practicing writing regularly either in class or at home that is useful for

them to recognize their errors made.

2. For the lecturers

a. Concerning the lecturers, there is a view plan strategies for teaching

writing in English. There should be flexible and effective techniques of

error correction for the lecturers. For instance, the lecturers correct the

students‟ paper assignments directly in class and give explanation to

them one by one dealing with their errors.

b. They should pay much attention to their students‟ error by giving more

practical writing tasks for students in order to reduce errors in their


c. In teaching English related to its grammar, the teacher should give more

easily understood explanation in order to make the students more

interested in learning English, especially the grammar.

d. The lecturer should be able to not only detect and describe the errors,

but also understand the factor for their occurrences.


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Text Types of The Students

A Class B Class

Name & Number Type of Text Name & Number Type of Text

Neneng Khasanah

(11310001) Description Mim Kholifah



Ahmad Dwi Bayu Saputro

(11310003) Description Palupiningsih (11310020) Description

Tuktil Hikmah

(11310012) Description Siti Ani Nur Fauziyah



Indisa Dwi Ciptaputri

(11310014) Description Siti Umairoh (11310034) Description

Nur Rofiah (11310023) Description Ima Yunita (11310036) Description Sri Darsini (11310039) Description Ismiati (11310041) Description Mala Alfiana (11310061) Description Rois Kahfiani (11310045) Description

Siska Hapsari (11310062) Description Anik Hidayati (11310046) Description Wiwit Aryani (11310067) Description Aris Zulfa (11310047) Description Umi Arifatul Latifah

(11310069) Description Muslimatin (11310048) Description

Risalatul Mufidah

(11310073) Description Fatihah Fajar Sari

(11310051) Description

Irma Nur Faizah (11310074) Description Dyah Saraswati

(11310052) Description

Nur Aniati (11310075) Description Puji Riyanti (11310054) Description Agus Fahrizal Azuan

(11310076) Procedure Evin Masruroh



Nur Anita (11310077) Description Rizqy Savitri (11310056) Description Puji Lestari (11310080) Description Innani Mut Mainnatul

Qolbi (11310057)


Winda Rahayu (11310084) Description Uzin Mufaidah



Catur Pujiyanto (11310086) Description Yahya Setia Wahyudi



Imam Arifin (11310087) Description Henny Listiani

(11310090) Description

Wilda Luthfiana (11310104) Description Muhammad Rizqi

(11310122) Description

Al Haitami Ahkam


Description Athok Ibnu Salam

(11310125) Description

Dewanti Mulki Rahma

(11310151) Description Siti Aisah (11310133) Description

Ika Setiawati (11310134) Exposition

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